Henry May's Open Letter To Jeff Meldrum

Has Dr. Jeff Meldrum fallen from grace? From the sounds of things, it certainly seems that way. Things have been bothering Henry May enough that he posted this open letter to Dr. Meldrum urging the good doctor to disassociate from Todd Standing. Though May believes Standing has a legit location, he maintains that Standing is a hoaxer.


  1. Replies
    1. Nickajak Lake.

      Hey PJ, you should pay up and watch Search For Lost Giants episodes online. It's right up your alley. I foresee you including it in your worn-out repertoire.

    2. Henry hasn't left that chair in a long time. Henry get a diet and don't worry about Dr. Meldrum and start worrying about your soon to be health problems. Maybe you could leave your lazy-boy and go look for the sasquatch people yourself.

    3. Hey Danny! I'm very much looking forward to seeing it, but wasn't aware that you could do that, so thanks for the heads up.

      Have a good Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    4. Sorry, I meant Thursday... I'm tired, and that goes to everyone.

    5. Get some rest old friend. It's going to be a long holiday season. Dan. Long time no see my brother. Id personally like to see the Vereira brothers get their masonry tools and jack the Smithsonian, pin one of those bow tied academians against the door and demand the skeletons!

  2. Eat a Snickers Henry, your a real whiney biotch when your hungry!

    1. Larry May, you cite the report by Poling and Falconer that Jeff Meldrum should read, but maybe you should read this evaluation of their report. If the link doesn't work copy and paste it for a search.


    2. Dover, you have set standards of proper scepticism that should be an example to the entire community. I congratulate you on your work, and if you have any more I would very much like to read it.

  3. Taking somebody's area ? Come on

    This is research pure and simple


    1. Not sure what it is like in Canada only assume similar to US and those forest when not privately held belong to either the Provincial or Canadian Federal Government or in some cases First Nations People and would be open to all subject to the laws that govern behavior. For Meldrum I would say go to where the evidence leads you. Same for Bingernagle.

    2. Naive old men, swiftly becoming irrelevant.

    3. Let's see what they've got... Then you can judge to your hearts content.

    4. I see what I've got, no need for them.

    5. Private and tribal land needs to be respected, naturally. Public land is another story. Go where the evidence is.

      The prize for confirmation is enormous so feelings could get hurt or worse. But so be it. Spoils to the victor

      Personally I hope it's some little old lady who defends her garden from the big guy with a broom and a good video camera. That would be great


    6. I agree MMC. That would be the best of all. Maybe Timothy Peeler's moma.

  4. Meldrum is a greedy little man. Will do/say anything for money.

    1. It's a shame to see Meldrum fall prey to accusations because you hate the company he keeps.

      Meldrum shows courage several ways, from not being afraid to be the ridiculed by his scientific peers; most of which will not cross that PC line even if they believe, and it seems he's not afraid to not tow the line with the rabid Standing haters.

    2. I think he likes attention...The spotlight is currently on Standing, because of Stroud, so Meldrum is Todd.s new BFF....Sad...

    3. I think he's not perturbed by one of the most competitive, dollar chasing, jealous ridden, backstabbing and hate breeding fields on the planet, and basically rises above the soap opera of it all... And... Very obviously, has inside knowledge on something. We've already seen that there is going to be physical evidence presented in a reconstruction that's soon to be presented to the community, who knows what else MIGHT unfold.

    4. Also Meldrum and Bindernagle are use to getting a lot of abuse from their peers. I imagine they are pretty thick skinned. Time will tell.

    5. Meldrum falls prey for many other reasons. To assume that he doesn't know Standing is a hoaxer is making and ass out of you and yourself. You hold him in such high regard it would take a lot to knock him off his pedestal. That will happen in time but Meldrum associating with Standing is by far not the only questionable thing hes done. You can look at it like, maybe they are so convinced that there is a Sasquatch, that they are taking certain liberties with film and evidence in order to obtain funds and equipment that they can then use to obtain proof. However thats not the right way to do it. Thats a gamble because if the roof gets blown off this Standing hoax before that happens then anything they do obtain outside of a actual specimen will be criticized even worse than anything they have produced to this point. I find Meldrum's and Bindernagle's language of their involvement in this extremely stand offish and it doesnt take a PHD to figure out why. Soon you will see that this is nothing but a circus and you all will be scrambling to to come up with excuses to defend Meldrum.

