The first cut of the short film, EVE, is finally out!

Wow! If you haven't picked up the book yet, pick it up today. EVE now has a short film about it and it's beautiful. Watch it here:

Eve from Long Road Film Company on Vimeo.

From the author, J.M. Baily:

Tomorrow is the day! The first cut of the short film, EVE will be released! I'll be at the Bigfoot Days Festival with a vendor table along with Gunnar Monson and The Sasquatch Coffee Company. I'll have books to purchase along with all sorts of other stuff. Hope to see you there We'll also do a giveaway for signed copies of both EVE and IRON MOUNTAIN RIDGE. Hit the PAGE LIKE button to be entered... I will randomly select someone from the list (previous winners not eligible). Thank you for your support, everyone. I am SO excited for you all to see EVE!


  1. Replies
    1. Yup... pretty much starts out like I predicted... and illustrates what happens to most "flute playing" habituators... she got butt fucked

    2. Oh brother now with the white out thing, ok people don't click drag select the post above, you might see a bad word :) !

      Ok so I'll leave that out.. as I was saying. Eve is another dumb ass new age bit of nonsense about habituation. If you want the REAL view of that listen to the guys over at Sasquatch Chronicles. So for instance... if BF doesn't know your head off and pull you limb from limb... as they often do when they get ticked at you. Or, rape you, as they often do to unsuspecting women they abduct and after any of the above eat you.... then they will likely just hide.

      Predictably this movie starts out with her face down :) only thing she didn't do next was light a cigarette :)

    3. If you can give the name of one woman that has been raped by bigfoot, I'd appreciate it.

    4. Tune in to C2C tonight!

    5. At least if she was there'd be a perfect reason for such shitty acting

    6. GOOD MORNING rise and shine and give god the glory glory rise and shine and give god the glory glory children of the lord

  2. Not the most fast paced film

    1. hey bro be negativity here today

    2. I enjoyed that although it's worth noting that the bigfoot suit even though it was really good was still obviously a man in a suit,you could tell from the way it he moved and the length of his arms and the way he walked and when you compare him with Patty the two are totally different so there's your monkey suit xx

    3. Patty is a bloke in a suit. Deal with it.

    4. Clearly she isn't 3;18 as you can see when comparing Patty to a man in a really good monkey suit as in Eve,you can tell the difference xx

    5. Patty is such a patheticly poor attempt of a costume to depict a real creature. So far off on so many levels anatomically. If you think there are a species of animals that looks like patty then you are deluded.

    6. I have read the book. It was pretty realistic of what I would expect - Eve and her clan are very animal yet also primitive human. This promo showed just the end, the beginning and the end - there is plenty more that happens! Love the music. Looks good. And yes, the suit is very...suity. We don't exactly have Bigfoot actors...yet.

    7. 5:13...

      "Patty is such a patheticly poor attempt of a costume to depict a real creature."

      So pathetic that 46 years later nothing can come close? Not even a BBC budget? Sooooo pathetic, eh?

      "So far off on so many levels anatomically."

      Really? Over to you Allen Guinn...

      "In conclusion, after a thorough review of the copy of the Patterson-Gimlin film provided to me, it is my professional opinion that it represents a live hominid and not a human in a costume. As noted above, there are multiple details of areas on the filmed individual’s body that correspond to those found in a human. Also as stated above, the replication of some of these anatomic landmarks would be difficult or impossible to accomplish in a costume. Additionally, it would take a detailed knowledge of human anatomy to even be aware of some of these anatomical features, let alone possess the technical skills to incorporate them into a convincing costume. That information is only known to a very select percentage of the population, of which I happen to belong.
      While it may be difficult for one to accept that in our modern age there can be a large, undiscovered hominid living in our forests, the facts have to be faced. In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous character, Sherlock Holmes: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
      -O. Allen Guinn, III, M.D., F.A.C.S. Aurora Plastic Surgery
      Lee’s Summit, MO

      " If you think there are a species of animals that looks like patty then you are deluded."

