Watch: Creepy clowns pop up in Jacksonville

It's a creepy craze in California: Mysterious clowns are popping up across the state and terrorizing people in the towns. The odd behavior has now made its way to Jacksonville. For some, it's funny, but others call it frightening. Surveillance videos in the Springfield area show clowns caught on people's porches and sidewalks. In one video, the clown clearly knew he was being recorded.


  1. Dats just Daniel after a night at the JREF Hall of Butt Plugging.

  2. Replies
    1. Man, when I first saw that film I pantsed it! Terrible ending though.

    2. Those clowns are ok there're just clowning around,the one with the pumpkin just got the hump because the doors fell of his car :) xx

  3. Robert Lindsay
    I saw a creature laying on the ground and then 45 minutes later tied upside down between two trees... That creature was totally covered in brown or redish brown hair... Only his feet, hands and face were partially not covered in hair... The hands were large and blackish and so were the feet... But his humanoid face was bluish looking... Both Rick and I spoke about how blue his face was... Mr Dyer allowed me to see this by iPhone FaceTime ...

    Very broad shoulders ...

    Earlier Rick mentioned 5' 10'' & 350 to 400 lb , guesstimation , I'd say he's a Shorty Sasquatch .

    Rick said anyone could come and see it. I'm in Maryland so Id love to see it:) Rex A. Dutton Walter Shrum drove for hours at Mr Dyer's invitation and saw the body with his wife... So proud for Walter... "Searching For Bigfoot" is a great song!

    And the nose is wide at the nostrils and yet skinny on the bridge...weirdest thing is the facial skin not covered in hair is blue... But the eyes are huge and alien looking... Does not look human and does not look like an ape... Oh, and the back of the hand is not hairy, but leathery, almost looks like an armored glove...??? Just thought you guys would be interested They started taking precautions ... Against parasites and diseases... As you saw... And it smelled bad... Think that about sums up about all I know that I am allowed to share... Official confirmation tomorrow... Then wow!

    1. Haha dyer is awesome.

      As footery is based on a non existent creature then relevance as a footer can be determined by the ability to play the role playing game whether it be from a sedate level of an internet researcher right up to the big players in the conference circuit who are cashing in.

      In this respect dyer has superseded all footers. He has been worldwide news for 2 hoaxes and now he is on to his 3rd hoax with zero f*cks given. Keep it going rick. You derail footery better than anyone. He goes in the woods and within 2 days he has shot another one. Hilarious stuff.

    2. Well 6:04... I am however going to point you in the direction of where you are playing to role of a legitimate debater. You require a Bigfoot, yet when presented with one in footage, you deny that source without any sufficient means to support your preconceived agenda, and is in fact evidence of your rhetorical standpoint that ignores the fact that every single enthusiast with a brain has and will not even consider Dyer's claims, but people like you cling to the fantasy that we do (like the gator leg) because when you not posting someone else's arguments about the PGF, you're of course too dumb to debate any other area and resorted to stooping so low.

      So let's look at it like this; I don't believe that most idiots like you who post hatred here think that there is absolutely nothing to this subject. It is in fact ironic that the biggest betrayal of any attempt at convincing role playing; that role of the 'confident skeptic', that if there was truly nothing to this subject they wouldn't waste their time arguing the case. Entertainment to those who know the truth (or can recognize genuine impartial consistent scientific method), is the level of reassurance it is apparent some require in that constant childhood hug from the boogeyman, they still require in adulthood by the very act of dribbling their efforts. I don't take the actions of some skeptic blogs as anything threatening to my contentment, but if I did... Being over there and making hated attacks would be not be helping my claim against such a notion.

      You know nothing of anything remotely proper in science; your ever occurring contradictions to deny the same methods you claim to understand and apply consistently, are evident every time you decide to dribble on to that keyboard of yours. The geologists, lawyers, teachers, police officers, historians, wildlife biologists, primatologists, anthropologists, doctors, psychiatrists, business owners, forensic specialists, costume experts or forestry commissioners... All of whom have a million times the integrity than role playing 'confident skeptics', who would find the notion that for ten thousand years people from different cultures have been part of the same secret society of ape suit wearing folk, jumping out and saying boo to people when they never knew what an ape looked like, risking everything with so many guns around... As pure entertainment.

      All the while the evidence roles in and more scientists get on board. Funny that?

