Dr. John Bindernagel Is Working With Les Stroud

Here's some good news for legitimate Bigfoot researchers. Les Stroud appears to be working with another Canadian for his Surivorman Bigfoot special. Les is expected to produce 6 new episodes of the series but it's unclear how of the episodes Dr. Bindernagel will be in. According to Les, they were investigating caves today:

quick update from the field - a good night last night (it poured all night two nights ago) but nothing special to report - so today i hiked through the hills in intensely thick rainforest looking for the caves that have scared a few people in the town that have found them - with claims of horrible stenches - however as much as i spent the time looking in the right area i couldn't find them (maybe thats a good thing!) tonight John bindernagle is here and will check out the two tracks i casted yesterday....I'm headed to Kitasou Bay tomorrow where alot of activity has been reported - what that activity really means is another story but its exciting exploring in any event....L

Bindernagel is a wildlife biologist with a PhD. He is a world-renowned expert on the elusive Sasquatch. He has more than 40 years of Sasquatch experience. He says he's actually seen one.


  1. Let me break it down for you fools....YOU WILL NEVER FIND A BIGFOOT!!!! They are Manifested Demons!!! #FACT

    1. So are the Aliens! All to deceive Man!

    2. We're "fools" because we are unaware bigfoots are "manifested demons" ?

      That's actually pretty humorous.

      Maybe ? Thanks for "breaking it down" for us.

    3. Quote from above "nothing special to report"

      Now...there`s a SHOCK ......................................huh ?

    4. Im excited that les is doing 6 more shows.I feel if anyone is more qualified than him to go deep into the north american forrests to look for these old ,& anciet people,or primates than him.

    5. Oh and I suppose that the low land mountain gorillas are the deciples of the devil sasquatch
      lmao like seriously....BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. There is no such thing as a legitimate Bigfoot researcher.

    Hold me.


    1. this is all courtesy of Standing, its great TV

    2. Standing is a hoaxer funded by rushforlife .

    3. Standing is a hoaxer funded by rushforlife .

  3. Finally some unquestionable people in the field searching for evidence.

    Thanks Les and John. Looking forward to whatever you find.

    Thanks for nothing Matt Bellyaker.

    Why dont you call your stupid show Not Finding Bigfoot.
    Love the one where you get a howl answer and say "yep thats a bigfoot, gee look at the time we gotta get home to mommy.

    Or the one where your looking for one in a blizzard.

    Kelly Shaw and his team has more evidence than your team. And he has no tv, budget to work with.

    1. Just need to remember that Finding Bigfoot is a fun, low brow TV show.

      Nothing more.

      Impossible for these guys to find anything with a large crew bumbling around the woods with them.

      Can't compare Kelly Shaw's work with the output of the FB tv show. Matt Moneymaker's team just isn't the Cliff, Renae and Bobo. He oversees literally hundreds of investigators across the country.

      BFRO work rarely covered on BFE.


    2. So true MMG. If les take the same amount of production crew ( which is around 12 on FB ) into the bush his results will be the same. Les has filmed just by himself but that approach could be costly in this endeavor, just like what happened in Alaska. When the action starts the camera and audio is not in use. Imagine what he could have brought to the world if his audio would have been on during the gorilla type calls directed toward him in Alaska. Someone has to have the equipment going full time.

    3. I suspect have a large crew in the woods will scare off any of the animals much less bigfoot.
      I don't recall them ever getting a bear on their flir and we know bears do exist. It's mostly deer

  4. I knew a girl in Jr. High who could bend her nagel. Most popular chick in study hall if I remember correctly...

  5. At the least Dr. John can bring the low information bigfoot viewers a wealth of information.

    1. But can he bring the low information bigfoot viewers a sasquatch? We have information out the wazoo but no bigfoot.

    2. I would suggest you move on from Wikipedia.

    3. Swamp Beast. best show on tv. Roogaroo!

    4. Joe how do you say taterhole in welsh?

    5. Just in case you are curious... The "ll" in the word is not what you would expect it to be and might be difficult to pronounce and is equally as difficult to explain, so here's a funny half a minute video explaining how to pronounce "ll"';


  6. Nice try Matt.

    Your show still stinks of Hollywood. And you have lost all credability because of it.
    So has the Network.

  7. They got there search in the wrong direction! Forget the Caves! Look up into the large Spruce trees, that's where they live.

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Hey John!!

      Have you got any more insight into that please? Also... If you could explain the tree burials, that would be amazing.

      Hope you are well buddy.

    2. Yes thanks,I am well and planning a trip out into an area with some very exciting developments!.There`ll be further news to add in the near future too!

      Get an email to me.