      Don't take my word for it, listen to the best conservationsts and primatologists in the world, bro.

      ; )

    8. bigfoot is a very elusive species that will walk slowly away using the route that keeps them directly in the line of sight for as long as possible, but only if you have horses, cameras and guns.
      Then they will become invisible for the next 50 years.
      Simple really.

    9. Your comment is in fact true in some parts. There are imumerable accounts of Sasquatch doing exactly that; walking away very calmly, and accompany video sources that show matching specimens. If Sasqustch were invisible for the last 50 years, then we wouldn't have on average 200 sightings a year now... Would we?


    10. What do you mean nothing can come close? I've seen way more realistic suits. Go troll somewhere else.

    11. 200 idiots a year is actually pathetically low, I'll bet there are 10X that number reporting ghosts, yet there is no science to back that up either.

    12. 200 reports being the tip of the iceberg due to fear of ridicule of course. Your dimness would have some weight in fact if ghosts didn't have both physical and biological evidence to back them up... Which brings me to your last allegation, to which consistent scientific method has been applied to the accumulation of such sources.

    13. Somebody wake up Don and tell him to come and step on this guy again.

    14. 3:18 ...oh,what bloke is that ?

    15. Speaking of idiots, 6:23, "no science to back up" ghosts:

      Most scientists understand that science is limited to the physical world. Science can only measure the physical world, nature, within the laws of physics.

      By definition, ghosts and science are incompatible.You can't measure or test ghosts or the existence of ghosts with science. That tool is inappropriate for that job.

      Science can not give a verdict on ghosts, as most scientists state and know.

      Trying to claim anything about the non-physical via a method which is limited to the physical, is an error. The non-physical, and physical, are separate.

      The faster you separate science from the non-physical, the sooner you'll hurry up and grow and evolve as a person and get yourself out of that false premise and misunderstanding.

    16. Speaking of idiots, 6:23, "no science to back up" ghosts:

      Most scientists understand that science is limited to the physical world. Science can only measure the physical world, nature, within the laws of physics.

      By definition, ghosts and science are incompatible.You can't measure or test ghosts or the existence of ghosts with science. That tool is inappropriate for that job.

      Science can not give a verdict on ghosts, as most scientists state and know.

      Trying to claim anything about the non-physical via a method which is limited to the physical, is an error. The non-physical, and physical, are separate.

      The faster you separate science from the non-physical, the sooner you'll hurry up and grow and evolve as a person and get yourself out of that false premise and misunderstanding.

    17. Saying what is outside of science doesn't exist because science can't see it, is a classic logical fallacy.

      Be content with what science can do, and its limitations. Be happy with the limitations of science.

      Science can't measure the non-physical, so find a different tool for that job. Wrong tool, no results/bad results resulting in false result.

    18. JOE. That 200 sightings a year is actually well over 10,000. There are far more of our cousins out there right now at least in NA than is accepted.

      EVA R. So glad you picked up right away on the suit they used. Does not even come close to how massive and muscular these creatures really are. Bob Gimlin voice always rises when talking about Patty and how massive she was with muscles bulging from every spot of her body. My sighting was from 300 yards away so I am not the expert on this. However a close friend of mine Rod, was forturnate ( he still thinks unfortunate ) to see one from about 100 feet and the size of it scared him out of the woods for life.

      I applaud J M Baileys effort and will read the book's this winter. If someone is going to get close to these forest giants it will be a woman with the right attitude.

  3. Very quiet this morning...guess they`re all in church.

    1. We're all up on the mothership with the ancients.

    2. They are crying out their "Hail Randi"s at the Randi Prayer Breakfast.

      They'll be along eventually.

  4. This thing was in the wooded area behind where I was fishing. I kept hearing the brush breaking behind me but thought it was squirrels or deer or turkey. Then it started breaking whole trees, snapping them like they were twigs. I started getting very scared as the area I was fishing was miles from my truck or any roads. you had to trek in.

