TheNeckBeard Just Found Out That According To Some People, Bigfoot Can Cloak

Oh, boy. This is what happens when you dig too deep. Unfortunately for YouTube user, TheNeckBeard, he he recently joined a bunch of Bigfoot forums and Facebook groups and discovered that some people believe in cloaking Bigfoots. TheNeckBeard thinks it's all B.S., of course. The poor guy now thinks some people in the Bigfoot community are a little out of this world. "iIsaw this post one one of the forum's i recently joined and could not stop laughing. listen if you want bigfoot to be taken seriously stick to reality," the YouTube user wrote.


  1. Replies
    1. E Bah Goom,lad ....E bah bloody Goom !!!

    2. "Wild Bill" can cloak himself from being a Phony Marine into a REAL marine, only on the T.V. show, MOUNTAIN MONSTERS!
      "Trapper" can cloak himself from NOT KNOWING anything about Trapping, to being a "Master Trapper" on the T.V. show MOUNTAIN MONSTERS.
      But, Matt MoneyMaker, can't cloak his BS!

    3. WILD BILL, TRAPPER ans BUCK a bear huntin JEFF adoin researchin fer sesshun 3, Huckleberry gitin tobacci fer sesshun 3, ans Willy sloppin tham hawgs
      Thar bes monsters in tham thar hills

    4. And wild bill, he likes taking off his tight pants to take a few bears in his one eyed warrior.
      I still haven't figured out the creepy knife thing yet. unless it's like he can't do what Eddie Murphy claimed mr. T could. He punch up his butt cheeks and rip their dick off. Lol
      Good morning fellow jokers let's get this show on the road

    5. WILD BILL abin in bear cuntry he aneedin tham tight pans sos he cans gits to that thar BIG KNIFE fer cuttin ans slicin tham critters

  2. I swear this guy is so stupid!

    Of course they can turn invisible, they're demonic beings! Fallen Angels!

  3. Replies
    1. Yep! Got yor quote from a single soul who concurs with your lunacy?

    2. Where is it then?

      And don't paste that 3rd party quote where he dances round the issue of bigfoot currently existing in north america.

    3. Ha! You're a fecking loon bro... Serious, I think you're just needing the attention moma didn't give.

      Still waiting for that quote.

    4. Again you fail to deliver a quote to back up something you say. Smoked. Exposed. Pathetic.

      What quote would you like?

    5. Ok, I fully understand that you're trying to bring every thread down with this lunacy, and get some desperately required attention at the same time, so I will entertain no longer after this. Here's the post you ignored yesterday;

      "How else is he meant to have his quotations documented and then published? He's got a book out called Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science for all yor direct literary requirements and a she load of TV appearances where he promotes evidence for said subject in the US.

      "I am convinced by the evidence that there is an unrecognized giant primate that shares with us a bipedal locomotion [walking on two legs in an upright position], but the similarity pretty much stops there," said Jeff Meldrum, who specializes in the study of how two-legged creatures walk and what footprints say about an organism's form."

      I'm sorry, you implied something about dancing? Nobody is that thick, and for all your persistance, how about you find one idiot who agrees with your sentiment... Not another Anon post from yourself, but a direct quote. You won't, because you are too stupid to believe.

      "Given the scientific evidence that I have examined, I'm convinced there's a creature out there that is yet to be identified," said Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University in Pocatello."

      Ya know... And I'm embarassed to have to point this out to you (you have to be trolling), but when an anthropologist spends the last twenty years promoting Sasquatch tracks, has managed to get the best conservationist in the world to give a foreword in that book, has lectured on Sasquatch countless times, has gone public to say that it's a possibility that even the government are covering the subject up... You look like the true Doink that you are.

      I'll be waiting for that quote.

      ; )"

      ... I'll add, have you noticed that when you're failing at every turn you take, that not one single melon head comes to back up your arguments? Do you know why this is? Because you are a stupid little insignificant that neither has the mental capacity to understand clear writing, concepts and ideas.

      And that's your lot, Doink.

    6. Dat meltdown though^

      I can only assume that you posted the same 2 quotes because you are trolling and you don't really believe in bigfoot.

      Its simple. Post a statement from one of his books or one of his TV appearances where he states that bigfoot is an extant north american species where he doesn't dance around it. You claim its easy but you have failed to do it time and time again.