    6. Yes, yes, yes, yes... Wait and see what they've got, you come across so threatened it's unreal. I think you would ADORE a situation where should that indeed happen that we would be resorted to making excuses, you've been told innumerable times that should Standing's alleged evidence not stand up to what it's been hyped to, then nobody will scrutinize more than us.

      Please remember, that at this stage you are an unqualified anonymous poster that hasn't the slightest idea what is due to be presented... And you sir, have far more of a self perpetuated scenario to find excuses for should Standing actually turn out to deliver.

      I guess that's why some people pipe up under anonymity eh?

    7. Mike : "Bartender, id like to buy another round for a few of your patrons...." "Id like one for the little old lady who defended her garden with a broom, as well as the unqualified anonymous poster ". "Is that all Mike?" " ahhhhh what the hell, put one on there for the young nubile playmate who defended her photo shoot with her wire bra as well.....haters gotta hate, players gotta play ". ;)

    8. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Thanks for the footage Mike, exciting times my friend!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!

    9. I sent you a piece this am that Claerr recorded at night called Howl Serenade. It's interesting. There's also the rock etchings that David found and MK chimed in tho am that he likes it. It's picked up so much I invited him and Kelly Shaw down as well. Hope they can make it. It's been a year since I've seen it. Regardless stay in touch and thanks for archiving this. Eric and I both got our phones stolen a week ago. Funny part was, they used Eric's old 5 constantly after the theft. But when they saw the pics and heard the audio downloaded on my 6+, they never touched it again. ;)

    10. Hey DSA. Point of Parliamentary procedure. You remember that old Alpine speaker print that had the guy in the chair listening to the stereo as the wind gusted towards him. What I'm saying my darling, is that I've got some things down here that will literally blow your hair back. ;)

    11. nice recordings Mike, but is bigfoot saying to you come over and see my etchings? Don't leave your drink unattended

    12. Don't think Meldrum is in it for the money. Why is anyone on here? Because they are interested in sasquatch.

  5. That thigh subduction though.

    Whole of the bigfoot religion obliterated.

    1. Well, that is a little subtle and a bit objective. Many photos of existing primates show strange folds in the skin and coat...Try this: There is no such thing as frigging Bigfoot, therefore the film is a hoax......

    2. http://bigfootforums.com/index.php/topic/2599-patty-and-the-subducting-thigh-line/

      Psuedoskepticism is a fundamental, quasi-religion.

    3. "How would you explain this crazily weird rectangular patch of fur on this gorilla's right abdomen side? To all intents and purposes it looks like a spot where the 'suit' has been patched up with new material.......yet that's a real gorilla and not a man in a suit. There have been all sorts of real authentic images posted here of apes with fur lines in strange places that don't make sense."
      - Kerchak from the BFF

    4. Quoting kerchak? Hahahaha oh dear.

    5. "Here is another example of a line in the hair at the top of the outer thigh, especially at the 4:33 to 4:45 time. It doesn't move as much as we see in the above examples from the PGF but it does move, then again it is walking on all fours."
      - Washingtonian from the BFF


    6. The difference between the multiple weird lines on Patty's upper leg/butt and the lines visible in the gorilla videos is obvious, as is the difference between the fur which looks natural from every angle on the gorilla but not so on Patty. To compare these two lines is intellectually dishonest or perhaps believers are so blinded by their desire to believe that they can no longer see the obvious?

    7. You're addressing a group of people that need to be shown concrete proof that this is a hoax.


      These same group of people think that you are being paid by the government to disrupt their lives. Not to mention a large amount of conspiracy theories. They are devoid of common sense, its the same as talking to elementary school kids. You really can just applaud their imagination, thats all you can do.

    8. Sorry... To compare the lines to that of a biological entity is pure and simply the only thing someone objectively looking to ascertain answers CAN do, and I find it mind boggling that now that your argument has been shown to have a very natural explanations that you should suggest that anyone else is being 'intellectually dishonest'? Sounds like 'excuses' to me.Your maintained subjective and highly rhetorical drivel that every angle on Patty looks unnatural can quite easily be demonstrated to be as equally fruitless, especially in the areas of the buttocks, here;


      ... Page 15, where Munns demonstrates precisely that what we see in Patty are in fact natural fat deposits, skin folds and on other parts of the subjects anatomy, clear muscle groupings.