    Then a huge chunk of rock splashed into the water in front of me, then another. I turned around and it was standing there looking very pissed off that I was there. It immediately let out a scream. I can still imitate this scream. It starts out as a high pitched siren type scream that makes every hair on your body stand up. Then it gets higher pitched and is so loud you cant believe what is happening. With one step this thing could have reached out and twisted my head right off my shoulders. I knew I could not out run it so I just froze. I could not believe what was happening or what I was seeing.

    This thing was 5 feet wide at the shoulders. I was on the lower side of the hill so I could not get a real good estimate on height but I'm going to say it had to be at least 7 feet high. Nothing but pure muscular athletic bodybuilder outlined upper torso

    A couple seconds after it screamed I was trying to think of an escape and turned away from it. It retreated back into the woods so fast that I lost sight of it against the wooded background almost immediately.

    I grabbed whatever gear I could and started running back down the trail as fast as I could. I don't know what I left there or what I took with me. I ran as far as I could until all I could do was a fast jog all the way back to the car. I was playing rugby for SIU at the time and was in pretty good physical shape. The whole time I was running I was thinking that it could have over took me at any time.

    There is more to this story. I had been fishing for bass with large shiner minnows for a couple hours. I was hearing something behind me in the brush. I kept fishing, something was stealing my bait off the hook time after time but I could never hook anything. A fat black water moccasin surfaced around the bank so I switched hooks to a #5 treble hook and snagged it. When I set it down on the bank and beat its head in with a stick, That's when all hell broke loose. To me it seemed that the creature was watching me the whole time I was fishing. After I killed the snake and wrapped it around a branch I pinned it to a tree. Right then is when the huge rocks hit the water, trees started snapping and I turned around to the scream.

    This is a true story.

    from BRFO

    1. Fantastic lie bought hook line and sinker by pj

    2. The only lie is your alleged intelligence.

    3. ^ still refuses to link to any peer-reviewed scientific paper supporting the existence of bigfoot, and that is all you really need to know.

    4. Nope! But I can link you a source where the best conservationsts and primatologists in the world, amongst leading wildlife biologists and anthropologists, recommend it for peer review.

    5. 5:56 thanks for pointing that out. He also claims many scientists know bigfoot is real yet he can not find a single quote from any of them saying this. Not even meldrum.


      Magazine Editorial Boards -

      "Editorial boards meet on a regular basis to discuss the latest news and opinion trends and discuss what the medium should say on a range of issues. The editorial board is a group of people, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take. Book and magazine publishers will often use their editorial boards to review or select manuscripts or articles, and sometimes to check facts."

      Journal Editorial Boards -

      "Editors have to be careful to select reviewers who have sufficient subject matter expertise to do justice to the manuscript. Therefore, highly technical papers or papers from niche subject areas may take longer to review, because it may take editors some time to locate appropriate reviewers. The journal editor or editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision."

      "I am convinced by the evidence that there is an unrecognized giant primate that shares with us a bipedal locomotion [walking on two legs in an upright position], but the similarity pretty much stops there," said Jeff Meldrum, who specializes in the study of how two-legged creatures walk and what footprints say about an organism's form."

      "Given the scientific evidence that I have examined, I'm convinced there's a creature out there that is yet to be identified," said Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University in Pocatello."

    7. 6.03 is correct. I researched one of his scientists Todd disotell and he was on a podcast. He stated he is interested in the subject (he has a tattoo) but he is 99.99% sure there is no uncatalogued primate in north america. Joes heroes really aren't helping him out like he pretends.

    8. The beauty of editorial boards (at peer review level) is they're made up of people with the very best undertanding of the subject. Regardless of Disotell's 'alleged' stance, he lists cryptozoology as one of his fields of study and knows about classifying primates. Whatever his stance, out of the majority of that editorial board, he's still on the editorial board... Ya know.

    9. give us a credible link and we'll leave you alone- or- that's not what you want, is it? If we go away so do you.

