Did LordCryptid Capture a Bigfoot on Camera?

Bigfoot researcher LordCryptid in Michigan was walking his dog the other day and managed to capture a dark figure on a trail. Whatever it was, it was "solid black" and crouched down on fours before disappearing into the woods. This area is frequented by people, so it's possible that it could be a person:

While taking my puppy out for a walk and photographing the fall colors I saw a strange figure about 200 yards away down a trail. It was hunched over and I thought it was a big black dog. Then it stood up. I began to take pictures of it as it disappeared into the woods. I used the photos, observations and measurements taken at the scene to narrow down what the strange figure was. If nothing else, it is a good primer on how to do some basic photo analysis.


  1. Replies
    1. iam sayin tham mexicuns heers fer shure ans thays votin ans takin tham jobs folks knowin it heer fer yeers

  2. Believable report with an interesting photograph. Would have been cool to see photos of the tracks and make even more credible.

    1. An 8 foot magic ape is never believable

    2. Notice hoe you have to attach sensationalist connotations to support your notion.

      Not so confident are you?

    3. If it was an obscure rare insect found only in a certain area of the Amazon that you were looking for then yea sure fine fair enough. But an 8 foot all knowing ape that has remained undiscovered yet apparently wanders up to campsites and peers into peoples houses, then no it really is not believable.

    4. You don't account for the fact that the subject has been discovered a long time ago, merely not caught and therefore classified. You also don't account that for all the reports, enthusiasts in fact have every source of evidence short of modern type specimen.

      About as unbelievable as Occam's Razor.

    5. tham Dems catterwallin sayin votin fer Dems caws wes fer yous

    6. There is no DNA on record, no successful attempts at extracting genomes from purported Sasquatch hair, which means no actual hair to be verified as bigfoot because morphological tests are not precise enough. The clearest footage is still mired in controversy with both proponents and opponents passing polygraph tests.

      You don't understand the things you post. I love the Big Guy, love the outdoors, love the never ending 'chase the dragon' feeling,' but it's goofy losers like you that ruin the little accomplishments that we do have by acting like these whack crack thoughts and vague stories are worth anything at all.

    7. Its Halloween - Vote for democrats

    8. Unfortunately for you, it's drastically inaccurate. Hair can be verified to be of unknown primate and has been by multiple sources in turn who are very qualified to do so, but not having the means to classify does not stop this hair being a reality. And when you have tracks and a sighting by multiple eyewitnesses of professional stock in the same instance; game changer. I might remind you also, that hair from a sighting has been sequenced and come back as homo sapien, even deliberately contaminated with known animals and still come back as homo sapien.

      The clearest footage is mired by denailsts who refuse to not only acknowledge what's in front of their eyes post stabilization, but to listen to scientists who have yet to see their premise tested sufficiently. Your statement regarding the polygraphs is also inaccurate, as by your own 'skeptical' standards, you should take into account this;

      "McCormick died in 2009 and Heironimus’ attorney, Barry Woodard, did not respond to requests from another local polygraph expert for a peer review of the test results. The ‘Lie Detector’ show’s credibility also took a hit when host Ed Gelb was accused of exaggerating his own academic credentials and the show was victimized by a guest who made up a story, aced Gelb’s polygraph and then bragged about it in a magazine."

      ... You do not see such damning information attached to Patterson's polygraph test. Practice what you claim to preach son.

      If you were as enthusiastic as you claim to be, you wouldn't have a problem with me. I've yet to meet one single enthusiast who can't converse and have a difference of opinion without resorting to hate and abuse, odd considering I'm fighting the corner of which you claim to be endorsing. Because you are too dumb to look at the data, or don't like being drawn to it by a Welshman, that's not my problem son. I back up everything I say, will treat anyone with respect if it's shown to me and don't hide behind anonymity like some funny little coward.

    9. Are you done with your temper tantrum now, Susie?

    10. Did you eat paint chips as a child?

  3. Replies
    1. I remember Jim Sherman putting out a video on photo of squirrels a while back and how easy it was. Seems either a sasquatch or person in dark clothing is not quite so easy. I also assume he is in the western or northern suburbs of Metro Detroit area also, not a place noted for Sasquatch activity, at least during daytime, but you never know. Nice puppy, I am sure Ruff Ready would agree.

    2. Chuck!!

      If you have nothing to do, check this out... Michael Merchant interviewing an ex-marine bow hunter called Michael Phillips;


      ... You may have to subscribe to his channel but it's one of the best interviews ever!! Two to three sightings of amazing detail.

