Tim Fasano: Our team has captured a Bigfoot body in Florida (Updated)

Ever since an infamous hoaxer named Dyer released photographs of his "tarp" squatch the other day, we were pretty sure another one was going turn up somewhere. However, we couldn't have predicted that Florida Skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano would be first to jump on the bandwagon. Fasano just released some photographs of a "non-human primate" wrapped up in a tarp. He posted this on Facebook just momemts ago:

Our team has captured a Bigfoot body in Florida. The arial drone sending back HD video located an off trail anomaly. Enhanced images showed a primate form. It was on a forest road in the Green swamp not used for months because much of it is under water. George and I used the 4x4 to reach it. It was a non human primate dead of natural causes. Kevin hiked out and it took the three of us to load it in the truck. We only had two ice bags and went into town to get more. While George and I were shooting video - it moved its arm from under the tarp into the air (all photographed,) I saw evidence it was breathing again and seemed annoyed. Because of this development, we are going to release the video TODAY at 5:00pm. This is what you have been waiting for. Enjoy. No money will change hands. Sasquatch is not for sale. If you have any questions please contact me. My partners have families and lives and do not seek the spotlight.

Knowing Fasano, this is probably another one of his Halloween pranks.

[Update] From Fasano: "The arm of Bigfoot as he reaches out from under the "tarp." You can see how scary that would be. For some reason, I tried to throw the tarp over it and he pushed back."


  1. Fasano's gonna grill up that skunk ape, slather it in barbecue sauce and devour it. Trust me.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Imagine his disappointment when he discovers its the rotting bloated corpse of MMG. That asshole was hanging around Green Swamp this summer.Likely got lost and now incredibly found by Fasano. The guy who couldn't find his own elbow.

    3. U.S. Government Orders 250,000 Hazmat Suits
      CDC say its all good - so no worries

    4. This reminds me of the Medieval movie by Monty Python where a man with cart pronounces, "Bring out your dead," and they load one on the cart that is not quite dead yet.

      I suppose wrapping it in ice and plastic is to finish it off. It sounds like he is conflating April Fools Day with Halloween.

      Tim Fasano is infamous for secretly owning the Bigfoot Buster blog he used to attack himself and he claimed death threats.

    5. Got the feeling that Tim's little joke will backfire in spectacular style.

      He's desperate to be recognized as a serious researcher but his need for attention leads to BS like this which in turn leads to him not being taken seriously....

      Green Swamp was great! I survived just fine!

      Lost your email/card SM! Will track you down though!


    6. I have faith in your tracking abilities ! waitin on timmy and his antics.
      hey harryb ! and co.

  2. OMG!!! I have seen that tarp before!

  3. I hope when the Beast raised his arm it was followed by a slow but sure ascension of a big hairy primate middle finger....

    1. I can see it in my head right now. If I was making a movie that's my ending. It's the first hour and a half leading to that ending that I'm stuck on. But I do know this much. Jim Belushi IS Tim Fassano.

  4. Knowing Fasano, this is probably another HOAX

    1. I did. Not exactly earth shattering material. Did I miss something?

  5. I "Believe" Fasano is doing this to distance himself from Dyer. The whole "Prepare to Believe" slogan was used by Dyer at some point.

    1. fasano is in it with dyer always was always will be its attention he craves,it does not matter if its good or bad he could give a rats as$.......fame and kfc money is all the matters to one t-fats

  6. Since when is Halloween the same as April Fool's? Yah OK Tim.

  7. My belief has never wavered but I rurally do hope its legit....

  8. if this is a fake his name should never be mentioned on this blog ever again

    1. The tarps, the bags of ice, the direct quotes from Dyer. He's mocking him you dimwitted moron!!

    2. they should get married- is it legal in Florida. You can be the ring boy

  9. Every piece of evidence Fasano has ever presented should and will be thrown out as hoaxes!! To say he is a personal friend of Dyer after Dyer threatened to kill him and now they both have a body!!! Bunch of hoaxers

  10. This is why people don't take you seriously... FFS!

  11. For my own reasons, I believe there is an unknown primate in our forests. Is there some place where I can talk with people that are serious about the subject? This site is a friggin' joke.

    1. I'll talk to you bro, what you wanna talk about?

      Human or animal?

    2. Landscaper or park ranger?

    3. Talk to Joe. He keeps his poop in a jar.

    4. Oil reserves or the difference between apes and monkeys?

    5. I'll unwrap tht a little... Can you remembet when you had to be explained that gorillas aren't monkeys, 3:32?

      I won't even get into the time you made yourself look silly about US oil reserves.


  12. There are a few decent groups over on Facebook 1:36...you're right, you can forget about trying to talk seriously here or over on the Bigfoot Forum site either, because in my opinion that site is filled up with a lot of the same "experts" that show up here on a daily basis.

  13. This guy is a joke. Don't try to tell the public you did this to show people can believe anything . I don't need lessons from uneducated hick psuedo-searchers with a propensity to, on a whim, "teach" us that they know how to hoax... Tom, you're done.

    1. Then to have somebody with a lousy sense of humor to have to come back and tell everyone that it was all a big joke...ridiculing everyone who didn't "get" the correlation as dimwitted-there an old comedian axiom that says if you have to explain the joke, then it ain't much OF one in the first place.

  14. At least Tim's got a sense of humor.

  15. Terrible to post trash like this

  16. Tim should know better. He should know that this community has had enough of Dyer-like antics thank you very much and if we aren't all laughing right along with him, well maybe that's the reason. We have had enough of people doing their best-worst antics to keep the idea and search for MORE truth about Bigfoot just one big running joke and to try and keep the whole "big monkey walking around in the woods ha ha ha " meme going as long as they can make it last. You should know better Fasano, you are just as much a part of the problem as Dyer with all of your non-proof and reams of video tape purporting to show NOTHING. Follow your new BFF Rick Dyer out the door will ya please?

    1. I would have to agree. I understand what he was trying to do but there's just no room for that garbage. Very tacky.

  17. If you can't produce it, fake it and joke about it. Sincerely, Fasano/Dyer/Biscardi Enterprises, LLC.

  18. That's no Tarp ! That's the material from the Roswell Crash in New Mexico........

  19. This dickhead Fatsano has as much credibility as a lying piece of shit.

  20. How can anyone take Fasano seriously? All he does is make a mockery of Bigfoot research.


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