Did These Texas Researchers Catch an Image of a Baby Bigfoot in 2013?

In 2013 a group of researchers were out taking photos of strange stick structures in North Texas, when one of them captured an image of what they believe to be a young bigfoot watching them from the cover of a large brush pile. Check out the video:



  2. Replies
    1. no, go back to your basement!

    2. ^ ho ho ho ................no no no

      even your Big Red is now PROVEN a fake...it is a guy in a SUIT .......my my,how you simpletons are running rings into your own buttock cracks

      an` i`ll go when i`m good and ready....rudeness never brings out the best in people....you co cksucker

    3. It's always a guy in a suit. can't you think up something else? Or is your IQ to low?

    4. The word 'proven', so loosely used when needed... Yet so desperately thrown around when chasing the game.

      Funny that.

    5. If any one is an expert on using the word proven used in a loose manner, you're the authority around here.

    6. NOT SAFE - more from the Religion of PEACE
      police reported that two women were brutally attacked in Oklahoma City on Thursday at their workplace. One of those women died, her head severed from her body in the gruesome assault.

    7. 6:09... Find the comment where I've said the existing state of evidence proves anything. I've drawn attention to the numpty's who can't get Occam's razor... But nothing else.

      You're trying too hard bro.

    8. ISIS is here, thanks to Obama. If an Arab
      looking guy, comes near you, shoot!

    9. Joe, your whole schtick is the existing state of evidence proves EVEYTHING. Does this sound familiar? Plenty found, none caught? I'm sure the "plenty found" part comes from your idea of "existing state of evidence". You don't have an honest bone in your body.

    10. Nope... The existing evidence shows that an unknown primate is leaving it. You'll prove something when you have a type specimen and classify it. It means exactly what it entails... You need to catch something to prove it exists, but hey doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist cause you merely haven't reached that stage of conclusive research yet. When you've reported a subject in one area, and documented both physical and biological evidence of it, then you've merely not caught it yet.

      I'll be back later... I'm going on the p*ss.

    11. 5:25 don`t take my word for it

      read the link information = guy in suit = the simple answer usually does it

    12. The existing so called evidence is worthless. Footprints? A bored 10 year old could whip one up in a minute. You have no proof anyone one them were made by an unknown primate. Photo's? Look no further than the top of this thread. Is a blurry ass blob of a picture good enough in your book? Not mine. In short, your evidence sucks.

    13. It sucks at proving that bigfoot exists, but nothing else. Sorry though bro... It's only as worthless as the science that's been been proven to work in fields that don't cause such fear.

      Tracks, audio, thermal, hair, footage, even documented giant skeletons, stamp your feet but it's all there short of type specimen. If it didn't bother/threaten you, you simply wouldn't be here.

      Now I'm gonna get drunk, be sure to know I'll be back later to answer any quests for closure.

    14. All worthless. All have been and could be faked or misidentified. And what giant skeletons? I've been to more than one world class natural history museum and I can't recall ever seeing the bigfoot bones. And threatened? Please. This subject is in a class with unicorns and Atlantis. Remember that, dummy.

    15. 7:05/7:37/dummy, why yes, you surely must be correct, the world is teeming with bored 10-year-olds who are proficient in producing Sasquatch footprints casts with correct dermal ridges. The bored 10-year-old, expert on dermal ridges, yes, this is why we call you a sceptard. No sceptic would stoop to such stupidities.

    16. 7:05, please link to video evidence of bored 10 year old kids creating bigfoot footprint casts with expertly done dermal ridge evidence. Back up your hysteria, your mental illness, back it up, do it.

    17. ^He said in a hysterical rant. DO IT! COME ON, BACK IT UP!!! You need to get laid. Soon.

    18. ISIS is not islam OBAMA said so

    19. No 7:37... It's all worthless if you want it to be worthless. Truth is it doesn't go away, it doesn't stop being reality just because you treat it like a taboo and it doesn't stop being any less significant because you don't have a means of explaining it away. Any source presentable in any judicial or scientific arena can be falsified, even your special peer review processes.

      150 years worth of giant skeletal remains, go and do some homework as to why these aren't on display, come and let me know if you need help at any point.

      Remember, you're taking the time to reinforce your stance here, if it were as obvious as unicorns, you'd have something better to do, but the concept frightens you so clearly, and you need to self serve up some reasurance... We like to have all the answers as human beings, even if it means making those answers up.

    20. "We like to have all the answers as human beings, even if it means making those answers up." Pretty much sums your ass up, doesn't it?