      Seeing things 'obvious' from such an author of a comment like yours is grossly audacious, sir.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. "There are a number of subjective elements to this paper (Poling and Falconer), including the paper's claim of the lack of a caruncula lacrimalis in the corners of the eyes of the video 4 subject. Humans and all primates have that. However, the resolution of the blown-up image of the photo shopped head is not good enough to be conclusive. In the paper it is Fig. 01.02. Moreover, the image they used to show a lack of caruncula lacrimalis is an image that is photoshopped by a man named Alex Putney to show what the subject might look like if the branches were removed, and the area of the caruncula lacrimalis on the right eye is created on a computer, and they therefore use a made up image to point an arrow to showing the lack of anatomy.

      The photo below (the one in the link posted by 6:44), which shows the image before and after it was photo shopped, demonstrates what Mr. Putney did, unsolicited by Todd Standing, to extrapolate what the face might look like if it was unobstructed by foliage. He sent it to Mr. Standing who did post it.

      The paper also made the following statement using the photoshopped head as its reference:

      4. "The anatomy of the Video 4 subject's eyelids is exceedingly simple and uniform, having more in common with a toy than a living animal, suggestive of a sculpture rather than real anatomy."

      Again, the paper included the above statement just below Fig. 01.02 of the photoshopped head, saying the eyelids are too uniform and look sculpted. Indeed, Mr. Putney created the upper eyelids of both eyes himself. The only eyelids he didn't create on a computer is the left lower eyelid and part of the lower right eyelid. The authors of the paper are claiming the eyelids look like something someone created on a prop, when in fact they are critiquing what Mr. Putney created on a computer. At the end of the paper the authors acknowledge they are aware it is a photoshopped image."


      Please, there are plenty of people enthusiastic about this subject that have clear doubts about the photographs, but quite simply have a far higher standard of scepticism than you, 6:44, and if you have a means to conclusively verify those doubts, please post it to help us out. If not, then please do not post rubbish based on inaccurate data, that's being as 'deceitful' as you claim anyone has been.

    11. The original film is missing. Until its found you cant conclusively say anything about the subject. Thats Munns and Meldrums opinion. Other people look at this and see other things.
      And if you are wondering why his published paper never made shockwaves, outside of Sasquatch land heres why.

    12. Sorry! As long as there is easily accessible data in the existing footage, then there is plenty of basis to conduct scientific analysis, and ASSUMING that there is relevant data on a source not traceable, and claiming that existing data cannot represent anything as a result is as anti-scientific as you can get, and merely an EXCUSE, dear boy. Please, show me hip waders that account for what we see on page 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 here;


      ... Then you'll have a point against clear as day data. As for your link about Meldrum's work, I am still waiting for a response that I posted here to you;


      ... The first time you posted it. This is how it works, you post an argument, I post a counter argument, it is now your turn to counter that, it's kind of how adult debate works... And you still haven't proved any of your points.

    13. LOL and this would be why most people know you're as big of a fraud as nay of them.
      "and if you have a means to conclusively verify those doubts, please post it to help us out."
      From your mouth
      "This has been addressed, you need to read properly. Think of the words you are using; 'conclusively'. You need a body to be conclusive... "
      And thats why we dont argue with attention seeking children.

    14. Yawn....
      Maybe you cant read. No debate is needed here. If you would have read through
      You would see why I, and mostly everyone in the scientific community have no interest in

      And in case you are still floundering to understand that


      "and if you have a means to conclusively verify those doubts, please post it to help us out."

      Please, if you have any means of showing me that Meldrum is reviewing data that is conclusively from a Sasquatch, be sure to post it to help us out. Until that point you and your little meltdowns are irrelevant. No need to thank me for showing it yet again, it was my pleasure.

    15. DSA. I'm dedicating this one to you. "My face above the water, my feet can't touch the ground (touch the ground) and it feels like, I can see the sand on the horizon every time, you are not around ........ I'm slowly drifting (drifting away) wave after wave, wave after wave, I'm slowly drifting, and it feels like I'm drowning, pulling against the steam, pulling against the stream."

    16. "and if you have a means to conclusively verify those doubts, please post it to help us out."

      ... Regarding Standing's photographs. Please, go ahead and post it over I'd be happy to read it... Never seems to materialise though, does it buddy?

      "This has been addressed, you need to read properly. Think of the words you are using; 'conclusively'. You need a body to be conclusive... "

      ... Yes. As was described in the simplest of terms, allow me to show you again. If you have morphologically confirmed unknown primate hair, but without medulla to sequence that hair, then you merely don't have the means to conclusively callsify that hair, not that the unknown primate hair doesn't exist. Again... This was put to you and I'm still awaiting a response.

