New Breakdown Video: Boys Interrupted By Bigfoot While Shooting Hoops

Phil tackles a video where two young men are playing some basketball at home in their driveway, when all of a sudden a strange and ominous howl rings out from the nearby forest. The two brave youngsters go to investigate the source of the howl, when all of a sudden...


  1. Shawn, why do you bother showing this crap!

  2. I'm waiting for MK to stabilize. Looks promising.

    1. MK reckons that the BF slipped on the basketball and died a horrible death. The kids buried the body and sent Art Bell a map!!

    2. I'm waiting for MK to perform a video rectal examination, and diagnose benign polyps or something else completely off the wall, and well beyond our capability for comprehending the sort of mind that could come up with crap like that. But hey, that's just me.

    3. Sorry MK not accepting new patients at this time. You can try the prison hospital though.

  3. thats a BIGFOOT or iam a FOOL !!!

  4. matt k see's an opening to yet again push this poling horseshyt on us......just have to ask why?

    1. It makes Michael Merchant jealous. That's good enough for me.

    2. Did Poling and Merchant break up?

    3. Why are we watching this crap you ask? Hope on board the money clicking whore train.

  5. I'm calling fake on this one,like i think every shadow and leaf is a bigfoot!....Pleeease :) xx

  6. dem white boyz cant play b ball

  7. There's a red circle. That means the research is complete.

  8. thank God for self promoting 'experts' breaking this down
    I was convinced giant ape people were in my back garden


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