Real or Fake?

Bigfoot Evidence fan "Danny" shared this photograph he recently acquired. None of us has seen this photograph before, but what about our readers? Do you think this is a good photograph? Judging by the trees, it looks like it's from the West Coast. A zoomed version of it is below.


  1. Tater is king ! ��

    we're not worthy we're not worthy !!!!

  2. Whatever it is it sure does look like it has a sexy tat er hole!

  3. Looks like a sasquatch fanny pack . Or a serious hernia ...

    1. The line at the top of the possible Fannie pack is to crisp, possible composite. Also arms not very long and it appears to have a skinny neck. Maybe some females do but this image doesn't have enough to really give anything


    2. You must have seen them. you have Joe's email. ..get mine from him and drop me a line

  4. I know the answer to this one. its a fake, most likely a guy in a ghillie suit making fun of those strange lonely white people that bleeve in 9ft,800pd ape people inhabit our national parks!

    1. I Begg to differ... There's nothing more lonely than that feeling you get of the boogeyman that makes you resorted to self serving up reassurance over 10ft, 1000lb hairy hominids that inhabit your national parks.

    2. Or spending 18/6/365 repeating word for word the same glorified bile on a crypto-blog to which you have no true intention of ever personally contributing to...

    3. I've contributed enough around here sonny Jim, and you're only sore cause it has been to the detriment of your disinformation campaign.

    4. Campaign? Figment of your wild imagination.

      You have contributed literally and figuratively nothing to the field, positive or negative. You are an ocean away and copy paste on a pseudo-TMZ blog about (sometimes) bigfoot.

      You might blow smoke up a select few naive arses but thankfully the majority see you for what you are.

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

      I'm sorry, but I've never claimed to have contributed anything to the field, other than post comments on a Bigfoot blog. But, I do manage to get you and the like minded all Panicin' Skywalker, cause your disinformation campaign doesn't wash, I WILL lay claim to that just fine.

      For every remark of my alleged significance, you in fact perpetuate it with the very obvious butthurtitude & attention you provide... Keep crying, it makes me smile.

      : )

    6. And anyway... Before this turn into another t*rd hurling contest, I'm off to get drunk again!

      Laters kids!!

      : p

    7. Reactionary itch to grasp for attention. Delusions of self-worth and severe admiration of yourself.

    8. Hey Joe, here is a good website that totally destroys your pet conspiracy theory about ancient giant skeletons in North America:

    9. ^This will be Joes reply... Blah blah blah Occam's razor, blah blah blah quasi-religion, blah blah blah right around the corner.

    10. Joe has been getting gunned so hard the past couple of threads. He is constantly made to look like the idiot he is.
      And I'm someone who entertains the idea of Bigfoot, i just dont beleive 99% of the rubbish Joe spouts on here as 'fact', because it's not.
      I have been following this blog for sometime now, years before Joe started posting here and I can genuinely say that it was way better before Joe got here. If anything Joe brings the trolls thete, because he talks such utter rubrush.
      Even a lot of the people on here that beleive in Bigfoot don't listen to half of the rubbish Joe spews on here daily.
      Why don't you post on BFF for example, Joe? Because you know you would be torn apart in seconds.
      As i said, I'm a believer in Bigfoot, or at least the idea of Bigfoot, but the rubbish that Joe comes out with us just that, RUBBISH!

    11. As its been pointed out before Joe can't debate someone without constantly insulting their intelligence. He constantly points out how absolutely easy it is to see these creatures exist by looking at the evidence. While doing all he can to obscure the fact that if it were indeed that easy then we would know that Bigfoot exists and this discussion wouldnt be happening. Joe exists simply to show himself and everyone else that he indeed knows it all. He says he encourages healthy skepticism but if you look at the majority of his posts he automatically goes for his security blanket of trying to insult people. The only healthy skepticism he encourages are from people long established to be his friend, otherwise he is constantly attacking people then denying his own actions. I agree with the above poster that Joe is the primary reason there are so many hatefull trolls here. Its one thing to point to the evidence and say there may be something there. Its a completely different thing to point to the evidence and say that it HAS to exist and you are an idiot if you think otherwise.

    12. Yeah its funny this blog has transformed into a Hate Joe blog and if you listen to him its because we cant handle the truth and we are all butthurt. Never once does he take responsibility for the atmosphere hes created here. Every post I see end with something like -consider yourself smarter, kid. or "now you know Einstein". Thats the kind of stuff middle schoolers end a argument with and hes trying to convince people that hes some sort of qualified source of information? More like some poor sap with an overinflated ego online to make up for his fragile one in real life.

    13. Got the cajones to be a big boy researcher yet? Telemarketing must be a real earner for you.

      Didn't think so.

    14. I do believe in the possibility of Bigfoot however I would like to add I do believe without a doubt Joe is a D-bag.

    15. Blah blah blah Occam's razor, blah blah blah quasi-religion, blah blah blah right around the corner.

      Smithsonian Bureaus say you still haven't proven any of your points.

      : )

    16. Actually they deny every single claim you make against them. But don't let reality distort your perceived way of thinking.

      If you watched Jim Viera's show then you'd know that.

    17. I've got you in my pocket son... I've got you crying, thinking about me every day and following my comments like a junky. The Smithsonian would say that. Bureaus don't lie; that's the reality... Einstein.

      : p


    18. "Bureaus don't lie"? Please, what planet are you from? That is, in fact, what they practice continually.

  5. Yes, it's fake . A sasquatch penis is much smaller than that. Sorry .

    1. Believes Dick Ryder Hank doll had a small penis.^

    2. No ! It was a she .. and she was hung . Her real name ? Polly. Polly Urethane....

  6. You must like a nice penis in your Taterhole.

  7. You people, need to grow up! nothing but immature, childish comments anymore. and I know I'm wasting my efforts, pointing this out.

    1. Maybe they should have taught better grammar in Mohawk schools.

    2. We don't go to schools! I've seed educated people on here right like idiots! Right or Write? who cares!

  8. The site is worth visiting just for comments alone! FFS!

  9. So robots comment here a lot? Maybe it's bc of all the fake photographs that get posted on slow sasquatch days.

  10. Photoshopped fake. Found the original sans sasquatch here:
    Blown up:

  11. Bigfoot doesn't exist. Wild imaginations do, though.

    1. It's as real as your boogeyman fear following into adulthood... That imagination must be like a ball and chain.

  12. Obliviously fake for sure. Now the link below has some definite possibilities of being a Sasquatch..........

  13. This is obviously photoshopped. How in the hell can people NOT figure this out? Why do I always have to point out photoshopped photos to idiots here? I have to say, its nice being as intelligent as I am. I'd hate to be a retard like everyone else here.

  14. I know that they do exit. I have seen a small one. I have sensed others. I have a lot of Indian in me and I have a 6th sense when it come to these creatures. They only want to be left alone. But now are being driven out of their nature habitat with humans wanting more land to build their homes and shops.

    1. They actually stalk and kill humans and therefore must be eradicated like the nuisance animal they are.


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