Watch: The Hunt For Bigfoot - Pro Kill or No Kill? (Documentary)

It has prompted countless discussions on whether or not it's right to kill an unknown species for the sake of science. Many feel that a specimen must be taken to further the study of sasquai (this is a real word) species. Others who have distanced themselves from this "pro-kill" idea say they are "pro-proof" and believe there are better, more responsible ways to go about trying to obtain a specimen, preferably a live one.

Is there an unknown beast lurking in the forests of the American Northwest? Thousands of people say they've seen it. It is part ape, part man, almost nine feet tall, covered head to foot in thick dark hair, and it walks on two legs. It's sometimes called Sasquatch, a Native American word, one of more than eighty names they have for such a creature. More commonly it's known as Bigfoot. Could this beast be the fabled missing link that proves we humans are descended from apes? A link that if proved, would be explosive!

It challenges our thinking about everything we know about science, about culture, about mythology, this is a creature that shouldn't be, yet is.

It is a mystery to be solved, all the evidence is not in, and we haven't yet one way or the other conclusively proved that it exists, or that it does not exist.

We have footprints supposedly left by this creature, and countless eyewitness stories, yet we still do not have any corpses, blood samples, or even bones. So does this creature exist, or is this simply the biggest hoax in human history.

"On the Trail of Bigfoot", is a 2002 documentary, from the "World of Mysteries" series.


  1. Replies
    1. AKs takes outs tham hawgs fer shure sos a Bigfoots no worries

    2. chickens, hawgs, and other critters makin mighty fine eatin shure do

    3. WILD BILL can traxs that bigfoot ans bring one back dead or alive
      bring he be an expert tracker ans old MARINE,

  2. Mandingo says: "Pro-kill definitely!"

  3. One specimen required.

    We all know how this needs to be harvested to protect in the long term.


    1. 1 may not be enough for study! we may need several to do a comprehensive study

    2. Proof is unnecessary, protection is laughable.

    3. kill'em all... let the spirit of Roger Patterson sort'em out

    4. yes we would need to collect a broad sampling so we will need more the 1

    5. ^ why should there need to be any "analysis" by scientists.

      there is no reason for any study other than whether the thing is real

  4. Confucius he say "man who kill creature kill his own soul"

    1. Confucius he say man believe in bigfoot ,he simpleton all day

    2. confucius he say that sounds like joe

    3. Anon 3:22. Unless said man was unknowingly completing a karmic cycle.

      In simpleton terms, that creature had it coming


    4. if its coming right for u shoot it.....
      making it legal

  5. THATS a BIGFOOT shoots that critter fer shure SHOOTs its

  6. i'd say pro kill because you can't really kill something that don't exist.

  7. Why does it always have to be kill or no kill?! We tranquilize and tag (GPS) animals all the time.
    Tranquilize it, get some measurements, blood and hair samples, pics and video and let it go. The GPS will show where it lives, its habits and so forth.
    We don't need to kill one to prove they exist!


    1. Not many researchers or hunters have tranq guns.

      It will take someone like Smeja to blast one before we have scientists crawling all over the PNW with sleepy guns and butterfly nets.


    2. ya just had to bring up smegma....someone like him will set this community back 5 years i still don't understand why you guys hold a poacher in such a manor and yes hunting after dark discharging a weapon is a 5 yr felony

    3. plus how you measure the dosage? not enough your dead to much its dead

    4. Not so sure we have much of a community these days. I used Smeja as an example. As all it takes is a scared, armed guy in the wrong place at the wrong time....

      Dosage is also a worry. Would certainly need one of those AK's for back up. For your safety. ;)


    5. I pack .! rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it ! and I always wear my Brax shirt that sez " Never Trust A Monkey"
      hey Joe ! and co.

    6. I am strictly no kill. I like the tranq. method. Much easier said than done. Dosage is a problem. Set it for a moose and take down an adult male. You have to be quick. Need a team. Carry several tranq guns ranging in weight estimates from 500 to 1000 lbs, and use the appropriate one.

    7. I think the government knows all about them,,I wouldnt waste my time even thinking
      About doseage an whatnot!

  8. men who shoot bigfoot
    take aim at chupacabra
    smoke crack like Mike Sells

  9. Confucius say man who shoot bigfoot not walk far.

    1. Confucius says man who goes to bed with itchy butt wakes up with stinky fingers.

  10. Need a specimen for sure. You can't completely study its biological traits without one. A dead one would be ideal! Can you imagine what it would take to cage one? Nothing a well placed 30-06 couldn't take care of. Deer season is just around the corner


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