Bigfoot Watching a Passing Train?

Is this a photograph of Bigfoot or a tree stump? Stories of train passengers catching a glimpse of the wildman of the woods have been told for ages, but this seems to be the first photograph of a Bigfoot taken by a train passenger. Coast to Coast AM listener Ricky B. took this image on a cell phone from a moving train near Hayden Lake, Idaho back in August. If it's not a tree stump (or a statue of some sort) it could very well be one of the most unique photograph of Bigfoot ever:


  1. There will be no firsting today

    1. Loser said what now? Need to smack people who act like children. You sonny are first in my smack the child out of you line!!!

    2. Cool photograph whatever the deal... Background story is needed however, if you want anyone to get overly excited.

      It's the cutest Sasquatch I ever imagined.

    3. Hello Joe

      The train must be in the land of Oz because that sure looks like the cowardly lion.


    4. No doubt. Bigfoots exist but Joe thinks everything he sees is a bigfoot. For the record Joe, they don't look like that!!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Nwah, what's the matter 3:38? You 'forgot' to read between the lines of my comment?

    7. ^ nothing comprehensible in the lines you`ve written

    8. That thing is sporting a bit of the Col. Harlen Sanders stache and goutee.

    9. Hmmmmm. This Wilfred Brimley Squatch is late for a train. Joe. Sent you some pix of first excursion of the fall here in Texas. Took my main man and former Rose Bowl standout Easy Collier out for a little time in the woods. Joe it was easily the most intense trip ever. All our camera traps had hog pictures. The hogs had moved in on the acorns. And the Subjects had moved in on the hogs. We found an 18" trackway. Got growled at and bluff charged and rocks were thrown at our house. Easily the most aggressive set of encounters we ever experienced. The videos of me and this huge friend of mine shagging ass out of the woods are pretty comical. ;)

    10. Mike!!!!!!! It was only this morning that I began recovering from the weekend and noticed your emails!!!

      I CAN'T ******* WAIT TO OPEN THESE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Mike I loved those footprints

    12. That squatch has diabeetes and better check his blood sugar and check it often! It can help him LIVE A BETTER LIFE!

    13. I'll second that!! What an exciting bit of footage Mike!! Seriously intense too, you can see both you of you are really shaken up!!!

    14. I love the human arm with striped shirt on the bigfoot.

    15. I think he's wearing the jacket from Kill Bill. That Squatch reminds me if the Dude and made me laugh. Well, parts of it anyway...

  2. Replies
    1. A few phones can take video and is able to pause and save the that as a picture. HTC One comes to mind. That is one of the questions I would ask, what phone was this taken with?

    2. Actually the train rounds a hair pin bend at this point and slows down to allow geese to cross the tracks. AT that point I looked up from my laptop only to see what looked like a hairy old man looking at the train. He seemed to be mouthing something.
      So I took several photos. This one was the best of the lot.
      Funny part was that I was so startled that I dropped my flask in my lap .
      Also @ anonymous. Trains are NOT stationary. Paper is stationary.

  3. Joe can you tell your buddy sweaty yeti that you can not measure 3d distance by drawing a straight line on a 2d image.

    Kit smoked you footers so bad that it required sweaty yeti to deny factual evidence.

    Morons the pair of you.

    1. Anon can you tell your buddy Pate that you can not measure 3d distance by drawing a straight line on a 2d image.

      Kit smoked you skepfooters so bad that it required you to deny factual evidence.

      Morons the pair of you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Also... Didn't JREF endorse Pate... The same method???

    4. Also... Didn't Kit endorse Pate... The same method???

    5. Joe acknowledging that sweaty has not proven anything^

    6. So where is the specimen then? We just want one. Or a piece of one. From any point in history.

      What's that? You don't have one?

      Do you realize how pathetically stupid that makes you look, old chum...p?

    7. Blevins, who had to have his photographs reduced by 5%??? Something tells me Kit got equally smoked somewhere down the line and is passing this off as his own, ya know.

      Sweaty's analysis far exceeds just one area, go take a look;

      : p

    8. 2:42... What's the matter, got your little argument kicked back at you and now you're mad? Ha ha ha ha!!