    10. Let's not be a drama queen now, eh? The link is as credible as having the best conservationsts and primatologists in the world, amongst leading wildlife biologists and anthropologists in the world having their names to the editorial board. Unless you're brainwashed, in denial or too stupid, then you can read between the lines of how significant that is.

      I wonder how many primates have been discovered and classified in that list?

      ; )

    11. Oh... And let's not pretend there's more than one of you either.


    12. there are at least two of us, wad. you're obviously not as keen as you like to think yourself to be.

      do you enjoy making up facts alot?

    13. Let's not make things too personal bro, it's just a blog.

      I don't make up facts and try and relax.

    14. What do you call your brilliant post at 6:33?

      Seems you are not a very objective observer.

      Run along before Dmaker shows up.

    15. 6:57 sitting at home fuming over the keyboard

    16. nope- over at LiveLeak watching real videos. not retarded bigfoot nonsense.

      two words- bipedal bears.

    17. I've got to agree that LiveLeak is pretty addictive stuff... But when bears start walking with a stride, lose the snout for a flat face and grow crazy width in their shoulders... Then You'll have a shout.

    18. or running at high speed on two legs instead of circus style wadling...

    19. On bears: Or holding two large rocks, one in each "paw", and banging them together.

  5. The BF I saw was honey brown in color and I witnessed it bang large rocks together. I didn't see its face, its hair was in the way. It was standing sideways. This happened on a farm south of Rock Falls, Illinois. November-2006. It happened in a cornfield, with a large pine grove, along with brush and some trees. This particular part of the farm was in an area where they dumped their cows and calves, that had died while giving birth. (its illegal but many do it because it cost a lot of money to dispose) they also dumped the carcasses of the deer from hunting, after they butchered them. I didn't smell the BF, but I'm pretty sure my German Shepard did. I was out there to walk her, like many times I had done in the past. But this time she took off. I tried to call her back, but she had a funny/scared look in her face. I thought that was strange, but blew it off, and kept walking on a little bit more. That was until I looked up and saw it. I looked at my friend, to say "hey did you see that", but he was looking down at the field/ ground. I looked back, and it was gone. I was in shock, trying to rationalize what I had just seen. I was thinking what was a man doing in a Chewbacca suit out here! Then I realized it was a Bigfoot. I was too embarrassed to say anything and kept to myself. I got scared then and asked that we turn around.


    1. Nice made up account to try to give credibility to the Matilda Chewbacca costume. You would have to be some moron to buy that footage thinking it's a real creature. Shameless.

    2. Nobody buy's the Chewie mask... Stop baiting and find a more intelligent angle, angry-scared boy.

    3. I prefer the body-building Ewok type.

    4. 5:15 what on earth are you talking about ? seem,as usual,to be a little mixed up.

  6. I've seen a hell of a lot worse. This wasn't bad for the short time span. And to the dude who say's sasquatch's eat humans and rape women where did that nonsense come from? And as if you have some credibility in the game anyway.

  7. In an attempt to help Joe out last night I watched all the documentary's I could find with meldrum in so that I could shut that anon up who is having a go at joe but I could not find one instance where he said that bigfoot is real. He really does dance around the subject and is very reluctant to state his beliefs.

    1. Check out my post at 6:09 for help with that.

    2. Oh... And I'm still waiting for your quote?

    3. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

    4. Well I've just sobered up what'ya expect something thought provoking with this hangover? ;)

      Afternoon Joe

    5. Hey my friend!! Ha ha!! I think you could still be blind drink and provide thought provoking stuff!!

    6. Cold as the ice on an ice bound shore,
      Cold as the kiss off an elderly whore,
      Cold as the fringe of a polar bears bum,
      Cold as the tip of an Eskimos thumb.

      But not as cold as poor old Bob, the buggers dead or feels like it, man my head hurts….

    7. ^ of the dog,fella !!

    8. I'm allergic to animals so will just continue to drink this second bottle of whiskey I bought for such an occasion. ;¬))

      In about an hour if I start singing "Celcia.." and posting just ignore me...

