Bigfoot Researcher Uses Drone For Ice Fishing

All we can say is: What will they think of next? Bill Brock and Team Rogue has some great uses for their drone which they've used for their Bigfoot investigation a couple of weeks ago, but using it for ice fish is a first.


  1. Replies
    1. Hillary Clinton Agrees to Testify Again on Benghazi...
      ans Hillary already said sshe knows nothing about BENGHAZI

    2. I'm confused? A bigfoot guy is using Al Gore to help him ice fish?

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he used to be grand champion at cornhole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. AL GORE guru on Global Climate Disruption

    5. ...One can do so much with a drone; except find bigfoot...too many problems: the distance, the noise, the expense, non-existence of the animal....

    6. drone killer non-existence of bigfoots!
      will have to use them drones to hunt down YAHOOs, Grassmen, and Snallygasters

    7. ...What about GRAYS??..can they hunt them down...where is GRAY guy when you need him...

    8. Grays must have abducted him!!!

    9. He's the same guy as the Robert Lindsay fool.He needs a new shtick.It's getting pretty stale.Just write something different and maybe he'd be funny again.

    10. ...The Robert Lindsay guy is a GRAY?...that is sinister; I fear an A null probe...

  2. Replies
    1. drunk animal killer....he's gone away

    2. I wish you would go away, as do so many people... You wouldn't believe.

    3. close to as many that wish you would leave? ....nice to see the drunks stick together though

    4. Joe got thrown out of a 12 step program for insisting they can't be faked.

    5. Robert "The Duchess " Lindsay says, He is the only Male to have been 13 stept in a 12 step program !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Robert Lindsay is The "Duchess"!!!!!!!! Don't cha know!!

    7. By chance i came across in the news Howard Stern,is the Howard Stern who posts on here THE Howard Stern or an imposter? xx

    8. Eva R ,, im not so sure about Howard Stern ,but I just checked out RL's blog and ALL these Wacky quotes are indeed True ,, The man is quite the Character. : ) Big Doris.

    9. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he was asked to join Twerk Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. TRAPPER & WILD BILL on the hunt for them Season# 3 cryptid critters YES SIR !!!

    11. Hello Big Doris hope your well sweet,i'll have a look at those xx

    12. I have gone through the informations that had been published in your site. I am sharing a very useful information which might help you a lot:

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  3. How exactly is a drone beneficial to ice fishing? They don't make use of it whatsoever.

    1. YES Bill Brock needing to hunt BIGFOOT like that Killing Bigfoot Team ...

    2. Well , you need to know where the ice is don't you? That kind of info is worth double the price of a drone.

    3. 10% of fishermen catch 90% of the fish because they know that 90% of the fish are gathered in 10% of the lake. The trick is learning about, not finding, that 10%. Because it is never constant. It can change 10 times a day. I ain't quite there yet but I'm getting closer every summer!

    4. ^FYI

      Water temp has a lot to do with the fish habits. If you are where the water temp stays constant you can pretty much count on repeat fish behavior


    5. Why use a drone when dynamite works much better?

    6. ^^Water temp, wind direction, barometric pressure, sunlight, water depth, cover, thermal plain, fishing pressure etc. If one changes, it affects all the others to one degree or another. That's why you can tear them up off a point in a lake for a half an hour for example and never get another bite there for the rest of the summer. Again, I'm not all the way there yet but I do better than all my friends.

    7. Back in my youth someone used a plane with skies to search for the best spot to fish on the Saginaw Bay. Simple you find the place where the most fish is lying on the ice. Anyway it was a bad day for fishing on the Saginaw Bay, no one was catching fish according to the guy with the plane. See he landed it next to us. My father had spotted the plane a couple of hours earlier and what it was doing. So he jumped into the car ( back in those days we took autos and trucks out on Lake Huron ) and headed to shore to a commercial place he new about and came back with about a hundred perch and spread them out around our holes. When the plane landed he told us we were the only folks catching fish this day. Dad told him and his partner we had caught all we needed and to have at it. We never did check back to see how they did.

    8. 10 53 You sound like a person on a mission to become a really good fisherperson. Wish you the best of luck, something I have enjoyed since I was 5 and I ain't there yet either, probably never will be.

