Footage of Bigfoot Carrying Deer Away?

Wow! This is flipping hair-raising. If this woman is telling the truth, this could be the very first footage of Bigfoot carrying deer carcass away. We've heard many reports from hunters who'd witnessed this, but there's never been any actual footage. Check out the raw video below:

Here's the breakdown from ThinkerThunker, who writes: "Could three Bigfoots at once be a record ...? Have a watch as we meet the Hunter and see what she filmed. It's pretty astonishing."


  1. 2people ambling about

    why did she stop filming

    why didnt she zoom in

    why didnt she take pics of footprints or take samples for DNA

    the silhouettes are that of men

    1. Because bigfoot don't exist

    2. More BS... looks like a couple of guys on a paintball outing

    3. Need to go back and reanact to get all meeded measurements.

      Anon 3:23, good suggestion


    4. I like that footage,it looks to me that what ever the figure in the foreground picks up climbs on its back so could be a baby xx

    5. What do you know about it Gavin? Who died and made you bigfoot expert of the year?
      She stopped from fright.
      You don't zoom when scared.
      You don't take DNA or footprints if you are a turkey hunter out of your element.

    6. Wow Eva! Yes- hoping for a break down. someone probably working one up now!

    7. LOL!

      Those are just her hunting partners you idiots!


    8. Why I have doubts.

      The sasquatches are in view at a time he has the camera on his face talking. No one who has bigfoot in view is going to be holding the camera infront of their face talking into, they would be aiming the camera at the bigfoot.

      The video stops while the subjects are in view. Why?

      Now, it could be real but its not something I would share.

    9. Eva r your one du mb stupid bit ch

    10. so says the fake mmc riding a dildo

    11. If you also look at the knee bends... You can tell that those are not human. A person can not walk fluently And look so casual with knees that bend at like a near 40 degree angle. Try it at home

  2. Wtf!? It just looks like two people.
    The proportions are all wrong, for a Bigfoot, for a start...

    1. Because you are such an expert on big foot proportions right, for a start....

    2. I would imagine if he or she is over the age of thirty they have seen millions of examples of peoples proportions. On TV and in real life. You don't need a sign off from a tenured dork in a fucking lab to tell you if something doesn't pass the smell test. Or I may be wrong. It seems a lot of people need a tenured dork to tell them how to vote. And what to think.

    3. So a lady sees a bigfoot. Okay cool. But most reports I seen, people literally $hi! their pants. What does this women do? She films herself first...! Yea I seen a lot of credible videos but it is because of frauds like this the majority don't believe in the REAL footages...

    4. I don't think im bigfoot hunter of the year

      Anyway after watching thinker thunkers film it is a but more interesting!

      the limb ratios he uses and eye dilation comments are nonsense though! you cant see the limb proportions sharply enough and definitely cannot see the eye dilating
      the picking up of 'the baby' is potentially interesting
      The thought there are hundreds of goan apemen living in North America undetected forever is too much of a stretch
      Films like this are the reason theres a 1% doubt in my mind
      we need a HD video though[and the OBVIOUS}

  3. Bad acting, if she had not talked and just filmed it would be almost worse than todd standings videos. As it is, they both suck pretty much equally to me.

  4. Actually, looking at the TT breakdown of it, you can see a tiny bit more detail, and it actually looks quite good.

    1. TT is either an idiot or a genius trolling other idiots. Those are PEOPLE she filmed.

    2. Dear "Omniscient Skeptic(s)", YOU are the only Idiots!! lol...!! You know Everything, eh? Maybe, but it's about Nothing! ;)

  5. should of tried a tree knock or sound blasting

    1. Should have tried banning you from the site.

  6. Hahaha I guess none of you watch south park. "I'm so startled" is a classic line from Randy Marsh.

    Is this guy the new FB/FB? Confirming every dumb bigfoot hoax?

  7. Whatever the closest one picks up from behind the tree seems to move up onto its shoulder. Can that be faked?
    Interesting how the one in the background doesn't follow behind the closest one but flanks it from the side.
    Needs a size comparison.

