Find Out About Bryan Sykes' 2013 Expeditions to America In This Special Interview With Adam Davies and Lori Simmons

So, what exactly happened up in the north Cascades of Washington State in May 2013 that changed the way Dr. Bryan Sykes see the world? What possessed Sykes returned to the location a second time? Bigfootology's Rhettman Mullis says the famous professor of Human Genetics from the University of Oxford completely changed his views on Bigfoot and has gone from a skeptic to a complete believer. Now -- For the first time ever, we learned that Adam Davies and Bigfoot researcher Lori Simmons were granted permission from Dr. Sykes to detail his visits to America in 2013. They shared the whole story on the BoA:Audio show Tuesday.  Here are some details:

We then dig into the May 2013 secret expedition that was funded by Dr. Sykes and start by finding out how he actually received the first-ever research permit to study Bigfoot from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Adam also talks about the forensic precautions that were taken by Sykes during the trip and we marvel at the fact that Dr. Sykes invested so much time and money in this specific Bigfoot case. Adam also shares one unique test used to try and lure the Bigfoot out into the open in order to capture a picture of the creature.

This leads to some talk about the various attempts to garner DNA evidence from the creature and Lori recalls how she felt conflicted over her role in this aspect of the expedition since she felt like she was betraying the 'Big Guy' after establishing a longstanding 'friendship' with the creature. We then learn what, if any, evidence was obtained from the expedition. Following that, we talk about how game cameras seemed to be futile in attempting to document the 'Big Guy' as well as Adam's reflections on how the American Bigfoot constitutes a wholly unique creature from the pantheon of cryptids that he's previously researched.

Listen to the show here: Listen on BoA:Audio


  1. I would rather not Sykes is a fraud.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Who gives a flying fock about Sykes?!?!

    1. Really? Is there a scientific community monthly that is sent to every person with a degree in the science field? Where's mine?

      Most scientists have no clue who Bryan Sykes is, and if they do, as Tzeith pointed out before it is because of his controversial book on the 'one out of Africa' model.

      You do comprehend that science isn't a uniform community?

    2. Unlucky Danny, Sykes is the very best geneticist in the world, and he's conducting Bigfoot research. He literally wrote the book on mitochondrial DNA.

      Are you scared?

    3. Didn't realize that so many different branches of science were all contracted under a Professional wrestling organization. So if spanky is the world heavyweight champion, who has the TV and the intercontinental titles?

      Clearly Melba is the women's champion and Meldrum is the cruiserweight titleholder.

      I suspect Matt Johnson will be making a run for that heavyweight title.

      Plenty of people look for bigfoot, nothing on catalogue though. Keep looking for that dryer sock, I'm sure someone will find it.

    4. ^ keep making sense bro, you're the heavyweight champion of chocolate watch makers it seems.

      Plenty of people looking for Bigfoot and every source short of modern type specimen accumulated; plenty found, none caught.

  4. Rhettman, like most extremist Christians, have a difficult time verbalizing the truth.

  5. Hey Joe! The SKEPTIC are afraid! Sykes is joining the Big foot club. Wonder why? Maybe he finally realizes that; "Something is out there, and it ain't no Bear"!

    1. Have you listened to the audio yet? I'm half way through it and basically Sykes is a footer.

      I'll comment fully once I've listened to it all...

      ; )

    2. Hey JOE. Am listening as we speak, so to say. Fascinating. Will hold off on my story for tomorrow. Had no idea that this was what Sykes was doing here in NA. Sounds like he is a whole lot of on board, and heard the noises the Big Guy makes.

    3. And yet bigfoot still hasn't been verified...

    4. As verified by uneducated, unimportant, anonymous you.

      Plenty found, none caught.


      Chuck!! It's a great listen isn't it?! Ha ha ha!! Also, was looking forward to hearing that comment, no problem I'll wait!

    5. ^ Plainly foolish, noone cares.


    6. You care enough to express it son... You're fooling no one.

      : p

    7. I catcall women on the street but that doesn't mean I care enough to apologize or go out of my way physically for them.

      A passing fancy, a quick comment...not exactly Mother Theresa level care, eh, spanky?

    8. Why explain yourself if that's the case? Boo-hooing much??

      You care alright.

      ; )

    9. You got me, I do care deeply that you are foolish. Now I must move on to more important matters in life, like... well, anything other than engaging in more conversation with you. And you can go back to watching your breast jiggle loop and staring at diaper butt my friend. Dont forge tthe lotion.

    10. Yeah... You care... Oh how you care. Oh, and by the way, page 15 here;

      ... There's your diaper butt. Foolish is devoting one's entire time to a subject you hate.

      ; )

    11. Well JOE. Finished listening. I do not usually find time for many podcast but sure am glad I listened to this. I have seen Adam Davies on TV a while back on the Oreng Pendek of Sumatra which was good, however I have never heard him interviewed. I am happy Sykes gave him and Lori the go ahead to discuss what happened at Marble Mountain. Now I know why he was here for those 2 weeks in May 2013. Will see if Sykes discusses the interactions going on between the Big Guy and him, Adam, and Lori in his upcoming book. Since he has yet to get the proof he needs it might not be a win situation for him to do so, and I am a apprehensive. We will see if he wants to put out information that will fly in the face of the establishment and risk his reputation at this time.

