Breaking: Christopher Munch's Documentary on Sasquatch Ontario is Out!

Here's the documentary we've been waiting all year from Christopher Munch. Is Sasquatch Ontario really interacting with a family of Bigfoots? Are they really leaving him gifts?

Here's the synopsis from Christopher Munch:

In this 105-minute special report from Canada, we document one of the most noteworthy instances of human-sasquatch interaction to have emerged publicly in recent years. “Sasquatch Ontario” began publishing video stories on YouTube more than two years ago. Based on their unprecedented first-hand experiences, Mike Paterson and his colleague, the owner of the property at which the interactions occur on a very regular basis, have been vocal proponents of the theory that sasquatch are a type of ancient human, highly evolved, highly sentient, and keenly aware of how their path is now reconnecting with ours – potentially to everyone’s benefit.

Over the course of three days last autumn, filmmaker Christopher Munch was invited to observe and document both the phenomenological and emotional nature of the events taking place at Sasquatch Ontario.

This webcast is divided into several sections including: introductory remarks by the property owner (at 3:10); presentation of weavings and drawings made by the sasquatch (at 6:10); an extended interview with Mike Paterson (at 18:26); the filmmaker’s analysis of certain images (at 1:03:30); discussion and channeled material with principal contributor Kathleen Odom; and concluding remarks by the property owner’s father (at 1:40:35), whose presence at this site has spanned some 35 years.


  1. Replies
    1. SheepSquatch been known to border jump!

    2. ^BUCK pointman caws no one wants to be near him when he falls down with a loaded shotgun!
      for the AIMS team SAFETY

    3. bordar jumpin no beter than tham mexicuns

  2. Replies
    1. TRAPPER - WILD BILL (AIMS Team) - BOBO - MATT (Finding Bigfoot)
      A team in huntin cryptids

  3. Replies
    1. People actually believe this crap and they are allowed exist in society without supervision. Pretty scary if you ask me.


    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that his father was very good to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. WILD BILL gots that BIG KNIFE

    5. Pure idiocy! At least Todd Standing's group of ShatSquatchs Muppets live on Earth!

  4. Comments are disabled for this video.

    I wonder why?

    1. Reading the comments on this site it's quite obvious.

    2. Very funny and very true, 6:25.

  5. Dollars to doughnuts PJ watches the whole video taking notes with one hand and jacking with the other

  6. Let me guess, this documentary won't actually show sasquatches interacting in Ontario. Unless of course they're costume recreations or CGI.

  7. Let me get this straight, all you have in the way of proof is a bunch of stuff anyone could make or do....mmmmmmm pass me some!

  8. " keenly aware of how their path is now reconnecting with ours"

    From hoax monkey to political philosopher to expert cloaker.

  9. Replies
    1. Get back in yer drum circle hippie!

    2. And take your hummus with you!

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that when eating sphagetti, he prefers the chew and slurp method, rather than cutting it with a fork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Open your ass and shove this crap back into it Mr. Rose!!!!!

  10. Rule #1 of film making:
    ALWAYS begin your film with several minutes of filmed narration. Nothing draws the viewer in like watching somebody read.

    1. He's using the MSNBC method...

    2. When your audience is the ADD, video game generation, you need at least two explosions per minute. Simple formula really.

    3. Rule #2 - After filmed narration of reading, cut to 5 solid minutes of inter-dimensional marble close-ups.

  11. I would be more interested if one was actually captured.

    1. Everybody knows that Rick Dyer is the only bigfoot hunter who backs up his claims with physical evidence.

  12. Pure grade A bullshit !!!! Nothing here folks.

    1. ans WILD BILL gots that thar BIG KNIFE sayin come gits U some Mr Monster

  13. I want to know are Bigfoots Liberals, or conservatives?
    I want to know if they like Black people, more than White people?

    Me thinks that those marbles, comes from the Researchers loosing them!