  4. No he did not capture a bigfoot on camera.

  5. Well I promised a couple of days ago for a mind blowing experience and here it is. This came out late last week but since it has not been talked about I will post it here.
    http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=29609. Or go to bfro.net, recent reports, 4th one down, pacific county, washington.

    Folks have a Sasquatch family hanging around there property that have taken a very keen interest in the humans. Feed them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and discovered Sasquatches prefer wheat bread, as do I. The humans have coaxed one of the males to state a word, possibly his name Guag. In a Sasquatch see, Sasquatch do moment, a male also offered his hand out for a handshake to the human. I call this interaction can be achieved and listening to Adam Davies and Lori Simmons yesterday, they feel the same. Would love to know what Mr. Mike Brookreson and others think about this.

  6. Yes, exactly what we need, another blurry photo that Joe can add to his "Plenty found" list. Amazing how one can amass such a wealth of detail about the subject, but still in this day and age cannot tell us where to find said subject. Pretty sad that people become so self absorbed in psuedo science they lose all objectivity in reviewing evidence and completely blow thier credibility out of the water. Still though, I hope Joe gets a small precent of all the royalties the hoaxers make for keeping the lie alive.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      What's the matter boyo, still upset after yesterday's drubbing? Ok... I'll oblige your little quest for attention...

      My opinion regarding this picture doesn't account for factual data that is clearly lacking. Factual data would resulted in me having categorically claimed that photograph was legitimate, I didn't do that. Notice how I stated;

      "Would have been cool to see photos of the tracks and make even more credible."

      ... Did you notice that when you went ahead and expressed how much of a butthurt person you are? Didn't think so. You are in fact half right about one thing however, in this day and age we know where to find them, just not how to track them. This was again, the case when we look at many different types of formally considered cryptids over the decades. Also... We're not really looking at a mere animal with minimal evasive attributes that it's evolved, but a sentient being that can calculatively evade far more effectively (but occasionally make mistakes).

      Psuedoscience is in fact maintaining that there is nothing worthy of analysis until such a process of aforementioned conclusive research is reached. Psuedoscience is also ignoring data based on subjective assumptions and inaccurate data, reclining to preconceived preferences that cannot be supported, and is in fact heuristics... Some of your very regularly expressed fallacies... Like providing proof that I've hoaxed, like you were asked yesterday, or providing with a means to test the sources presented sufficiently and show that your position is not one hypocritically based on lies that you point to others making.

      If I have any level of self absorption, it's because every day I develop more and more of an ego off the back of making people like you cry because you can't support your arguments adequately.

      ; )

  7. Footer's Desperation photo number 10 million!

  8. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah... Prioritising your time better is better dawning now then never.

    3. HILLARY in the house in 2016 : )
      Reality Time for sure

  9. Joe will acknowledge that individual attributes of patty have been recreated in various suits but thinks that because a single suit has not been shown to have all these attributes put together then it couldn't be done.

    Welcome to footery.

    1. Lies. You don't have anything that accurately incorporates even one element, let alone all three in one example, of what is required to sufficiently replicate what you see in the PGF. You've sourced attempts (actually not you yourself, your prophets) at all three elements such as gate, texture and proportions, that not only don't remotely cut it, but aren't seen in one example of any suit anywhere in the world in history.

      There is nothing produced by those attempting efforts at recreating the PGF that incorporates even a little of all three elements, meaning something that can be recognised in having all three elements at one time in one suit. That's all PGFCB's source are very poor singular element attempts that can be destroyed as follows;



      No texture? No muscle groupings? Didn't think so.

    2. Oh... And by the way, to anyone schooling this crybaby in future, it appears you can't say Hackham with a 'P' any more... Tried it the other day and was getting whited out until I took that name out.


    3. Joe is already drunk! Happy Halloween!

  10. The problem with videos like this one from 'LordCryptid' is that it could be someone attempting humor/satire or it could be a serious claim by your average blobsquatchin' nutjob - we can't tell because the end result is identical these days. Either way it is sad that this type of utterly boring useless crap is all you get out of Bigfoot Evidence these days. At least there's still Joe providing endless hours of entertainment (if you could be bothered to read the reams of drivel he pumps out on a daily basis).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You read it alright, that's why you're smarting son.

      What grounds does uneducated, unqualified, anonymous you have to call people who present blobsquatches with open transparency as 'nutjobs'? What you fail to understand is that these subjects have the sensory attributes to not only be aware of our presence way in advance, but have the agenda to stay well out of our way so as to not be in harm's reach of things like guns, so they're almost always at a very long distance to what people report them. You simply cannot account for every blobsquatch being nothing but wrongful suggestion or fabrication, in the same that we cannot prove they are indeed what is being suggested, but what we can draw attention to is the fact that there are hundreds of sightings a year and mounds of physical evidence accumulated. Therefore, if you're not a denialist, the probability of even a very small number of such being safely estimated to be legitimate is worthy of sincere consideration... As naturally, if these things are real then people would film them, and they do.