    21. "No I'm not, you are!" Pretty much sums you up, doesn't it?

    22. Sighting = tracks = hair = Occam's razor.

  3. `s yn eithaf amlwg bod y Bigfoot isn`t go iawn i chi simpletons

  4. Video is so lacking in substance it needs a lame soundtrack to attempt to hold the viewers attention --- failed.

  5. If Bigfoot exists, they aren't going to be around Dallas. There seems to be a belief now that if you happen to live near any wooded area you too can go squatchin'.

    1. Absolutely there's even bigfeets in a one square mile forest preserve in the middle of Chicago. That's one thing that pissed me off too. Like the Bigfoot in southern Illinois. How the hell did it hide to get all the way there? Because there definitely isn't enough dense forestry for his ass to hide in to get down there. So he would've been seen for sure while trying to get there. Some people are so full of shit. I believe in Bigfeets, but it can only be in the Pacific Northwest or Canada. Amongst other rural areas to have remained so elusive.

    2. Harry shut the hell up. You and your ugly wife#

  6. mountain monsters star hunter---Buck "the rookie"Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 2:40:00 AM PDT

    The music director of that whoopty ta do video should be made to watch the Alaska monster hunters show for a whole week. And only the Alaska monster show!

  7. Robert Dodson with some more AMAZING VIDEO!! Go straight to 2:12 if you would like to pee your pants. Starting to feel a little guilty watching this because I think he is putting himself in danger.


    1. Good one Chick,some more good eye shine xx

      And no owl guy/girl it's not another owl ;) xx

  8. Morning Harry and Eva- Joe too!

  9. Hey chick!!! Question: are you pretty or a big ugly footer? Honest question.

  10. Two acres of shrub land and fenced off and they still couldn't find the deer let loose in it to kill.

    American hunters, best in the world.

    1. In 2012, hunters in Missouri alone harvested 204,000 deer in an 11 day period. And that doesn't include bow season. Your right. We are the best.

    2. that will reduce the carbon footprint for mother earth

  11. Big girls give the best head as they are hungry, don't knock it.

  12. Where is fish eyed fool, S.S.???


  13. Thats a BIGFOOT or iam a FOOL !!!

  14. Lol no they did not.

    No body, no Bigfoot!

    1. Negative proof fallacy. Didn't you get this the first 20 times it was pointed out to you?

    2. If I claim to have a winning lottery ticket but can't produce it, will the lottery officials give me a check anyway? Nope. No ticket, no check. No body, no bigfoot.

    3. ^^ says the guy with no proof whatever of his claim

    4. But does that prove that the lottery ticket never existed?

      Negative proof fallacy... Very basic stuff.

    5. For the lottery officials (the ones who count) it does. Should they take my word for it?

    6. Oh then, 7:39, you are saying that you are the one who counts.

      Shave down that ego a bit, son. You aren't God. No one bows to you. No one is here to provide you a damned thing.

    7. ^Replace ticket and lottery officials with bigfoot and wildlife officials. Get it now, dumbass?

    8. THE ONLY "WHIMP" that bows down to ME is lil wuss,wuss,wuss, jon

    9. 7:39... Nope, it proves that the alleged ticket holder isn't worthy of the lottery prize, not that the ticket never existed... Because the ticket may have been lost, stolen, etc.

      Very basic stuff.

  15. It was Matt MoneyMaker from the FINDING BIGFOOT show, that lead people to believe, Big foots are everywhere, just like squirrels.
    Yes Big foots migrate and cross roads, and on occasion "may' come near rural homes or farms.
    A lot of "Well known" Big foot researchers, "Research" not far from a road. Hardly any of them go in the forests for 10-20 miles in.
    Plus, most "Researchers" are "City bred" and have little to no experience in Woodsmanship, or even know the sounds of forest animals and birds.
    Most are Phonies, Most are Hoaxers! those that fairly constantly post their Videos on YOUTUBE are the Phony Wanna-be bad-ass researchers.
    In my opinion, 99% of Big foot researchers have no clue what they are doing. most follow that Stupid Tradition of "investigating" at night, wood knocks, and Call Blasting (screaming/Yelling).
    That's why for over 60 years, no evidence has been proven. One would think that after so many years of FAILURE, that the Methods need to be changed.
    Now we have many new T.V. shows like 'Mountain Monsters" "Alaska Monster hunters" or "Swamp monsters", where their teams almost immediately upon entering the woods, find their monsters! Yet people actually believe these type shows are real! Shows how stupid Americans have become.
    The only show that is trying to be real, is Les Stroud's.

