Video: Bob Gimlin is Glad He Didn't Shoot Patty

At the recent Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up, the legend Bob Gimlin spoke to the audience about the events that took place that historic day at Bluff Creek. During his presentation he talks about how he had his rifle ready, and if Patty had turned aggressive he would have shot, but he's glad he didn't.


  1. Replies
    1. ans tham mexicuns keepin avotin heers ans takin tham jobs

  2. I have heard him say this also. Also said if something similar were to happen again he would act passive and see if some kind of interaction could develop. Myself I would sit on the ground with arms out laying on my knees and a smile on my face and see if something could develop at least for a little while. However you never know how you will react when that fear kicks in.

  3. He is glad because it was a dude in a monkey suit.

    1. Pretty risky prank with loaded weapons eh?

    2. If it was a hoax, then the story of having a loaded gun was fabricated as well...

    3. If it were a hoax, Bob would have lifted the lid on it considering he had beef in the end.

    4. Bob Gimlin couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a rifle.

    5. How is that Clevland steamer Eva laid on your chest working out for you?

  4. liar

    this is just some old guy getting pai to recite this old yarn

    he and the literal cowboy, Patterson, got there buddy to put the suit on and they did a good job

    If tihs were true where is P/G 2,3 4100 etc.. since we live in a shrinking wilderness and the digital age! why would 2 people looking deliberately looking for a creature find one walking on broad daylight in the only piece of open ground around! If we are to believe him then surely in the preceding half a century wed have found proof/better footage etc... instead this remains the best "evidence"

    nonsense and he should be embarressed

    1. I understand your point but some times you can just be really lucky xx

    2. So your quarm is they were successful at setting out to accomplish what they set out to do?

      Laughable, rhetorical mess.

      Every time a matching specimen is documented, it's a man in a suit.

      Laughable rhetorical mess.

      Stop crying and find is a monkey suit.

    3. Also... There are INUMERABLE accounts of Sasquatch being caught out, found unexpectedly and then proceeding to behave exactly the same way Patty does in that footage. Anyone unaware of this should do a little digging before spouting off.

    4. Bob G probably promised his old friend Patterson to keep his mouth shut so his wife could continue to cash the royalties of the footage.
      He can't change his story anymore. If he did he would be a liar in the eyes of the 'footers, too!

    5. One thing that makes me suspicious of Gimlin is that he refuses to take a lie detector test and be in the same room with Bob Heironimus. I realize Gimlin is considered untouchable and virtually a saint in the eyes of believers but is he making money off keeping this legend alive? Is there any official documentation to show he has been offered a huge sum of money to recant his story? I have to believe that even if offered a significant amount of money he would refuse not because the story is true but that he could not bear the shame of disappointing all his admirers who look up to him.

    6. "Everyone" has cell phones (aka "camera's) nowadays yet with it's quite hard to take any good distant pictures with these phones as most in the past 15 years didn't focus or zoom.

      They are coming out with these now - and perhaps in the next 5 years or so we might start seeing better "zoomed in" photos ?

    7. Nonsense.

      For years and years Bob G wouldn't even talk to enthusiasts about the event because of be crap he got against his name... Why would be take a lie detector test? Bob H has gone out of his way to lie and tarnish the reputation of his late best friend, would you want to be in the same room as him?

      The rest; cynical rubbish.

    8. Should Bob Gimlim wanted to make money he would have taken the money Doug Hajicek offered him over 10 years ago. That was one million dollar to tell how he and Roger Patterson pulled off this caper. Bob told him the money would be nice but he in essence could not lie. Has always been know as an honest, sincere and straight shooter.

    9. Interesting. Was this offer just based on Hajicek and Gimlin's story or was this publicly and officially done for all to witness? I believe Gimlin is so far in now he couldn't bare the shame of changing his story. He did leave himself wiggle room by stating he could HAVE been possibly hoaxed himself.

      True a lie detector is not infallible but I see no reason (other than lying) why Gimlin should refuse to take it. After all Heironimus did and passed. If Gimlin would do the same it would add much more credence to his story.

    10. I'd you don't think one million dollars isn't enough to sway someone who's "too far in"... Especially after Gimlin took most of the associated parties to court and still didn't 'rat'... Then you're trying too hard.

      Patterson passed a lie detector test.

    11. Just to add to up top too... Roger Patterson was extremely driven, pioneering researcher who had a game plan, had mounds of luck, was affiliated with and had direction from some of the best minds on Sasquatch at the time and a means of accessing a camera very quickly should he stumble across a bigfoot. The average person who stumbles across a Bigfoot today does not even expect that they exist, and at the moment of coming face to face with a Sasquatch, have only the interest in getting out of the area safely as opposed to asking the subject to say cheese.

    12. Bring me up to speed. Why did Gimlin take "associated parties" to court. Was it because of the disputed film rights? So if Patterson passed a lie detector test than why doesn't Gimlin do the same? Then you would have TWO men's word against one. I'm still waiting for someone to provide a link to show where that million dollar offer was publically announced. Just simple straightforward questions.

