This Video is a Cool Way to Document a Bigfoot Expedition

YouTube user Mark Mihalko posted the following video of a 2012 bigfoot expedition led by the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. The cool thing about it is the video is set up like a comic book! We think that's pretty cool.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ Sore after being bitch slapped by the above

    2. Does that guy still post here?

    3. All the time. He will be along shortly to rage about packham.

    4. You're a clown you can't punch people in the face.
      He was touchin my shit.
      He was seven.
      Yeah he's 7 and he was touchin my shit.
      Lol that was a funny ass movie dude thanks I'll check out the goat one later

    5. Sorry black sheep not black goat I had a fukin brain fart for a second there

  2. Haha dude is still raging about packham.

    Packham put the myth to bed years ago and it really destroyed that guy.

    1. Newsflash

      Footers love Packham.

      His show was a trainwreck. Comedy genius.


    2. "Train wreck" pretty much describes everything in footery.

    3. multi masterbation guy,more man goo,man meat gobbler,mythical monkey never ends

    4. 4:10... You still banging on about your tuning? Man... You're one seriously funny guy, ha ha ha ha!!!

      Not two times, but three times you got smoked and you're still patting yourself on the back... You're either stupid or like... 16.

  3. Again! "Investigating at night, when you can't see anything! Real smart!

  4. Bill Munns fired decades ago for a botched costume and now writes bigfoot books and appears at bigfoot conferences. He says bigfoot is real.

    Packham. World renowned naturalist, biologist and presenter who still works on BBC prime time shows. He says no bigfoot.

    No further questions your honour.

    1. How many times have you been fired from your little jobs over the years? Munns has worked and lectured in every element of modern SFX, for 30 years being sacked once in a very conflicting field, it happens.

      Packham; check out his qualifications, you'll be gutted... Not even a PHd.... Failing after having a BBC budget thrown at him puts things into perspective a bit too.

      Goebbels would have had him shot in shame.


    2. 4:21 my my...if you base your opinions on the opinions of others you must be very`ve more than a little learning to do...such as discovery.

  5. Jeff pruits mask looks way better than bill Munns. I don't think bill really tryed.

  6. man meat garage loves him some glazed joenuts

    1. ^ The mental image you describe
      Above,, is without a doubt "ridiculously SICKENING TO THE
      CORE,, YUCK!!

    2. ^^ odd sense of humor y`have there buddy


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