How Many Types of Bigfoot Are There?

Mitch Waite discusses photographs he has taken of two different types or races of bigfoot he has taken in Arizona. Are there two different subspecies of bigfoot? It's difficult enough proving just one.


  1. Replies
    1. HAYDEN, Idaho (AP) — A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.
      GUNs KILL.....

    2. Carrying a loaded weapon that is not securely on your person is dangerous and irresponsible. Carrying a loaded weapon without a proper holster that fits snugly and securely around the entire trigger and trigger guard area is also dangerous and irresponsible. I believe many people who carry self defense weapons should probably have rape whistles, tazers or pepper spray instead of firearms.

    3. Quit your whining, unless those guns are killing bigfoot, we don't give a damn.

    4. U be warin on tham wemon folks

  2. If you count guys in suits, then one.

  3. Of course - like the YAHOO, Grassman, Batsquatch, Skunk Ape, all the same but different

  4. Replies
    1. lots of sightings of bigfoots for years now, just need to some more physical evidence,
      then its GAME OVER

  5. Only one kind, the imaginary one.

    1. Yes to the fearful non believer who has never seen one.

  6. There is a type of Sasquatch for every type of beautiful nubile young lady beating down my door desperate to make passionate love to me.

  7. Out of all those photos they are blurry and out of focus and no video either with any of those terrible photos, I wonder why,can anyone guess why.........

  8. ..That is the best picture of a bigfoot I ever saw...awesome...

  9. Don't forget those n@gger kind.

    1. who are you with such hate in your mind. maybe it is time you start thinking from your soul. I'll bet you will find more peace for yourself. Saddly I am sure you will not understand this and will blantantly attempt to slam me too. But that is ok because I am at 1 with myselve and God. Blessings to you. anonymous

  10. Don't forget those n@gger kind will lurk in the dark and steal food out of your garbage and from your pets. I can't stand those n@ggers!


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