People Are Coming From All Over to See Bigfoot in New Mexico

When thinking about bigfoot, one wouldn't usually think of New Mexico as being a likely habitat, but it turns out the state is well known for its bigfoot activity. This weekend a bigfoot conference is underway, drawing visitors from all over the United States in hopes of catching a glimpse of the elusive beast.

UPPER FRUITLAND, NM - The subject of much lore across northwestern New Mexico will gain a little more attention this weekend as the 2nd Annual Bigfoot Conference in Upper Fruitland comes to town. The event is organized by Brenda Harris, who wastes no time talking about her own Bigfoot encounter with anyone she encounters.

"It was standing there between some trees; it was big…I couldn't believe how big it was," said Brenda Harris. "It stood there for a few seconds, and all of a sudden, it just dropped down."

Harris has organized a three-day Bigfoot Conference in Upper Fruitland, an area known for Bigfoot activity.

"I'm going to take them for a little hike and see if we get a little vocalization or find footprints, or hear him running through the bushes," she said.

For the entire article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Deeply shockingly proud of my unhinged lunacySaturday, September 27, 2014 at 8:06:00 PM PDT

      Bigfoot don't exist.

      Hiccup. Burp. Derp derp derp baby.

      I'll get back to you as soon as I extract my last three brain cells from my rectum.

    2. Sorry, Uno, for messing with you about having a set of fish eyez! I actually think you're a pretty cool dude & i was just kidding!
      Just a really boring saturdayaround here..

    3. 8:06 I know for a "FACT" you have less then 3 braincells left up your ASS,

    4. I'll bet there is at least 4 up there! ;-)

    5. I'm humbled I could provide you with such enjoyment! Uno!

    6. No need for you to be a d**k, Uno! The guy was just saying "no hard feelings"...

  2. Robert Lindsay has some exciting news. Stacy Brown has discovered the skeleton arm of a possible Bigfoot.

    Oh Yeah, it was confirmed to be from an alligator weeks ago. Nice scoop Lindsay.

  3. That looks like the same Bigfoot that was photoshopped onto a Farminton NM pic. Which looked like the same Bigfoot that was photoshopped onto the Silver Mountain WA pic. That Bigfoot really gets around. He must have a pile of frequent flyer miles.

  4. "People Are Coming From All Over to See Bigfoot in New Mexico". And they are seeing nothing.


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