      This means you are smoked buddy.

    7. Learn to read, you poor individual, ha ha ha!!

    8. You learn to read. I asked you for a quote to back up one of you claims. You tried but I pointed out why you failed and since then you haven't come up with what I originally asked for.

    9. I know who you are, and you've really embarassed yourself this time boyo.

      I'm still waiting

    10. I wish you two would just get a f*cking room ;))

    11. You won't see me stooping to that level again... The guy's a loon and quite clearly just trying to bring every thread down.

    12. If he's a loon, you've been arguing with him unsuccessfully for what I can only assume has been several days.

      Not only is he correct in his position, being that it is a well known subject in the community, but he's got you chasing him about it for days.

      Don Meldrum takes every opportunity to not talk about his beliefs on Sasquatch or his contributions to the Temple. Sometimes I think you need a friend, not an argument.

    13. Ouch! Got burn ointment ...Joe?

    14. Ha ha ha ha!! You got exposed Danny boy, what an embarrassing individual you are. Days? Thise meds making you lose time, or are you still in full bait mode... You only ever had two metho; baiting and denial.

      You've been provided two quotes and inumerable examples of his stance, you won't find one single fellow melon head in your little world that will back up your stance.

      Still waiting for that quote, by the way.

      ; )

    15. I wonder what category your born-into religious practices, we should determine of you?

      "A superficial consideration of the Book of Mormon account has led to misconceptions ... that all Native Americans are Lehi's direct descendants. ...The notion has arisen that modern DNA research will either vindicate or refute the Book of Mormon."

      One theory he gives is that the current native american population is indeed from Bering Strait migrations, but not migrations of 10,000 years ago, rather from recent migrations. He quotes: Michael Crawford, from the Department... In this statement perhaps Meldrum is finding evidence that genetic drift or dilution ocurred for Lehi's descendants because of the influx of Siberian immigrants through modern times."

      Some important questions being attempted at answering here, and though I'm the least religious person you'll meet, his scientific background on evolutionary bipedalism stands as one of the most comprehensive academic sources regarding it in the world.

    16. que?

      no more drama blog for me. you do and say as you please. i have become numb to your shenanigans. have a spectacular day, slugger!