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. so evidently your now the expert eh?

    2. ^ Speak when spokin to!
      Girly boy..

    3. That's quite a good statement john. It is an estimate of mine that only 1% of this so evidence is real also. Banging on trees and shouting out in forests just doesn't cut it with my experience with wild life.

    4. hey Anon 7:11. Learn to read properly unless your IQ isn't high enough. I never said anywhere I'm an expert. There are NO big foot experts!
      I'm a Big foot searcher. Are you?

      John W. Jones Spoke

    5. Looks in the trees fool, them ain't turkeys them bigfarts

  16. hmmm.......tum ti tum,

    tum ti tum,tum ti tum

  17. I know you Skeptic's, Trolls and childish retards will make lewd immature comments, but that's to be expected on this site.
    People E-mail me all the time, and ask; "If your so good, where's your Videos"? That's a good honest question!
    My answer is;
    1. I'm not dumb enough to post any Videos me and my team has taken on this site.
    2. any picture, any Video of a Bigfoot we've taken will show a animal far in the distance, that IS a Big foot, but of course you trolls will say "Man in a suit" Bear etc.
    Do you actually think, a Big foot is going to stand out in the open, and let a human get a clear picture of him at 30 yards? It will never happen! the ONLY shots we get (Video} is of a running animal at great distance.
    In my 10 years of Research, Me and my team, I can honestly say: "Never got the money shot"!
    But at least we're trying! most Whiners/Skeptics never leave their City or ever enter the woods. I, myself, was a Skeptic for many years, until that faithful day in 1982 along the Appalachian trail, in Putnam county, New York, that I had my first sighting1 Ever since then, I've been driven to prove "They do Exist"!
    Enough said for now!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. I have video of me banging Elle McPherson back in the 90's. But I'm not dumb enough to post it here! Cause of the sceptics...

    2. SWANK magazine has tons of
      MONEY SHOTS. john W J!!

    3. John why did les stroud in your opinion team up with todd standing.? Was it a mistake and he realised this? Because todd is very much in the 99% brigade...

    4. I think he made s big mistake! Les should go it alone, as he always did. He needs to learn "As you go" like 1000% of us.
      I like him, because I know he will not be afraid to go deep into the woods. He's not a "Roadfooter".

    5. Keep the comical comments coming, they're a blast! I love Jokes, I love to poke fun at people
      It's really sad and boring on some of these Bigfoot sites. Thank God there's Joe!

    6. John W. Jones is an old man, and a convicted Felon. He has 5 assault and Battery on his record. Word is, he likes to beat up people.

    7. When's the bottle is empty and I looks through the bottom there be bigfarts, being the outdoorsy adventure man I am I relentless pursue him even though he always stays thirty yards ahead of me...yes I chase that dragon and sometimes almost touch his tail...thank god for rehab..I also love Obama but just the white half

    8. 3:40 is a snitch an a Big city girly boy!

  18. This looks exactly like one of Mike B's photos and a photo from the Redchun documentary.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hey Joe- how do I get my info to Mike B without everyone else seeing it?

  21. texas researchers
    finding nothing with substance
    slow evidence day

  22. please let us know when you walk on water or is that in the book to???

  23. Gawd, the video quality is very poor. I can't be the only one in Bigfooting with an HD camcorder.
    If you record in HD, upload in HD. It's worth the extra time.

    1. Only if you deliver the goods. We'll be waiting.

    2. Only if you can get a Bigfoot to stop running!

  24. While you look safely out your windows realize that I don't have windows, being an outdoorsy adventure man I have moved into a cardboard box under the bridge. Years of discipline and yoga training allow me to now pleasure my own self with my mouth so I no longer need the company of women folk and am my own source of protein. I do like to watch the Catholic school girls walk by as I do this to myself in my box under the bridge but even outdoorsy adventure men such as myself need a good hobby.You weak Lilly livers make me sick...not sick enough to part with my protein but sick none the less

  25. Shawn, Johns getting out of hand here

  26. This video is a waste of time. To say there is a bigfoot peaking through the branches is a stretch. Even zoomed in, I don't see anything that even resembles a face. Can't believe anybody would present this as evidence.

    1. Stick around, it gets better...the stuff these people present as "evidence" will have you rolling in the aisles.

  27. This is nothing but matrixing/false pattern recognition.

  28. This video was recorded by Rick Taylor with Troy Hudson and Tim Jones. There is no permission on this, it is US Army Corps of Engineer Land and who ever took this video has no written authorization from the Corps or the County. Check their backgrounds.


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