Watch this new Bigfoot trailer: HOMINID

Official trailer for the upcoming short film "Hominid". Hominid tells the story of two ambitious young primatologists who have been green lit for an 8 week research trip to the Northern Cascades of Washington State, to either prove or debunk the Sasquatch myth once and for all.

HOMINID - Official Trailer (2014) HD from Justin Suttles on Vimeo.

Written and Directed by Justin Suttles
Director of Photography - Bryan Tan
Producers - Justin Suttles, Oran Domingue, John Dangolli
Executive Producers - Duane A. Sikes, Betty Redd, Ralph Klein


  1. Replies
    1. Guten Morgen melon heads.

    2. Bore da pawb! This documentary looks great! Looking forward!!

    3. Any of you lot got an actual bigfoot to go with that backslapping?

    4. 3:33... Plenty found;

      ... None caught.

    5. I forgot about this, that leaping Russian yet brought it back.

      At one stage, in early 1923, she went as far north as the Gobi Desert, from where she returned via Kanchow and Lanchow, south through China, and westwards into southern Tibet. Altogether her journey covered around 8,000 miles on horse, sedan chair and foot. Along the way bandits were a menace, as were tigers and leopards.

      On the journey they met a strange phenomenon known as a 'lung-gom' runner. First seen as a distant moving black spot, this rapidly changed into a man running towards them at an incredible speed. Alexandra was warned not to stop the speeding lama or it would kill him. When she looked closely at him she could see that he his expression was extremely relaxed and staring fixedly at an imaginary far away object. His steps were as regular as a pendulum, though he didn't seem to run but progressed by great leaps like a bouncing rubber ball. He held a magic dagger in his right hand which he seemed to be using as a staff, though it was high off the ground. Apparently, such runners would carry on this amazing feat for days without stopping for food or water. Alexandra was told that years of meditation were required before undertaking this feat.


      There's this but whoever created the website needs shot or their retinas burnt out.

    6. There is such good reading on here of late, thanks to whoever you are, you make the blog a tens times better place. Between you and Chuck that is.

    7. I know who you are alright buddy! A wealth of knowledge who'd the field would benefit from.

      ; )

    8. Tom Bearden (Ret. U.S Army Col., weapons expert and author of The Excalibur Briefing) wrote a chapter therein about tulpas. He attributed many ufo sightings to this phenomenon, citing that if 2 minds could focus on such a thing with success, then a thousand minds in unison could change the world. We need to get our minds together real soon and see if we can fix this mess.

    9. ^ !!!!!!!!!!

      This is what I'm talking about... Bob, never to away.

    10. Well damn, I'll have to go by Dagobert Emmerich III now.

    11. Just go as homosexual Jon be yourself princess

    12. Hi Chick!! Eva R..and all you SuperFriends !!

    13. What a great idea, thanks!

    14. Man, you have done serious issues with having your bum kicked in be past.

      Let it go.

    15. Ok. Cut to the scene where the young man introduced himself as a primatologist.....then pan left to me as I yell from the helicopter above....." I said to get me a gynecologist !" Now....quiet on the set.......and...."Action!"

    16. This just in...::Dr Rascal Fart has re calibrated the numbers ...and it turns out we still need a specimen for Taxonomic Nomenclature of the species Cognatus Gigantus Erectus

    17. Joe. I'm at the top of Mount AFRIN, overlooking the Claritin Range near Zyrtec pass, do try to get ahold of me this week. M

    18. MIKE. Hoping you might show up. Take a look at this report released this week by the BFRO by researcher Kim Fleming
      easy to go to recent reports, missaukee county, michigan.

      There are similarities in what is going down at your ranch. Activity has been going on for quite a few months. A lot of gifting going on back and forth, several sightings and the raising of at least one baby seems to be going on. Even Sybilla Irwin has got involved with an excellent drawing. Let me know what you think.

    19. Mike!! I'll be in touch with you in an hour!!

    20. HILLARY to RULE US ALL in 2016

  2. Mothman has to be mad as hell. He destroyed a whole bridge and only got two shitty movies. Bigfeets is gettin like two movie deals a week. WTF?!

    1. Mothman got syndication and held onto the rights, hes a shrewed business-thing is ole mothy, he's milking it in, unlike dumb hairy foot.

    2. TRAPPER ans WILD BILL almost trapped that thar mothman buts WILD BILL asayin that mothman to smart to trap

    3. ans tham JEWsquatches lots of eggzamples heers shure is

  3. Not good news for Joe then. Ketchums study blown out the water (again).

    You footers make this way too easy.

    1. We have the full sequences for the samples in the study. These sequences come from reputable labs, not Ketchum, as Ketchum outsourced the work to other labs.