    17. No more Danny Campbell avatar you mean. Speak to you soon Danny.

    18. ^^ you are as soppy as the other mug

    19. It's my name next to my comments and not an Anon cloak, and last time I checked... My points won.

    20. The Black Night from The Holy Grail thought he was winning too.

    21. CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch! A witch! We've found a witch! A witch! We've got a witch! A witch! A witch! Burn her! Burn her! Burn her! We've found a witch! We've found a witch!
      VILLAGER #1: We have found a witch. May we burn her?
      CROWD: Burn her! Burn! Burn her! Burn her!
      BEDEVERE: How do you know she is a witch?
      VILLAGER #2: She looks like one.
      CROWD: Right! Yeah! Yeah!
      BEDEVERE: Bring her forward.
      WITCH: I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch.
      BEDEVERE: Uh, but you are dressed as one.
      WITCH: They dressed me up like this.
      CROWD: Augh, we didn't! We didn't...
      WITCH: And this isn't my nose. It's a false one.
      BEDEVERE: Well?
      VILLAGER #1: Well, we did do the nose.
      BEDEVERE: The nose?
      VILLAGER #1: And the hat, but she is a witch!
      VILLAGER #2: Yeah!
      CROWD: We burn her! Right! Yeaaah! Yeaah!
      BEDEVERE: Did you dress her up like this?
      VILLAGER #1: No!
      VILLAGER #2 and 3: No. No.
      VILLAGER #2: No.
      VILLAGER #1: No.
      VILLAGERS #2 and #3: No.
      VILLAGER #1: (feeling guilty) Yes.
      VILLAGER #2: Yes.
      VILLAGER #1: Yes. Yeah, a bit.
      VILLAGER #3: A bit.
      VILLAGERS #1 and #2: A bit.
      VILLAGER #3: A bit.
      VILLAGER #1: She has got wart.
      BEDEVERE: What makes you think she is a witch?
      VILLAGER #3: Well, she turned me into a newt.
      BEDEVERE: A newt?
      VILLAGER #3: I got better.
      VILLAGER #2: Burn her anyway!
      VILLAGER #1: Burn!
      CROWD: Burn her! Burn! Burn her!...
      BEDEVERE: Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
      VILLAGER #1: Are there?
      VILLAGER #2: Ah?
      VILLAGER #1: What are they?
      CROWD: Tell us! Tell us!...
      BEDEVERE: Tell me, what do you do with witches?
      VILLAGER #2: Burn!
      VILLAGER #1: Burn!
      CROWD: Burn! Burn them up! Burn!...
      BEDEVERE: And what do you burn apart from witches?
      VILLAGER #1: More witches!
      VILLAGER #3: Shh!
      VILLAGER #2: Wood!
      BEDEVERE: So, why do witches burn?
      VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of... wood?
      BEDEVERE: Good! Heh heh.
      CROWD: Oh yeah. Oh.
      BEDEVERE: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
      VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her.
      BEDEVERE: Ah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
      VILLAGER #1: Oh, yeah.
      RANDOM: Oh, yeah. True. Uhh...
      BEDEVERE: Does wood sink in water?
      VILLAGER #1: No. No.
      VILLAGER #2: No, it floats! It floats!
      VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond!
      CROWD: The pond! Throw her into the pond!
      BEDEVERE: What also floats in water?
      VILLAGER #1: Bread!
      VILLAGER #2: Apples!
      VILLAGER #3: Uh, very small rocks!
      VILLAGER #1: Cider!
      VILLAGER #2: Uh, gra-- gravy!
      VILLAGER #1: Cherries!
      VILLAGER #2: Mud!
      VILLAGER #3: Churches! Churches!
      VILLAGER #2: Lead! Lead!
      ARTHUR: A duck!
      CROWD: Oooh.
      BEDEVERE: Exactly. So, logically...
      VILLAGER #1: If... she... weighs... the same as a duck,... she's made of wood.
      BEDEVERE: And therefore?
      VILLAGER #2: A witch!
      VILLAGER #1: A witch!
      CROWD: A witch! A witch!...
      VILLAGER #4: Here is a duck. Use this duck. [quack quack quack]
      BEDEVERE: We shall use my largest scales.
      CROWD: Ohh! Ohh! Burn the witch! Burn the witch! Burn her! Burn her!
      BEDEVERE: Right. Remove the supports! (The woman and the duck balance each other out on the scales.)
      CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch!
      WITCH: It's a fair cop.
      VILLAGER #3: Burn her!
      CROWD: Burn her! Burn her! Burn her!

      ; )

  4. @chrisgpackham

    Chris doesn't like being reminded of the darkest moment in his career.

    His treatment of Bob Gimlin was shameful. The guy really should have stuck to talking glibbly about foxes and woodlice.


    1. MMG are you one of the gimlin guard? It sounds like it.

    2. MMG has sent no such tweet to packham. I just checked.

      Deluded AND a liar?

      Too scared to actually tweet that cos you know the legend would smoke you?

    3. Packham hasn't even got a PHD... And Goebbels would have had him shit in shame.

      What an epic failure for your folk... BBC budget and all! Ha ha ha ha!!

      Doink... The only liar is you and your persistence, what a silly little boy you are. Got quote yet? Are are you as alone in your theory group as you are at home??

    4. I don't know what quote you want as I have claimed anything of the magnitude of you.

    5. "The waiting is the hardest part, every day ya get one more yard, ya take it on faith, ya take it to the heart......but the waiting ....:is the hardest......part. "

    6. "Packham hasn't even got a PHD..."

      Neither does Rhettman Mullis, but he still lists it on his professional title anyway.

    7. That's gotta surely mean you can't trust him when he tells you Zana's 100% modern human then, eh Danny?

    8. What's this I hear about Degrees? A degree is nothing more than 300 or 360 ocas points if you want an hons or not.

      So take a test and pass rate is 40%, next test pass wamabama bing bong....

    9. my point a degree is easy to get, and so is a PhD it doesn't mean you are smart just have a good memory or can hold a 40% pass rate.

    10. Precisely! Why should anyone then listen to someone advising the public on the possibilities of unknown primates in the US, if they haven't even got that?

    11. I've got one, working on my second and guess what? It don't mean shit when it comes to suipysquish.

      What counts is getting OFF your F*CKING arse and going looking.

    12. So where do you two hold your degrees?

      It's so easy. I mean even Sharon Shill managed to get her graduate!

