Turkey Hunter Bigfoot Video Zoomed and Stabilized

This video has been making the rounds lately, posted by a woman claiming to have witnessed two bigfoot while turkey hunting. Randy Filipovic posted this zoomed and stabilized version of the video. I believe all questions have been answered at this point.


  1. Huge news coming out of Ontario everyone stay tuned!!!

    1. Mike Patterson is releasing a track by his singing/talking/jivewalking bigfoot friends.

      'Mikey Baby I Love You' will be in the stores and available for download next week.

      The ideal Christmas gift


    2. What a joke how get two people in coats and hats into a Bigfoot.

  2. I hate to say it but i think it might be people after all and i may have been duped.One of the things that just made be suspicious is when the figure in the foreground bends down it leans against the tree with it's left arm and i don't bigfoot with it's strength would need to support it's self like that xx

    1. Don't worry about it Eva. We all hoped it would be genuine.

      So much crap being passed off as the real deal just now

      View everything here with a skeptical eye Eva. It's the only way to find the truth.


    2. because of the poor quality of the video a lot of people thought it was real but it's the hoaxers like that lady that hinder real research . One day we'll have a clear video of a real one .

    3. Whatever you gotta tell yourself...

    4. I would rather people admit that they were fooled than continue to insist something is genuine. This isn't even a guy in a suit, yet a youtuber has hundreds of fans telling him he nailed it.

  3. Did Joe find any bigfoots yet?

    1. Yes, he found two, after removing his boots.

  4. If bigfoot was a real species wouldn't there be plenty of clear photos and genetic material like we have for any other species on the planet?

    1. Wally Hershom and I have a huge collection, including 7 dead and 3 live specimens. We just like to look at them and giggle because nobody else knows!

  5. Searching "bigfoot video" on google returns 17 million results. So why is bigfoot not a confirmed species?

    1. Cause yous mommas bigfoot hasn't been found yous dumbass!

    2. The bigfoots are too intelligent to be confirmed. No one puts baby in the corner.

    3. The trolling on this site is exponentially superior to the evidence.

  6. That's no bigfoot I'm afraid. It's a chupapavo.

  7. I don't think this is legit . Why would a Bigfoot be out in brod daylight? Aren't Sasquatch suppose to be I don't know elusive I'm sorry but I don't buy it.

  8. Oh I forgot something the look a log like human movement and the way the look it looks like this person hosted so please respond if you agree!!!

    1. I would agree fully if I could only make out what it was you were trying to type with your mittens on.

  9. The Niqqer Stormtrooper Apocolypse Is Upon Us

    1. Thanks for sharing, your a real class act,

  10. ^^^^ Will this user be banned Shawn? Oh yea it's not personal is it.

  11. "I'm... So... Startled..." That says it all. She mimics Randy's scene from South Park almost perfectly. The desperation to believe every Bigfoot video that comes along as real has led most of you to be trolled again. Bigfoot enthusiast want so badly for these videos to be genuine that they will come up with all kinds of excuses to try and prove they are real... But but the ratios! What a joke.

  12. The bigfoot failed to invoke it's cloaking mechanism. This unproven species has been proven to be able to cloak. That's why we don't have clear pictures. They are too intelligent and they send their mind beams at the cameras to make cameras blurry. That's a proven fact. I just don't have the proof because the bigfoots are too intelligent to let anyone have proof.

  13. Actually, I think I see slenderman, right there in the middle. Can someone get the red circle tool out please.

  14. I'm still waiting for MK Davis to finish up with the results of his video rectal examination of those two dudes, that began as a gynecological exam.

  15. Geeeeeeeeeez folks, I need eye glasses(true)and have been putting off getting a eye test for them and even with out them when I watched this video for the very first time with out the analysis I knew it was anotherrrrrrrrrr hoax video, you can even see his/her gun barrel sticking up from his/her back.......

    1. ThinkerThunker fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I don't get it either.

    2. We don't need people with good eyesight around here !

      Come back when you suffer some kind of eye injury.

    3. You could probably just listen to the audio on this one and get that it wasn't genuine. Viewing it just confirms it.

  16. So much for ThinkerThunkers credibility.

    Pretty short lived.

    1. Some of his other videos were pretty questionable, but this one is really bad. All that insistence on ratios makes those theories seem less likely when he insists they apply here.

      On top of that you have the fact that he says there is a Bigfoot baby in this clip.


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