Watch: Minerva Monster Official Trailer

Minerva Monster is a documentary centered around a series of sightings of a strange creature in and around the town of Minerva, Ohio. The sightings were accompanied by animal deaths, strange happenings and packs of “monster hunters” descending on the town.

Minerva Monster will premiere at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference on Saturday, May 16th 2015 and be available for purchase shortly thereafter. A Kickstarter campaign will launch on February 1st.

The film is directed by Seth Breedlove and produced by Alan MeGargle and Jesse Morgan. It is the first in a series called Small Town Monsters.


  1. That is prime dogman country.

    1. Super lame ass sneak peek video right there. I gave us nothing about wanting too see more.


    Often when we talk about evolution, we look for the missing link (links, there should be many) in the evolution of man, right

    However, the same should exist as whatever turned into a mouse, than a rat, than a squirell, than a possum, than a raccon, than some went off to become a badger, a wolverine, than some started to turn to bears, while others turned into goats, sheep. And then we started making deer, and then some elk, and then finally some big old moose.
    Now over in the reptile line, we started out with some little majical tadpolls who some became frogs and others lizards, while yet others lost limbs alltogether and we got snakes. Those same tadpolls evolved upwardly into the largest animals on the planet and then turned around and now only produce small sized reptiles again ----- evolution then de-evolution.

    The point being is that it is not only man who we should find missing links for, but every species on the planet would have numerous, numerous, numerous, numerous merging species to get to EACH final species.

    When scientists look at the fossil record as they proclaim ------- they should find such a pile of emerging species bones, that it should be hard to distinguish.

    The problem science SHOULD have is distinguishing the sets in an upwardly evolving tree. Its not there, not even one!

    There should exist a pile of bones large enough to fill the Grand Canyon with diverging species ----- AGAIN, REMEBER, THINK --------- EVERY SPECIES ON THE PLANET SHOULD HAVE A HISTORICAL CHAIN OF EVIDENCE AS TO IT'S SPECIES OF ORIGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EVERY SPECIES! ------- Can anybody find one good bone, for even ONE species. No, you can't! Because it didn't happen!

    And they want us to produce a bigfoot bone?

    Looking for a bigfoot bone should be like looking for a needle in a haystack of all the emerging species bone ------------ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha h ah ah ah ha ha hah ha ha h

    Talk about not seeing the forrest for the trees.

    There should be 100,000,000 bodies you could show me to proove EVO is real, I'm waiting?

    1. dude- you're really getting on Minerva.


      get it?

    2. The point of this is not to get any of you to believe in God ---- that is a personal choice and decesion.

      The point is ---- some of you need to get out of the box that others have conned you into believing. Science has brought us medicine, power and transportation.
      It has also brought us weapons / nukes, torture, and mind control.

      Numerous scientists are leaning into some form of intelligent design because they have gotten so small (molecular / atomic) and found know reason for holding it all together ----- this is why thier looking for a God Particle and theories about REAL MATRIXES are emerging from physics.

      The real Science Boys know what you been taught -------- Just ain't so. They just are never willing to say ---------- we don't know, we can't explain!

    3. Troll Killer has raised an important question here,where are these missing links,if they exist we would have found them.Didn't Charles Darwin even say it was more of a missing chain than a link? xx

    4. 9:45, I been comming here for years listening to Idiots bable about a "BODY" as proof. Well, ok. Now I want a body or shut the hell up.

      The fact of the matter is, there are things well outside the realm of NATURAL/PHYSICAL as you would understand it.

      You tards cannot prove the most fundamental of the Large Scientific CLAIMS. Yet you think you can hold hi court on something that has obviously showed itself to be unbound by our understanding of physics.

      I keep telling you all ------- This Bigfoot Thing, it is toying with you all. It is a tricster.

      Nephatia, -----tic tac toe, what after all these years ------- we're talking to a retard Sasquatch who somehow learned tic, tac toe.