      These are the best samples that footers claim all sorts of wild stories for obtaining and knowing the samples are from bigfoot.

      Yet all 100+ samples = no bigfoot.

      Same result with Sykes. No bigfoot. Despite the claims of some of the most prominent footers that they are from a bigfoot.

      These bigfooters are liars. Simple as.

    2. 3:18... More baiting? Take a look at the entire field and measure how many enthusiasts have stood by Kethcum, aren't you the guy up top who mentioned back slapping? I stand by waiting to see further DNA studies before passing judgement on Kethum because I trust Erikson, who's documentary should have been out by now and told a lot. Even if Ketchum did fabricate/mess up amatuer style, you'll still have samples rolling in that require testing and they will be tested.

      3:27... Really? Were these all the best samples? You see... Researchers I'm affiliated with are still accumulating things like har samples that have been confirmed in initial testings to be that of an unknown primate, you see... For all your closure seeking, sources still roll in to which require and will be tested, by none other than Sykes and people like Meldrum who's collecting. Only the other day the Paracas skulls were tested and intial results have determined that they are not human, there are similar finds documented in the US that are located I areas that fall right upon mass sightings areas.

      Also... I'm really not so sure the 'cream of the crop' from 'all the best researchers' argument maintained by this 'skepfooter' has any weight in credence. The only known researchers that I can find who submitted samples were Dan Shirley, Marcel Cagey, Justin Smeja and Derek Randles. The BFRO did not provide any of the North American samples.

      100 sample compared to the on average 200 sightings a year, the tracks, the hair samples that can't be tested for lack of medulla, the footage, the thermals; a very desperate attempt at closure that does not consider that we could share the exact DNA of Sasquatch in line with ancient versions of us.

    3. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm not the one repeatedly seeking child like reasurance... And last time I checked Sasquatch research is just fine.

    4. Yes its fine, kinda like cancer "research"....just keep giving the money and wearing pink, but nothing ever changes....hmmmmm

    5. What can happen when you're in a bubble, is you don't see the hard work in the background, you should never undervalue the significance of small steps... They're still steps.

  4. More proof that bigfoot is a fictional topic.

    1. What? Primatologists going to tbe PNW looking for evidence of Sasquatch?

      Yeah, totally.

    2. And finding none of course

    3. 8 weeks isn't a long time... You never know though, it'll be interesting whatever the outcome.

    4. ^ how `bout Gimlin`s; hahaha

    5. ^ close to the knuckle buddy - bit too close for the folk here

    6. You'd have to show us a monkey suit, before drawing upon assumptions.

      Got m-m-m-m-monkey suit?

  5. Get outdoors and hike for two hours, it'll be more entertaining than this, guaranteed.

  6. That was the most dramatic moment I've ever seen in a motion picture, "him hitting that tree with the stick", Oscar winning!!

  7. I didn't know, you had to do "Wood knocks" to find them? never heard of that before! no wonder, I haven't been seeing any for the last 25 years!

    1. Yah Ruff. Someone should have got this fellow one of those Louisville Slugger Bigfoot Knockers made for the Finding Bigfoot crew.

      Like the premise of this film and Bob Gimlin's voice. When is somebody going to do a big production movie of Patterson and Gimlin while Bob is still alive?


    2. Ryan the Hunter has a perfect pair of knockers.

    3. Ryan is going to have to work on his a bit more. This July in the Upper Peninsula I used 2 1 foot long sections of a 2 x4. Use ones that are really dry. It sounded like a gunshot going off.

  8. Illegals to be read ‘Miranda-style’ list of rights on deportation...

  9. Russia invades Ukraine


    1. bring in the NATO German troops to secure the Ukraine

    2. ^ the current Ukrainian regime is illegally in power...but I guess the "west" supports that.

  10. The late Big foot researcher, John W.Jones was "Escorted" out of the Pawling, New York town hall meeting (The "Baby Big foot episode) because he asked Matt MoneyMaker, a simple logical question!

    Matt MoneyMaker, had claimed that Big Foots travel the Appalachian trail, that goes from Georgia to Maine.

    John asked, "If that is true, what do the Big foots do when they get to the Hudson River (The trail at this point goes right over the Bear Mountain Bridge). Do they cross the Bridge, run right past the 24/7 Toll collectors, or do they swim the fast deep currents of the Hudson River"?

    Matt, couldn't answer that question! he was blind sided by that logical question! For that, John was "Escorted" by the producer's security out of the meeting!

    John later said: "Matt MoneyMaker is an arrogant, know-it-all A hole!
    There's actually more to this story, Like "Witnesses" being paid, the "Baby Big Foot' was confirmed as an escaped pet monkey etc. etc. John wrote all about this in his un-finished book

    1. Guess there`s the usual bollocks involved with the conniving and lies all in order to deceive the public at TRUTH,there is as yet,NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE of evidence that stands up to scrutiny...plenty of stories and blurry pics and film of something in the distance that even the most ardent bleevers MUST concede could possibly be a guy in A REALLY is THAT SIMPLE...

