Happy Thanksgiving! Is This is Turkey or a Bigfoot?

It's that time of year again! Like always, we're going to throw this video out there and see how many people actually believe this footage from Provo Canyon Utah is a turkey.


  1. Replies
    1. Happy Thanksgiving, SuperFriends, Trolls and all!

    2. Happy Thanksgiving Uno and to all!!! And YES!!!!

    3. A Happy Thanksgiving. Agree this one is most likely a bigfoot. Go Lions, get yourselves back on track.

    4. Chuck we need the next 3 to have any chance at the playoffs. Happy turkey day to all of fine folks on here...I watched the copper heist show seems a stretch.You get a chance to yet?

    5. Happy Thanksgiving to all....Hope everyone has a great day....

    6. Hey Bobby Lane, or is it the ghost of Bobby Lane. Have not looked at it as yet, but by golly it is at the top of my list to do. Appreciate the reminder.

    7. Go Uno!!!! Great first!

      Morning Chuck, Joe and all!!!


    8. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Shawn I caught your image with Kipp and Rictor and the crew on that new show and I'll watch. Happy Thanksgiving to you my man and to the cast of characters you indulge on this blog. It's been a fun place to play for a long time and at times can be wickedly funny. M

    9. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
      Hope it's a plentiful feast for all!
      Mike H.

    10. Happy Trolls !! Thanksgiving and all !

  2. It's either Mike "Swisher Sweet" Brown hiding out from the news reporters or it's Moochelle O'butthole looking for stalks of Kale for her (wink, wink) salads!

    1. It's Thanksgiving. Give your racism and stupidity the day off.

    2. Priceless.....Gut Splitting......Fall Out Of My Chair Laughing......at 1:26

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Proof? You don't know the meaning of the word... Allow me to demonstrate... The subject in the PGF has extended toes;

    "The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary defines dorsiflexion as "the turning of the foot or the toes upward". As physical therapist Kevin Cooney has explained to me, ankle dorsiflexion is one of the actions required to clear the foot during swing phase of gait, as well as setting up heel strike for initial contact with the ground. "

    "Physical therapist Kevin M. Cooney, who specializes in gait at a biomechanics lab, has pointed out to me that humans who have limited ankle dorsiflexion due to calf muscle tightness often compensate for this limitation using increased toe extension to maximize swing foot clearance so they don't trip. When comparing the Patterson-Gimlin film to the actor in the suit (see diagram below), it appears the animal has more of a "foot flat" contact onto the ground with toes hyper-extended, whereas the person in the suit has exaggerated ankle dorsiflexion and a heel strike at contact. If the Patterson Film subject was a person in a suit, then it would have had ankle dorsiflexion rather than the abnormal toe hyper-extension in the film (as demonstrated by the diagram below). It would have been very difficult to replicate this toe hyper-extension in the large "clown shoes" which must have been worn if this was a costume, as the subject's feet were measured between 14 and 15 inches long."


    Now then... To your "hanging fabric" that does in fact raise a very interesting point... When we look at the feet of the Siberian Almasty, we see exactly the same type of hanging hair fibres. You may have just provided an excellent observation that supports the authenticity of both subjects!! Thanks very, very much!!

  5. Interesting gif there. Never seen that before. That pretty much seals it as a costume.

  6. Yea that pretty much confirms it. I am not sure how that loose fabric can be explained away.


    Big Jim jr. aka Big Jon is STILL getting pwned for saying this was a turkey.

  8. And this gif explanes why Joe always posts "ZZZZZZZ"


  9. Are you serious? Ha ha ha ha ha!! I think you'll find, the only time this comment section has touched on anything remotely scientific, is through my posts that show you that the feet of the subject in the PGF are not synthetic clown feet.

    No, no... The pleasure's all mine.


  11. Oh... And I do seem to remember an argument for a hair braid, that was seen in consecutive frames, that it was a film anomaly?

    You people need to keep train of your own vomits when religiously scrambling the earth to support your little reassurances.

    : )

  12. 4:13... Your argument? Oh, and if you didn't notice, you appear to have helped verify another video source that shows consistency of hair fibres on the leg of said subjects, keep up the good work guys... And keep telling yourselves your lack of counter arguments are 'my meltdowns'.

    He, he.

