Hiker Photographs a Bear Right Before It Kills Him!

A New Jersey man is dead after not heeding the warnings of fellow hikers about a bear in the area. Before the attack occurred the man was able to take several photos of the bear with his cell phone, which have now been released to the public.

According to the New York Daily News, Rutgers University Student Darsh Patel was out on a hike through the West Milford nature preserve with four friends when he was fatally mauled by a 300-pound black bear. His cell phone was recovered after the attack, and along with having bite marks of its own, it had pictures of the ferocious creature on it as well.

Patel’s group had encountered a man and a woman who were leaving the preserve and warned them that there was a bear roaming the area and advised them to stay out, according to authorities. However, they failed to heed the couple’s warning, and they first came across the bear from about 100 feet away as Patel snapped his photos, but little did they realize it was stalking them.

As the bear approached, the group turned around and walked away, but the bear followed. It closed in on a distance of about 15 feet before the members of the group split up and ran in different directions, but only four were able to escape to call 911.

Unfortunately, it was too late. When the group last saw Patel, he was climbing a rock with the bear giving chase. They said Patel screamed for them to keep going.

To read the entire article, including the collection of photos, click here. 

Photo taken by Patel before his death


  1. A lot of people regard Black Bears as not very dangerous or at least in a different league than Grizzlies. While that may be true to a degree, it's obviously doesn't mean that aren't to be respected. That's a bad way to go.

  2. he should have used those moves the guys in alaska do. just fist fight him like a brawl. it could of saved him.

  3. Hiker photographs Mike Brown right before it kills him !

    1. To soon... to soon. Now saying something like "according to Obama those are unaccompanied shoppers, not looters" is some funny sh*t.

  4. You don't got to be faster than the bear, just faster than your buddy

    1. If you are thinking, be sure to trip your buddy. If he ends up escaping in the end, it can be awkward afterwards- but hey it's all about survival.

  5. Damn it, he could have at least taken some better photos of the bear.

  6. Glock 20 with some hot rounds from Underwood = what bear?

  7. First pic with bear and open mouth grizzly not black bear..

  8. Chalk this one up to the influence of social media and smartphones. Technology is deadly.

  9. It looks like the bear broke off a tooth and could use a root canal. That probably has him in a bad mood, pretty much every waking moment.


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