      150 years worth of giant skeletal remains in the US... Deal with it son.

      : p

    9. How does sweaty account for the number of actual verified bigfoots being zero?

    10. Considering it's you who's 'verifying' them... I'm pretty sure he wouldn't give a rat's ass.

      ; )

    11. If there are 150 years of giant skeletons then how come Sykes missed these? He got plenty of century old samples from Asia, but he missed the ones in america? Why didn't Mullis or meldrum tell him off these as they would be exactly the samples that Sykes was looking for.

      Is it just that you are full of sh*t?

      Yea I think I'll go with that.

    12. Ha ha ha!! You know aaaaaaall these answers bro, you've been schooled on them often enough. For these samples to be attained they would require to be on display, and there has been a major cover up of all the bones collected because of the sensitive nature attached to the agenda's of those overseeing such.

      The paper trails are there, even statements, you know this, it's been pointed out to you innumerable times, dear boy. It's OK... You could be a slow learner so I'm here to help if need be.

      You sound cheesed off son, is everything OK??

    13. 150 years worth of giant skeletal remains in the US... Deal with it son.

      oh really ? ..where are these "remains" ?

      = in your limited imagination

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. ^^ something else he has no proof of yet bleeves in..he truly is laughable..hahahahahahahahahahahaha

      i ought to thank joe..i honestly have a good old belly laugh at the foolish "points" he raises as proof

      (loud guffaw)

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. He documents numerous cases in which representatives from the Smithsonian arrived on the scene of any reported discoveries of giant skeletons with remarkable rapidity (sometimes within one or two days, even in the late 1800s and even when the archaeological find was in remote regions of the American west) and in which skeletons reported as being turned over to the Smithsonian were never seen again."

      Oh shut up you idiot

    19. Something tells me that belly laugh just turned into your dwlldaten sucking up your desktop chair pillow.

      ; )

    20. By the way, author and researcher Richard Dewhurst is the Emmy Award–winning writer of the HBO feature documentary Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam. A graduate of NYU with degrees in journalism, film, and television, he has written and edited for the History Channel, the Arts & Entertainment Channel, PBS, Fox Television and Fox Films, ABC News, TNT, Paramount Pictures, and the Miami Herald.

      WHAT exactly does the above have to do with proving giant skeletons ? or bigfoot ?

      = more inane references

    21. "Oh shut up you idiot."

      Wonderful, ha ha ha ha!!

    22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    23. Something tells me that belly laugh just turned into your dwlldaten sucking up your desktop chair pillow.

      plainly incorrect all your comments show equallly

      another loud guffaw reverberates through the neighbourhood

    24. Bro... I'm not the one having a free education.

      No, no... The pleasure's all mine.

      : p

    25. Joe when the sources you use to back up your claims are just the claims of other people who also have nothing to back them up then you fail.

    26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    27. Yes, yes, yes... Smithsonian Bureaus and actual statements says "no".

    28. Haha

      Wild imagination you have:)

    29. Yes, I'm sure your therapist would agree.

    30. Everyone would agree Joe has a wild imagination.

    31. "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

      - Albert Einstein.

    32. F-ing LOL^

      Talk about taking a quote out of context!

      What a meltdown today folks.

    33. Bro... Is anyone else having a meltdown other than you? Does anyone ever have a meldown other than you? Weren't you the one posting those large extracts, that not only got obliterated, but also made you look like a total nutjob?

      Ha ha ha ha!!!

    34. Obliterated by zero bigfoots... Yeaaano.

    35. Joe's schooling these skeptards. They need to go back to JREF and get there butt plugs recharged.

    36. 5:17... Plenty found;

      ... None caught.

      : p

    37. 5:17 the resident butthurt footer and poster boy for footer stupidity rears his ugly head. It's been a while bro.

    38. anon @ 5:52 ,check your batteries in your butt plug seems that they be running low as you seem to be butt hurt

    39. 5:17 #1, obliterated by zero PGF pawn shop suits courtesy maggot-addled Kitakraze.

      No PGF pawn shop suit from Kitakraze, ever.

      Demolished by clinging to JREF logical fallacies.