      Ok... Here;
      ... You posted your Meldrum link, and this was my response;
      "j*********d verifiedMonday, November 17, 2014 at 4:38:00 AM PST
      And in turn taken apart in two seconds by me...
      No evidence that Paul Freeman was a hoaxer and the point used where Freeman is a self admitted hoaxer was in fact a segment from a TV interview where Freeman nodded to hoaxing tracks, when the footage cuts off you do not see him explain that he made false tracks to test those that he attained under genuine circumstances.
      The dermal ridges that Grover Krantz had published were seen to be in the actual impressions pre-casting and are not anomalies of casting processes. This lends credence to other dermal ridges that have been verified by a long line of experts far exceeding the credentials of those making imitated dermals under LABORATORY environments.
      Fossil record; we only have a few teeth for six million years worth of time chimps and gorillas have resided on the African continent, and we also have 150 years worth of giant skeletal remains documented in the US.
      Glad I could help.
      j********d verifiedMonday, November 17, 2014 at 5:43:00 AM PST
      I'll also add...
      The circumstances around the man made fibres that Freeman presented as legitimate are not known, and he may well have acquired them unbeknownst and trusting of the source.
      If Krantz, Titmus and Meldrum were hoaxed with tracks, then I wonder how many wildlife biologists and anthropologists analysing sources from other subjects would be so easily hoaxed by people trying to sabotage them? The truth is that this has been used to move forward in identifying such in future casts analysed.
      Lastly, Meldrum's Giganto across the Bering Bridge theory has no doubt evolved (self corrected like all good science), as Meldrum is now of the mindset that Sasquatch are relict hominids, and the source itself agrees that human migrations came via this route.
      That is all."

    17. As usual... And you can open the link yourself, I'm still waiting for a reply to those comments. Also... If you actually taken the time to agknowledge this link;
      ... You'd know that it's about Surface Anatomy of the PGF, and nothing that's brought up on your link? You're embarrassing yourself now.


      As for your last link, if you go to the exact same Bigfoot evidence page, I'm response to you, I posted this... And guess what? I'm still awaiting a response from you;

      "j*******d verifiedMonday, November 17, 2014 at 4:31:00 AM PST
      If we can't prove his research wrong, let's find inconsistencies in his presentations, eh? Career tarnishing. If he profits off his work, then that's fine in most people's books and no different to other professionals who do so. If you were an author and at the centre of a research field, you may get a little lazy and forget to update your touring discussion material, for dates that have already been booked in advance and left you with little time in a busy schedule to do so over a period of a few months, it means little about the credibility of said researcher and certainly doesn't mean he's not deserving of making some money from his hard work. I would say the link up top needs to grow a pair and counter his work, it's funny that how so "obviously psuedoscientific" his work is... They have to invest so much time and hard work looking for things like that as opposed to putting their efforts towards actually debunking his work. Funny that."

      And lastly... The basis is which I present you a source where Meldrum is studying data that could conclusively be from a Sasquatch, depends on you growing a pair and responding to the comments you still fail to contend with... And you still haven't proved any of your points.

      : )

    18. Joe,,, All little over compensating Rednecks tend to drive them BIG MONSTER TRUCKS, To help them deal
      With thier inadequatsies!!!
      One cannot discount the parallel that you present with your 5000 word cut & paste comments to overcompensate for your lack of IQ & masculinity??
      Joe = : (
      BIG BOSS MAN= ; ))))))

    19. ^Too dumb to realize that Boy George,Andre the Giant,& and the dude with the weird hairdo in Flock of Seagulls! Is in Fact a SASQUATCH...

    20. 5:42... Says he who hasn't got an argument anymore and at best, hurls abuse? Neither of you have responded to those comments, and I'm not the one that didn't know humans were primates.

      : )

  6. Good lord. He looks like Cartman in the World of Warcraft episode. MORE HOT POCKETS!!

  7. Good Lord Henry....try jazzercise

    1. His second chin is the only thing keeping that massive melon from snapping off and falling into his lap. Which must be a good 5 feet wide by the way.

    2. Lay off. Henry is a nice guy.

    3. Holy hippos batman....Henry may be fatter than fasano.. I think it's a toss up

  8. You'll get an obvious Muppet head and you'll pay up and you'll like it.

  9. Henry May looks like he's eaten several bigfoot,just this morning.
    I got a problem listening to anyone too fat to get off the couch.Who cares what you think from your couch?

