Tim Fasano Records Bigfoot Howls in the Swamp

The hardest working man in skunkape research, Tim Fasano, recorded some interesting audio during a night time investigation in the swamp around "wild lake". Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Good evening fine friends of bigfootlandia how goes it

    2. GRAYs got human DNA they been taking human DNA for years, DNA manipulation for hybrids they control BIGFOOTs to collect DNA for their Hybrid experiments

    3. I'm the sexy beast who's the sexy beast I'm the sexy beast. Lol lets do it right here in my sons bed. Man that was such a funny ass movie

    4. Damn Harry I love that film

    5. That was funny as shit right. Damn it Earl I'm god

    6. Obama on ISIS: ‘We Don’t Have a Strategy Yet’

    7. Watch 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' Harry, you'll piss yourself laughing.

    8. best bits


    9. ^^ harry plays the plumber

    10. Wait I thought this FATsano dude was a quitter. See people when TIMBO bitches about his you-tube page it's just about him not having the number of subscribers as timber giant bigfoot. And that pisses his fat-ass off!

    11. Lol that was funny as hell I'd be the clown it's like some sort of medieval gay bar lol

    12. Where did you see a plumber in that clip

    13. Try 'Black Sheep' Harry it's f*cking hilarious and an aussie film, yeah sheep so I'm expecting some sheep squatch comments.


      I never liked clowns after IT....That creeped me out and I stopped playing in sewers. lol

      or if you want the full film on youtube free of 'Revenge of Billy the Kid'


      have fun

  2. Replies
    1. ;) Watching Perkins 14 at present seems good.


    2. It reminds me of my ex ;)

    3. BOBO say bigfoots are real and MATT been tracking them for 25 years they are experts in bigfootology

  3. Penobscot tribe the Giwakwas are the evil man-eating giants. If you don't want to see one of these monsters stay out of the woods during the winter. They have enormous fangs they are always hungry, and their scream will kill any human who hears it.
    Grandma always reminded us before we would venture into the woods on camping trips

    1. grampa and great grampa were loggers and they said Wild Men in the trees throwing tree limbs and rocks @ the loggers to drive them out of the woods, logging Company had to hire armed guards to drive these wild men out so that the loggers to cut down the trees in safety

  4. Its just too easy.

    Bloke in a suit.

    Show us the verified evidence of bigfoot? We can do it no problem for every other species. Why not bigfoot? Too easy. Cos it don't exist.

    Royally smoked.

    The funniest thing is the footers will attempt to shoehorn anything they can to be "evidence" of bigfoot. None of it is scientificly acceptable of course but it sure does give us a hilarious circus show to watch. No complaints here.

    Let's go back to the packham bigfoot suit that joe and the resident butthurt footer and poster boy for footer stupidity were talking about earlier. Do you really look at that and think that was a recreation of the pgf? Of course it wasn't. If it was an actual recreation attempt you'd think they would at least get the colour right. The bbc just got a costume company to make them a bigfoot suit and that is what they got. This is a classic example of one of many failed arguments put forth by the footers.

    If we want to look at a patty recreation how about we actually look at one rather than using one that clearly wasnt meant to be a patty recreation.We have 2 examples of these. We have the dfoot recreation and the blevins recreation. Both excellent examples. Blevins recreated the arm proportions perfectly but his budget was too low to get a similar style fur. Dfoots recreation showed identical "muscle" and bulk, quite excellent really. This is the same guy that made patty bleevers on the bff look like fools when he photoshopped patty onto a different background and all the bleevers said it was an obvious suit. He embarrassed them so bad they banned him and swept the whole thing under the giant footers rug of ignorance. Also lets not forget that side by side shot of a gemora butt with the patty butt. Identical.

    And anyway the whole notion of requiring an identical replication is nonsense anyway. The footers know this which is why they use it, instead of doing something like, oh I dont know, find a real life specimen that matches patty.

    Its just too easy.

    Fish in a barrel.

    1. Dealt with? Not even close old boy.

    2. sure, but please don't over cook it and NO damn sauce, that shits meant to be ate raw.

    3. 2:18... I stooped to a serious low countering that ten year old dribble, it must have been heart stopping to put in such an effort only for me to take it apart so easily.


    4. Countering? You don't know the meaning old boy.

    5. Well I'd take a look at how little a counter you have for my obliteration first before making any comment of the sort.

      All in a good day's work fending off the liars, censors and the down right hateful.

      See you tomorrow.

      ; )

    6. You presented nothing. Absolutely nothing. The arguments that you have to resort to using were already taken apart. You can not use them again and they suddenly have merit.

      You are an idiot amongst morons.

