I wish I can hear what John Mionczynski is talking about in this video

The Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up just released their official video on the conference a couple of days ago. The audio sucks, but if you're a fan of  John Mionczynski, you can probably pick up a few information about his research in this video. The Wildlife Consultant gave an information-filled presentation about the possibilities of forage for the sasquatch. John is an expert in edible and medicinal plants, the father of goat packing and spends months each year in the mountains.
His lecture is truly ground-breaking.

John Mionczynski is a field biologist with over thirty years of experience. He's well known throughout the bigfoot community, is a member of the Olympic Project, and has appeared on numerous podcasts speaking about the subject of bigfoot. In this video he shares his story of his own amazing encounter with one of these creatures.


  1. Replies
    1. Joe,if Patty wanted to go on a date with you where would you take her?

    2. Well JOE. My Lions played like kitty cats the first have at Wembley yesterday and then restored the roar in the second half with Prater nailing at 48 yard field goal as time expired and handing the Falcons their largest come from behind loss in franchise history.

      Have not met John Mioncynski yet, but sure he will show up at Salt Fork Lake in the not to distant future. As for food - what is another million mouths to feed in this country?

    3. ^racist sexist right wing extremist like that AC guy. People like you are killing this country, but it's ALL Obama's fault right? I guess they only have fox news on basic cable in your area

    4. We got a Liberal on here! We got a liberal on here! Shoot the self- Righteous bastard, put him out of his Misery!

    5. Chuck!! I did see it my friend!! And I believe the Cowboys are due to play soon as well?

      Feeling very under the weather today.

      John Mioczynski is a star.

    6. Not a liberal, just not a conservative extremist! Oh, I guess the fact that I hate racists and sexists makes me a liberal, huh?? Do a little research my right winged compadre. What makes you any different than Isis? Troll Hitler, troll.

    7. Part of the blame lies with the figurehead. It's not completely his fault, seeing as we've seen a decline of the dollar and the Office for the better part of every decade since the WW2 boom. Outside of the technological boom of the 90's, I can't think of many more.

      But to say that blame does not rest itself on Obama's shoulders isn't true. Cliche but the Peace Candidate has been a war hawk nation builder as much as the admitted nation building war hawks.

      At least the neocons are upfront about going in and taking stuff, regardless of reasoning.

      Hypothetical question, if you could go back and advise the Founding Father's knowing what you know now, would you recommend keeping the Articles of Confederation or The Constitution?

    8. DC shut the hell up! Nobody wants you here first. 2nd, to call him a war hawk is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. example? Libya.

    9. Also I never claimed to be an Obama supporter, read it all again. Is this nation better off with him than Bush jr.? Absolutely! Time will tell. As it did Kennedy.As it did Reagan. As it did Clinton. And as it did Johnson and all his Benedict Arnold type actions. Oops disregard the last one but notice how I threw Reagan in there as well? I'm a realist neither left or right.

    10. ^^. You are a fvcking idiot. Take your mindless dribble and put it in the terlet were it belongs with you. And don't forget to flush


    11. I never said you were an Obama supporter. Didnt say time would be more historically kind to GW either.

      It's not ALL Obama's fault but he has contributed his share of axe chops to the tree, so to speak.

    12. Also note that I said it is his burden to bear because of his position as the figurehead of a regime. Administrations and staff positions actions are on him.

    13. Ok DC," I get ya." Im pretty sure I'm still drunk from last night but I do agree with most that you have said. Sorry.

      MMC, shut the hell up. We've all seen the racist comments that you have written on this blog so admit your a clan member or put up a valid argument. Period.

    14. Keep watching fox news MMC

    15. That's good old MMC for you. He talks a big game but he can't accept other peoples opinions. Hell he's not even smart enough to create a profile.

    16. ^. Don't watch Fox News you moron. Some day when you grow up you will understand that Fox News is the other side of the same coin. DUH!

      Now if you are jeleous of me being white why then don't
      You do like micheal Jackson and get a bleach job.

