The Sasquatch Plummet – A Review

Todd Neiss isn't done with the Sasquatch Summit, yet. Here's his brief review of what went down in Washington:

The "Sasquatch Summit" was one for the books: an eclectic hodge-podge of Science vs. Paranormal vs. Hoax (a.k.a. Good, Bad and Ugly) with a bit of inbreeding between them.

The Science came in the form of Meldrum, Bindernagel and Randles.

The Paranormal was brought to you by Thom "Mr. Glyph" Cantrell, Thom "Woo Woo" Powell.
The Ugly was Todd Standing (a.k.a. Todd Rockwell) whose 40-minute rant about how he is #1 in Bigfoot research and unfairly criticized; followed by an impressive rapid-fire name dropping session parroting "John Bindernagel", "Jeff Meldrum" and "Les Stroud" at least 50 times...each!

That’s 40 minutes of my life I will never get back.

These were his A-team, bought and paid for, to join him at his magical "research" area in Alberta (Sylvanic-Lite). It was an obvious exercise in being able to use their names in his upcoming hoaxed video (hence the inbreeding). They all took the bait and have been frantically backpedaling ever since.

Host Johnny Manson's line up was peculiarly...well...peculiar. Well played sir!

Next year may I suggest: Jane Goodall, Arla Williams and Tom Biscardi?

I need a drink.


  1. Replies
    1. that's your upper lip numbnuts

    2. EXACTLY!!! everyone of these bigfoot people are so jealous of the next. Not only that they each are FIRM in their belief of what they are, what they do, what they eat, how they act, etc. ...but no one has studied them on a day to day bases!!! That why I have never told anyone associated with a bigfoot anything about the one that I have in my freezer..just kidding, my encounter. I tend to believe Todd maybe not all but for goodness sakes there are not many that do not embellish!!! Happy Thanksgiving All safe travels and keep ur eyes open for ur own experience.

  2. Wow, just lost a bit of respect for Neiss. It's understandable that you think Standing is a hoaxer, but that's yet to be proven and we still have yet to see what all his hype is about. You're going to look retarded if he found real proof "I doubt it but still". Clearly Meldrum saw something to give him a little faith in Standing and we should at least give him the benefit of the doubt.

    1. Yes, clearly Meldrum saw something - $$$.

    2. What $$$?Does Meldrum want a cut of that $900 bucks that Standing has gotten so far?

    3. Meldrum charges $5K I think. There's your wonderful scientist, bought and paid for. Viva la Academia!

      I'll feed you crap for 1/10th of that.

    4. Because scientists should just go in the woods for free with whoever thinks they can find a Bigfoot.

    5. If a well know scientist will destroy their name/reputation for $5000, then they have bigger problems. Like hooker and blow problems.

    6. Anon 5:24, Just one question and one question only I ask you.

      Not one picture of any thing except the muppet heads. We're not talking about a deer here, We're talking the big thing, Proof that Bigfeet live and he could only get a shot of the heads with his camera????

      You telling me he had undeniable proof of bigfoot and the only pictures you take, are of them zoned out on crack cocaine? Along with the magic tunnel to the far off land of bigfeet? Get real. If you believe that standing is not lying because some other well respected moron in the bigfoot community has a little faith in him, then I got a bridge in San Fran I'll sell you on the cheap.

    7. I didn't say I believed him..Don't put words in my mouth. But that's what you guys do I suppose. I said to see what the he has before you start bashing the shit outta him. I think what he brought in the past looks strange, but so does 99% of everything else bigfooters bring to the table.

    8. If someone has to prove to you that Standing is hoaxer, you probably qualify for social security disability. This is what happens when a country decides to put education on the back burner.

    9. Believing in Bogfoot in the first place is so much better?

    10. Regardless of what Standing did in the past. Hoax or not, are you saying if he dropped a dead bigfoot on your lap, you wouldn't believe its a bigfoot, cause Standing hoaxed before.

    11. By definition, a hoaxer is not looking for bigfoot and, in fact, doesn't believe in any of it. The hoaxer is only trying to take advantage of the phenomenon for financial reasons. So yes, it's absurd to think that the hoaxer might stumble onto the real thing.

    12. Anon 6:05, You said to give him the benefit of the doubt, so in essence you have some faith in him. SO yes you believe him.

  3. Tod Neiss has more character than all of you trolls!

    1. Sure he does...he's a legend in his own mind...just ask him

    2. As the real Mrs. Diane Neiss......please stop impersonating me. I did not write the above comment. Don't piss me off......

  4. What a dysfunctional community !!

    1. It's understandable when everyone has there own version of what they think Bigfoot is and what it is capable of. When there is no real evidence to point to, everyone gets to voice their pet theories. Then there are the scammers and self deceivers. It's a mess, I agree.

    2. There are a few good researchers. Sweaty Yeti, Grape Ape and Oran-Putin to name three.

  5. So Standing wants everyone to believe that he got within yards of the highly elusive bigfoot to get sharp HD video, and then it just remained calm and stared off into the distance posing for him, acting completely unaware he was there.

    But of course it also 'blinks' for him, using the whole side of its forehead like there's a hook on a string pulling it down.

  6. I'm looking forward to not attending, Sasquatch Clewster Feuken 2015, either. As it appears that I did not miss a thing at 2014.

    1. don't miss Sasquatch Symposium and Car Wash at Fort Shennanigan, Col.

  7. Todd Standing will go down in history as the father of modern bigfooting. Rene Dahinden was his great uncle from a previous marriage.

  8. Shawn: I do not care about the Summit. Not much interesting was shown there. But what about the Standing film showing in Seattle yesterday? No news about that?

  9. Fraud Standing......wonder how many naive dummies will jump on his bandwagon only to be mis-lead as usual.

    1. you are probably one of those nerdy wisenheimers, who, at the age of 14, used to tell his better looking and less nerdy friends, "please forget about these girls, they are stupid, not interested in computers and in the end they just will use and mis-lead you.." Just because you knew no girl was interested in you.You know what? In the end the girls had used and mis-lead all of your friends, but until then your friends had all the fun in the world!!! I can imagine that when a girl broke with one of your friends, you sat in your bedroom and told yourself "I told you SO, you naive dummy! But no girl can fool me! NEVER EVER!"

  10. Ever notice how the haters have to talk about testicles, group people on social security as some type of idiots (which I might add I am on and would not wish my disability on anyone), belittle others, etc. This is called lack of understanding the English language which we learn in school. Just opened myself up for a English major hater HUH?? Oh well I have the shoulders to take it..

  11. Might I be so bold as to suggest that next year, they hold a seance and bring back Roger Patterson for a little chat. I am sure that he has some good off color jokes that will keep everyone in stitches. And of course, he can teach M.K. Davis a thing or two about being caught on the business end of a 6 shooter. It'll be a hoot.

  12. For more in depth review of the Sasquatch Summit:


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