Breaking: Very Compelling Footage of Skunkape/Bigfoot From Lettuce Lake Park Florida

About an hour ago, a reader of Bigfoot Evidence, Matt M. (no relation to Matt Moneymaker), sent us a video that completely blew our minds. While canoeing in a swamp outside of Tampa, Florida, the witness spotted something "walking" and diving in a gator infested area. He starting filming what he thought was a bear. The only problem is that Lettuce Lake Park is a 240-acre Hillsborough County-run park where bears tend to stay clear from. When the following footage was sent to us, Matt was still unsure of what he filmed. Upon closer inspection, we've concluded that this is no bear. Check out the length of its arms and its gate. Yeah -- we know bears can walk on their hind legs too, but this does not resemble a bear at all:

Matt wrote the following in an email to BFE:

I was canoeing some of the swamps around Lettuce Lake Park and saw what I thought was a bear. I told a park ranger about it and she said that bears don’t generally get into the swamp and that there were never many sightings in general. I showed her the video and she said she didn’t know what it was. I saw the Fox13 story about the bigfoot a few weeks ago that mayor said Bob Buckhorn made a statement about and thought this might be related in some way. I never put much faith in the old skunk ape legends but when I looked closer I noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through very thick swamp with ease. Certainly can’t explain it myself. I didn’t get very close but I hope that this footage can be enlarged.


Matt agrees with us that if it's a person, "they are either a moron or completely insane". "They are walking, swimming and diving in an area where there are hundreds of 12 foot gators and water moccasins everywhere. I was there watching it for a while. Seemed to notice me and walked toward deeper water. It went underwater and vanished. Paddled up there and it was nowhere to be seen."

[Update] Our friend Phil at ParaBreakdown just posted a stabilized version of the footage. Check it out:


  1. Not compelling enough. Fake.

    1. You either need glasses or you better get them checked. When they zoomed in on it, you could obviously see that it was an animal and not someone in a costume.

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that his brother in law, affectionately known as "pig pump", was originally involved in the Area 51 coverup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I scour the internet for any proof, I saw a white Bigfoot in the 70's so I'm a believer, and I think it's always better call something a hoax before thinking it's real, this looks like the real deal!

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry dude. You aren't first. A skeptard is first.

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he likes Native Americans with braided hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cupping water to mouth with fingers and palm, definite side profile shows nose and chin, bipedal bear it is not.

  4. it looks massive but it is filmed from a distance and I don't blame the video go in the canoe for not getting in closer

    1. ^Translates Japanese porn titles to English.

    2. I actually direct and star in the porn You get off on

    3. I admire your work sir. My favorite is "This Milf Goes Train Blow Job Fantastic in End".

  5. A lot of people don't know that there are feral apes in Florida woods. That's what this looks like to me.

    1. there are feral monkeys, but no apes. but even if there would be apes (chimps): this here is too big for even the tallest chimp.

    2. You really can't get a good idea of the scale.

      It's not too big to be a chimp.

  6. So this guy was this close and seen it with his own eyes but had to ask a park ranger if it was a bear? This by itself sounds ridiculous. Also, why would he only have these few seconds of footage (why does the video stop)? And what proof is there that this video was shot in a snake and gator infested swamp (This video could have been taken anywhere)...???

    1. Yeah, this smells of bigfoot hoaxing BS.

    2. Why didn't the park ranger snap his neck and take the camera? Joe says that standard procedure.

    3. Uh oh - now the word is out and the Bigfoot assassination team will be sent in.

    4. They shouldn't be hard to track. That was the noisiest boat crew around. I'm surprised they didn't blast an air horn to go with the clanking and what might have been the emptying of a couple of piss jugs.

    5. Anon @ 8:17 wrote, "And what proof is there that this video was shot in a snake and gator infested swamp (This video could have been taken anywhere)...???"

      Answer, Yea, that looks like my back yard. It could be anywhere -- run the garden hose and start filming.

    6. Maybe not a backyard,but that could be any park with a lake/pond in the south.

      It is impossible to get a true idea on the size.

      For a supposed wild creature that can,and tries to,avoid humanity with ease this thing seemed oblivious to the noise made by the person filming.

      Finally this park is literally in the city of Tampa Bay FL. This is not even close to being a wild area.,-82.380182,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x60a653c5323521a1

  7. I can see why this blew your minds. Trying to digest it also. Bear is out of the question. First it is drinking and has some very long arms. This one will lend itself to enhancements.

    1. and snacks fatsano will be ripping this tomorow you watch

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he thought that the movie "Magic Mike" was a very interesting documentary that compares greatly to his uncle tar baby's life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. This is probably some of the best footage in quite some time but still who believes this garbage....definitely a bear or a walrus

    1. Unless you can prove that this isn't a skunk ape, then this is a skunk ape.

      Joe "jackass reasoning" F.