      What's 'sad' (your favourite word) is people like you should attack people like the poster up top for being open, honest, having an odd encounter and expressing that, and is the very reason why many more people don't come forward with similar, very sincere feelings that what they've captured is evidence for fear of ridicule, drastically cutting down the number of which would no doubt suit your agenda to censor facts, replaced with lies regarding the frequency of reports... Self serving up your level of child like reassurance you require for things that simply are not under your control. The only nut job is you spending all your time on a subject that obviously makes you so hateful it's painfully obvious to anyone reading your vomit.

      What's next?

    3. Not only what you speak JOE, but this poster is obviously wasting his life away when all he has in his life is to chase you around the clock about a subject he knows next to nothing about and with an attitude that is equally sour.

      On the other hand Lord Cryptid is none other than Jim Sherman who spends his spare time scouting the vast forests of Michigan employing very good recording techniques and has captured vocals of these amazing Sasquatches. He practices his trade with a camera also in hopes to get that ever so elusive shot of one. Oh and what doe Jim do in his real time. He is a High School teacher at a most respected school in the Northern suburbs of Metro Detroit and trains athletes in cross country and track and field. A rather busy chap I would say.

    4. ans tham mexicuns keeps atakin tham jobs thays been heer fer yeers

    5. The only person being attacked is you. Because you have a half assed pieced together description to make what you want. You constantly say wasting all my time you dont realize it only takes 15 minutes out of my lunch break to point out what a liar you are. You have multiple contradictions with your story which I have repeatedly pointed out and have discussed with other people that have told me various other iterations of your fanatical story and how it has evolved over time. Call me a skeptard all you want, and self proclaim your victories, time after time it comes down to you have ZERO PROOF of any of your claims. While you have extremely little evidence there could be a Sasqautch, you are light years away from proving its existence. You lack any sort of healthy skepticism that a person investigating this sort of thing would need to have. And due to that you are as unreliable of a source as someone who is the polar opposite. I know you have a few people who buy into what you say and I hope that one day they realize its not a bad thing to be skeptical because openly accepting all evidence without questioning it only hurts the field. You can copy and paste all the articles you want and then do your little song and dance, Im not trying to win here because you cant win a battle with someone who lives in a fantasy world. You always post an article like thats some kind of proof. Nope its not. Sorry. Proof is catching one. Noone has even come close yet. So heres my quick "Joe is full of it" fact of the day. Joe has stated many times that Sasquatch are merely giant native americans.. covered in fur. Yet foot prints supposedly show a mid tarsal break. Which Dr Meldrum claims shows that the footprints could NOT be human. So which is it Joe, you say they are human, have human DNA, but yet they have monkey feet? Which is it? And just to show Meldrum is as much of a nutjob as you are theres always this.http://doubtfulnews.com/2013/06/bigfoot-trouble-mid-tarsal-break-not-indicative-of-bigfoot-anymore/

    6. Wow what a meltdown!! Ha!

      Again... The silly-billy nonsense about mid tarsal breaks? I used the exact source back in December 2013 to prove to some idiots that mid tarsal breaks were possible (a trait that some stupid skeptics, humorously denied was possible), but that Sasquatch are indeed human.

      The article does not effect Meldrum, the field or anyone enthusiastic what so ever, because it not only proves mid tarsal theories, but it tries to align such traits with known human examples. Sasquatch are humans, so it actually supports the notion.

      Humorously, Sharon Hill is contributing to promoting the notion that Sasquatch are human.

      You're now of course, invited to point out my many 'contradictions'. You've been told time and time again, when you're with adults you've gotta put your money where your mouth is, not keep saying it over like some coping mechanism. The truth is you THINK you're a skeptic, but you're not even anything of the sort.

    7. "In classical philosophy, skepticism refers to the teachings and the traits of the 'Skeptikoi', a school of philosophers of whom it was said that they 'asserted nothing but only opined.' (Liddell and Scott) In this sense, philosophical skepticism, or Pyrrhonism, is the philosophical position that one should suspend judgment in investigations.

      They've hijacked the term "skeptic" to refer to the one who suppresses the act of questioning, rather than to the questioner himself. In doing so, they've pretended to be the opposite of what they are to hide their true agenda, which is to protect the agenda of the status quo power elite and keep people remaining sheeple. See here for more info.