  10. "The skeptics need to start understanding how this science thing works. (So do a lot of scientists, so don't bring them into this.) Any thesis put forward for consideration must be backed by evidence. The proponents believe Patterson for a reason William of Occam would appreciate. (Hint: don't misuse William in your reply. Oh, you will.) So you need a body. Do you have the body of plate tectonics? Do you have the body of evolution? Do you have the body of gravitation? Do you understand how you are getting slam dunked here? (Hint: you do not.) Hairy hominoids are just about as proven as those things are, and if you don't understand that, you really don't understand how this science thing works." - DWA

    Oh boy welcome to footery indeed. Does it get anymore retarded. So aparently bigfoot is as proven as gravity and evolution. Wow just wow. What a deluded simpleton. I almost feel bad for laughing at him.

    1. Every source of evidence short of modern type specimen...

      Occam's Razor.

    2. http://scienceblogs.com/developingintelligence/2007/05/14/why-the-simplest-theory-is-alm/

    3. No genetic information on them.

      Not even close to "every source," you mockery of a Welshman.

    4. Sorry, 6:26... Would you like me to post you some countering links that show how Occam's Razor is good science? I can assure you if we had a 'post off', yours would be lost beneath the rubble.

      6:32... In fact, if we share the same DNA as Sasquatch, we may have sequenced their DNA long before now and not realised it... This being even more unnoticed by a field greatly preoccupied with isolating the DNA of a whole new taxonomy. This would be in line with ancient versions of us that share our exact DNA, but have longer limbs, different skull morphology, etc.

      Don't get so upset.

    5. You can if and wish all you desire, doesn't change the fact there is zero genetic information. In fact there is next to nothing scientifically known about Sasquatch. That is a fact unable to be budged.

    6. The notion that there is no genetic information on Sasquatch is subjective depending on your stance on what Sasquatch are. In fact, and in begging to differ, we know a considerable amount due to the application of plenty of tried and tested scientific methods, your 'facts' are quite clearly either rhetorical or naive of such.

      Sit tight sir, you never know what's just around the corner in this day and age.

      ; )

    7. How - how DARE you quote me directly!

  11. an open letter from a rotund man on a lazy boy chair... I'm sure this will rock Meldrum's world. hahaha.

  12. More like Hefty May, amirite?

  13. Geeeez. So uncomfortable to watch.


    1. That should have been a private letter if truly between friends. Otherwise it's just stirring the pot and looking for attention


  14. The last I heard anything about this waste of flesh, was that he was on a diet and lost 50 pounds. Looks like he found that 50 + another 20

    1. Yea really, he should be worried about his cholesterol and not what Meldrum is doing.That fat ass hasn't left his room, let alone looked for a Bigfoot himself.

  15. The letter is only open till his lunch is wrapped in it.......then it's history ....along with 2 dozen eggs,2 chickens and a Casaba melon.

  16. Wow dude, as a friend may I suggest putting down the soda can or diet soda can and drink a glass of water.

    I thought Melbrum and Les kept a proper distance from Standing.

  17. I am an expert in puppetry and own the first 4 seasons of the muppet show on dvd which is why I wouldn't pay one red cent for anything Standing puts out. Been there, done it, got the Elmo shirt

  18. Henry has some interesting pictures behind him but that room has to smell, he needs some VA GI NA GUD, that'll fix him up

  19. Why do so many bigfooters look like this guy?

  20. No one has proved Standing is a hoaxer, just because you guys say he is a hoaxer is pretty weak. Lets see some evidence that proves he is, oh wait you can't. Lets see , chewbaca, the muppets, elmo, freddie kruger were all done by professionals and your saying Standing could pull off those as masks,lol. Not likely.

    1. That's an incredibly weak argument. It's been pointed out that this his sister or wife (partner with last name "Standing") is a professional. There's plenty of evidence that points that to Todd being a hoaxer. It's not like it's an unpopular conclusion either.

    2. Simultaneously with Todd claiming that his sister is not a makeup artist, she lists on Linkedin that she IS A MAKEUP ARTIST! Which creates a bit of a quandary.

    3. 2:29... What 'weak', is cherry picking information. Todd has been very open about saying a lot of things to distance himself from the Sasquatch research field in order to get work. Ever put down a few things on your resume you shouldn't have?

    4. Todd Standing doesn't have the money to create an animatronic bigfoot face that blinks. I dont think many people actually realize the costs of such a thing.... It being a real bigfoot would be more believable than a middle class man spending that much money on a doll in order to hoax a very small community.

  21. Only a complete moron would suggest that Professor Meldrum has fallen from grace. End of story.

    1. The fact that a lot of top Bigfooters bring up the question would indicate that you are wrong.

  22. who the fuck is henry mays? this fatass is a nobody. His opinon doesn't matter


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