Footage of Bigfoot watching herd of elk?

The people at Depot Inn thinks they may have inadvertently captured a Bigfoot during the filming of a herd elk. A massive figure can clearly be seen standing behind the herd. Check out the video below:


  1. Hunter. I see camo. NOT bigfoot.

  2. The video that founded your religion the "PGF" was a hoax.

    You are all chasing a non existent ape.

    You're welcome.

    1. Except those that don't care about the PGF.

      And saw a bigfoot...or heard a bigfoot...


      Psuedoskepticism is a fundementalist quasi-religion.

    3. Dear lord. You must be unbearable in person.

    4. Shitfire!!!

      I can't see fockin sheet!!!

    5. Belief in bigfoot is a full-blown retardamentalist religion.

      Right dork?

    6. 3:40... You must be one of these nerds who gets bullied about by his peers and has to make himself feel big anonymously, I know who you are in person alright.

      3:34... Not when I can reference every source of evidence short of modern type specimen, Einstein.

      : p

    7. anonymous.... might not be an ape after all. and they do exist. speaking from first-hand experience.

    8. I'd love to read that first hand experience one time too.

    9. Somehow I doubt if Bigfoot exists it is anything close to human. No fire, no significant tool use, no culture...and no language despite some self proclaimed linguists. And for all that is holy don't bring up samurai chatter or Sasquatch Ontario.

    10. The Common God Damned Sense PoliceWednesday, October 29, 2014 at 6:58:00 PM PDT

      2:04 the founder of your religion is a hoaxer. He's also turned his back on you and the JREF forum is no more.

      Where will you ever find another illusionist hoaxer to lead you by the nose and keep you amply, properly, and thoroughly deluded?

      One wonders.

      Keep us informed, kid.

    11. Hey wow! Great post.
      Now why don't you go and stick your index finger
      About an inch and a quarter into your mothers rectum
      and brighten her day.👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆

    12. 4:38... Natives for ten thousand years have maintained that Sasquatch understand fully how to use fire, whilst there are accounts of them spearing fish and inumerable instances of them wielding clubs. Culture is burying their dead and language; again in line with the modern evidence that transitions ten thousand years of native undertanding. And don't make me post Scott Nelson's credentials, you don't contribute to war efforts and uncover lost dialects by being self proclaimed.

      A bipedal gorilla would have been caught by now.

    13. Weather is Real and not a global hoaxThursday, October 30, 2014 at 2:17:00 AM PDT

      Yeah champ like your global warming that somehow drifted into climate change(a.k.a. WEATHER) Just think about this.... In the 1970's time magazine's cover claimed we were going into an ice age? Yeah your science is definite. Yeah ok chumps. And this last ditty..... The founder/creator of the weather channel has said that climate change is a hoax cause there is NO REAL EVIDENCE!!! just two weeks ago!!! follow the money douche-bag and you'll see how your their USEFUL TOOL! stooge is too kind of a word. So how about moron?

    14. If it was, I have never once offered even a little bit of an opinion on the matter here, and haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.

    15. I've seen one with my own eyes, I don't care what anyone says, but maybe a little education would go a long way with you!
      Like this:

  3. It's not bigfoot it's...Big Jon.

    Plink Plunk Twang.

  4. Stumpy the frozen sasquatch.
    If so called researchers were halfway serious they'd stuff Rick dryers mutilated carcass in that stump and the world would buy them a coke

  5. At least in the Great North video the alleged Bigfoot moves (it was a crew member) when the reindeer run by.

  6. Bob and Doug saw dat sasamasquatch?

  7. Unfortunately, as much as I would like this to be a real BigFoot, judging by the detail that is revealed in the herd of elk isnt translated to the subject that is thought to be bigfoot. In other words the definition available in the herd isnt available in the subject. If he was a bigfoot we should be able to see not real facial features but at least something that would designate eyes nose and a mount. But its so blurry it could just be a dead pine tree.

    1. PLUS if there was the amount of detail one would expect in the facial area (and not a whole lot, like you wouldnt see TWO eyes but a dark area where the two eyes would be, you can see dark on dark areas that represent the elks facial features but not the obvious dark on light areas of the bigfoots face?) I think the camera guy would have picked up the bigfoot standing that close to the herd. And yet they didnt notice anything

  8. How could those elk NOT see or smell the Squatch?They have very good senses.
    Unless Squatch have the ability to mask or throw off their prey with discombobulation.

  9. Yes, anything blurry is most definitely Bigfoot. In fact, the worse the photo/video, the more likely it's Bigfoot. (#$#%&%^#.)...that was a Bigfoot

  10. Because that "squatch" is probably some bow hunter hosed down with scent killer.

  11. Jesus. Hunt the dam thing like a cougar. Wait for fresh snow/ tracks get out the hounds and run it down and shoot it. Its not that hard if it wasnt just an urban legend.or you could be like the rest if the idiots with stupid huge liyd camera crews etc stomping through the bush. Try finding a coyote or a deer or anything for that matter with that plan. Stupid.

  12. Its always some bullshit picture taken with a 2001 1mp camera phone with no flash. And the shows are always filmed in the most untrackable places, like the bayou, or like rocky lime stone nonsense. But there are claims every minute about how they are so hairy and like cooler climates more north. Get out the dogs, drones, whatever, its 2014 we have the technology. And the only idiots who ever claim to have seen it are drunk illiterate inbreds who couldn't even find see the dog they ran over on the way home or the cousins they knocked up. Seriously pull your heads out of your asses. Or go prove me wrong Davey crocket

    1. You do make a valid point an angry one,but a good point......

    2. Thats why i say shoot it, simple as that, and then make pictures

  13. Leafs from a tree... if you stop the video either when they first pass.. or when he goes back over it at the end, its 3 groups of leafs.

  14. Welllllllll, it's actually ANOTHER bull c_ _ p video that doesn't even get us 1/32nd closer to any proof of the existence of this species......

  15. First off, the elk don't seem startled by the thing. Second if you pause the video you will see that there are like three blobs, not one. Third, it looks like a small pine tree to me.

  16. Looks legit, except for that GUN STRAP ACROSS THE CHEST!!! LOL!!!!!

  17. three bunches of a pine boughs

  18. Bs, just tell me your filming and your that f blind that you cannot see standing something that big and then you run out of film in just a few minutes, common joker

  19. one day id love to go on a blog and not see joefitz dominate it and being a sarcastic prick to every sceptic
    I know he has fellow weirdo's on here who tolerate him . to most people he is clearly devoid of having a life if he can spend his days on a bigfoot blog


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