Top 5 Incredible Photos From Mulder's World [10/25/2014]

Read more: 11-year-old hunter kills albino deer in Michigan

Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

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  1. Albino Deer are illegal to kill in Ohio...

    1. Not in Michigan, apparently.

    2. Was illegal here in Michigan until 2009

    3. Perfectly legal in PA. The fact this buck lived long enough to grow that rack indicates a private property, a low trafficked hunting spot, or just sheer luck.

      My cousin arrowed a 6pt with similar measurements that was a very unique pie bald. Had it taxidermied in a full body mount. Wasn't a very big deer tbh. About 2 1/2-3 years old @ TOD.

    4. DC=Do keep your very unliberal panties up and dont expose your little albino. Your cousin will likely shoot and mount.

    5. If you spent half the energy you waste on obsessing over me on something positive then you may actually become a better person.

      Life is about growing and learning, aye? Maybe you should try it.

    6. You wish we all obsessed over you. But when a troll leaves the door open, you have to go in and kick him in the ball.

    7. Rudest and most abrasive guy here telling someone else to grow and learn,, Become a better person!!! LOLZZZZEZ!

  2. Wow. Big woop. He shot it. Now its dead. No more albino deer. Nobody else can enjoy seeing it. Stupid.

    1. So are you critical of the fact that it's an albino, or in general?

    2. White deer. Easy kill. Albino deer - rare. Kid - douche. Dad = super douche.

    3. I would be afraid of an eleven year old with a crossbow or gun running around the woods.

    4. Careful, your liberal panties are showing.

    5. Nothing wrong with hunting. But shooting something cool like an albino animal is douchey. Just like Dan. Fking Dan the ball slinger.

  3. I think that I am go to puke outside. I'll be right back.

    Another gun toting moron being taught absolutely nothing about nature.

    1. I bet you buy all your meat products from the grocery store, which comes from abused and neglected large operations.

      Willing to bet that deer fed his family for 6 months.

      Untie yourself from that tree.

    2. ^Killing a deer is one thing. Killing a rare deer is something else entirely. Untie yourself from that keyboard.


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