  13. Joe's comments twist reality to better suit his own preconceived notions. That is the opposite of scientific.

  14. Ha ha ha ha!!

    Do you ever stop to actually read the audacity of your hypocritical comments? Sorry... Challenge my points, grow a pair or go away. It's people like you who are so lucky they're anonymous, you'd get the Mickey taken out of you so badly.



    It's an illegal looking for his Welfare, Medicaid, and Democrat Voter Registration!
    It's as plain as day!
    Better call in the greasy haired pill popper, retarded hippie, nasty lesbo, and the douche bag; otherwise known as FB; and make sure.

    1. So....which one is the douche bag?

    2. Lols....In fact the subject of the vid is actually a big douche bag left to blow in the wind by a fat chick....

  17. I'm not so full of myself that I need a fuckin douche bag star and "verified" by my fuckin name.
    Anonymous is free speech, YOU FUCKIN NO LIFE FAGGOT JOE FITZGERALD!

  18. Every point you have ever made has not only been challenged, but thoroughly and utterly destroyed. It's not my fault that you don't have the intelligence to see that. I'm 6'7" 265 lbs of pure marine. I doubt anyone is going to take the "Mickey" out of me.

  19. You are more than welcome to try.

  20. Oh oooooooh!! An anon getting tough!! Brrrrrrrrr, shivering in my boots!! Ha ha ha ha!!!

    Please... Post the instances where my points have been "thoroughly and utterly destroyed", I'd love to read that!

    : )

  21. Joe gettin smoked over this ridiculous 'evidence' still.

    Spends years telling us why you can't see or film bigfoot, then shows us a laughable film of bigfoot.

    Move over Dyer, Standing, Meldrum. Joe is el Stupido #1.

  22. What's the point? You'll never admit defeat even though it's obvious to everyone else with half a brain how foolish you are. Besides, I have a large meal to help prepare and then some football to watch so I really don't have time to waste destroying mental midgets such as yourself. I actually have a life and am not a pathetic little BFE nerd with every single comment archived so I can copy/paste troll every single comment thread. But you go ahead and have the last word like teenage girl if it makes you feel better. Just know that the rest of us are laughing at how pathetic and miserable you truly are.

  23. Hey, I'll admit I'm wrong if you show me where I'm wrong. If I'm foolish, show me how. You've destroyed nothing dear boy, only a few comment sections with your vendetta and personal attacks.

    It's called organisation, my dear boy... And if it smarts you then that's all I can say is don't initiate it, if that's the case. Now run along to your dinner preparations, my intentions are to not cause you anymore feet stamping on such an important holiday.

  24. Is This Is Another Goofy Headline?

  25. It's 'in your face' arseholes like Joe that really get people trolling ALL footers. The very young, the very old and the innocent will all be plowed by the Zagnut of truth as it destroys Joe's fat, flaccid and extremely disgusting butt cheeks.

    1. Quite creative! Shame you can't utilize the same qualities and come up with a counter argument for what's been put to you, eh?


    2. The fact that bigfoot has not been categorized by science as a real life animal ends all arguments you could ever put forth.

      The end.

    3. This blog is the most effective counter argument to your posing, dim sod. An effective record of no bigfoot evidence. Go start an Ancient Bottom Sexing Aliens of the Smithsonian blog.

    4. Unfortunately for you, no body in the face of physical, biological and professional anecdotal evidence, would merely point to such a phase of conclusive research not being reached as of yet... And by no means warranting any such fallacy. Science doesn't start at type specimen, is not a freethinking entity, but is a tool at analysing the available data, and at this stage it points to an unknown primate leaving sign of itself in the wilderness of the US.

    5. 6:17... Plenty of Sasquatch on record, dear boy... What rock have you been living under?

    6. ...How do you know what Joe's butt cheeks look like?...

    7. Your records suck. That is why they are dismissed by every professional community on the planet.

      Do you enjoy looking foolish? Pretending to be smarter than people who know more about it than you ever possibly could?

      You are a small person. You get some neurotic pleasure from the handful of sycophants that puff smoke up your butt, but to the rest of the world you are simply a nuisance.

      One shudders to imagine how much time you spend off-site discussing this subject.

      Still no girlfriend?