  8. This is two other hunters the first guy picks up a decoy he dropped and those deer?well they are hunting decoys also. Common sense tells us that occams razor isn't to sharp!

  9. For a guy that thinks the past tense of "think" is "thunk" then its no surprise he is repeatedly duped by these videos.

    1. For a cowardly guy who posts as anonymous you have a whole lot of nothing worth while to say.
      Do you spend most of your time mocking other people? Is that the extent of your brain power ?

    2. We mock you because it's cheap entertainment. You're an easy target. You are the type who is anti hunting because Bambi is cute. While ignoring Bambi's grandkids habit of flying though windshields 24/7. I admire your compassion because it's a mile wide. But it's a 1/4 inch deep. Go save a kitten somewhere. But not by my house. We're over run by the suckers....

    3. You mock no one son... When you ain't crying and hurling abuse like a spoilt ten year old, you're applying embarrassingly irrelvant accusations (like your comment), or you're getting your backside handed to you as soon as anything remotely intelligent comes up.

      Joke's on you son.

    4. Joe is the butt of most jokes around here. Super defensive, liberal, only a couple of talking points, highly opinionated, with a heaping helping of ignorance.

    5. Yeah, 3:38 comment never more relevant, don't see you arguing the subject mater anymore... Wonder why that is?

      Talking points? Twonk.

      : )

  10. At first I thought it might be real but.... I'm calling hoax, hoax, hoax. I watched the full upload. The hunter does this little cute intro to the camera "I'm so startled etc.." then says something like "hey lets see if you guys can tell" as she turns the camera round. Obviously filming with an audience in mind. No way was this a real encounter. Hoax

  11. Not s good as the other vid from this poster 'Bigfoot Flash Mob"

  12. Obviously Thinker Thunker did this tongue in cheek, maybe he is hung over by too much turkey and spirits.
    Here is a real encounter, though not filmed, of a coon hunter witnessing a bigfoot carrying a deer that got so close to him it ran him over. This occurred about 50 miles north of me.


    1. Yeah..I'm still in food shock Mom tried to OD me on food yesterday...ugh..oh..

    2. Hey RUFF. I od my dog Rush yesterday on a huge plate of Thanksgiving meal and then everyone fed him loads more all day.

    3. Oh Man cbrippee ! Sounds like a Simpsons Episode I saw recently..feeding left overs to their!! .. Happy holidays

    4. At no time did I get the impression this was a bigfoot, or that TT was doing this 'Tongue in Cheek'. He states his motive at the end- click my site or I don't get paid.
      It's people like him who destroy the credibility of anybody wanting to take this subject seriously.

    5. Bingo, 6:12. He really is that gullible.

  13. Listen to her and her reaction. She simply lies. Have some common sense. It's easy to see that they're all there together and she's trying to pull a fast one.

  14. Listen to her and her reaction. She simply lies. Have some common sense. It's easy to see that they're all there together and she's trying to pull a fast one.

  15. anybody here as full as I am...I ate so much at my folks house yesterday ...think I'll just have beer tonight food!! Jezzz!!

    As far as that video being a bigfoot... *sign*

  16. the motion does look fluid so it could be real. Since we know the name of the person filming it I suggest she take a lie detector test to prove it . Too bad the resolution wasn't better but I can see bits of detail in the breakdown video which at first I just thought it was two people walking - I can see the head features

  17. Am I the only one who can see these bigfoot are clearly wearing clothes? I always regret visiting this page. Shawn you are such a tool. Good luck getting on bigfoot bounty next time. Oh yeah, you won't. You are to ugly for TV

    1. Well you know where the door is you tool. Hope the door kicks you on the way out.

    2. Yep. He knows were the door is. Unlike you and sasquatch. Oh yeah. Upon request, he can produce a door. Can you do the same with a bigfoot smartass?

    3. Plenty found;

      ... None caught... Dumbass.