    13. Two? I guess you are really stupid as I said working on my second.

    14. ans whut tham wurds yous ausin lack stipid fer

    15. gerr gerr goo geer goo Ooga shaka.

      hows that 9:58 enough words?

    16. tham wurds abin bumfumbles me shure do

    17. Smoked by the lisping buffoon?

      Not in a million years.

      You may have to look harder for those tweets my friend. You obviously fail at internet.

      'Gimlin Guard'? Not for me thanks.


  5. Joe doesn't even realise he got smoked. That is the level of mental illness we are dealing with here.

  6. Does meldrum think bigfoot cloak though? Or brain speak to people or that their yells can turn you to jelly. These are just some of the reasons normal folk laugh at the big footers. Neck beard has a point . Too many people taking the piss for main stream scientists to take it seriously without damaging their own reputations and that's sad. Bigfoot is a pantomime being poorly acted out. Hitting trees and whooping in the dark. Seriously !!!! Any animal would be long gone. And an intelligent bipedal creature would look and think wtf!

    1. Also, they don't even exist! That makes the whole circus show when funnier!

    2. TRAPPER heerin that YAHOO hootin and a hollerin in da boosh

  7. 2.54 so many sightings though. Are they all mistaken identity? I think 90-95 % bullcrap

  8. Looks like Neckbeard just got kicked out of Matthew Johnson's group...

    1. Why was he in that 'group' in the first place?


    2. NeckBeard is his own group. Out there doing big things, shaking thebigfoot world up!

  9. I'm Dans brain on acid.


    bang boom pow............♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿

  10. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  11. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

    1. Obama stayin soo he can improve his handy cap

  12. And that's the problem.... Pure crap

  13. Obama is more afraid of "White" Militia groups, then he is of the ISIS army!

  14. No matter how many times you read all the comments here about Big foot exist, or don't Exist, the fact remains that:


    1. And he likes taking off his tight pants to take a few bears in his one eyed warrior

    2. ans WILD BILL old Marine ans Bear Hunter dont has time achasin tham woman folk !!!
      NO SIR !!!

    3. ^ He needs to make time then..all that male macho prancing and preening does a man no service at all,not at all,Sir.

    4. WILD BILL huntin tham bear in Raleigh Cuntry sos tham women folk agoin havin to waits a spell
      YES SIR !!!

  15. Who is on that video? What makes him an expert? He's definitely a troll who is trolling other Bigfoot Facebook groups. Great credentials those are....

    1. Are you kidding he has a neck beard and he's fat he must be an expert in bigfeets he just looks like he walks in the woods a whole lot

    2. he looks like a clerk at your local comic book store

    3. Harry don't diss the talent. Actually yeah go on, it's kind'a funny.

    4. I know for a FACT!!, That neckbeard is none other than

      " BIG JON "

    5. Watch his other videos, he is a expert... not sure on what... but he is a expert.

  16. Yeah that cloaking stuff is way too much.

    It's one thing to believe in a 600 lb North American proto-human that is so elusive only a handful of sightings occur each year.
    The null hypothesis continues to be supported here. So it doesn't take complex scenarios to explain the phenomena. Upright walking bear is a nice example.

    To believe much of the goal-seeking explanations (bigfoot is a real entity) that do require complex meta-physical explanations requires a mind that hasn't been grounded in quite a while. Anytime someone invokes a new phenomena to explain a new phenomena they usually have parted ways with science. Some genius or lucky people may have done such things but 99.99% of the time its failure.

    1. Yeah but come on there's really just a handful of people who believe that. Every other researcher just kind of looks like WTF are you on. So to claim those are the thoughts of the entire field, is as much nonsense as the people who believe that. Which is very few I think most of us even think the habituation people are goofy. So don't go trying to misdirect and eluding to that being what everybody thinks. When you know damn well that isn't true.

    2. 8:17... There is on average 200 sightings a year that is merely the tip of the iceberg due to fear of ridicule. The null hypothesis has failed to rule out the evidence, rather it's been used as a euphemism for selective versions of skepticism; to which people stop practicing as soon as it props up their preferred conclusions. There is no such thing as an upright walking bear, and I find it hilarious that anyone should express the most perverse of double standards in comparison to the frequency of actual evidence there is for this subject.