      Over to you.............. "bleevers"

    2. 11:02... You neither understand consistent scientific method, not the evidence should hit smack you in the backside. Every source of evidence submittable in the court of law is falsifiable, yet stands up the scrutiny. Your cherished peer reviews have been manipulated, and still stand up.

      Better to treat it all as a taboo than look silly trying to argue it's I legitimacy, eh? Oh, and I don't know what rock you've been living under, but digitalisation and stabelization says "got monkey suit?"

      Listen to the best scientists in the world, you so far behind the truth/reality it's scary.

    3. ^ behind the truth ? oh,what truth would that be ? ..the truth that says there`s nothing tangible yet..oh wait,I forgot the discounted "evidence" of such mighty stuff as Ketchum and digitalised and stabilised blurs..makes no odds..the you have guyds like Moneymaker in the report above..yeah..that really somethin`.

    4. As tangible as wildlife biologists, one of which who's been an ex-advisor to the UN, telling you that tracks found 50 miles into wilderness areas aren't faked... Little stuff like this, ya know? But what rhetorical people like you do, is ignore he fact that you would have celebrated those exact same methods under different circumstances, and forget that the exact same successful and reliable methods have transitioned to this field.

      That's just one source.

      Take a look at the entire field and measure how many enthusiasts have stood by Kethcum. If Ketchum did fabricate/mess up amatuer style, you'll still have physical evidence rolling in and samples rolling that require testing and they will be tested.

      When you have some of the very best primatologists, conservationsts and wildlife biologists endorsing your 'stabelized blurs' for peer review, you have a bigger obstacle... And people ran out of patience for MM a long time ago. I like the guy but his theories are outdated and are from a school of thought that got finally left behind once and for all once top geneticists started conducting hominid studies.

      I genuinely mean no disrespect man, but if this subject wasn't legit, people wouldn't be seeing them and they sure as heck wouldn't be leaving tracks... And it's lies to maintain that the sheer frequency of all of that are precisely that.

    5. I heard that John jones was a hothead and been arrested numerous times for assault!
      I also heard that he punch Fat MoneyMaker in the face! That's why he was ejected from the town hall meeting!

    6. ^ The truth about this type of incident is that we never get to the truth..accusation and counter accusation...smears and lies and half truths make finding the truth even harder than finding bigfoot in an episode.

  11. American Monsters: Seven of the Scariest

    1. Ear-Eater of Jasper County

      Sometimes, the scariest creatures are the ones you don't see. An unseen monster terrorized citizens of Jasper County, Mississippi during a few tense weeks in 1977 as it preyed on their pork population. Whatever it was, it had jaws formidable enough to bite the head off a 50-pound hog. It also tried to decapitate a 300-pound sow but only managed to tear its ears away. The thing still effectively raided nine different farms. It left large canine tracks and was never caught, although one of a pack of smaller, feral dogs that accompanied or trailed it was shot by a sheriff's deputy. Where the ear eater went next is unknown.

      Crazy stuff

  12. Hey Joe......I am in the UK and not so long ago first came across the Bigfoot Research UK site..I have to say that at first I was totally stunned that anybody could be so stupid as to think there could be anything remotely like that here in the UK..but I looked at some reports and sites etc and people really do think there are some strange goings on..on a visit to the New Forest a guy told me there are stick structures found there !!!

    Just wondering what you think of it all here ?

    1. No Bigfoot in the UK.

      This 'group' popped up when Finding Bigfoot kicked off.

      There have been a handful of sightings in the UK but these are rare.

      The areas which the British BF or Wildmen are said to inhabit are small pockets of woodland and forest which in no way could support a breeding population of archaic hominid.

      Most areas in question are used heavily by visitors and sports enthusiasts. Still sightings are rare despite this.

      Claims of Bigfoot in the UK are false and tantamount to hoaxing in my book.


    2. ^^ Thanks..I have to say that I agree...everywhere here is owned and virtually everything that moves is catalogued...just don`t see how anything odd like thqat could be here

    3. I totally agree with MMG... I am open to anything, but just can't see it if I'm honest.

      Giants were in the UK at one time, not anymore.

  13. Check out the locations for yourself. Bolam Lake, Cannock Chase, Harwood Forest are impossible habitats for BF.

    I did check out the Cairngorms whilst I was visiting Loch Ness earlier this year. The mountains there are said to home of the fables 'Big Grey Man'. Alas there was very little cover in the area which would be vital. Tellingly the locals also gave the stories no creedence.

    Beautiful country but no BF!



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