    13. Is liar your name? I didn;t understand, sorry...

    14. I believe it was down to the rights of one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, yes.

      Why doesn't Gimlin take a lie detector test? Maybe because it's demeaning, maybe he couldn't care what people like you think? At the end of the day, you need to realise how little interest Gimlin has for proving something to a theory group that have attempted to defecate on his character for 47 years. He was called a "liar" on this very comment section, and you expect him to dance for people like you? Just possibly, he thinks people who can't look at the footage, the data, and come to a common sense conclusion aren't worth the time of day.

    15. So am I correct in that he took them to court because he wanted some of the proceeds from the film?

      I just think that by Gimlin taking the test it would bolster his story and deflate those who would call him "liar". It just doesn't look good by him refusing to do it but if he really doesn't care about proving it . . . .

      Still waiting for a link or information about an officially announced million dollar offer to him. Has there every really been an offer besides this Doug Hajicek saying he supposedly made one? Just curious.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Interestingly, from the same source;

      "Lie detectors: Roger Patterson passed the test: Prior to publishing an April 1968 article about the Patterson-Gimlin film, National Wildlife Magazine’s editors — not wanting to run a story about a film that might prove later to be bogus — requested that Patterson submit to a lie detector test. He agreed, and the test was done “by a reputable and retired New York City polygraph expert,” according to George Harrison, who became the magazine’s managing editor in 1972. Patterson passed the test, and the magazine ran the story.

      So did Bob Heironimus: Heironimus was given and passed a lie detector test by Jim McCormick, a Yakima police polygraph expert (since deceased). Heironimus also passed a similar test on the “Lie Detector” television program.

      And what can we make of that: Both the National Wildlife editor who requested Patterson’s polygraph and the expert who administered it are deceased, so a peer review or a second look at his results are impossible.

      Heironimus’ results are equally problematic; McCormick died in 2009 and Heironimus’ attorney, Barry Woodard, did not respond to requests from another local polygraph expert for a peer review of the test results. The ‘Lie Detector’ show’s credibility also took a hit when host Ed Gelb was accused of exaggerating his own academic credentials and the show was victimized by a guest who made up a story, aced Gelb’s polygraph and then bragged about it in a magazine."

    18. Well I just thought you were the expert and might know the answers but clearly you don't. Yes, I will do some digging on my own and perhaps there are other sites which may be able to answer these simple questions.

    19. Okay - your other posts came in while I was typing - interesting - I'll review and get back at a later time. Thanks.

    20. I'm not an expert, far from it. I'm happy to help, but I've got my back up cause of the "liar" comment up top.

      I apologize. You need not go anywhere else.

    21. Eh - that wasn't me by the way. I may be skeptical but I'm always willing to give the other side a fair shake. But yes - I need to get more informed - will do some digging on my own.

    22. If there's anything I can help you with, let me know.

  5. Hey Chuck, Just to let you know, that Apx 3 years ago, one of John W. Jones team member, Joe P *who is a full Native American Mohawk, had a real close encounter apx 20 feet away, with a small, young female Big foot, He went down on one knee, held out his right hand with an apple in it, as an offering, but all she did was turn around a walk away.
    Joe P. was so startled, by this close encounter, that he never even thought to reach for his small hand held video recorder!
    That's what happens when you encounter one, you can't think straight. In John's book, he has an artist rendering of this encounter.
    Joey P says, that the Big foot also was startled by such a close encounter, with a human! This took place at a high elevation, in the most remote area inside the N.Y. Adirondack state park.
    just letting you know this.

    1. 5 43. Have to admire Joe P for having the balls to try and pull this off. Sure I can say what I would like to do, and many people have said about fantastic encounters such as this, why did you not do such and such, but the truth is pretty much as you state. Can not wait for John's book.

      Tomorrow I will post of some individuals who have make some quite incredible inroads. Hope Mike Brookreson is also here to read this as I am sure he will find it most fascinating.

    2. complete and utter horseshyt....

  6. Recent survey shows more Americans believe in ufos and Bigfoot than evolution.

    1. of coures GRAYs control BIGFOOTs and use them to collect DNA so they can create clones and hybrids


    700-year-old ‘zombie’ virus shows climate change could unleash ancient diseases

    Virus was found in ancient caribou feces. All the more reason to KEEP YOUR POOP IN A JAR

    Do NOT forget, you heard this FIRST from ME! ME! ME! TOMMIE LINDSAY!

    1. Ebola zombies Obama importing them from West Africa
      CDC sayin its all good

    2. obamacare going worldwide coverage taken in ebola patients from West Africa

  8. For some reason my above statement did not take. In reply to the friend of John Jones at 5 34. That is quite an encounter and fearless of Joe. Really look forward to the book and the artist drawing and much else in it also. I agree totally one can not think straight no matter what you would have like to have done.

    Tomorrow I will make a post of a habituation that is a bit of a mind blower and hope Mike Brookreson is reading as he can probably relate. Not enough time today. Peace


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