    3. ^ there`s a world of difference between a bear tottering along on short stumpy legs and a creature taking huge strides

    4. Sasquatch have evolved to survive in a different environment than we as urbanized humans are used to, so it's difficult for us to understand. We now know that animals like dogs can predict epileptic seizures happening and even recognize tumors within the human body. This is down to their very advanced, evolved and sophisticated senses. Science is just barely starting to understand infra-sound and who knows what a highly evolved version of this could achieve? Tigers use it to shock and paralyze prey and elephants use it to find mates. The military are now conducting experiments where people have become very confused and even in some cases vomited and felt quite ill. This is science and not 'tall tales'. We cannot rule out the possibility of Sasquath maybe using a highly evolved ability of infra-sound to which may be used in some way to distract people to their presence or even unconsciously channel oblivious people into various avenues of the wilderness, either to encourage them away from their family & social groups, or even in extreme cases, to use them as more easily attainable prey.

      I understand that I may be outspoken in the wider Bigfoot community when I state this; but I genuinely feel that Sasquatch may have preternatural abilities that maybe nowhere near understood with our current level of sensory perception and 3rd dimensional space & time. Quantum physics is just beginning to understand sub-atomic particles and if you use your imagination to apply this theory to this subject, you can almost imagine it being the case as would describe how eyewitnesses see silhouettes gliding through trees;

      "Nature defies common sense, and this really happens: an electron or other particle can disappear in one location and simultaneously reappear at another location if the wave associated with the particle extends to the other location. After you buy that, we can make sense out of the rest of it..."

      Lastly... When bears start walking with a stride, lose the snout for a flat face and grow crazy width in their shoulders, then anyone with a bear claim will have something substantial against the sheer frequency of professional, detailed reports that account for the basis to which research on this subject stems from.

    5. WOO WOO! Stand aside John You don't post on forums and live in Wales, no one in the "wider community" know who you are.

      You specifically stated "there is no such thing as upright walking bears." You are wrong.

    6. oh,ok...there aren`t then.

    7. 8:17 Yeah that cloaking stuff is way too much.

      How so ?

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. 10:25... I can't understand a word you're trying to write, you ain't the one up top claiming to have two degrees, surely? Bears don't walk around on two legs as standard. I guess when all else fails, you can try and use baiting to save a little face.

    10. nah thats not me and two, I said I was working on my second but whatever...NO not me.

    11. That's alright then... You sounded like a nice fellow up top.

    12. I mean in this specific timelime starting from 8:17

  17. Buck got taken out the the Grassman! So why does Wild Bill nose look like the Grassman got him as well !!! When did that happen?

  18. EXPLAIN to me why Doctors, lawyers and credible people would risk thier pensions who report such a thing?

    simple question...As most have no prior knowledge or think its' a kook farm but see this and change thier mind.

    1. ^^Doctors, lawyers, credible people, cops, medical professionals, bartenders, 7-11 clerk's. Their pensions are safe. To suggest otherwise, is to suggest 40 % 0f the population is keeping a secret from the remaining 60%. That's just fucking stupid...

  19. Hey!!

    I've literally got the video ready to watch on my YouTube app on my iPhone for later... I'll watch it later and let you know, I really appreciate the recommendations!!


  21. you`re all well going along there hahaha

  22. its good the last 2 min....try headphones when you do

  23. ^^^^^^^ seriously amazing stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. In the Russian War the alies used paper and paste on tanks...This was in effect making them white and invisible, afterwards it was washed off.

    KISS - Keep it Simple Stupid.

  25. Amazing post at 10:45... I'm currently looking for that native legend that tells of Sasquatch rubbing oil on themselves to make them 'invisible'!!

  26. "As described by the Clallam Indians, the Seeahtiks are seven to eight feet tall. They have hairy bodies like the bear. They are great hypnotists, and kill their game by stunning them with hypnotic power. They also have a gift of ventriloquism, throwing their voices at great distances and can imitate any bird in the Northwest. They have a very keen sense of humor," Totsgi added.

    "In the past generations they stole many Indian women and Indian babies. They lived entirely in the mountain, coming down to the shores only when they wanted a change of diet. The Quinaults claim they generally came once a year to the Quinault River, about fall. The Clallams say they favored the river area near Brinnon on Hood Canal. After having their fill of fresh salmon, they stole dried salmon from the Indian women.