    4. Yes you are the only one who can see clothing.
      What else do you see ? Why not lay off the booze.

  18. Way to debunk guys!
    All that pain staking analysis like " Bigfoot doesn't exist" is clear cut proof.
    The difference between her and the forensic PhDs here is that they'd be pooping in their pants!

  19. Sorry Thinkthunker, you blew it this time. That is two more turkey hunters in full camo. You can see how the bottom of their coat on the back side sticks out. They have a hat brim that protrudes in front of their face. They are either picking up or carrying gear bags and/or a turkey.

    1. Watched it 4 times and don't see coat.

    2. Anon 5:31, You're f*cking blind,. Stop watching whatever you're watching and go to the optometrist.

    3. Still don"t see the coat... What else do you see?
      What kind of pants are those? Do you see a wrist watch?
      Maybe an iPod...
      Stop whatever you're doing and go seek help!

    4. Use the video from the turkey hunter, not thinkerthunkers pixel blowout video. Then click that little button in the lower right corner to go full screen. Then it will be as clear as day that those two dudes are wearing clothes and are carrying gear bags.

    5. And quit being so dumb, 6:40. Bigfeet would have miind blasted her then braided her hair.

    6. ^ Lol 7:46! I will only be impressed if the braid is a french braid. Better yet I want to see bigfoot put in a nice set of extensions ;)

    7. Once I went hunting and woke up naked and confused in a field with a very professionally done Brazillian wax.

    8. 7 07 is correct and it is plain as day. I said early today Thinker Thunker is doing this tongue in cheek and can clearly see as I do it is hunter types carrying gear. Find it hard to believe this got so many positive comments here and on TT's site also. Oh well.

    9. Chuck, you are giving him too much credit. He applies arguments used on his previous videos. His comments also give him away as being serious. Frankly, I think this hurts his credibility.

    10. It wasn't tounge in cheek, and he has proven time and time again that he doesn't have the expertise to "breakdown" videos. Nobody can tell you what the proportions are, it's way too blurry. As I have mentioned before, TT is bad for the subject.

  20. "cheesus . theres two of them""

    bob freeman

    1. "BOB" HAHAHA you're a fucking idiot, go eat more turkey fat ass!

  21. This has just replaced the PGF as the most amazing film of the alleged creature sometimes referred to as Bigfoot...I....Am.....Stunned

    1. I like Bigfoot addresses Parliament better. Amazing speech.

    2. Well, after the Blitz, he had the entire western world as an audience....

  22. It seriously looks like a couple of hunters to me. This woman's bad acting didn't help her cause either. When this guy bends over, it looks like whatever he is carrying has got string/cable attached to it. Look closely.

  23. I raise a couple fancy whites every year and kill them the manly way, in hand to hand combat. You hunters can eat all of the tough stringy birds you want.

    1. Pussy. We allow our birds claymores, schu mines and MG 42s. AND razor wire and 3 months to prepare their defenses. They ain't won yet!!

  24. Look up Websters new definition of "Bigfoot photo/video" Blurry,out of focus and always an attempt to hoax the viewer.........

    1. Check out the Hoofnagle brothers' definition of denialism; the "employment of rhetorical arguments", and "an approach that has the ultimate goal of rejecting a proposition".

    2. If you are bringing that point to this video Joe, I think you are wrong. I believe reasonable people would most likely agree that this is a video of two persons. The poster has a valid point that the only thing that obscures the truth is that the video lacks detail.

    3. Did I state that I'm bringing that point to this video? Are you putting words in my mouth, or missunderstood? No... The poster was trying to be clever in generalising Sasquatch footage, please... Don't tell me what he meant when you've obviously not caught on to his rubbish.


    4. Did I not state "If" ? The poster may have been guilty of overgeneralizing a point, but I think it had truth even if it was used as a put down also. ThinkerThunker only has video because it lacks detail (and arguably because he magnifies it so much). He is the one arguing that they are carrying a deer and picking up a "baby". My word.

