Do You Recognize This Bigfoot Celebrity From 1996?

What were you doing in 1996? This bigfoot celeb was already making television appearances for his abilities at "Finding Bigfoot"

 source: Henry May


  1. Matt No-moneymaker. A dork even then.

    1. Not a Dork! if ever someone qualified as a "Dick" than MM is that a "Dick"!

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that transgender people are just like transspecies people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That is Joe Fitz right after choir boy practice behind the pulpit.

  3. Replies
    1. Is it true that fat blonde bitch who shagged Craig Woolheater, also tried to shag monkey boy?

    2. Redheads are the Best at giving Head! Bar none!

    3. Is hard for you to find redheaded guys?

  4. No I don't know who this arsewipe is. Just another "Expert" spreading false and mis-leading information about Big foots. It's Guys like this, that will make finding a Big foot another 60 years to prove!
    Tell this Arsewipe, that Big foots don't eat Meat!
    Tell this Arsewipe, that Bigfoots live in Pine trees, and put their dead ones high up in the Pines.
    Tell this arsewipe, it's better to look for Big foots during the Day!
    Tell this arsewipe, that Big foots do not wood knock!
    Tell this arsewipe, that every sound, Tree break, depression etc was not caused by a Big foot

    Joe F Copy-cat guy

    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that his uncle tar baby would whip him good if he knew what he had been up too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Our Glorious President, no! Dictator, swapped a army deserter for 4 "Five star Generals" Taliban. One already has gone back into killing American soldiers! Smart man, our Dictator, oops, sorry, our President

    1. Give peace a chance, all we are saying..

    2. Look captain conservative, crooked politicians are nothing new. How about Iran Contra? How about Richard Nixon? If you think for one moment that either party is serving your interests, then you've been had. They all serve the same master.

    3. At the time he was swapped he was not yet convicted as a deserter. And there are still a lot of conflicting stories around in regards to the circumstances. On top of that I saw a article of how many conservatives condemned him for not making an effort to free the soldier, then turned around and condemned him for freeing him. In short, you find a way to turn his wifes dresses into a conspiracy theory. Thats all you people do. You don't have the intelligence to actually understand and debate his real political agenda. You can only bitch and moan about the vastly overexaggerated claims you make. You said he would destroy america, didnt happen. You said he would destroy the economy, didnt happen. Take your sorry racists asses to a real communist country, or one run by a real dictator so you can see how absolutely ignorant you are to make that comparison. Just because you disagree with policies in place, doesn't make this a communist country you willfully ignorant shit stain. Crying like a baby because you dont get your way about everything only makes liberals like me smile at night when fat conservatives get on their facebook pages and start screaming out fear induced babble because theyre too stupid to do a simple web search to fact check before they post. Obama sworn in on the Korran? Youre a retard. Obama removed all christmas decorations from the white house? Your a retard. Obama is using tax payer money to build a Korrahn at the 9/11 spot? You're a retard. Too bad stupidity isnt fatal, we'd never have to worry about republicans again.

    4. Thank you 2:05PM, well said

    5. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that his brother in law, affectionately known as "pig pump" is a fan of Supernatural!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. ^He didn't destroy America. He divided for political advantage. When was the last time you heard him spouting the War on Women bullshit. Kind of disappeared the second the polls closed didn't it? He seems to be more than willing to throw gas on every racial incident but suddenly goes silent when the facts don't fit his narrative. He has the most obscene piece of shit to ever man a barricade as a "adviser". Why? Because he's politically useful. That tells me volumes about the man. Rich vs poor, black vs white, young vs old. None of it is out of bounds for this administration. As long as it gets results, they'll do it. And lie like a dog when caught. As for the rest of your post, I'll assume you heard that garbage at a Code Pink rally. As for Berhgdal, I'm curious as to the source the "article" you read. An op-ed from or AlterNet doesn't count by the way.

  6. Seriously? I think he was trying to put the make on Autumn Williams and she told him he was too fat and too bossy.

    1. That was a pretty good one. I bet you are right. Can you blame him though? She is pretty hot.

  7. Matt "I am a lawyer" Moneymaker back then. I think he goes by Matt "I went to law school"Moneymaker now.

  8. He didn't claim to have had a sighting then.

    Now he claims he had a sighting before then.

    Matt sold his soul to bigfoot.


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