      I see tonight at 8 ET he will have David Paulides on and that is always most interesting.

    12. Just finished myself Chuck!! Can't agree more buddy, you just basically articulated what I wanted to say. Oh well, I'd hate to tell some people I told them so!!!

      The day it's confirmed that he's conducting a hybrid study is coming, it might be months, it might be a couple of years... But it's coming. I'm gonna want to see some people on here when that does.

      : )

    13. Obvious diaper butt is obvious.

    14. page 15 here;

      ... There's your diaper butt.

      ; )

  6. "It is acknowledged that the possibility of a fur costume is not absolutely excluded from consideration by this analysis" is what I got out of that. I dont hate the subject at all, I hate the wacko's that dilute it down with unproven garbage and wild conspiracy theories.

    1. You should have kept reading son;

      "It is acknowledged that the possibility of a fur costume is not absolutely excluded from consideration by this analysis, but that if the PGF hominid were in fact a human in a fur costume, such a costume, and the padding underneath that fur cloth, must have been
      tailored with expert skill and deliberate design to achieve the effect of these contours of the skin and adipose of an aging and overweight female hominid (and disregarding other aspects of anatomy such as limb proportions, kinematics of the foot, proportions of the head that contradict the man-in-a-fur-suit hypothesis, which will be addressed elsewhere). In 1967, such skill in tailoring furcloth was rare and the few practitioners who had such skills were in the highest echelon of
      professional craftspeople, and were veterans of the film/theatrical industry. The man who filmed the PGF hominid, Roger Patterson, had no such skills and had no proven connection or association with any person of such skills. Nor did he have documented financial means to employ such persons to work on his behalf.
      Furthermore, the costumes of the era (1967) were either intended for comical theatrics, in which case little attention was paid to anatomical realism, or when such
      costumes were intended for dramatic theatrical
      ventures where realism was required, they were designed to portray powerful, threatening or frightening creatures, dynamic and athletic in form. Therefore, a superbly realistic costume designed to look like an
      aging and slightly overweight female has no precedent in costume design for that era, or even in the decades that followed.

      Therefore, purely from a standpoint of consideration of the PGF hominid’s anatomy, as compared to both actual human surface anatomy and great ape anatomy, and further compared to fur costume design and form, the
      resemblance to real anatomy is not only apparent but prevails as the more probable explanation for the nature of the PGF hominid. These observations support the
      conclusion that we are not observing a costume, but rather a real and novel hominid whose body has a modest natural hair coat."

    2. ... Oh, and you do hate the subject, someone who wakes up thinking of me every day of their lives and searches the internet for every other hater's dribbles based on subjective assumptions and inaccurate data, ready to post here to oppose every single last angle for the positivity that endorses the truth about this subject... Probably should find something better to do.


    3. Jeepers JOE, which costume was it? Remember according to Bob H there were four of five different ones.

    4. I wake up thinking of you every day, but not in a bad way :)

    5. I wake up in wonderment of bigfoot, you just happen to be a hemorrhoid to one website I surf about bigfoot. Not even a good quality one just one super easy to post crap on. If it was to go login only then there would be like 3 1/2 people here.

    6. Like... Totally...


      Oh, and I love snatching that hemorrhoid pillow out from under you called 'reassurance'. There'll be none around here for you son.

    7. Is early 90's American pop culture just arriving in Wales?

      I don't know what you are on about, I am content with bigfoot I just don't like anonymous loud mouth disrespectful people like you.

    8. You clearly missed the boat on me taking the Mickey out of you. Are you the type in your class that doesn't realize people are laughing at you and not with you?

      Oh... And that's my real name up there son, you want some respect then start showing it.

  7. Jeez, I can't listen to her inanities.

  8. LOL, how absurdly arrogant of you that you think you can tell me what I do and dont hate. We'll go ahead and add this to the long list of things you think you know, but cant prove. You dance center stage of this little bigfoot blog and now think you are the star. But you arent, Bigfoot is the subject here. And I dont hate Bigfoot, or even the search for Bigfoot. I hate that its become a joke of itself due to hoaxers and wannabe experts, of which you are both. And then you that latch on almost every one without any sort of rational thinking behind it, just make it that much more ridiculous.

    1. ^ cares so much he has to pretend he's an enthusiast now.


      Oh... And I regularly prove that there is evidence for an unknown primate living in the wolderness of the US, nothing else.

      I'd love for you to point to where I've participated in any hoaxing, and where I've claimed I'm an expert too.


    2. ^ crying about not being as smart as Joe. Need a tissue?

  9. Davies threw any credibility he had into a sleeping bag, took a picture of it, and claimed it was a "creature".


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