    9. Thanks Chuck. When I get interested in something I tend to go full out. I started as a kid too. It's like playing guitar (another interest) you will never run out of things to learn if you stay with it.

    10. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he prefers to cut his grass wearing a 2 piece bikini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that you're his neighbor and he loves the way you stare at his sweaty body as he mows the yard!!!!!!!!!!

  4. man dem DRONES be actin lik GALLYSNACTERS comin down on good ol AIMS TEEM lik a bunch of TERRORDACTALS

    WILD BILL hates em!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ans WILD BILL gots that BIG KNIFE ans sayin come gits U some ...

    2. wild bill takes it up the butt and likes it

    3. nothin beats old marine WILD BILL campfire vittles Mountain Monsters Team cant get enough of them yummy vittles that WILD BILL conjures up!

  5. TRAPPER + WILD BILL + BILL BROCK = BIGFOOT hunted found and Trapped

  6. Lycandoids - are abouts and can be mistaken as Bigfoots

  7. Heu, how they can see fishes through the ice ?

    1. They can see them after they chip a hole in the ice big enough for their boat.

    2. And then what? Sit in a boat a little smaller than the hole you chipped? That's like putting your car on a piece of asphalt in the middle of the Amazon. You aren't going anywhere either way.

    3. NO SIR old Marine WILD BILL gots no time fer fishin hebe outs huntin tham BEARs ans other critters and such YES SIR hebe a huntin ans a trappin

    4. ^tries to hard to be funny

    5. Dude,quit ringing your own bell.Pathetic.^

    6. Uh 12:33, please tell us that you realized that the bit about chipping a hole big enough for the boat was supposed to be a joke. As in there would be no need to use a boat when ice fishing. I hate to say it, but you didn't seem to get that.

  8. Robert "Sniper" Lindsay says Reddit read it FIRST on his blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that his body type naturally fights off cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. ^Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he doesn't want you as his lover anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!Put that in your pipe and smoke that!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. sometimes GRAYs have underwater bases and USOs so folks looking for fish might find a USO instead.

  10. Lawdy Lawdy I just crapped myself and all I'm wearing under my Wranglers© is the T-back that dmaker the sharkhead bought me for Christmas.

    D Campbells.

    1. ^ needs to work oh his humor.

    2. I think it's funnier than that Robert Lindsay crap that crackhead has been posting lately.But they both suck fer sure.

    3. I'm starting to think one idiot plays both parts. There can't be two people that unfunny and that persistent. He's most likely the Wild Bill moron too.

    4. I agree with 2:36 in someway.I do believe that the robert Lindsay,wild bill and thats a bigfoot or I be a fool are all the same no talent jackass cause if you look at his time stamps he's on here all day long.But the DCampbell guy pops in every other day.Two different sad sacks.

    5. Probably someone kicked off Lindsay's site (easy to do - just disagree with him). I thought they were funny at first just like the Mountain Monster and Wild Bill comments but instead of taking sniper shots with your best stuff they (or he) has elected to do saturation bombing and throw everything out there daily. It's losing it's impact - just like Joe's infinite loop of bigfoot and giant anecdotes. Most come here for amusement. If you are taking the shot at least put some thought and wit into it and use them sparingly (please).

    6. It would be great if they were funny but that isn't happening.

    7. I've caught myself fantasizing about hunting him down and slitting his throat. Wrong I know but still...

    8. ...Repetition is funny in itself; its annoying, obnoxious trolling...i.e funny...

    9. Dude,quit blowing your own horn.Pathetic.^

    10. At least the Duchess stuff shuts Joe up sometimes.

    11. ....No, 3:22 is me, not the guys you are talking about...Almost everything on this blog makes me laugh...I'm fried...

    12. Dutch was a better movie than what the critics claimed, although not a masterpiece by any standards.

    13. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that when reciting poetry, he likes to pretend he is Barbara Streisand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. Yup. Just gonna come up from behind all quite like and give him a new hole to breath out of. For about 4 seconds...

  11. Whoa, Brock, you say this is a really awesome video. Nope.


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