Cryptozoologist of the Year Is Bill Munns

Loren Coleman just published this year's Cryptozoologist of the year: Bill Munns. Munns has a background in Hollywood special effects and has been working with the Patterson/Gimlin film for years. He has worked on detailed analysis of the famed footage and compiled his findings in "The Munns Report." The report is one of the hottest topics in the Bigfoot Community.

Coleman has a list of reasons (click here) why Munns is his top pick this year, including a ton of films he has worked on as a special effects creator. Some people disagrees with Coleman's pick, like Stacy Brown Jr.:

"Bill munns wins the cryptozoologist of the year award by apparently doing nothing. Well he wrote a book. So I guess the formula is to sit on your lazy ass, don't go into the areas and actually look for anything, analyze a film again and again(once again while sitting on your ass) then sit back and be applauded for your hard work. No wonder bigfoot or any other cryptid has been discovered. Too many lazy bastards sitting around kissing each others asses and talking theory. Seriously there is only about 3 people in this whole shin dig that actually do research that I have met and I have met most. So when u ask me "why has bigfoot never been found?" I will tell u that 99.7 percent of the people looking for them are scared of the dark and or woods!!!!" - Stacy Brown

Check out Coleman's article here: Cryptozoologist of the Year 2014: Bill Munns 


  1. Replies
    1. Erase those doldrums with some bright shiny new Meldrums!

    2. Alas....I did not receive any Meldrums in my stocking this year, neither bright shiny new nor used and dull.....sigh.

    3. Standing got a shiny new Meldrum. But then had to go to Kickstarter to help pay for it.

    4. I only got a lousy stocking full of doldrums.


    5. What the hell! Shiny new Meldrums? I want one!

    6. Wait a minute. Does that mean they are going to come and repo that shiny new Meldrum? Now that there is no kick starter. Do you think they will use a tow truck?

  2. That is some serious jealously, Stacy Brown Jr.

    1. I'm not afraid of the dark or woods. I'm afraid of the inbred banjo players like the Brown family that live out there. Just ask Ned Beatty.

  3. Pipe down Stacy. No one likes a cry baby. You should be better than this.

    Leave the bitching to Fasano. His whining has certainly worked for him. Don't become the joke that he is.

    In a very short space of time the world of bigfoot has been very good to you. Enjoy your considerable achievements and let Bill enjoy his too.

    Your hard work and guile doesn't go unnoticed and will, in time yield the results you and the rest if us seek.

    Have a fruitful 2015 my friend.


    1. Raging rectum-ravaged Jayrefin' bootlickin' poster boy for the magically deluded being led by the nose by an illusionist, should be along shortly to accuse you of being someone else. Should be entertaining.

    2. I am DWA/Sweti Yeti/Bob Hope/Kristy the Clown.

      This multiple personality disorder can be confusing. ;0


  4. Just imagine the stiff competition if someone gave out a bigfoot douchebag of the year award.

    1. I believe you would win, my friend!!!!!

    2. There will be an announcement shortly regarding The Golden Idiot Awards. This likely will not be pleasing to you, 2:32.

    3. Fasano and Brown are water conservationists. They hardly take a baths. That ought to get them some recognition. Out in the field is a bitch, when you only have wiskey!

  5. Craptopoologist of the year, congrats Bill.

    1. Beware, lest a Golden Idiot Statuette should be awarded in your general direction, padre.

    2. I guess I have to agree with you. I'm still following this crap. Still no magic monkey and not one ounce of proof.

  6. Dammit Stacy.Why you crying?It very unbecoming of YOU!

  7. I didn't realize Loren Coleman is still alive.

  8. Stacy's just pissed because he just now realized you can make money off the deluded footers without sleeping in tents.

  9. Don't worry, Stacy. You're young. Still plenty of time for you to be Craptozoologist of the Year.

    1. Yes, you got your whole life ahead of you to throw away.

  10. Munns is a snake oil salesman

  11. You mean there's an award for being Bullshit Artist of the Year? I hope it's a major award

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lindsay's "sources" said, Munns was going to lose.

  14. I hate to be Debbie Downer here, but staying home and sitting on my ass has accomplished precisely as much as all the woods traipsing researchers has: nothing.

  15. Sounds like Stacey's mad that Bill won the special olympics when it should have been him up there onstage


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