    9. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    10. Thinking about Bigfoot, Mungo Jerry singing In the Summertime looks somewhat squatchy....I wonder who his parents were?

      Hickup.....More thoughts to follow the more p*ssed I get.

    11. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! You're making me think of hitting the Heineken!!!

    12. YEAH let's all get shit faced and raise the dead

    13. An incantation to raise the dead, well the website looks legit with all that 24 point bold red text so it must be genuine. So everybody repeat after me.....



    14. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Hang on... I'm sure I just saw a hand come up from my patio!!

    15. Welsh wombies are attacking Wales......Sorry dude, I never thought it would work.

      quick try this, its a protection spell

      "By the dragons light
      On this (month) night
      I call to thee
      To give me your might
      By the power of three
      I conjure thee
      To protect all
      That surrounds me
      So mote it be
      So mote it be!"

    16. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Wombies... Man, I'm gonna use that!!!

    17. Just make sure you wear a turtle neck first and flares or you may not be able to pull it off.

      I should get drunk more often....I

    18. Dwayne Dibley if you want wombies.....

    19. I went to the loo and fell on the floor, I think this stuffs working....

    20. To OP, Meldrum is "convinced" here:

      It took 40 seconds to find. Tough one.

    21. It's not that I believe I am convinced, I am convinced.

    22. thats all that matters cbrippee not the dip shits on this forum.

    23. I have stated on here several times that I noticed a whole different demeanor to Meldrum in the past couple of years. He went from hedging his beliefs to making statement after statement how convinced he was. I know he has always been convinced since his one month trek into the Six Rivers National Forest expedition with the Greenwell brothers in 1997. However in order to obtain funding and stay in the good graces with his peers and the powers that be at Idaho State he had to hold back his true feelings so as to not be labeled a lunatic and cast to the side. Something has changed since he received full professorship and tenure and it is for the best.

  8. I thought Gorilla Monsoon was dead? How can he be selling bigfoot cofee?

  9. Wow ! You guys were busy all Saturday night again babbling like a bunch of school girls.

    Could I maybe squeeze in a comment about the movie before you idiots fill the page up again with your immature rambling?

    Couldn't they have at least put a suit on a tall pearson?
    Is that like a union munchkin in a suit or what?

  10. That wasn't scary at all!
    No blood
    No tits

    Thumbs DOWN

    hmpff :-(

    1. at times like these dude you just need to sing

      Cecilia, you're breaking my heart
      You're shaking my confidence daily
      Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees
      I'm begging you please to come home


    3. I like this one and they featured it in the new film 'Guardians of the Galaxy' which was pretty cool.

  11. I believe Robert W Morgan found, not stool but gallons of feces, so they put it in a bucket and sent it to Krantz....The results came back that an enzyme was discovered that hadn't been present in humans for 1,000's of years...

    When asked for the samples back, it mysteriously vanished...I'll see if I can dig out the pod cast. Go to Blogtalk however and search Robert Morgan and listen as I really doubt I can be arsed to do exists look for it.

    1. Problem is I don't have the time or patience anymore Joe, I'll upload what I have to Media fire and you can hunt through and find it....He never done that many radio shows...maybe 10 at a guess so only 10 hours to go through.

    2. That's ok pal! You've done enough for me buddy... You just chill and enjoy your Sunday, I'll do a bit of digging myself (for once, ha ha ha!!)

    3. it exists trust me....have fun....and thanks.


      This recent Bfro report came from Broward County Florida in the early 70s. I you read the newspaper clipings that are with it you will see just how serious the media was at this time with local bigfoot reports and they were the same with UFO reports at this time. These reports stirred up the locals including both local and national hunters and law enforcement officials enough to try and take action. I often speak of how the new media is so lamestream compared to when I was a youth and this report will give on a good idea of what I speak. I also included it here as 8 40 speaks of Robert W. Morgan and he is included in this report.

