Yowie Researcher Finds Strange Print on Tree

Australian Yowie researcher Jason H. has found some strange occurrences lately. This latest is a hand print, or a claw print of some sort on a palm tree. Check it out:


  1. Pimping out more hoaxers I see Shawn.

    1. wait up dawg, I'm da only pimp on dis site!!!!!!

  2. fuck off and find your own shit to crap on about FIRST FUCKHEADS oh look im first bigfoot isnt real i m a first fuck face i hate joe fuck off fucktards peace out

    1. ^^ Its 5:41 am, I drank until the bar closed and didnt want to be FIRST to leave so they had to throw me out and the bouncers name tag said Joe bluuuues!!

    2. ^ Is so "dumb" !!
      Joe thinks boy george is a race of sasquatch!

    3. ^ didn't know humans are primates.


    4. When and whereas did you get that impression FOOL!
      Lets see the link, redundant blowhole,
      Lol... ; )

    5. BIG BOSS OF A EVER SO DIM BULB joeSunday, November 30, 2014 at 7:01:00 PM PST

      By saying Boy George is a race of sasquatch is giving you a break!! According to your low IQ,, cro magnon is
      sasquatch! WELL so is Boy george. You are FAR to Stupid to even know what im talking about?? Huh Rope A Dope!

  3. Good Day to All Out There in BFE Land!

    1. If you genuinely wish to learn about this subject BS then this is the last place to be enlightened.

    2. Anonymous 5:17...It is my belief that a true student seeks information from every possible resource, so as to have a truly wide range view of things. This includes considering the viewpoints of others with whom I might not necessarily automatically agree and what others may consider propaganda. This is only one of many Bigfoot resources into which I tap. Besides, it's entertaining here. Ha!

  4. Could this be a mini, I mean very mini Bigfoot Stonehenge. Strange anomolies in the area suggest these may have been placed by a Bigfoot. For what purpose?

    I hope Mr. Brookreson and Dr. Squatch happen to look at this and weigh in with opinions as several pictures are attached to this report showing possible Sasquatch activity. Rock throwing and Samurai chatter is also addressed.

    1. DS is gonna love this!! I've had innumerable photos sent me from DS that's exactly like these!!

    2. Yeh I think he will JOE. Mike has also had some on his property. I too have found some, But Dr. Squatch has many pics I have received and made it his goal to interpret what they may mean. He may be in the woods today, weather is favorable, and if so I will re enter tomorrow for his opinions.

    3. Mike's got some awesome stuff on his channel.

    4. I haven't seen anything like that yet!?
      Opening day of deer is tomorrow, so I'll have some new pics for ya! I can only send one at a time for some reason, but better than nothing! BS email me if u would like to learn about tree formations!

    5. I'd like to see what Mike and Joe have.

    6. I thought you were talking about the hand on the tree Joe.

  5. To me this look like the hand print from Lovelock Cave that MK and Don Monroe found in the desert only to discover it had been vandalized later by persons unknown. Lately Chuck I've gone out with DC and found a ton of Chert and misc. Flint stone strikes and drawn etchings on large flint stones. I have no idea what they mean but there is a state certified Native American burial ground on the ranch and Dave says if you look on Google Earth and Town and Country there's a huge conflagration of noticeable trails that converge through the Guadalupe Basin smack dab in the middle of this tract im on. So if you find an area they are traveling through and marking and you are finding flint strike stones and hand axes and rock flips and tree twists then it's an area of significance whether it's abundant game, fresh water or perhaps even a burial spot. Id better go Chuck, sounds like it's time to start playing my flute. ;). Jethro Tull, beware...

  6. Actually it just occurred to me after reading that, that I've gone from chasing a monkey through the woods to looking at specific instances of an ancient Native American quasi culture based on not only caloric and resource sustainability but artifacts that allow heavy bone marrow extraction and access to things like hard nuts and fruit and yucca pulp. I'm finding scat right now that's almost all berries as well. In strange places like the fork of trees where they sit and observe.

    1. I see a lot of berries filled scat in weird places also, (on downed trees, forks, stumps) But I was told it was all raccoon, and due to the size, I concurred. BF scat is going to be 2x the size of ours, which I've seen a few times. I found 22' footprints, with a cow patty size scat behind the prints.

    2. I have found the cow patty looking scat DS in areas im absolutely certain no bovine has been. 19" is the max size I've ever found. DC taught me to check the beds of clear creeks for sometimes they will step in the middle to avoid detection. Good Stuff DC. Truly.

    3. Sorry DS. Was typing too fast. Have Joe get me your emai. I'd like to send you some stuff.

  7. Final thought. Imagine if you and I had to communicate over long distances and longer time increments what would we do. Bearing in mind that we had no smart phones. We would leave markers of mutual significance in areas of heavy common use for the other to find later in the form of a communication that we knew we both understood. In the same way I might put purple paint on a tree to let neighboring potential poachers know that should they take a deer on my land I'll smoke em like Castro's cigar. ;)

  8. I new if I put this out here there would be words of wisdom

  9. There's a researcher out there named Joe D Gallo. And he's on fire right now and he's using old school Footer techniques and combining them with some of these new methods and he's posting circles around the rest of us. Ahhhhh.... You can see, that I haven't quite gotten this stuff out of my system yet. Good Day to you all. M

  10. I just saw the link above, awesome pics, same as what I sent you guys! Last year I saw a similar rock formation coming out of the woods. I've never heard chatter, but last year I lost my buddy bear hunting, and I cupped my hands together, and yelled "VERN!!!!" I got 2 tree knocks, about 50 yards up the creek. My buddy was over a mile away from me, and he thinks its woodpeckers, which is hilarious!

    1. Woodpeckers. Ridiculous! They haven't even been proven to exist.

  11. Thought you would appreciate the tree stuctures and rocks formation. Pretty funny about the woodpeckers. Best of luck on deer hunt tomorrow and following days.

    1. Thanks Chuck...I just sent you a similar pic I took today.

  12. Does anyone have a authentic photo and or video of a Sasquatch that we all may see,just asking......


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