    5. No, I think you hoped for a little too much, and any notion that put forward that "every piece of footage is an effort at hoaxing" is average troll crap, and anyone defending that is gonna get my opinion. And no... TT's analysis has been first rate, though I don't think this footage is of Sasquatch, and should you want to dispute that at any time, then you know where to find me.

    6. Wow. Talk about getting defensive and proactive, Joe, you really showed them!

      You yell your opinion every day on every comment box, regardless of intention, so why would anyone need to ask for it?

      Big mouth and a little stick is all you got. But spend the rest of your day posting some more, it will help ease that feeling in your spine.

    7. You'll ask for it when you spout your little minded rubbish, and you'll get it so good you'll be left listing insults, cause you're not a a clever as me kiddo.

      Let me know when you grow pair and want to go at it, I'll show you a stick alright.

      : )

    8. Did you stand in a mirror and recite that to feel confident?

      If you want a go at it, you come on over to BFF and you can have all you want and more. I won't hold my breath though.

    9. Hey big man, why not here? What's the matter, anyone would think you're another claimer??

    10. Joe works here because he knows outside of a few posters, most are not serious- just trollish. He likes to convince himself he is king of bfe. Where people are more crtical his copy and paste antics would be destroyed. Let's face it, he needs to "grow a pair". HaHa

    11. Looks like you're trying to save face there boyo... It's ok, your short comings are you 'not being serious', that's right.


      I'm king of nowhere... Just King Troll to you kiddo, and when I'm not smashing you with basic intelligence, my copy and pastes are largely from what source you claim I'd be 'destroyed' at... And they're the type of comment that clear a room of idiots over there.

      : )

    12. More accurately you are King Nothing. Metallica has a song titled about you.

      Narcissistic and delusional is no way to go through life, son.

    13. The only 'nothing' is between those ears of yours... It also articulates your average response when I'm tuning you on the subject matter, there's a reason why you don't fancy going at that and are more preoccupied at this level. It's because you really aren't that clever enough... I've got you in my pocket.

      ; )

    14. This video shows "nothing". Joe you have "nothing". The sum total of TT's contribution is "nothing".

      Narcissistic and delusional is no way to go through life, son.

    15. Actually, regardless of what I think of this video, I've got comment sections where not only has TT left you all sweaty and panicin skywalker (hilarious), but I've left you looking seriously daft.

      I've had you on hair, tracks, footage, it all equates to as far from nothing as you can fathom. Your nothing is articulated when you run away with no counter argument, and this is the reason why I'm keeping you here now, because these exchanges are way more comfortable for you, way more suited to your limited knowledge of the subject and intelligence in general.

      I've got you good son, and I'll have you time and time and time again.

  25. 3 turkey hunters, making a bunch of you guys look like turkeys yourselves!

  26. This is a Father and Son out turkey hunting. That's probably the wife and Mother filming a spoof video. It's very obvious that those are humans by the way they are walking. The lead subject is not carrying a deer, and neither is the subject following. It appears to be some type of material, that he sets down then picks back and up and stuffs into his jacket at the very end. Thinker Thunker is starting to reach with stuff like this. I think he knows the subjects are humans.

    1. Either he knows, or he is so enamored with people slapping him on the back that he overlooks the obvious. Either way, it's not a good reflection on him. He also puts all his ratio crap into question by applying it to obvious fakes.

  27. TT think you usually do a half decent got bamboozled this time. This woman is so fake in what she says I laughed. There is not one hint of concern in her voice. Sorry if this was her first sighting her voice would sound much different. Two other hunters,it looks like guys dressed to hunt. Picking up something the left laying by tree. I am a believer so I do not need convincing. This just isn't factual!!

    1. If she saw one let alone two this close she would be speechless. Most likely she would be trembling in the most fear she had ever encountered and would not even be able to mutter a squeak. Totally agree with Noble
      Savage and 11 18. TT usually does a bang up job, and I have no idea why he would even address this film.

    2. Chuck, I'm pretty sure his viewers have given him the confidence to. When your audience shows little critical feedback, you do things like this. The reaction on his channel to this one gives me little reason to think he will stop.