    5. Robert is a crebible source as if you listen he has nothing to say good about Brynes as he put his foot in the tracks and more....

      You hear about the four horsemen in bigfootery but he was there also....but as he didn't play thier game is outed or ignored.

    6. I know man, thats why I like you a few others and Joe.

    7. That is a most interesting statement about the feces and enzyme. If you find it let me know also.

  12. bigfoot exists for sure. havey the rabbit told me so.

    1. Well that's interesting but you missed the point, which was not present in humans for 1,000's for years.

      I would like to know HOW they came to that conclusion though.......

    2. they saw one with their own eyes


    That John W. Jones spoke, is alive and well?
    He was at a Rodeo in the Adirondack mountains selling his superbly trained trail horses for $3,000 a horse, and he was signing his books too!
    He faked his death, after his stroke as a way of getting all the nosey people off his back! He, and his team needed to keep the government, and other off his back. He couldn't go on his expeditions without attracting to much attention. he needed to finish his books too! So, he back!

    1. I've got a crazing for a mixed Kebab....Damn alcohol

    2. I thought as much!! Well that's great news his book's done and he's well, he can get around to answering my emails now!! I'll be ordering his book at the first opportunity too!!

      : )

    3. the best book you could ever buy is Applied Cryptograghy 2nd edition by Bruce Schneier and if I spelt that correct blow me. ALL keys that need exported must be given a backdoor by the goverment. i.e a way to bypass the security to read anything.....

      You think AES and the rest are safe? NOT a chance the only algorithm that has never been crpto-analyzed is 3-way....Why it's illegal to use it....

    4. ^^^ sure you ain`t pregnant ?

    5. ^ i believe he`s known to "accept" a portion or three

  14. so did she get bufu'd by the guy in the suit?

  15. In the early 1990's, a couple living near Blue Sea Lake, saw "an enormous wolf" walking on two legs beside a rural highway. As their car approached, the beast crouched, then leaped an estimated 30 feet before vanishing into the trees along the road

  16. Mark Schackelman was driving along Highway 18 just outside of Jefferson, Wisconsin when he noticed something digging in a field off the side of the road. The site was a location where a Native American burial ground was believed to be. When Schackelman slowed down to get a better look, the "man" turned around and faced him. It turns out that it was a hairy creature that stood on two legs, which Schackelman described as looking like a mix between an ape and a dog. The creature had the general shape of a large man, with opposable thumbs and everything.

    Schackelman drove off in a hurry but remained curious about the creature. The next night he drove past the same area hoping to see the creature again. He did. This time the man-beast growled at him in a way that sounded eerily human, making a sound that he described as "ga-DA-ra". Schackelman freaked out and the creature ran off.

  17. The Polygraph Test

    MonsterQuest has enlisted the aid of Sgt. William Macki from the Grand Forks, North Dakota Police Department. Macki is an expert in administering polygraph tests. Experts believe that polygraph tests are successful 70 to 90% of the time in determining if a person is telling what they believe to be the truth. A polygraph can not tell if the witness is accurate in the observations but only if they believe what they are saying.

    As mentioned previously Katie Zahn and Matt Wakely have reported encounters with the Dogman. They agreed to have polygraph tests administered by Macki in regards to their encounters. According to Macki, all of these witnesses believe that they are being truthful about their encounters with the creature.

  18. Where the art sea met Farta C.

  19. It was very well-shot - it looked gorgeous. The acting was passable, even the suit was decent. But her God...that wig. It was all I could look at.

  20. The plot looks thin, real thin.
    Girl has car trouble, girl gets scared, girl miraculously see's a Bigfoot, girl is not as scared anymore, girl follows Bigfoot, Bigfoot carries girl to safety, girl is found. I think that a 5th grader could have written that story.

  21. This was absolutely horrible!!! EVE SUCKS! My testosterone levels dropped watching it! This was like a Lifetime movie for Bigfoot. Plus the dumb girl in that horrible wig was annoying as hell! I wanted to slap, kick, punch, and choke her out.


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