    3. "Straight women have this little twinkle in their eye that seems to say, “Boy I sure could use a hard cock right now.” That’s what you see, that twinkle, if not a lot more."

      Robert Lindsay

    4. "You require a Bigfoot, yet when presented with one in footage,"

      Present a body is the point of that statement ya sack of hot air.

    5. Actually, it's my statement and I'll tell you what it means, twonk... And that's just fine.

    6. Joe, take your foot off the guys neck! Your going to kill this idiot Skeptard with a brain implosion. He is too stupid to get his head wrapped around it. ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  4. Still waiting for a footer to explain how they tracked patty for 3.5 miles and still made it back to al hodgsons store by 6pm.

    Reality. Footers worst nightmare.

    1. Who said that they tracked her for 3.5 miles?

    2. According to the Ivan Sanderson interview, it was Patterson himself who stated:

      "When she got around the corner and into the real heavy stuff [timber and underbrush] she did take off-running, I mean — because, when we lost her tracks on pine needles after tracking her for about three-and-a-half miles, we took plaster casts of her tracks."

    3. Friday, October 20, 1967

      At approximately 1:30PM, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin begin filming a hairy bipedal subject walking away from them, up Bluff Creek. 59.5 seconds later (assuming 16 FPS film speed), the role of film runs out. Gimlin pursues the film subject up the creek on horseback for approximately 300 yards before returning to Patterson. The pair spend about 15 minutes rounding up Patterson's horse. Patterson changes the film in his camera under a poncho at the film site. They return on horseback to Gimlin's truck (at Louse Camp?) for casting materials.
      Upon returning to the film site, Patterson and Gimlin attempt to track the film subject. Gimlin follows sign for approximately 200' up the mountain before stopping due to the terrain. Two casts are made - one of a left foot impression and one of a right foot impression. Patterson chooses the most perfect, foot-shaped imprints he can find. Patterson documents the trackway on a second roll of film. This film is subsequently lost. Patterson and Gimlin leave Bluff Creek and drive to Eureka, CA, to send the film via airplane to Yakima, WA, to be processed. Note that according to Daniel Perez, John Green's recollection is they drove to Arcata, CA, although all other sources say they went to Eureka. The two towns are only 8 miles apart. While in Eureka, they call Patterson's brother-in-law Al DeAtley, Albert Hodgson of Willow Creek, CA, and the British Columbia Museum in Victoria, BC, requesting dogs and scientists be sent to the film site. While the museum sends no one, they do call John Green who in turn notifies Rene Dahinden.
      Patterson calls the Yakima Times-Standard and is interviewed by an unknown reporter. Patterson and Gimlin return to Willow Creek, CA, and speak to Al Hodgson and Sylvester McCoy before returning to Louse Camp.

      Still waiting for a skepfooter to explain how a broke cowboy can trump 47 years of SFX like this;

      The PGF. Skepfooters' worst nightmare.

    4. "I think we all agree that Roger Patterson was an embellisher/exaggerator. That doesn't mean he's a liar. I think he was one of those people who exaggerates what he has seen and done. I've known people like that myself."

      - Skunk Ape on the BFF

    5. Haha... How about the rictor riolo bobs horse fiasco... Haha so many red flags its just shameful to think patty is real.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. You got smashed on that the other day son... Stop crying and get a damn monkey suit already.

    8. ^ Thinks sasquatch is a human!!!
      What a dum boyo nerd!!

  5. Great. Now we have mischeivious clowns terrorizing CA neighborhoods. You have to ask yourself what would granny (Irene Ryan) do to these pumpkin smashers. A load of rock salt from a 12 gauge on the backside just may persuade these ass clowns to seek solace at the nearest carnival instead.

    1. It sounds like it's done by people who know the home owner. You would have to be really crazy to do this randomly- that's really asking for it.

  6. Clowning around my place would be a good way to get a .45 caliber size hole in your chest!

  7. Oh he's got the pumpkin. Oh he's beating it up


  8. I see HRpuffinfag is back posting on the BFF.

      No way horhay ( george in taco head)...

  9. That would never happen in this little Texas town. Citizens are armed. Once you close that gate you are on private property without permission. People tend to treat trespassers with a shoot first ask questions later mentality. Now ask yourself: "Do you wanna close that gate behind you protected by a clown suit?" Do ya punk?


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