Fasano's Skunk Ape Arm Reaches Out

Oh, wow! It now looks like Tim Fasano's skunk ape is alive! Holy... Just in time for Halloween:

"The arm of Bigfoot as he reaches out from under the "tarp." You can see how scary that would be. For some reason, I tried to throw the tarp over it and he pushed back." - Tim Fasano

Fasano's just having a little fun with us today, right?

Just hours ago, Fasano posted this message on Facebook:

Our team has captured a Bigfoot body in Florida. The arial drone sending back HD video located an off trail anomaly. Enhanced images showed a primate form. It was on a forest road in the Green swamp not used for months because much of it is under water. George and I used the 4x4 to reach it. It was a non human primate dead of natural causes. Kevin hiked out and it took the three of us to load it in the truck. We only had two ice bags and went into town to get more. While George and I were shooting video - it moved its arm from under the tarp into the air (all photographed,) I saw evidence it was breathing again and seemed annoyed. Because of this development, we are going to release the video TODAY at 5:00pm. This is what you have been waiting for. Enjoy. No money will change hands. Sasquatch is not for sale. If you have any questions please contact me. My partners have families and lives and do not seek the spotlight.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Ern where's Bert?
      He's laying in the dirt.
      'Cause Joe got to him and made his butt hurt.
      He ass raped that puppet.
      But that puppet had it coming.
      He chopped off Eva's dick and made Joe eat that muthafucka.

    2. why is this jackas$ ernie back? early parole?...or did big gay jon/homo bob need some back-up, in the pet extermination business

    3. I think you're confused buddy. This is just a message board.

  2. Go away! Go away! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!

    1. Christ is make believe . bigfoots are real. This story is not!!!!

    2. It's a line from The Exorcist. Happy Halloween!

  3. Tonight is devils night All Hail Satan!!!

    1. Technically it's tomorrow night.

    2. Devils night is the 30th that's when all the havoc occurs .

    3. You gotta loose your mind in Detroit rock city.

  4. All I know is every single time that we have been told that "evidence" will be released at a later date or time said "evidence" has yet to turn up. I suspect the case will continue with this latest tease.

    1. Refer to anon 1:42 on previous thread ya moron.

    2. Must be so cool to be the all-knowing king of everything related to bigfoot hoaxes. Maybe someday we'll all be able to sniff them out as fast as you can. Thanks Tim, now get back in your cab, the dispatch is trying to reach you.

    3. It's common sense, you're the one that bit.

    4. Sometimes it helps humor to go over better with an eyeroll emoticon or an LOL, something, one can't expect the readers to be able to gauge a poster's level seriousness from mere words alone. Unless, of course they are the all-knowing types like you seem to be.

  5. Sasquatch cant die, they have 5 lives.
    That explains why hunters claim to have shot them , then can't find a corpse.

  6. Replies
    1. Couldn't have been. Jokes are funny. Attention whoring wanna be celebrities aren't.

  7. A hoaxer mocking another hoaxers hoax. Real fuckin funny, pal. Why, you've just regained all your credibility!

    1. I'm not sure you can regain something you never possessed.

  8. It's way after 5- where's the video? We've got the Bigfoot Proof Party and Parade ready to commence!

    1. I called in sick for this damnit! Tim's gonna get me fired AGAIN!!!!!!

  9. That corpse has been so probed by now... poor corpse...

  10. Wow,some people need a life!


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