    2. Paul, err, I mean the fake Faul McCartney, still has John Lennon's old Walrus suit from Magical Mystery Tour.

      Which is the true hoax? Paul is Dead or Bigfoot Lives?

  9. Where is Phil to analyze this clip and dismiss it as a hoax?

    1. You have to give the guy a little time at least.

    2. denny's with matt k and rictor

  10. You always have to ask the question why the video ends where it does, and in this case why the camera pans to the left while filming at the very end.

    1. If it continued you would see the falsehood taking place.

  11. Also why did the sun choose to shine n the lens at a crucial moment--obviously the sun is hiding the truth.

  12. can't wait for the director's cut !

  13. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he found Michael Merchants poo eating, educational, and very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Just another film that the footers will hold up for evidence but will come to nothing. All we have is this "Matt M's" word for it that it happened just the way he describes. Important to note that he is a reader of Bigfoot Evidence so he has more than a passing interest and just happened to come across this. The story of it disappearing under water seems suspicious as well.

    1. What do you expect when all the videos end up being garbage?

    2. Just doing my civic duty.

    3. "All we have is this "Matt M's" word for it that it happened just the way he describes."

      The film describes it all and shows exactly what happened!

    4. There have been plenty of witness accounts of Bigfoot/Sasquatch in water, that submerge and not reappear. Aquatic hominids? There are thousands of sighting accounts, and hundreds from pre-Bluff Creek/Patty that the general public have never been aware of. Bigfoot/Sasquatch or B/S as I will refer to them, MUST have the ability to swim in order to have spread out and traveled so much. They obviously didnt wait until modern man made bridges over deep rivers for them to expand their range.

    5. BS as I will refer to them.

  15. Arms to short. Looks like a person in a costume. Why after seeing the video would the person who shot it think that it was a bear. Its either a BF or a person in a suit. Looks to me like its having a hard time navigating the swamp. Im going with a fake!

    1. Ok you go into a snake and gator infested swamp and I will film you...

    2. Yup, definitely a costume.

    3. Yup, definitely a believer pretending to be a skeptic.

  16. Snakes and Gators are mostly dormant this time of year and hardly ever aggressive, anyone that lives in Florida knows that. Plus there are lots of morons and completely insane people in Florida so I certainly wouldn't rule that out. And on top of that its just another piece on nonconclusive footage. Person filming had the opportunity to get in closer or shout at it or throw something at it, anything to get a better shot, view or response of the creature but for whatever reason he didn't so you might as well throw this piece of film in the rubbish pile you guys call evidence.

    1. Its funny everytime someone film a BF, he shoulda did this, or didn't do that, so its a fake? How bout examining the EVIDENCE! looks like enhancements are needed, for better judgement.

    2. I would tend to agree about throwing something its way but if I was in a canoe and if a creature appeared in my area i'd be scared that it would be able to get at me way quicker than i'd be able to paddle to safety. From the accounts the creatures are much stronger than us so unless I had a gun I wouldn't be one to piss off any aggressive creature and that would include bears, gators and Rick Dyer

  17. If this is a hoax why would someone want to ruin an expensive costume suit in nasty algae filled swamp water?

    1. To try to add more credibility to the clip. To make people like you think that no one would want to ruin an expensive costume suit in nasty algae filled swamp water.

    2. How much money does it cost to make a dark blur?

      Because no one owns coats,sweaters,hunting/camping gear. Yes the outrageous cost of a costume proves this real.

      No wonder you are laughed at.

    3. People like me? you dont know anything about people like me. It's people like you who try to give people like me a bad name.
      Just because I have a more open mind and look at both sides of the coin, and think outside the box, and take a scientific interest, and dont keep my head stuck in the sand when it comes to the possibility of an unidentified/unclassified hominid creature, does not make me a gullible hoople.

    4. Queefer Bleeber^

      Was ready to espouse: "this is the real deal" from the get-go.

  18. this is real. When he slaps the water he stuns a fish. he reaches back down with his left hand as he is walking and picks it up. The fish is still alive because you can see it convulsing in his hand. As a fisherman i have seen that a million times. When you ding a fish on the head with a club, they convulse wildly for several seconds. when the convulse like that, you know they are definitely about to die.

  19. another man dressed in a monkey suit - how 70's can one get.

  20. saw one in 79 heard one whooping and knocking about a half hour ago

  21. found a bedding area looked for hair-- no joy there

  22. I had a "real experience" in the flesh, and not a made up story...that took place in 1970 up the Farmington Canyon, "Farmington Flats, in Farmington, Utah. It was 3 of us, and "Out of the Mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established". and after looking at this several times, this is a real thing. First off, the length of the arms is a "major" know if its real or not. If you were a true looker and researcher to know if Bigfoots are shows iit in all the footages & videos on the internet, that it's consistent (for the real footage & videos, etc) with the length of the arms. So, also, the do love to be in water! Trust me! They are Humanoid! And, they are real smart people! And there are 1000's of them throught out the world! Not just one or 2.


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