    1. The simple answer is this; The stupid ones are conservatives and the smart ones who can communicate like Nephatia are liberals

    2. Lets see...hairy, no job, doesn't own a pair of shoes, shits where ever he wants, smell likes rancid roadkill in August. That is either a sasquatch or your typical Occupy Wall Street participant.

    3. Neither. The Sasquatch are jack booted fascists!

    4. ans tham mexicuns ars bordar jumpin ben heer fer yeers

    5. The sasquatches that expect the other sasquatches to hunt and fish for them and build their dens are the liberals.

    6. Yeah! And the Sasquatches that whore themselves to the top 1% and willingly serve the corporations and banks at the expense of the common american are republicans.

    7. Liberal Speak 1: Whoring Yourself. Translated to English: Paying your bills through monies received for services rendered.
      Liberal Speak 2: Common American. Translated to English. A small subset of like minded people with an aversion to work and no concept of responsibility.

    8. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a know-it-all!!

    9. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that the first song he ever learned on guitar was "Its raining Men"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. ^^Say the expert in banking and other corporate affairs. is that-a-way--> Say hi to the rest of the internet anarchists.

    11. ^
      You seem like a nice person. I feel like we've become close after the last few comments. Somehow, "anonymous" seems too about "Nibbles"? I like it! Would you like a peanut Nibbles? There's a good boy! Nibbles will do anything for a peanut.

    12. Pretty sure they are *libertarians. Or possibly anarchists. They are way to smart to get caught in the whole false left right paradigm, and their brains have not been rotted out with social engineering.

  14. well scumbags, I can clearly see on this page that no one has a clue what Sasquatch is. You all are still looking for a GREAT APE in the Woods! LOLOLOL. This is the level of People that this website brings in. I have been experiencing the same things in my home, I can tell you that Sas is not a dumb ape walking around eating berries, they're highly intelligent capable of many incredible things. Why do you idiots think we don't have a body? You all are the DUMB APES. LOL, clowns

    1. ^It also attracts angry lunatics.

    2. He might be angry, but he's 100% right. Did you think being right requires being nice? You try being nice 100% of the time to aggressive know-nothings. It wears on you after a while.

    3. Lycandoids look like bigfoots so you seeing a Lycandoid but you think its a bigfoot

    4. ^^Did you catch the part were he says this happens in his home? He's a lunatic. You're a moron.

    5. Hey 8:14:00! Lost touch with reality have you? Well, your one dumb son of a bitch who is totally bat shit crazy. Now that's in terms you can understand I hope!

    6. ^^Did you catch the part where somebody said something happened to him, and just because it didn't happen to YOU, you think it CAN'T happen? You're a lunatic AND a moron.

    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that when taking bubble baths, he likes to comfort himself with the aroma of old bleach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. ^^That last time a sasquatch was in someone's home, John Lithgow was there. Pull your head out of your ass and stop believing everything you read on the internet, dumbass.

    9. Hey Anon 1:40:00. You are a STUPID FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. Yes, about as ape as we (humans) are.

    11. Hey, 2:36, you moron. I'm not "believing" stories on the internet. What happened to 8:14 happened to me, too. You make assumptions that are dead wrong and then trumpet them at the top of your voice, in the way that only a Moron Lunatic can. Fly that Moron Lunatic flag high and proud.

  15. I know Chris Munch personally, I know his level of integrity. If Chris has spoken, I believe this situation is clearly happening and is legit. Chris Munch is NOT someone trying to pull the proverbial wool over our eyes. I think you guys need to try experiencing first, because clearly the level of understanding here is null.

    1. Could you personally ask him to take a unobstructed, head to toe high resolution photo from about 15 feet away? Maybe holding a yard stick for scale? Thanks in advance!

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that Chris Munch used to come over to his house to help move furniture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. 8:16, I feel your pain. Thanks for posting here, and keep on keeping on.

    4. Yeah 8:16 we all feel your pain but how about you feeling ours - which is the mental pain from listening to all this and not being any closer to proving it's existence. It was stated that the interactions occur on a regular basis but not one good photograph with a filmmaker on board? Am I missing something here? Help my level of understanding.

