Do You Recognize This Photo of Bigfoot Trying to Escape People?

Youtube user iMerkzzU posted this photo in a video claiming it is of a sasquatch fleeing up a mountain to avoid people. We're not sure what to make of it, although there seems something vaguely familiar about it. Does anyone have any info on it, or know where it originated from?


  1. Replies
    1. What do you get if you cross an elephant with the abominable snowman?

      A jumbo yeti!

    2. Look at the snow behind the subject. Kinda looks like it's falling to me. Best geuss ---------------------- Some dude in a snow suit with the hood down, just did a backflip off a ledge and his buddy took a photo. Then a little erasing here and there. The photo sucks all over, posting for dollars.

    3. We were just horsin off after snorting a few fat lines and blasting the Pistols. I hate snow.


    4. I agree it could be a person with a dark ski suit on since the photo is somewhat blurry. But as I've said before, it could turn out that bigfoot actually is a big blurry creature :).

      Some things of note though are the really long strides, typical for bigfoot but not typical for people, especially walking up hill, and also the exagerated arm swing noted among sasquatches, like Patty in the Patterson/Gimlin film.

      I've never seen this photo before. Due to the exagerated movements of the arms and legs I don't think this is a case of mistaken identity, of someone seeing a person at a distance and mistaking them for a bigfoot. People don't move like that. I believe either someone faked this or it's real.

    5. Arms look to short to me also. But hey, was it a photo cut from a vid?

    6. The arms do look a little short, agreed, but the photo is blurry and the arms are in motion and the only good visible arm might be sticking into that snow, that looks like falling snow. It's hard to tell. It's such poor quality its probably best to say inconclusive.

    7. it's a dude on a snowboard!

    8. Is he snowboarding backwards on a white snowboard?

  2. Yep, it's fake so it's definitely a bigfoot.

  3. Looks Toad Sitting ish, MMG, that is for you.

    1. Many thanks my friend.

      Was going to extend to jokes about licking toads/Todd's but only Mike B would venture there.

      I'm far too mainstream.


    2. That's okay MMG. Stick with your strengths; like being a wad and braiding butt hair.

  4. it looks like the bigfoot who wears army boots.

  5. 2014- the year of the totally sucking squatch

  6. It's on a snowboard,training for the X-Crypto Games.

  7. Obviously a dude snowboarding. Stop spreading the fakeness please. This site has really gone down the drain in the last few years. Over it.

  8. Fake,Fake,Fake and one more time "Fake".........

  9. A quick google image search brings up this:

    "Born in the misty and notoriously dank Cascades of the Pacific Northwest, Sasquatch is a limited line of outerwear from Airblaster."

  10. Definitely fake. The arm is too short.

  11. Facepalm...looks like a human and I see what looks like faint lines of ski poles in the still screen shot.

  12. its a snowboarder

    1. Good find. It doesn't really say that picture is something they created for the advertisement or if they grabbed it from somewhere. Following their link to the video it includes the Patterson/Gimlin film. I don't see a snowboard or skis; if that is what this person is doing he should have one or the other.

      The photo is not good enough to say it isn't a person in dark cloths or a ski suit. Anyone can go grab a photo and post it to youtube and claim whatever.

  13. Sigh

    a snow boarder going down the hill...

  14. Snowboarding downhill backwards on an invisible snowboard.


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