      Hackham BBC special: "to recreate, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek" = "no attempt to recreate the PGF" in your final brain cell which has been vigorously self-thrusted into your rectum.

      5:17 #1 textbook example of JREF fantasy-play of imaginary suits from imaginary pawn shops discovered by imaginary JREF members resulting in imaginary demolitions of others while you factually auto-self-detonate.

      How was the Randi prayer breakfast on Sunday? Did you screech your Hail Randis nerdily in the car park while flashing your 'secret signs' and wearing your fluorescent pink jumpsuit and crash helmet?

      A cult of the deluded helmed by an illusionist.


  4. Replies
    1. cause SS cries about being F.E.

    2. Sad, really. That bug eyed fu ck SS is so sensitive!!

  5. That thar has to be the best photo evar from a moving vehicle with a phone camera evar. EVAR!!!!!!

    Did I say EVAR?

    1. I didn't know your hairdresser posts around here, Eva?

    2. HEY, JOE & EVA!!!



      THANKS, JOE!!

      ALL CAPS

    4. Hello Joe,hello ALL CAPS, XX

      She does Joe,i told her about how hairy bigfoots are and she's looking to provide a cut and blow dry service and maybe a hair straightening service for the Pattys xx

    5. What about the bikini waxing and the what not?

    6. Thought so Eva, and HEY ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Pwned by 3d modelling software that proves patty has human in a suit proportions. Even more pwned when Joe has a hissy fit about it.

    1. ^ joe has hissy fits more or less as a full time ailment ..he`s on pills from the local quack doctor ..also prescribed are a pair of "welly boots" for use in the sheep pens


  7. That hairy costumed guys expression says he just got caught "nailing" something to that tree!

  8. Joe having a full blown conspiratard meltdown. Hilarious.

    1. Bro... Keep praying, I'm in my element posting that stuff.

      : )

    2. Joe what UFO blogs do you post on?

    3. I don't, but I'm happy to help you out around here of course.

  9. G g g g got monkey? We have the monkey suits:)

    1. Nargh, you've got CGI, foam suits that weren't available in the 60's, a Gemora suit that's only ever shown in low lighting to hide suit anomalies and a bunny rabbit suit lacking muscle tone made my a guy who states the PGF probably isn't a man in a suit.

      Got monkey suit?

    2. Again, check the video. Monkey suits like patty existed in the 30s.

    3. "It's obvious you like Gamora's gorilla, and it is a fine gorilla costume for the time, but it is apples and artichokes when compared to the PGF.

      The head mask has the high forehead dome, the PGF figure does not.
      The fur is very long and shaggy, which obscures any specific body contours like muscles, folds or fatty deposits, but the PGF subject has hair short enough to see the body muscle masses, folds and fatty deposits.
      Gamora's costume was designed for a quadrapedal character, and there are ways to cheat the leg/back proportions when doing so, but these cheats don't work for a bipedal figure like the PGF.
      Gamora's suit is always photographed under dramatic lighting, which allows for hiding a multitude of costume sins, but Patty was photographed under harsh direct sunlight nearly straight on her, the most unforgiving of lighting, so comparing photos of the two is problematic by the variable of lighting.

      It's a poor comparison for any analysis and any claims trying to use that costume to prove Patty's a costume will fail under any formal analysis which factors in the variables."

      - Bill Munns.

    4. "Sorry guys, it a man in a bad hair suit" - costume expert from the 19-09-14 Joe smoked video

    5. Bill Munns knows it's a suit which is why he has avoided doing a recreation of the suit. By doing so he would either prove patty is a suit or prove he is out to decieve people if he did an obviously poor attempt at a recreation.

    6. 4:31 Arkwright? xx

    7. I think you need to watch a Monsterquest or something boys, honestly, start with the basics. Bill takes exactly what you see in the footage, images of every frame that shows the head proportions, calculates and then bases his effort at a mask around that. For example... If you were to incorporate a receding forehead on the proportions of a normal human's head mask to, the forehead would have to transcend the coned head height that you see on the subject in the footage. You would have a far taller coned head, not to mention the eye socket proportions mentioned not long ago... You don't have to be a costume expert to think along the lines of common sense, this is why most people have the edge on you, not to mention Munns.

