Dr. Johnson Debunks "Cloaking Squirrel" Video with a Stuffed Bunny

Recently Barb Shupe released a video showing something seemingly take off through the woods. Many people argued that it was nothing more than a squirrel. Barb, Dr. Johnson, and others believed it to be clear footage of a cloaking bigfoot. Dr. Johnson visited the video site to help settle the case, proving once and for all that it was not a squirrel shown in the video. I mean, after all, who wouldn't trust an extremely tall man wearing a reflective safety vest, orange gloves, and holding a stuffed bunny?


  1. Well, I was only a kid - didn't know enough to be afraid
    Playing the game, but not the way the big boys played
    Nothing to lose - maybe I had something to trade
    The way the big wheel spins
    Well, I was only a kid, on a holy crusade
    I placed no trust in a faith that was ready-made
    Take no chances on paradise delayed

    1. Great first Rush! Well played with the lyrics.

    2. Thanks chick, it was for this anon,

      "Damn you, 12:17. I was all ready to go there. What's up Rushfer. Between The Wheels. Best song from the best band in the world IMO."

      Chick, you ROCK!!

    3. Why did MOOBS(man boobs) pull down this video? Could it be that the Sasquatch in that area told the he/she doctor(remember they tap into his mind/thoughts while he is in his tent at night at his habituation site) to pull this video down because he as usual looks like a damned QUACK? Doctor quit taking the medication you prescribe to your patient's!

    4. Not had a good Rush song on here for a while!!

      Bring it RushFer!!


    5. 12:17 here, Rushfer. Good job my man!

  2. IF a Bigfoot can Cloak then it is NOT a physical being, it is something of the Spiritual realm and therefore it is of an Evil origin, not of God.

    1. Well that is narrow minded...

    2. Narrow minded and simple headed to boot.

    3. Narrow minded, simple headed and just plain dumb.

    4. So isn't your precious god "of the spiritual realm"??? Does that mean God is the Devil in disguise?

  3. Squirrels in cloaks- quite fashionable. Especially with the matching muff and little patten leather shoes!

  4. Dr is that a squirrel in your pants?

  5. I have a son who says things similar to Dr. Johnson, when he is NOT on his meds. When he is on his meds, he does not believe in such things. When you have nothing to show, you make up ridiculious stories, Johnson, will never prove this about Bigfoot's, why, because it is impossible. Nut jobs like this Dr. Johnson make everyone who is trying to find these things look like fools.

    1. Your son's a nut. That likely runs in the family.

  6. I cannot believe these people are saying they filmed a “cloaked” Bigfoot. It is obvious that they are so incredibly desperate to submit something (literally anything) and call it a Bigfoot video. They have taken this to a whole new level of stupid-ness. At least there is usually a blob-squatch or something questionable to see in these videos. This one shows absolutely nothing and they know it…so they come to their most logical conclusion…it’s “cloaked”. They are worried about people calling them hoaxers…Why? There is nothing to see, so what’s the hoax? If they did see something moving quickly through the woods, why couldn’t it have been a shadow cast from a large gliding bird or something logical? This whole thing is just laughable.

  7. dr mat isth almosth as sthmart asth unkel bob


  8. Dr. Bat shit crazy already took down the video. Gee, I wonder why.


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