Bigfoot In The Snow?

Damn. This one is quit blurry. The Paranormal Review just did a fresh breakdown of a video they found while scouring the net. This one is questionable. Check it out:


  1. bloke in a obvious. Next!!

    1. Bloke in a straight jacket now thinks he can see detail nobody else can... Don't these folk claim enthusiasts see things that aren't there?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ^ forgot get signed in with his Danny account.

    4. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he doesnt even bother to peel bananas when he eats them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Joe are you really calling someone out for posting under other accounts? Ha. Of all the posters on this site, no one posts under more accounts than you. We have seen you have entire dialogues with yourself for hours on end. But then again, you are known to be a liar who goes back on his word, and this sites biggest hypocrite.

    6. Hello Joe

      Have you seen this video


    7. 7:01... You are, quite simply, a total prized pratt. Why would I risk not fueling me ego by not having my name to cracking skulls like yours?

      MMC... Hey buddy, I remember this when it first came out. Are there any Sasquatch legends in Japan?

    8. Joe, if you ever make it to the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in the Santa Cruz mountains, do let us know won't you? I'd like very much to meet you in person.

    9. PJ, I just didn't feel like giving you my time today, so I deleted it.


    10. 11:00... You'll be the first to know.

  2. More bad evidence from the bad evidence site!

  3. Only when a Big foot Video is so good, so compelling and can't possibly be a: "Bloke in a suit", and is shown on Fox news, or CNN. Then it may have a chance to be real.

    Any Video, shown on Youtube, or a site like this, is where all the hoaxers go.

    Think about it? since I've come here over the pass 3 years, hundreds of Videos have been shown. And not one! Not one! was any good! This site and others, only attracts the "Look at me" types or "I'm a bad-ass Bigfoot Researcher", or "I need attention" types. So why bother to watch any video here at all!

    Ask yourself this; "How many Hoaxers do you know"? or, "How many Big foot Researchers, are any good"?

    1. is that you?? If it is ..this is me!! I just don't know deer people ..etc..Past the point of rescue..etc..Melba etc...

      Tempest ?? Is that you??

    2. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he often goes for long walks with his cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. 6:33... Work your way through this;

      ... To which have all been posted here in that time. I would define a "good Bigfoot researcher" as anyone contributing to the accumulation of evidence, such as physical, biological, audio, or footage... And we have an abundance of that due to the good work of various researchers over the years.

    4. ^Thinks Harry and the Henderson's was a documentary.

    5. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he prefers powerstroke engines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. AnonymousSunday, August 10, 2014 at 9:37:00 PM PDT
    I use my buddies pecker as a tooth pick.For Science of course. Indeed. Sweet Science!

    D Campbell.

  5. I have a simple question, please; "In what year will "physical Evidence" of a Bigfoot existing be shown?

    1. ^
      Life is too short. Get out of your mom's basement and stop obsessing about Bigfoot like normal adults who think Bigfoot is a mythical creature.

    2. 7:08... Physical evidence has been accumulated since 1958 in tracks and even dermal ridges from impressions... Which leads me to 7:26... Myths don't leave physical clues, nor to they leave biological for that matter. The only myth here is your alleged intelligence.

    3. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that he grew up on a donkey farm, and loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  7. I prefer Poling's ParaBreakdown when it comes to breaking down these videos. I like the jazzy opening and he has that Garrison Keillor kind of delivery.

    That being said, this Paranormal Review is far better than any of ThinkerThunker's reviews because he immediately reaches the conclusion that it is the real thing. Total bias ever time.

    1. I would prefer a good quality video of a Sasquatch(s) that there would be no need for a breakdown at all and I think we/they are just soooooooooo use to having to analyze/breakdown these videos/photos all the time after time,after time,after time and it's just become the norm when it comes to whether this species exists or not,just saying...........

  8. Sasquatch non-evidence once again I see. When oh when oh when will the real Bigfoot stand up..........

    1. ...These things have been on societies radar since 1958, or 1951 if you want to go back to the Shipton expedition...A body, part of a body, fossil, photograph or video from a credible source( a professor on a field trip, a film crew from a nature channel or news outlet etc) should have turned up by now.....You are free to believe in them, but you will NEVER see a picture of one in a textbook, a film of one on Discovery or NatGeo...You will NEVER read about them on wiki or in a magazine or serious book and you will never attend a lecture about one or take a university course where the subject is on the syllabus....You see, if they existed those things would have happened by now......

    2. Only the other day, a honinid study was being peer reviewed. Regardless of the results, this is indicative of how much of a serious question this has become. Mainstream science is both uninterested and restricted of the topic. Things are changing and soon people won't have to be so concerned with refraining from expressing their interest in this subject. People need to know that there are more and more reputable and credible scientists out there who are open minded enough to contribute to this subject and it is slowly turning away from a fringe subject with some of the biggest names in modern science beginning to ask the questions. Some of the greatest minds of the past 60 years; Russian anthropologists who literally invented hominology, have been contributing to this for all this time, yet it is evident that the idea of wild people living in remote areas is far too mind bending for the small minded to look at the wider facts without resorting to a conclusion that sits better with their safe little preference of the world around them. This conclusion is heuristical at best and avoids answering key areas that are a restriction for a field study to develop.

      Bindenagle puts it perfectly here on the 6mins mark;

  9. It's becoming more apparent there are not that many qualified individuals breaking down video "evidence".

    Video: Upon seeing a Bigfoot the first thought in your mind is to make space, not lessen it. This video is very poor IMO.

  10. The Federal Government should pass a law that requires someone to get a license that proves they know how to correctly focus a video camera before they go looking for bigfoot.

    1. ...The federal government should build bombs and pick up the trash....leave the rest to the states...

    2. 1127, isn't that a conflict of interest? They're in the bigfoot coverup business. Blur is their friend.

  11. inconclusive evidence + inconclusive evidence + inconclusive evidence + inconclusive evidence + [etc] != conclusive proof


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