    8. Well, the PGF ain't so dismissed and has some pretty significant names attached to that alright. Would you like me to list the experts that are part of an editorial board of a journal that has the PGF research papers at it's core?

      For someone who knows so much more than me on the topic, you sure do defect from exercising this alleged knowledge? Why would someone so endowed have to resort to such insults?

      Doesn't make sense to me??

    9. We've seen you horrible list of cherry picked numbskulls.


      Come back when one organization a bit less silly than the BFRO recognizes this as a real creature.

      2014 was the year bigfoot was killed by Sykes. You wanted science to look, they did, and no yeti, no almasty, no bigfoot.

      You've got a grainy 40 year old fragment of film and a wasted life.


    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. "Come back"? I'm sorry... Aren't you insulting someone in an effort against the subject matter on a blog for the subject matter? Again, I can list you experts affiliated to some major institutions from around the world, you didn't seem to pick up on this too well, did you? Sykes is still testing samples by the way, as is Meldrum looking, therefore your science is still looking. Science doesn't think for itself, it's a tool and it's been applied consistently to this field in order to attain its most comprehensive examples of evidence that your version of science can't explain away. Oh... And the BFRO didn't even submit one sample to Sykes for testing... Such a small number in relation to the thousands of years, tens of thousands of eyewitnesses there are, I can suggest that there's plenty of testing remaining to quash all that yet. No, I've got a 47 year old piece of footage that has been presented by scientists to be the documentation of a relict hominid, as for the suggestion of wasting one's time, one has to ask why would anyone spend there time where they not only quite clearly, very much dislike the subject, but also inflict on themsleves so much negative feelings?

  26. 5:31... Sasquatch make mistakes, get curious = your footage. If it's laughable, then you don't need to be here every day reinforcing that, right?

    Sin cerebro.

  27. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaVTEjBXWOU

    You can clearly see this is just a guy in the woods taking a dump. Look closely and you can even see him wiping before he stands up.

  28. If it's a guy making sausage, then why is it uniformly black? The subject does not appear to be pulling any pants up either.

    That is a very interesting link you have there, thanks very much.

  29. By golly I never thought of that. It's not like anyone could wear all black clothing. That would be impossible.

  30. The arms don't appear long enough, BUT, there are reports of Sasquatch with limbs in normal human proportion.

  31. ...C'mon...Its blurry as hell and indeed the effect itself may be a product of that blurriness...If you buy that we are looking at a flap of fabric, then you must agree the toes do exhibit independent movement and is not an illusion caused by motion blur...

    You and/or Joe maybe right, but we will never know because the resolution is not sharp enough to permit definitive conclusions....

  32. Sasquatch make mistakes? WRONG. We'd have a body or a piece of one by now.

    If you weren't such a cement-headed idiot you'd understand that.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. 6:19... I am significantly less accommodating, if the toes are extending, then it simply cannot be a man in a costume.

    6:24... Sasquatch evade in social groups, have close social bonds, have culture in burial and therefore have the presence of mind to maintain burial from predators that would attempt to dig up remains for scavenging.

    Hey easy bro? Aren't you meant to be in the holiday spirit?

  35. its either loose fabric, or a massive dingleberry. We need a sample to conclude.

  36. Joe isn't having much of a Thanksgiving this year. He gave his entire weekly paycheck of $197 to Turd Straining's Kickstarter, and so he's celebrating the day with the Salvation Army.

    1. I'm not having much of a Thanksgiving cause I live in be UK... And my conservatory's bigger than your house.

    2. ooooh la de da. joe the idle rich one percenter.

      you disgust me with your i'm so wonderful isn't bigfoot really real garbage.

      you are a skunk of a human being

    3. have a spot of tea for me, please kind sir

    4. Don't take things so personally bro, it's only a blog.

      : )

    5. I'm a different blok......God save the queen!!

    6. Sorry... Didn't you mean 'bloke'? I'm confused?

    7. sorry, bloke..............jajaja. that is how we Cubans laugh

    8. It's only a blog you obsess about, lie and manipulate for, and feel the need to make up fantasy scenarios to come wobbling back with your tail between your legs.

    9. Lies, fantasies, tails, wobbles, and legs... Hey, how about you grow up and challenge my points for a change? I don't need the drama, I have an eventful social life.