    7. ^ still hasn't read my comments... You'll man up and come to terms one day... When you grow a pair. When you do and cope with your meltdown, start your next draft and I'll be there to take you apart again and again and...


    8. 2:37 ..amongst morons is right ..buddy

    9. Packham was trying to debunk the PGF right?

      He did this by not trying to recreate it but to just waste everyones time and money on a ginger haired, skinny assed joke?

      This section was cut from the UK version of the show because it was so laughable. It was deemed acceptable for US audiences however.

      Having failed with the suit our hero Packham moved on to try and trick Bob Gimlin. Shameful.

      I still take great delight in teasing poor Chris about hs failure on Twitter to this day.

      Poor chap doesn't see the funny side alas.... :O)


    10. MMG

      Do you really think the pgf depicts a real creature? Like have you actually watched the film?

    11. 3:28 took the bait what a moron

    12. Old Hilarious & Hackham, what a pair. Meant for each other.

    13. The original post says the packham suit does not matter. Yet you morons start franticly pleasuring yourself over it. Yea because nothing says bigfoot is real like saying a suit looks different to another suit. Derp. What a couple of smoketards.

      Oh and DWA, nice try;)

    14. What a laugh! Christ, you're verily choking on the bait as you gobble madly, while you claim others "took the bait". Nice one!

      Hypocrite much?

      Well yes you do.

      The 2014 Golden Idiot Statuette is yours, no worries there. You've left your competition in the dust, baby.

    15. How does one suit not looking like another suit make bigfoot real?

      No really... How?

    16. Did someone ask me if I have ever watched the PGF?

      Did someone suggest that the Packham didn't try to recreate the PGF?

      Come on guys give me something to work with here!

      Oh great posts JREFtard!

      MMG/DWA/The Artist Formerly Known As Prince

    17. This guy is so pathetic he's almost good^

      I can feel your rage projected onto your keyboard.

      That's a lot of words to try and explain why 2 suits looking different means there is an undiscovered primate in north america.

      I know you are slow so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Get back to me when you have an answer.

    18. 3:42, the conversation is limited to Packham and the PGF, not about whether or not bigfoot is real. Keep it confined, keep the focus tight. We are calling out the JREFtard on his spectacular misquotes of his own heroes; in this case, Chris Packham.

      What is a miracle of stupidity is that what the JREFtard postertard for ultimate flunktardness keeps pasting, is from a few months ago. The sad sap was called out on it and discovered to be lying months ago. Anyone can click the link to YT and hear Packham for him- or herself. He's accurately quoted above and here:

      “let’s get the camera Patterson used, find an amateur operator, and recreate exactly, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek.”

      Perhaps the JREFtard has not yet clicked to watch the vid he thinks he's quoting. How much further into the depths of the dregs of misinformed or intentional stupidity can this lost cause flounder?

      Just click the link; it disproves the JREFtard. Do that and it's over.

      I know, it's laughable that the very video which the JREFtard is misquoting, demolishes the JREFtard. Irony, what?

      You didn't know someone could have the equivalent of a PhD in self-demolition?

      Oh yes, he demonstrates it here almost daily.

      That solves it, done and dusted, and you can move on.

      "recreate exactly, to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek" = "no attempt to recreate the PGF". This is what the JREFtard's highly limited and ill mind has come up with and announced here on this blog many times. It's an in-a-nutshell textbook example of losing one's grip on reality, this attempt to equate opposites:

      What the JREFtard attempts to quote Packham as saying, is the OPPOSITE of what Packham said and claimed.

      The opposite of what the JREFtard says, is the truth.

    19. 'Almost Good'?

      I'm almost insulted.

      2 suits? Are you sure? I could recreate the red stick man no problem but that two cent effort pulled together by two good for nothing cowboys I may have difficulty with.


    20. Argueing that the pgf is real is a non starter.

    21. I love it when the JREFtard guy and MMG get schooling... It's like watching a stallion in full sprint, slow motion across a beach front and dawn... Sheer beauty.

  5. i must say that was one short lived retirement for t-fats.anyone else find it strange that this just happens after his little cry for attention?this beyond anything else proves him to be a hoaxing pig...like this was not planned out.and our own t-fats cheerleader matt k must have known also

  6. geez that was decaprio you dope

  7. I thought the cabbie was giving it up?? How long did that last, 6 hours? His narcissism could take it.

    Was that Biscardi on the other end Timmy? Maybe you're hooked up with Dyer? I think someone's waiting for their cabbie who didn't show up cause he's too busy hoaxing.

    1. ..couldn't take it. Damn typos. Look what you did now Timmy. Go wipe yourself.

  8. T-FATS has unretired more times then Brett Favre

  9. Tim quits........again......and again.......and again


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