Todd Standing Was Actually Blown Away By This Hunter's Story

In June 5, 2001, Art Bell had Todd Standing on the line during the his show, Coast to Coast AM. The two were joined by a hunter identified under the name "Bugs" who recounted his experience shooting two Bigfoot over 30 years ago in Texas. Bugs, along with two other hunters, encountered two 7-8 ft. tall creatures, covered in reddish brown hair, that they shot at numerous times, thinking they were bears. After the creatures were killed they discovered they had shot one female and one male. I had "never seen nothing on this Earth that looked like them," said Bugs, who described the pair as being a cross between human and ape. Not wanting to be held responsible for the shootings, the hunters decided to cover-up the incident by burying the creatures. At the end of the interview, you can clearly hear it in Standing's voice that he was extremely distraught by the hunter's story. You can listen to Standing at the 9 minute mark:


  1. Replies
    1. DAVID COPPERFIELD FANCYS HIMSELF AS Quite the comely queer!! one can tell by the poofs tude ?????????????

  2. cheesus.. a story of story from a friend of a friend who knew somebody that knows somebodys uncle.

  3. Cue the "Art Bell has a map..." dude!

  4. Y'ALL!! This Bugs guy admitted online that it was all a hoax. It was several years back. He was on another bigfoot site stirring it up with racist and political garbage. In his angry fight with another poster it was found out who he was and that he was having a major jolly off the fact that he had pulled the wool over Art- and everyone elses eyes. I found the thread to that discussion on the BFF. Sorry dont know how to help get back to it though. If you spend some time sifting you can probably find it too. Anyway the fork was stuck in this one a long time ago.

    Do you think the ol fart comes here and trolls about racist and political garbage too?! Could be!

    1. Good investigative work on a program that is 12 1/2 years old. You mean to tell me Art Bell and Coast to Coast actually find people who come on that show and make up stuff? I'm sure a few people will be disillusioned at that.

    2. D Dover- if you weren't zinging me then I apologize for my comment above.


    3. It's been a little rough in here today :)


    4. Awee now I'm feeling like a jerk :(

      Sorry D Dover-


    5. Hello Chick,
      I'm glad that stories fake,any shot bigfoot is one too many.
      Is it still cold in Texas?xx

    6. I agree on that Eva. It was a terrible story. It was very cold here this morning. sunny during the day though. Hoping all is well for you Eva :)

  5. IT WAS IN 2007, NOT 2001. Standing totally flaked, and did not even answer the question. From Coast to Coast AM page:

    Protecting Bigfoot
    Date: 04-08-07
    Host: Art Bell
    Guests: Todd Standing
    Bigfoot investigator Todd Standing discussed his observations of large primate creatures, which his team has videotaped in a remote mountainous area. A kineticist who analyzed some of the video footage said that the creature moved faster than any human could.

    Standing believes these creatures are a species known as Gigantopithecus that are primarily nocturnal and particularly skillful at evading humans. Near their "domicile," they use a "day watcher" to keep an eye out while they are sleeping, he reported. Standing is promoting a petition to make Bigfoot a protected species, and the Canadian House of Commons is now considering it.

    During the last hour, "Bugs," a previous guest of Art's, phoned in to go over his account of shooting and burying two Bigfoot back in the 1970's, in the Texas Panhandle, while Standing reacted. The creatures, which Bugs and a fellow hunter initially thought were bears, had reddish-brown hair, nose and eyes similar to humans, and the female had breasts. He estimated the male was 8 and a half feet tall and weighed around 500 lbs.

  6. As Chick said, Regardless of when the show was, BUGS was a fake and it was proven so. So what ever Standing was reacting to, is not relevant.
    THanks Chick!!

  7. I'm guessing his last name is bunny.........

    1. Now that's funny!

      I did hear the original show and for the life of me I could not tell this guy was lying.

      His answers were just to quick. You would have had to play this story out in your mind 100 times to be able to answer all those questions without hesitation.

      Just saying he was the best story teller I ever heard.


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