      Additionally, they've hijacked terms such as "rational, reason, logic, critical thinking" to mean the "proper" thinking and behavior that supports materialism and orthodoxy, and rejects against anything that challenges it. That is not what those words mean of course. It's a form of mind control and disinformation. And it seems way too calculated and militant to be due to some accidental misunderstanding, ignorance or closed mindedness. Hijacking a word to mean its opposite is more indicative of a deliberate agenda, such as a disinformation campaign or form of mind control. If that sounds terrible, well, we are here to expose it thank goodness.

      Furthermore, oddly enough, they treat Science as if it were some kind of authoritarian "entity" that takes positions and views on issues (their own of course), when it is in fact merely a tool and method of inquiry based on logical principles. In reality, science does not take positions or hold dogmatic beliefs on subjects. People take positions, not Science, which holds no more views than my computer does. Science is not a living entity. These pseudoskeptics are projecting their own views and Atheistic philosophy into Science, which they hold as the ultimate authority, aka Scientism. (Oh well, I guess pseudoskeptics need something to worship too)."

      This is your version of slepticism son. You've been told time and time again to back up your accusations on my character and the alleged holes in my statements, but like a spoiled little kid you think you're excempt from doing so, muttering it over and over again like you'll make is so in the end.

    8. Oh... And 'stories evolving' is in fact 'research accumulating'... Something you'll grow to learn in a few years I'm sure.

      Your lack of angle to wangle ain't to any one else's detriment, again... Spoiled little kid.

    9. I find it hilarious how you announce how butt hurt and upset I am, all these meltdowns Im having. When the fact is I couldnt care less. I barely have to skim through all your source material to find all the flaws with it. Then stand back and watch you pile the crap on deeper and deeper as you dig yourself into a bigger hole. Its become my new hobby to point out the multiple holes in your theories so I can watch you post line after line of all the conveniences that would have to work in order for this to all make sense and then do your little dance and talk about how frustrated I am. For example our little mid tarsal disagreement. That article shows us, that if those are Sasquatch tracks then the majority of bigfoot tracks have mid tarsal breaks. However the article also points out that a small minority of humans have them. So we are to believe the majority of Sasquatch, which according to you are human, have them, but the majority of humans dont. Once again another convenience for you. And yes Meldrum DID say those COULDNT be human tracks due to that fact. The only point being there is he doesnt know what the hell hes talking about. Like you he is an expert on a creature that there is no proof of existing. At least he has a degree that bares some sort of relevance to this. Just curious, do you? Yet he is one of your "experts" who claim the PGF is authentic. And we all know in what high regard you hold that footage. On top of that your highly regarded expert also endorses Todd Standing. So right there he is endorsing one known hoax, is it so unbelievable to think he wouldnt endorse another. And you hold his opinion in such high regard. But you know what, I dont even know your stance on the Standing videos. I mean you took PGF hook, line and sinker I guess its very likely you believe the Standing videos to be authentic. Please tell me you do.

    10. Flaws? Point them out.

      Holes being dug? Point them out.

      Hobby? Not a very successful one; stick to Call of Duty.

      Conveniences? Point them out?

      The majority of humans don't have mid tarsal breaks, but we have humans, HOMO SAPIEN SAPIENS with mid tarsal breaks... Whether they are a minority is irrelevant. This is painfully basic stuff. We have small groups of people/tribes around the world with six didgets, they're still human. Another example; the arm length of Patty is 5.5 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9999981 percentile or is present in one out of 52.5 million people. That's a low percentage, but it still shows humans, HOMO SAPIEN SAPIENS can have this anatomical trait and therefore only supports my argument, not yours.

      I don't have to agree with everything Meldrum says, it's only very recently he's changed his view of what Sasquatch is from Giganto to relict hominid... Good science self reflects and corrects as it evolves. The field is split 60/40 in favour of this subject being more human, that doesn't matter when all consider the subject in the PGF to be real; has no baring on whether she's real or not, merely what she is... This is painfully basic stuff son.

      There is no solid evidence to prove that Todd Standing is a hoaxer, and if you knew your stuff (clearly you don't), you'd know that Meldrum does not endorse Standing's photographs, but the new source of footage he has that is yet to be made public. Three of the biggest names in their respected fields have shown support for what Todd is doing; Meldrum, Bindenagle and Stroud... Significant.

      And again... Please man up and prove your points, stop posting arguments that in the end don't remotely support your stance & that can have answers pointed out by a ten year old, and stop hypocritically patting yourself on the back and learn these very fundental aspects of adult debate. I'm paying you way more attention than what I should.


    11. I'll be back in the morning to respond to any more dribbles.

  11. The Story Changes: Ebola Is Now ‘Aerostable’ And Can Remain On Surfaces For 50 Days.
    CDC say not to worry -


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