    5. ^There is only one answer. They're full of crap. Which puts them in the majority when it comes to bigfoot "researchers".

    6. Bigfoot is a sucker's game. Belief requires being unable to consider the evidence against it.

    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that Tom Biscardi is a major fan of Chris Munch and wants to work with him soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. Munch doesn't seem real bright. Probably being duped by the two individuals that comprise Sasquatch Ontario. As for you knowing him personally, I highly doubt it!! Good try anonymous nobody.

  16. Air passengers’ bank details to be handed to police under EU anti-terror plan

  17. I am interested in the subject of Sasquatch but this is pretty far fetched The vocalizations at the end sounds like a human with some digital audio manipulation going on

    1. Or does it sound Human with a deeper tone? Really, you are pulling out digital enhancements? Prove it, if it has been digitized, you can 100% prove that, so please, prove it! Otherwise, sit down, let the real researchers research and folks like yourself keep armchair squatching. F'ing clown

    2. Patterson said on youtube post that audio was sent for testing.Please publish the results.

    3. You mean Roger? Because Mike spells his last name "PATERSON". Get your facts straight please. I believe someone did do some testing on it, they came back and said it was definitely filmed in the Forest and it was definitely unchanged or altered. Not sure how you PUBLISH something, you mean in a scientific journal? I love you People, think it's so so easy to "PUBLISH" things or "TEST" things. LOL - We're all just normal people doing something we love to do in our spare time. You are an Internet Quarterback with no evidence except your keyboard. BIG BIG difference. My hats off to Mike, he's the real deal and he's not afraid to tell the truth. Alot of people coming out saying Sas has these abilities, don't disregard the truth because "it's strange". Americans do that a lot, because something is "different" it's bad and they either kill it, or eat it or both...

  18. I think SO and or property owner should publish results of vocals that were sent for analysis awhile back.Hair samples were gathered.Publish the testing results regardless of outcome.

  19. Objective achieved for Mike Patterson.

    He gets the attention he so craves.

    The guy has perpetrated some of the worst hoaxes in the history of BF.

    His BF vocalizations do make me chuckle though.


    1. Oooooooooo jealousy will get you no where. Just because Mike is bringing it to those who truly know what Sas is, you're showing your ignorance. A lot of people reporting the same thing, a lot of people supporting the exact same scenario, I don't know I think you're just too pathetic to really generate any interest from Sas so you have to come on here and make up bullshit. AMERICAN I PRESUME? LOL!

    2. Patterson collected hair samples awhile back. I assume they were tested?,,.publish the results.

    3. It's Paterson, not PATTERSON - Do you have the MONEY $$? I am sure not many of us do including Mike. Donate or shut up.

  20. "channeled material". All I need to know.

  21. This isn't just whack-a-doodle, this is hyper-dimensional whack-a-doodle.

  22. @CuriousWednesday, January 28, 2015 at 11:34:00 AM PST, "Very good point you made" and I agree with your statement a full 110%!!!..........

  23. Fuckery absolute fuckery! This shouldn't even be on your sight. I've been smelling foul smells and finding toys that seem to appear and I've also been smelling a foul smell and similar art work is it bigfoot no I'm babysitting my six year old nephew!

  24. I wish someone would cull some of this so called evidence!

  25. So the question is, a film maker goes up there for a weekend and gets no photos? LOL, are you Americans that stupid that you don't understand what is happening? Did you not listen to the words out of their mouths? Did you not understand what these guys are saying? I guess Americans have a tough time with understanding - Either shoot it, or eat it! Either way, it's dead. Lot's of activity, a 3rd party source put his stamp of approval on it, just as many asked for, so folks will now say it's not happening... LOL., not much more to see here, Americans in this field are scum bag dead beats. It will NOT be an American who brings Sasquatch to the mainstream, mark my words.

    1. I have no idea what you're saying. But I am sensing you don't like Americans.

    2. I don't like American Squatchers. Love most Americans.


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