Breaking: Dr. Jeff Meldrum Uses Science To Explain Todd Standing's Blinking Bigfoot

Well. Here it is, folks. An official response from Dr. Jeff Meldrum to critics of Todd Standing and his blinking Bigfoot video. Not only does Meldrum breaks down the winking/blinking, he also breaks down the notion that Todd Standing was the man behind the mask. It's very thorough and it's hot off the press. Enjoy!

Todd Standing's Blinking Bigfoot Video

I have been challenged and badgered to respond to the criticisms aimed at Todd Standings images. So today I set things aside and wrote a quick and dirty response to Falconer and Poling report. I still have not drawn a conclusion myself, but I am certainly not convinced by their arguments that these are definitely hoaxed. I continue to be dismayed by the tenuous arguments and baseless certitude by so many on this. A lot more work needs to be done.

Let me reiterate -- neither my visit to Nordegg for a few days, nor my co-hosting, what I thought turned out to be a very interesting radio show, constitute an endorsement of everything else that Todd has done. I am still considering the evidence. - Dr. Jeff Meldrum

"I guess this figure didn't get saved to that section. If you think this is the smoking gun, then I probably can't have a meaningful conversation with you." - Dr. Jeff Meldrum


  1. Replies
    1. yes lots of BIGFOOTs in Ferguson
      Just Saying

    2. we need more troops in Ferguson

    3. Dr. Meldrum. I completely agree with you and you need to read an evaluation I wrote about falconer and Poling's paper that notes inaccurate data and bad assumptions. If the link doesn't work copy and paste it to do a search.


    1. ans WILD BILL gots that thar BIG KNIFE

    2. Couldn't go 4 messages without saying his name. Pathetic.

  3. I can also explain it using science
    it's called a good CGI software program

    1. yes possible but then again CGI that realistic will cost quit a fortune ! so if what we are looking at here is not a real bigfoot then the best bet is to say its the best looking realistic bigfoot Taxidermy combine with some animatronic parts ??

  4. I would like to see Todd Standing hooked up to a lie detector and asked, "are you full of shit?". If it comes back that he's not then I bet more people would believe him. I know you can beat those things, but I doubt Todd could...

    1. Yes! Let's counter hoaxing with pseudo-science! Yayyy!

  5. good gawd .. .. was that necessary. a hoax is a hoax is a hoax. enuf said.

    1. This guy showed fake footage he created on Finding Bigfoot. Prior to that he pushed some cockamamie yarn about an abducted researcher in order to promote some other hoaxed videos. Who knows what else? Only in bigfooting can proven liars pop up again and again to be given a fresh hearing...Why is that? Are enthusiasts so desperate for vindication they'll listen to anyone? Are so many just ignorant and gullible? I think cryptozoology might have some potential if defined properly, and I want to give it a fair hearing, but stuff like this leads reasonable people to believe the whole thing is a big joke....

  6. Wow, I guess that removes any doubt as to the integrity of Meldrum. He's as much of a manipulative, subjective, woo pitching conman as Standing and Munns. Con man, huckster, fraud. Over and out.

    1. Maybe, maybe not... He is an expert in the evolution of bipedalism. He is not an expert on video, film, photography, special effects, forensic psychology(profiling?) or whatever disciplines relevant to revealing a hoax.He may simply be fooled by Standing.He approaches Standings "evidence" from the
      point of view that there may be a small population of unknown primates in the PNW ..If this is so he more vulnerable to a hoax than someone like yourself whose point of view is 'bigfoots do not exist. If you want to change my mind you better show me something good...."

    2. Jeff meldrum a fake? Don't talk such rubbish Mr anonymous

    3. Jeff meldrum a fake? Don't talk such rubbish Mr anonymous

  7. Mista B. finna go back to hidin in da woods

  8. I support prof. Meldrum, nothing else to add.

    1. I always have as well. But I guarantee you his reputation is going to be forever smeared after this one.. if not ruined completely. Very said, because it was easily avoidable.

  9. protesters say the police and National Guard wont be in Ferguson forever and then we burn the place DOWN!

    1. Lol...Just as well, I'm up to my keester in Air Jordan's and flatscreen TVs..Kids room converted to a humidor for my lifetime supply of White Owls..

  10. where is the scientific explaination of the twig that comes and goes and reverses in the same pic. give up its photoshop you dummy.

  11. sorry folks this the REAL DEAL!