    3. Sprucetrees@ Treemail.com

    4. Joe! Anon 8:25 Is not me!
      Sometimes these "Researchers" get "Stuck in a Rut' with their thinking. a good researcher varies his methods, tries new things, and "Think out of the box'. But most don't do this and only do night investigations (stupid) wood knocks, and screaming and yelling like fools!
      Many times, to numerous to count, My Team and I chase them in large high elevation Spruce and pine forests. When spooked, we can hear them screaming (Chimp like sounds) jumping from tree to tree. We usually cannot keep up with them ,nor get any Videos. Pine needles, pine cones, and branches hit and cover us all the time. Plus you cannot see them very well, except glimpses of them. Bears do not jump from tree to tree!
      They stay up high 75+ feet or more. When they want to jump, they sway/Rock the pine tree back and forth, then they jump.
      with only the four of us, we cannot corral them etc.
      To be effective, we would need 30-40 people. Some as blockers, some as skirmishers.
      I hardly ever read of "researchers" looking up in pine trees. But, for us, (when located) Pine stands are #1 areas to look for them.
      I write all about this in my books.

      John W. Jones Spoke
      Not! John 'jinglenuts Jones. He's a very sick internet stalker. Or he hasa "Man Crush" on me!

    5. John, thank you so much for this. I've read your comments about this before but that is a far greater in depth insight... That's confirming what I've believed to be he case for a while.

      Researchers need to start looking up!!

      I'll be buying your book for sure!!

    6. i like talking about trees because it brings me saps like you

      spokes jones

    7. Joe:

      About your question on "Sky Burials' It is a well known native American Legend, that the "Woodsman" as Native Americans call them Put their dead high up in Spruce/pine trees, usually located on a very steep Cliff side, where it is almost impossible for a human to get to. The term "Sky Burial' is not used by Native Americans. Some Anon skeptic used that term on this site, to poke a little fun, at this claim.
      in the "old days" Almost all Native Americans placed their dead on raised platforms (Burial grounds) the native Americans, were trying to mimic how the 'forest people' "woodsman" etc did with their dead. That's a fact!
      Joe, I'll send you a personal E-mail soon, I've got something very important to tell you, but not on this public site.
      In 2 weeks, Me and my Team, with one new member, will be leaving for a 4 week expedition into the remote Adirondack Mountains, where Native Americans tell us of a "Cliff site" where "in the trees' are the bone remains of these "woodsman". Our new member, is a well known "Rock climber' we will need him.
      This WILL BE the most dangerous area to go into. At the base of this Cliff side, is thousands of Rocks, boulders, making it very dangerous to walk over!
      Joe, you'll hear from me soon, before I leave.
      My books, will come out near Thanksgiving time or so. We are also very busy with making Videos too. Remember, all the proceeds go to the "Wounded Warriors Foundation".
      Hi, Mike, Chuck, TTL Harry, Eva, and chick. I want to Thank you for all your support!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    8. God bless you John, I'm really grateful to you for taking the time to write that; fascinating!!

      I'm really looking forward to speaking with you on email, and more so for this important news you have. It's great to see you back commenting, the place is far better for it.

    9. JOHN. I certainly hope your search for these bones pays off. Keep dropping post on anything new, exciting, or worthwhile.

    10. You do know you just told him on this site?

    11. oh yeah righteehoooo !!

      so this guy chases 9 foot tall 1000lb bigfoots that would rip their heads off when distresses ?

      absolutely laughable...and you call the "stalker" a "sicko" ? hahaha.

      and why no reports or anything ? could it be because you`ve nothing in the way of evidence at all ? probably.

      Hmmm....okee dokee

    12. oh yeah i better add that i made the whole lot up and you fell for it

    13. hey Joe

      would you like to lick my brown crack while i am here ?

      John W. Jones Spoke

    14. 11:38... Why are you so threatened... Could it be that you're a little scared and need a hug from the boogeyman?

      You want a wickle hug? Nothing will hurt you... It's ok...

    15. Also... You reek of geek in the basement... Plenty of hunters shoot bear and registry roam where there is bear of the exact reported size you're so scared of.

      And rightly so.

  8. Look for my picture in my book, I'm the guy covered in pine needles and pine cones. My shins are scraped and bruised from dangerous rocks and boulders but this is the price of rugged outdoorsy adventurism.

  9. It's worth pointing out that Bindernagel's sighting was associated with the Erickson project.

  10. Look to the trees you fools, the trees!

  11. i know i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed i also told everyone how i faked my own death and how i cheated the feds...i have more but can't talk here....i'll e-mail you about the money laundering later

    spokes jones

  12. John Bindernagle is an awesome fellow but I don't recall him ever saying that he's seen the elusive animal.

  13. John Bindernagle is a well meaning old man that has bet his life on the ape theory. He now knows they are not apes but his books say otherwise. The best investigators are the maverick!!!

  14. Yes, bindernagle has been suceed in by Todd Standing and is provenance himself a fool.


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