    10. Stop lying. Day after day your social life consists of coming here and saying the same thing day after day to an anonymous crowd. This IS your social life. Think about it, nary a day goes by when you don't post here. iPhone, iPhone, iPhone...right? Amazed that you can even make it thru a football match without itching to look up BFE.

      Sykes is not conducting and accepting samples for some wishful hybrid study. He's a lab coat that's daily job is genetic sequencing. Collateral Hominid study is completely over. There was no positive samples.

      Manipulate some more though, Mr. Wobbles.

    11. "Sykes is not conducting and accepting samples for some wishful hybrid study."

      "He's a lab coat that's daily job is genetic sequencing."
      Yes... And the only difference now is he's not paying out his own money to test samples, he's asking submitters to pay.

      "Collateral Hominid study is completely over. There was no positive samples."
      And under what research group is his book yet to be released under? As said earlier, such a small number for such a frequency of evidence.

      : p

  37. What is completely unbelievable nonsense?

  38. of course its a turkey. what else could it be.. it sure aint a bigfoot. bigfoots are for kids you silly wabbit

  39. I've noticed this site has no shortage of Bigmouths.
    Wish they were a hoax.

  40. Did you miss a word or two out there? I can't really understand what you're trying to say?

  41. I thought Provo was a bear, but I'm looking at the trees and I didn't realize how close this was filmed. I'm going with wild turkey now. What some morons are saying is clearly an "arm" is just a separation of color by dead hanging leaves.

    1. Pfft. Get out of here with your calm, objective opinions. It was a nine foot hominid with glowing eyes and a mouth full of slavering fangs.

  42. Neither, just a dude trying to pinch a loaf.

  43. How on earth do you KNOW that bigfoot bury their dead? If no bodies have ever been found, then we have no idea as to whether they bury their dead or not. It's not like anyone has ever witnessed a Sasquatch funeral. It's just you spouting more rubbish.
    And I'm actually a belever, i just hate the way you think you speak for all beleivers of Bigfoot. I have been coming to this blog for years, way before you reared your ugly head, and without doubt you are the single, worst thing to happen to this place. You're a complete idiot and exactly the reason I'm almost embarrassed to say I'm a bigfoot enthusiast. The only reason you stick around here is because you and your stupid theories would get torn apart on places like BFF.
    Apart from your 3 or 4 little followers, no one wants you here, we all wish you would just leave and let us get on with enjoying this blog without your 1000 word copy and paste essays you seem to produce everytime anyone even tries to show you that you might be wrong.
    Please, just go away and never come back, you have destroyed this blog.

  44. How do I know? Because of tribal cultures like the Cherokee who have done so in times past, whilst there is 150 years worth of giant skeletons documented. Also, Sasquatch are a type of human, a caveman essentially; they stil have culture.

    I've quoted too many comments around here that not only clear rooms of 'sceptics' on the BFF, but comments that share the exact same agknowldgment of facts, I doubt I'd go down that badly.

    : (

  45. ^^^^^^LOL! Hilarious!!! Joe you got this boy begging for you to leave!!!!!! Classic Beatdown again Joe....congratulations you are the best I've ever seen at putting these trolls in their place!!!! Such a pleasure to see their arguments deconstructed so logically. I'd love to have a pint with you some day and talk Bigfoot.

  46. ^^^^^ Obviously completely powerless against Joe, and begging for a merciful exit from Joe. Priceless. So enjoyable..

  47. I thought the question was is this a turkey or bigfoot...bigfoot...none of the 100 turkeys that live in my area have arms.

    1. Yeah you're right, Its not a turkey and its not a bigfoot with clear concise video. You ever think that it could be someone in a suit? If you believe that is a bigfoot just hanging out then I got a bridge in San Fran I can sell you on the cheap, No really......

  48. That's definitely a turkey spreading its tail feathers.

  49. @Noble Savage- I think you totally mis-understand what i am saying.
    Having a long term user of this site wishing you to leave is not something to be proud of you cretin.
    I'm not a troll, or a non-believer. I'm an enthusiast, and have been coming to this site for years, way before Joe was.
    I just genuinely think this blog was way better before Joe was here.
    Joe brings more trolls to this site, and also people like you, who hail him as some kind of god, when all he is doing is bringing this entire blog down.


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