  12. More and more these Bigfoot researchers are becoming modern day charlatans. Reminds me of those early day (1800's) snake oil salesman that went from town to town selling their elixir that would cure anything and everything. Nothing new here,but just a different spin and subject matter and about 150 years later........

    1. Just think if information didn't flow as well as it did now. You could get away with even more...

  13. Wow, did Meldrum seriously just go through all that trouble trying to defend Standing's stone-faced muppet as possibly being real?

    He and his agent must really be worried.

    1. I guess they call it milking the cow as long as they can........

    2. He is right that the attempt to debunk video 5 by morphing is bogus. But nothing needs to be said about video 5: The figure in video 4 is ridiculous. The submitter is a hoaxer. Therefore, we can dismiss video 5 as well..Next!
      This does not mean Poling and Falconer's work is a waste. Clearly, many people in the community are willing to give hoaxers 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances. In this case each submission has to be debunked on its own merits....

    3. annnnnnnnnn, I call his statements, "Mumble Jumble".......

    4. The only reason people in the community give hoaxers 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances is because that is the only thing that is keeping the myth alive - hoaxers. If they are banished, there goes the world of bigfoot.

    5. Meldrum had always previously gave the impression of being a logical and thoughtful supporter of the existence of bigfoot but with this response he has dropped all pretenses and has regulated himself to those who will believe anything at face value. He has given in to "the dark side".

    6. He's fallen into Joe's you can't prove he is a hoaxer argument. Meanwhile, as he hasn't decided just yet, he reaps the rewards of the association. It would be one thing if he didn't partner with the guy, but everyone knows how that turned out. Now he has been "badgered" into defending his actions. Poor baby.

  14. When seeing Standing's images I just ask myself; does it look alive? Is it a breathing creature? My simple answer is; no.

    Although they look realistic (the "male" more so than the "female") and most of the features can be explained, as Meldrum tried to do in his response, the creatures just do not look alive. They look more like puppets to me than anything alive.

    Ever tried recording a person or animal from a distance? If they would not be aware of your presence, they would move. Ever so gently, but at least they would move. These creatures seem focussed on observing something, but it does not seem to be the person with the camera. What are they observing?

    Would a creature trying to remain hidden observe its surroundings by focussing attention in a single direction. Would it stare into the void blankly?

    Of course they would not.

    These are puppets. End of story.

  15. in this world anything is possible. if you can get a baby with 2 heads a goat with a human face, spiders as big as puppies, caterpillers that look like snakes, anphibious deers, 6 foot otters and duck billed platypuss i think that there is a chance that bigfoot creatures could very well exsist today. just look at the wonders of the world around you. it maybe hard to believe but its as real as you and me. space is endless and so are the possibilities.

    1. I believe it exists, I just do not buy into Standing's images.

      If ever I inherit a bit of money I will do a one year sabbatical to go look for bigfoot.

  16. The problem here is exactly what Meldrum's detractors claim about his acceptance of bigfoot in general, and his acceptance of so many footprints, more specifically - he seems to start with the opposite assumption of the normal scientific stance. Instead of starting skeptically, and saying "prove it to me" he starts with acceptance, and then says "disprove it to me".
    That is not the scientific method. The default position on such extraordinary claims should be skepticism of those claims. Todd has not lived up to scrutiny on ANY single thing he has done to date, nor any claim he has made to date. Even his "evidence" gets stolen.

  17. Who is Phil Poling really? I've looked him up, he has zero police credentials beyond what's been claimed online. ZERO. He's a fraud, his lack of skill as an analyst is blatantly obvious. He has zero training in anatomy, taxonomy, zoology, kinetic locomotion, video analysis in general, Nada, NONE. So I say again, Who THE F...K IS FAT PHIL POLING? NOBODY THAT'S WHO. NOBODY..A FAT GREASY LITTLE MAN AND SELF DESCRIBED BIGFOOT VIDEO EXPERT.

  18. only in footery would this even be ab issue

    its 2 fake ass head shots . they arent cgi they are puppe heads

    cgi surely bring s something better than this
    its the most laughable film ever put before footers. wich says a lot since 100% of it is hoaxed

  19. In short, Phil is an idiot. Not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

  20. The blinking sasquatch is an obvious fake. Some people say it is a guy in a mask. It looks cgi to me. The BF just does not mesh well w/ the rest of the photo. Jar Jar Binks from starwars looked more real than the blinking BF. Also, the pic of the supposed female sasquatch is a doll of some sort as it is obviously made of the same felt like material that Jim Henson's muppets are made of.


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