    "The Seeahtik Tribe are harmless if left alone. The Clallam Tribe, however, at one time several generations ago, killed a young man of the Seeahtik Tribe to their everlasting sorrow, for they killed off a whole branch of the Clallam Tribe but one, and he was merely left to tell the tale to the other Clallams up-Sound. The Clallam Indians believed that the Seeahtik Tribe had become extinct.

    It is fifteen years since their tracks were last seen and recognized at the Brinnon River. Prior to that time, many Clallam Indians have met and talked with men of this strange tribe for the Seeahtiks talk the strange tongue of the Clallams, which is said to have originated from the bear tongue. (oral history/tribal legends)

    The Quinault Indians, however, claim that Fred Pope of the Quinault Tribe and George Hyasman of the Satsop Tribe were fishing about fifteen miles up the Quinault River in the month of September four years ago (1920) when they were visited by the Seeahtiks. The two Indians had caught a lot of steelhead trout, [sic] which they left in their canoe, and the Seeahtiks stole these.

    Henry Napoleon of the Clallam Tribe is the only Indian who was ever invited to the home of the Seeahtik Tribe. It was while Napoleon was visiting relatives on the British Columbia coast about thirty years ago, [that would have made the year roughly 1895] that he met a Seeahtik while hunting. The giant Indian then invited him to their home, which is in the very heart of the wilderness on Vancouver Island. Napolean claims they live in a large cave. He was treated with every courtesy and told some of their secrets. He claims that the giant Indians made themselves invisible by strange medicine that they rub over their bodies and that they were able to cause great fear by hypnotic power and had the gift of ventriloquism, to mimic the owl and throw their voices."

  27. As long as the eyes are exposed a lubricant that bends light is theorical, BUT once you cover the head and eyes that person is blind as light no longer penitrates.

  28. Sorry Joe but if you bend light around the eyes and they no longer see light what do you see?


  29. find the GRAYs U find the BIGFOOTs

  30. Joe. I have a serious question please. If you had one area in the states to look for a sasquatch . Where would that be. Thank you

  31. If Bigfoot derives from man or ape then the possibility of 'zapping' or 'cloaking' is highly unlikely.

    There is a large 'alternative' group who wish to push the theory of BF having enhanced 'capabilities'.

    Most of this group think these abilities stem from a supernatural or other worldly source.

    Certainly not my bag.


  32. Pierce County Washington, King County Washington, Lewis County Washington, Clackamas County Oregon, Josephine County Oregon, Six Rivers National Forest California, Stanislaus National Forest California, Portage County Ohio, Stark County Ohio, Summit County Ohio.

  33. OUTSTANDING VIDEO!!!! I will be recommending this to all!!! Do you have a note details about this???? I would love to know more about this.

    Quite an excellent piece of footage!!! Thank you very much for this!!!!

  34. Thanks joe. I am seriously planning a trip to the states. I want to spend at least a week on the sticks. Getting a feel for this subject in reality . You babes quite a few areas . I will do some research.

  35. Sorry stupid predictive text that should read you said quite a few areas... Anyway I appreciate your help.

  36. MMG I totally agree . And like you it doesn't mean you don't believe or are open to the possibility. Why are do many people rude on here. To you and joe ect . I came on here to get some information . Sadly must of it is Bullcrap but there's done really good stuff between the lines . Thanks

  37. Woke up this morning and I said to myself, "you know, what the world needs right now is another newbie Bigfoot researcher, who cannot deal with invisibility so he ridicule's it on the internet."

    So I turn my computer and go to Bigfootevidence. And Voila! There's this moron ridiculing invisibility. I'm tellin you man, I have got to be psychic.

    1. If he didn't ridicule it he'd be a f-ing moron.. Invisibility? For the love of Christ, you're an idiot.

    2. For the love of Christ? Christ is invisible because we can no longer see him, yet his work is evident by the apparent fact that he allows you to still walk the earth, and behave like, well, a f-ing moron. What goes around, comes around. Eh mate?

  38. pt 2

  39. So your telling me cloaking technology originally came from a downed bigfoot?

  40. NeckBeard is a straight up OG

  41. Sasquatch experiencer? Oh, for the love of Christ... They need a title I suppose..

  42. No, no... I was trying to draw a link between the 'strange medicine' in native legends and this new cloaking spray. Also... You're very welcome, where are you from, do you mind me ask?


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