    5. Also, as many of you know, I have heard the screams, gotton responces to calls, and witnessed a juvenile. So I know the phenomena is real and people are having experiences.

      To help in the matter ------- keep asking, what the hell is going on???????????

      To act like an Idiot ------ Just keep proclaiming it aint real and I know better. simple distiction.

    6. Bravo TROLL KILLER! By pretending to be anti-evolution and science you are showing just how idiotic and crazy this mindset is. This actually is a parody to get those who actually believe such crap to come out of the shadows to support you. This is brilliant stuff and you play it to the fullest. You even almost had me believing you really believed this. You should get an Academy Award!

      Well played sir! Well played!

    7. I would rather go hang with the Robertsons in the swamp than I would hang with any one from hollywood. Unless you can bring John Wayne back. Clint would be cool. Or maybe that NRA guy, Heston. HA HA HA HA.

    8. I see you're as easily fooled by the Robertson's psuedo-hillbilly act as you are by the right-wing anti-science agenda.

      It does make a lot of sense though.

    9. Yes of course TROLL KILLER - Hollywood is nothing but a perversion of liberal, gay,sex crazed perverts whose mission is to corrupt our immortal souls (wink-wink).

      Now please tell us how we can avoid being toyed by that trickster Bigfoot. I um . . (chuckle) . . need that knowledge to prevent me from being deceived.

    10. Uh, Clint isn't dead... He doesn't have to be "brought back".

    11. Two things.

      1. Once you KNOW that it may be possible for this thing to decieve you ----- your halfway home. No-matter what it does, what it says, gifts it brings, games it plays ---- are all designed to get you------ to trust it! DON'T!
      2. Has to do with what some are saying is Telepathy. The more you are suseptable to telepathy, the easier you will be to decieve. Same dam deal with the UFO phenom.
      And so you are headed into the woods with thoughts / or not on your mind --- a beacon if you will, some more than others. And from there, we would have to head to a subject you won't believe becuse it has to do with principalities and powers told us by that lying old book, the Bible. Would you like to continue, or are you choking already???

    12. 11:45, I think you missed the period at the end of Wayne. Oh shit, what are we going to do.

      Can't spot a period in a sentence, but wants to chase the Spirit Ape.

    13. The presence of the period has no bearing when dealing with 3 run-on sentences. Go back and re-read the paragraph s l o w l y and then maybe you will get it.

    14. The return of Wayne is resurection, Clints just f'n cool. It's not run on, your just slow to pick up on distinguished inferances.

    15. I fear it may already be too late TROLL KILLER. I hear voices in my head filling me full of crazy ideas such as EVILution and that Bigfoot is just a shy creature who wants nothing more than to be left alone. I'm also beginning to have cravings for Zagnut bars and garlic.

      Tell me truly TROLL KILLER - is turning to the BIBLE my only hope? What must I do to defeat what I suspect is the evil Nephilum seeking control?

    16. I forgot Heston died, so in that light, I understand what you mean.

    17. Some vessels are created for distruction, so you are probably doomed.

    18. Well, that's it then. Bye everyone.

    19. LOL! Somebody needs to go back to grammar class. Happy Kwanzaa!!

    20. 12:10, 11:45 took you to school.

  3. Something tells me Troll Killer is still pissed he flunked science class.

    1. My report cards were numerical grades.

      math--- 100
      science--- 100
      history ---- 100
      biology --- 100
      poloticol science --- 100
      english ---- best ever 98 ---- the teacher, why can't you spell??? ------ Slows my thought processes down. Think of Einstien and his 11 grey suits.
      Music ---- 0. There Dan, something your better than me at. Ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahh aha ahah aha haha hhhhhhhhh ahaahah ha

      And then get the hell away from these idiot teachers, well most of them. I had a few good teachers.

    2. Maybe you can make some improvements during the second half of 7th grade. Keep hitting the books!


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