This Unofficial Trailer For "Something in the Woods" Is Amazing!

Here's what we like about this new film Bigfoot film by David Ford. According to Hall, this film is not a blood and gore film. It is PG and inspired by true events he says. We've seen a few Bigfoot movies lately, and this one looks totally different from the rest. The only thing about this film is that they need some funding to finish the film -- mainly to cover the cost of editing -- which includes soundtrack, color corrections, digital effects, etc. If you like this trailer, please check them out on Facebook or visit their FundRazr website.


  1. bigfoot fingered me so good
    big dave

  2. We have to get to the stones, it won't go past the stones.

  3. There's something in the woods alright!
    Muslin Terrorists
    Illegal Mexicans
    homeless people
    Rick Dyer
    And. . . "Wild Bill" that phony Marine with fat "Buck"!

    1. What's the matter? You never heard of Muslin terrorists? dumb ass!

    2. No

      Muslin, plain-woven cotton fabric made in various weights

      Muslim terrorists however is a different story. ;¬))))

    3. Muslin terrorists are them guys go around tearing cloth up

    4. you left homeless Veterans from the wars lots of tham in tham thar woods

  4. Should have called it "THERE'S SOMETHING ON THE HILL"

    1. There's was nothing on the hill! Except Curious locals, that Fat Matt MoneyMaker, mistaken for Big foots!

    2. WILD BILL been known to charge tham hills

    3. "Wild Bill" been known to frequent Gay bars too!

  5. Looks like there's a spelling error on the opening title. Should get that straight otherwise looks a bit amateurish.

    1. D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F

    2. You should do if you were aiming to get funding. The trailer looks quite well made and it's a shame to get a reasonably important detail wrong like your own name.

  6. Hey JOE. We talk about cover ups here in the states but seems some shenigans are happening in merry old England as well.

    Last night on the Science Channel was watching The Unexplained Files. Involved a dead man named Zigmond Adamski that was found dead on a pile of coal in June of 1980 in the town of Todmorden. He was found by a police officer named Alan or Allen Godfrey. 5 months earlier Godfrey had a sensational UFO experience while on duty at night. Out in the country a diamond shaped UFO that hovered only five feet off the ground emiting blinding lights was in front of his auto. Then a flash of light went off and that was all he remembered. He awoke 40 minutes later 160 feet farther down the road and all electrical systems that had quit were now working. He went to the station and was told to fill out a report. He never saw the report again. Now 5 months later he finds this Adamski that had been missing for five days. He may have been from Halifax a short distance away. Adamskis eyes were open and had the appearance of sheer terror. There were burn marks on his head and throat that were covered in a greenish yellow ointment. An autopsy said death was a heart attack. The ointment was analyzed against 6500 other know ointments of the time and no match was found nor for the chemical makeup. It was also as if he had simply appeared on the coal pile as if dropped from the sky as no traces of activity in the area were found.

    In later years Godfrey underwent hypnosis for his experience. He was abducted and probed during the lost 40 minutes. He went to two other psycologists for a second opinion and they both confirmed the same diagnosis. It was the first abduction case to be studied in England.

    Working with another investigator detective they pieced together sightings of UFO in the Halifax and Todmorden area in early Jan. of 1980 when he had his experience and again in June of 1980 when Adamski was found dead. They did not say but of course Rendelshom also took place in 1980.and I remember Col. Charles Haut the base deputy commander witnessing diamond shaped UFO that shown down a bluish light on the nuclear aresenal. Anyway they tried to obtain all records of both Godreys report and reports of Adamski. By law in your country police reports are to be unclassified after 20 years but these reports can not be obtained and of course the investigators are saying it is a cover up and Adamski's heart attack was caused by extreme terror. Who be the powers in your country that will not come clean?

    1. If you follow the Bushcraft threads you will catch a few anecodotes about poachers being hired to trap and kill pumas. Good pay as well £8,000 per cat.

      But Pumas arn't meant to exist right?

    2. ^^^^^ amazing, amazing, amazing!!

      Chuck, I'm sure I've heard about this, I'll do a bit of digging and get up to scratch. Love these comments buddy!!

      6:15... Can you please supply a link?

    3. Sorry Joe, long time back. Had a quick search and can't recall/find it. It was a Bushcraft one is all I recall.

    4. There are lots of places with stuff about Godfrey and his UFO encounter...the guy on the coal heap is strange...but there are conflicting stories as usual.

    5. Have you guys seen the video by Richard D Hall and the story of the NATO team that goes to landing and mutilation sites ?`s very interesting indeed but as always,controversial...I`ll see if I can find a link.

  7. Animal mutilation in the UK. I can believe it. I think it was monday night when they were trying to get behind all the goats in an area SE of Mexico City where goats were being drained of blood with two wounds to the neck. Now there is no creature officially know that does this. A vampire bat for sure, but the incisions were to spaced apart to be a bat and no bat is going to take down 90 goats in one night. The Gerhard gentleman from Texas was one of the investigators. The Mexicans are convinced that the goat sucker AKA El Chupecabra is behind all this. It may be, I fear it is more sinsister.

    1. I believe you`re right...there is something much more sinister going on...I do understand the lack of reporting due to the utter horror ands panic this would engender in the public but nevertheless it ought to be acknowledged and reported seems "they" do this with impunity.

    2. Many years ago as a 13 year old kid I watched,along with 4 friends,what we at first thought was a shooting star traverse across the sky...we often saw them and were coming home from the common behind where we lived...the "shooting star" traveled in the same manner as we usually saw them,which is damn fast across the sky and it then stopped dead above us in the then went to the right and did 90 degree turns and suchlike...kind of like a fly moves around a light in the centre of a room around a then shot off the other way at a tremendous was gone within seconds and in total the whole episode took about 30 seconds was the same brightness as a star and about the same size as a star....I have often wondered what this could have been...this was when I was growing up on the outskirts of London about 40 years ago...I only live a few miles away at the moment...there`s certainly something going on...nothing "we" know of performs like that...not even today...I have never forgotten it or the questions we asked each other as to how a "shooting star" could behave this way.

  8. this movie actually looks pretty good...Pretty much every big foot film out there is a horror film based on fiction. This is actually taken from a couple of reports from what I read....I will check it out when it comes out


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