      So you question him for not taking the stance of what you expect from a costume expert and then condemn him for using an approach that's not only natural for one (most costume designers start with the head), considering all the data in that footage that's obviously going to be the focal point of study?

      It started with manufacturing a mask... Ending up in a realisation that the proportions cannot be replicated.

    8. Why did he make a mask that he knew would not fit? Ridiculous.

      Why hasn't he made an attempt at the suit. That's the one thing he should do as he is a costume expert.

    9. Yes, yes, yes... Read the comment up top.

    10. ^ get a clue will ya ..ya ruddy moron

      joe fatzfella or whatever ya name is

    11. 4:31, obliterated by zero PGF pawn shop suits courtesy maggot-addled Kitakraze.

      No PGF pawn shop suit from Kitakraze, ever.

      Demolished by clinging to JREF logical fallacies.

      Hackham BBC special: "to recreate, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek" = "no attempt to recreate the PGF" in your final brain cell which has been vigorously self-thrusted into your rectum.

      4:31 textbook example of JREF fantasy-play of imaginary suits from imaginary pawn shops discovered by imaginary JREF members resulting in imaginary demolitions of others while you factually auto-self-detonate.

      How was the Randi prayer breakfast on Sunday? Did you screech your Hail Randis nerdily in the car park while flashing your 'secret signs' and wearing your fluorescent pink jumpsuit and crash helmet?

      A cult of the deluded helmed by an illusionist.


  10. Pwned like a $17,5000 gator leg.

    1. How can you have $17,5000 gator leg? Do you mean Mongolian Tugriks at 17,5000?

    2. David Paulides Missing 411 Update Interview

  11. Pwned like footers having to hold on to a 50 year old hoaxed film to propagate their religion.

    1. I don't care of roger never payed for the camera or never payed any of his business associates. Patty strolling along that open creek is the real deal because I want it to be real!!!!

    2. "I don't care if Greg Long's been caught out falsifying interviews that were published in his book. I don't care that the 'costume expert' that 'made the suit' has no record of Roger ever buying anything from him and had to hire a costume expert to make a gorilla suit that looked nothing like Patty. I don't care if Bob H has more contradictions about the suit he wore than anything I've heard and can't even find the 'film site'. You see... I don't care if there's money in hoaxing a hoax, especially when the target audience are largely skeptical of the subject already. I don't care if author David Murphy spent 11 years writing the biography of Roger Patterson to which in that time he interviewed over 70 people who had some acquaintance with Roger and Bob or people who knew them extremely well, and in that time never came across one person who didn't think highly of both individuals, not to mention endorse their credible nature. I don't care that this is in direct contrast to Greg ‘Liar’ Long who’s book, to which if you practice proper skepticism, notice more holes than anything we can hypocritically point at.

      There's times when reassurance against the boogeyman is just waaaaaaay more important than looking at the facts, and like opium for the masses psuedoskepticism is a fundamentalist quasi-religion!"

    3. Why do no footers actually go to Yakima and interview the people involved like long did?

    4. Lol. Bet he solely interviewed Rogers wife

    5. Yes, yes, yes... Keep seeing the therapist bro.

    6. Joe probably thinks Roger Pattersons grave is a monument honoring his work in the bigfoot field.

    7. Yes, yes, yes... Put him on speed dial.

    8. Its a bit odd that Patricia banned mike rugg from showing Patterson's reel 2 footage because he would not pay her any royalties.

      This is bigfooting in a nutshell.

    9. "I gather from your remarks you are new to the PGF situation. The film rights are privately held, with a curious split in licensing rights, whereby Roger Patterson's widow, Patricia, is entitled to license showing or usage of the film footage, while Eric Dahinden, son of researcher Rene Dahinden, is entitled to license publication rights to stills from the film (with some ambiguity as to whether that's some frames or every frame). There is further ambiguity as to whether a image display of more than one frame, such as an animated .gif file is considered a still or footage use.

      There is a certain amount of "fair use" showing of still frames and animated portions for research purposes, particularly on the internet, but TV producers and book/magazine publishers generally must get formal licenses and pay fees for same, to use the footage or frame stills.