      It's kind of funny how white people are always called rascist yet we don't have a group like the NAACP, or LARAZA, or black colleges

      I am not Lilly white sweetheart. Not sorry either. Don't like it then get lost bltch


    17. FINDING BIGFOOT - November 9th -
      waiting with bated breath -
      MATT & BOBO have been tracking them bigfoots for years

    18. Recently had a Chinese family move to our neighborhood. The FATHER is into real estate down in Detroit. They moved up on the lake because its paradise. They came around and introduced themselves to all the neighbors. Very friendly and successful people. Now their kds are probably going to really fvck up the bell curves at whatever school they go but that's ok. God bless them and we need more people like them in this country. They are my kind of people

      Unlike you deadbeat anon 8:37


    19. Thanks for proving my point MMC! Angry much?
      And read a history book for Christ sake. Black colleges??? Hahahahaha every college was a white college until what? I was there, you? P.s. young man, I'm white. And I'm fairly sure I'm much much older than you. Your local library has history books, go pick one up.
      Your friend, Don
      (Not the same lad you've been arguing with)

    20. Why are all the voting machines voting Democrat, even if you picked Republican? They say calibration error! Almost all the machines are from Soros and Co. a left-wing loon. Just saying. . .
      America is F. . . and you don't even know it yet!

    21. If you don't like it, move to another country. Simple fix moron.

    22. Anon 9:01

      You are flattering yourself. A little puts like you could not make me angry. If we were face to face you would not accuse me of any rascism. It would require you to be a man boy, and that ain't gonna happen


    23. MMC is mad! No worries because the super friends will show up to get his back!

  2. After today none of this Yakima PGF stuff will matter anymore because Rick Dyer shot a six foot six four hundred pound Squatch in Penn. last night and it has to be true because it came from Fasano and we all know Rick and Tim would never lie....Would they? I just hope Steve Kulls can find a way to get in on this one a make a few bucks and then bust the hoax he had nothing to do with,but I digress...

    1. Just when you think Tim Fasano can't go any lower and hurt his reputation any more...

    2. Don't ever think either one of those fools can't go any lower

    3. Rick made this Bigfoot a little more manageable than eight foot Hank, I see.

      It's amazing he found a couple of stooges to help him after his history but I guess there's always someone.

    4. I shot a two-headed Alien in Penn, that same night, and Rick help me load it is his broken down, out of gas car. with his kids inside, all with dirty underwear. Afterwards, we went to Philly and picked up Lizzy, after working the streets all night!

    5. Philly is the shithole of the world. It smells like a rotting corpse. However, I never met someone from Philly I didn't like. They're like New Yorkers with a genuine sense of humor. So we'll call it stinky and funny.

  3. I watched this entire Video of John's encounter, and I can tell you this:
    This F. . . ing Guy has NO clue what he's talking about! just another Sissy side walker, pavement pounder, tree hugging Liberal gun loving Hippie!
    Now this comment, makes more sense than 90% of the comments on here!

  4. "pick up a few information"???

    1. What are they hocking in the Chinese Knorr ad up above? Food? Brake pads? Sex? I need all three. And a new battery. My poor two mile a gallon 82' Suburban needs a little TLC. Maybe running over a Prius full of hipster posers will make him feel better. It would me..

  5. Joe & Chuck, check ur email!!
    Got a BF face pic, wanted your opinion!
    We are going to put a video & the pic up, ofthe area, wait til u see how Squatchy this area is!!

    1. Hello DS! Will check it out later that let you know what I think. Hope you've had a great weekend.

    2. Just looked DS. Does need enlarged but that thumbnail looks impressive. Can't wait to see the enhancement.

    3. Thanks guys! You can see eyes, nose, mouth, and right ear! I don't think it can be enhanced anymore, it was far away..But we are going back to spot this weekend, to hunt/ re film the spot.

    4. DS are you a rev jeff,poling,merchant guy?i seem to recall a dr squatch in the tazer gang. i hope im mistaken as those guys are just in it for a few bucks and the publicity

  6. No Sir, I'm not! Seems most researchers are in on it for $$!
    I'm a Christian, so ID never lie or hoax..I just want to prove it!
    The only Legit researchers IMO are Scott Carpenter, and D L Soucy, and myself.

    1. i think mitch waite is on the level

    2. Mitch claims one came up and patted him on the shoulder??

  7. Can you trust someone to produce evidence of a sasquatch when they can't even record their own conference without fucking it up?


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