  28. I didn't even watch it! Desperation Dumb Video #2,000+!
    20 years from now, over 2 million Desperation dumb videos shown!

  29. The shoulder strap on the trailing person is the dead give away. You can see it a few times in the video. I like ThinkerThunker videos, but I think he missed on this one.


  30. Anyone of you who believe this is a video of Bigfeets is a idiot.

    1. Pretty much, or they believe in Bigfoot wayyy too much...

  31. Wow...just wow...we get a video with the potential to rival the PG film and instantly an army of sceptards much does your govt pay y'all ?? could be genuine and it could be bs but what gives us the right to tear this womans life to shreds before anything has been proven ? Guilty until proven innocent ?

    1. The reaction everywhere except on his on channel has been negative. That should tell you something, and no it's not that there are government shills. Get a grip with reality, dude.

  32. I'm so startled...I'm so startled...I'm so startled?? I don't care who you are, those are not the words you would be using if youre watching a couple of 8' tall hairy humanoids carrying dead deer like rag dolls. For one I would be busy shitting my pants and trying to keep quiet about it. Its just not a credible reaction at all.
    And I sure as hell wouldn't turn the camera on myself and possibly miss a second of filming the worlds most elusive creature!
    You can even see what looks like the bottom line of a coat sticking out a little below the waist as well as a hood.
    Come on people!!


    1. My impression was that she was joking around when she made the video. Only she knows, but yeah I agree whatever the reason it wasn't a genuine reaction. I think she just put the video out there to see what happens. Thinker Thunker bit hard and she is just setting the hook now.

  33. Looks like my comment was deleted, it said something like "Shaun you are stupid and ugly"

  34. I once fell asleep in the woods. When I awoke my pants and boxer shorts were pulled down almost to my knees. (I know what you are thinking, but my cornhole didn't hurt.) I couldn't understand why my pants were pulled down and I got to thinking that maybe I had fallen and bumped my head and possibly passed out. Later when I made it back home I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Lo' and behold, my hair was braided. When I undressed to shower I realized that my penis and sack hairs had tiny braids throughout them too. I think that I may have been given a make over by a band of bigfeet.

  35. The fascination with seeing baby blobsquatches is hilarious! If an indistinguishable blob is too small to be misidentified as a squatch, why then it MUST be a baby squatch! It's obvious really isn't it?

  36. her husband and son ,,she thinks it funny ill bet

  37. why do you guys go anonymous for

  38. the "baby" part is interesting. if it wasn't fir this bit it would be nonsense,a fake

    the arm length wishfull thinking. the footageis too blurred to make that detection
    the blinking is what youd do if you were fakeing being scared. Its the first thing youd do if you were pointing the camera at your eyes!!!

    the "deer carcasses" look nithing like carcasses. that's a huge presumption. they look like skins or jackets

    The main doubt ,apart from he fact they are human sized, is where are her hunting patners?
    A woman wouldn't gi into the woods by herself!. NO WAY

    its her too hunting buddies and the 'baby' footage is it picking up a bag and it looks like it a living thing. its not

    shame as TT makes it sound interesting but its clearly not

    every time we get a video of one of these 'creatures' out in the open.Its ALWAYS blurred and the creatures are always 6ft and not the 8-10ft muscle bound hairy ape people the eye witnesses claim they are
    Even the biggest bleever would have to admit its odd they aren't 8ft and huge.Its man sized because that what they are, the womans hunting companions

  39. Im a believer but cmon TT. You dropped the ball on this one.

  40. Who in their rightly sane mind would walk around in a fur suit during the height of hunting season? I am a special effects artist and like TT stated, the bend of the arm would be very stiff and the person inside the suit would be granted movement of between 180°&142°. I personally cannot say it is real or it is not. The end where it picks up the young does remind me quite a bit of the Freeman footage.

  41. The fascination with seeing baby blobsquatches is hilarious! If an indistinguishable blob is too small to be misidentified as a squatch, why then it MUST be a baby squatch! It's obvious really isn't it?

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