      So while the research into this filmed mystery is scientific (with intent to determine factually what it is we see in the film), the source material is in fact privately help and subject to licenses for display and use.

      It's an awkward situation for us. But that's the situation. So at present, there is no public archive posting of every frame of the film that is free for anyone. Most people acquire frames by doing frame grabs from the variosu DVD's that show the footage, the most popular being the Legend Meets Science DVD.


      5:50 is disinformation in a nutshell.

    10. Some of the best quality footage can be lifted from "Sasquatch Odyssey" The hunt for bigfoot.

    11. ^^ oh DO shut up joe

      it really is getting tiresome

    12. 4:54, obliterated by zero PGF pawn shop suits courtesy maggot-addled Kitakraze.

      No PGF pawn shop suit from Kitakraze, ever.

      Demolished by clinging to JREF logical fallacies.

      Hackham BBC special: "to recreate, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek" = "no attempt to recreate the PGF" in your final brain cell which has been vigorously self-thrusted into your rectum.

      4:54 textbook example of JREF fantasy-play of imaginary suits from imaginary pawn shops discovered by imaginary JREF members resulting in imaginary demolitions of others while you factually auto-self-detonate.

      How was the Randi prayer breakfast on Sunday? Did you screech your Hail Randis nerdily in the car park while flashing your 'secret signs' and wearing your fluorescent pink jumpsuit and crash helmet?

      A cult of the deluded helmed by an illusionist.


  12. 9/11 was an inside job

    -conspiritard joe f

  13. Busted taking a leak behind tree!!

  14. And here is even more of this kind of nothing photo.

  15. I wonder if that Bigfoot has some big ass hairy breast.

    1. I've been wondering about that also Porkchop.

    2. Sup Cuz. So, have you had any some big ass hairy breast lately?

    3. Tenderloin : A large hirsute breast is preferable.

  16. Sasquatches using power lines and rail road cuts is quite well established. In fact whenever crossing one on state roads I always slow down and give a good look.

    A couple of years ago I thought why not use a handcar for research in heavily forested areas. You could cover many miles, however it would have to be lightweight compared the the normal handcars to move it off the tracks quickly. I found one manufacturer who makes such a unit or a kit also. You can self propel it or motorize it. Of course a handy person could build their own. It just might be the trick to use especially at night with a flir or thermal.

    1. Bigfoot dont exist by the way

    2. how do you know that/ ever go into the REAL Forests? I'd bet your a "Cityslicker"!

    3. Hey Chuck

      It wouldn't take much at all to build a light weight rail cart. Aluminum frame tig welded. Even a fold up frame for real portability. Wheels with semi-hard rubber tires consisting of a simple 1/4" thick rubber strip for quietness yet still roll real eazy. The possibilities are endless. Electric motor, liion batteries with solar panels or whatever

      Also if you strike the leg of a high tension wire support frame the sound reverberates down the lines. Don't know how far though. Possible great signaling method


  17. HEY MMC. Brilliant. I know I have hit these as a youth and remember the sound. Might be onto something, sure as heck worth a try to thousand.

    I have tried to find the site for rail cart again it is matter of finding right wording for google. Like the fold up frame idea. Thought of batteries. Rubber on wheels is good idea mine would be polyurethane also. Possibly just better to use lightweight aluminum wheels as noise may attract attention more. One could also mount a multi-speed bicycle to the frame with the chain to the rear axle.
    Glad to see great minds think alike.

  18. Dear god... why do I bother? ..Anyone?

    1. So what if I have no life? Neither do you loser. And at least I have a hobby and a good job unlike you.
      How long you been unemployed now. Wife left you because you have no money and need viagara.

    2. You bother because you are a good hearted Christian man with a sense of brotherly love unequaled in todays world. You know that if you do not bother no one else will, especially the heretics of the Bigfoot community who have no sense of duty and pride. OOORAH!

  19. train spotting while enjoying some jack links

    1. Those would be Jimmy Dean Pork links thank you.

  20. Looks like the Lion from the Wizard of Oz movie.

  21. FAKE!!!!
    You can see a human arm in a striped shirt hanging down on the side.
    People will believe anything.

  22. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated to you on this quality work. Nice post!


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