Breaking: Henry May has left his living room!

Take a good look at the image above taken from Henry May's latest video -- He's not in his chair anymore! Amazing, right? In this video, May addresses Joe Mastroianni, who accused him of being a bandwagon hopper.


  1. I highly doubt Henry is going to be jumping on or off anything at all.

  2. Funniest post ever, I can't stop laughing.

    Breaking: Henry May has left his living room!

    You guys are sick b*stards. LOL

  3. Bravo Henry
    you made it
    you sound a little weak.
    Someone GET that man a triple with cheese and extra large diet coke STAT

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Henry,

    Do you ever contemplate the time spent on Bigfoot as time you could have routed into an anthropology PhD with an emphasis on a topic relating to Bigfoot?

    Considering your time and efforts applied to this could have already earned a PhD, published books, and lecture on the topic...

  6. So many armchair punks in this subject trying to make a name doing nothing. Get a life losers.

    1. They are doing something. They are drawing red circles.

  7. Imagine, Henry May,going out with John W.Jones's expedition, where they go deep into the forest on horses 20-30 miles in?

    Do you think Henry, would last the entire 4 weeks,John and his team spends out in the woods?

    John usually brings 3-4 pack horses to bring out their gear. But with Henry along, they would have to add 2 more pack horses, just to bring in the FOOD Henry will need to survive!


    1. This fat slob on a horse? I would file a cruelty to animals suit

  8. ya'll don't know how hard it is to be a pimp...........just got back to da crib after working all night. da hoes was really working and mades me lots of POP. presidents on paper!!!

  9. He was transported outside by electric wheelchair. Afterward he shot this video and then collapsed back into his electronic transportation device where he quickly wheeled back into the shadows of his home.

  10. It is not a living room. It is a shed behind his mommies house. Down by the river

  11. .....once again this type of shit is just a complete waste of everyones time...congratulations to you ..Henry May and all the rest of you

  12. Henry Mays, you said you don't jump on any bandwagons, but oh you do.. you are on the bandwagon of the bigfoot community.. and what every they say isnt true or a hoax you jump right along with that. If those people say something is gods truth you are right there along with that so you really don't give anyone outside the bigfoot community a chance just because all your so called friends don't because it doesn't follow their beliefs...I feel anyone that is out there searching and sharing what they find deserves a fair shake, but if someone in the community doesn't like what that person has shared that person is doomed.. it's just like belonging to a higher click in highschool.. if you were cool you might get in if not there was no chance in hell you would belong. I believe some of these ADULTS need to grow up and stop thinking their so called research is the golden truth and let everyone show what they got and stop criticizing anyone that doesnt belong to the bigfoot community.

  13. ..........In my opinion, this whole Sasquatch research and gathering information thing on the possibility of this species existence has become a big fat joke and just a waste of time. With more and more and more and more people coming out of the woodwork trying to make a few dollars and or creating/taking more and more and more ridiculous photo's and video's........

  14. Only wasted 20 sec of my life before I stop listening to this fat f*ck. If any of you watched that whole video then you have no life.

  15. WOW! He has twice the physical stamina of Fatsano.


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