Here Are The List of Team Members Spear Heading The Falcon Project

Get ready folks. This summer is when it's all going to happen. If you're on this list, you are the few who could make history when the Falcon Project is launched. A list of heavy hitters include Jeff Meldrum, Ian Redmond, John Bindernagel and John Mioczynsky. Included in the PDF link below are bios of the team members:

Ian Redmond is a tropical field biologist and conservationist, renowned for
his work with great apes and elephants. 

Jeff Meldrum‘s formal study of locomotor adaptations of primates has led
him from the skeletal cabinets of far-flung museums, to the remote badlands of Colombia and Argentina. He has described several new extinct species.

John Bindernagel holds a B.S.A. degree from the University of Guelph
(Ontario, Canada) and an MS and PhD from the University of Wisconsin

Our very own Mike Brookerson is also part of the team!

Mike Brookerson and his son were walking along a creek on a private ranch
when they first encountered sasquatch.

To see the full list of team members, click on this PDF link: The Falcon Project


  1. Replies
    1. This is an interesting project with top people involved i hope it goes really well xx

    2. Let me get this straight, these educated guys are going to use a drone to try to find bigfoot?

    3. They will of course FAIL. Going out in the summer, when the Tree foliage is at it thickness, makes no sense. Even "if" they get a Thermal of one running or walking, all the critics, will come out of the wood work and say;' "Bloke in a suit", "Faked", "Hoaxed" etc.
      A Thermal image will prove NOTHING.
      John W. Jones Spoke claims that Big foots spend a lot of their time, off the ground, living up in Pine/spruce stands. If this is true (And I think he is right) A Blimp or a drone, hovering over a Pine Stand will see NOTHING! Even if your at ground level looking up a 150 foot Spruce tree, and a Bigfoot is up there you will not see him.
      John W. Jones usage of using fishing lines, strung over game trails, Terrain funnels etc at a height of 7 feet makes sense. There are very few animals tall;er than 7 feet going through the woods. If these "Lines" are constantly broken, then something big is using that trail. Once a 'pattern of Movement" is established, then it makes sense to set up "Blinds" and wait for this animal come through. John describes all these "innovative" methods in his Books.
      I've had the opportunity recently, to read some of his transcripts from his books, and what he wrote speaks of a Man, and his team, with a lot of experience. It makes for a fantastic read, and I can't wait till his books come out!

    4. John W Jones Spoke is just a figment of your imagination.

      Nuff' Said Spoke!

    5. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that John an Corey Spoke used to invite him over on Saturday night to his wigwam for a game of "find the eagle feather"

    6. Hey Nuff said spoke! If John W. Jones spoke doesn't exist, PROVE IT!

  2. Replies
    1. Being a bigfoot veterinarian must suck as far as it being a lucrative career.

  3. I love all these bio's and career summary's then Brookreson's skips all of that, goes right for the story.

    1. That's because he's an adult paperboy. You can't go from PhD this to PhD that to paperboy

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that Mike B looks very "off" to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. More like jealous jilted lover boy. Tragic to watch.

  4. If you look closely above and way behind the last guy's right shoulder, you can see a black sasquatch way in the background.

  5. Please take the pdf creator away from them. Otherwise, it will be the typical thing to do in bigfootery and release everything in that format. Too Late, I just noticed the Ohio conference is onto this... we are doomed.

  6. Here that applause coming from my Desktop. That is for MIKE BROOKRESON. Happy Hunting Mike and the rest of the crew. Oh and Mike I sent a note to William Larsen on the ground crew to say HI to you. Keep us informed as best as possible what is going on.

    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that Mike B used to work at Chip N Dales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. And he tipped well. Look. The story is the story. Nothing I ever did pertains to my ability to find Bigfoot. Other than habituating a clan of them in Texas and baiting and tracking a wild clan of them in Missouri. Other than that I'm Wholly unqualified and humbled to be included.

    3. After seeing your pic today Mike, i think its safe to say you get along with Rictor, really really well

    4. Brookreson will steal the show !

      ...And the high tech equipment.

  7. Great crew on this, EVERY single one of them ! Great mix of experience & enthusiasm - wish you all the very best of luck ! Have a great time guys ! ��

    1. I look forward to seeing how this project pans out. Sasquatches don't hide from high flying aircraft, but I don't quite understand how these balloons will used.

    2. I look forward to seeing how this project pans out. Sasquatches don't hide from high flying aircraft, but I don't quite understand how these balloons will used.

  8. This is crappolla. Give us a break and do yourselves a favor, Find another hobby.


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