The Craven Bigfoot Footage Just Got Broken Down

During a casual drive one day, a family in Craven, Saskatchewan filmed what they believe is a hairy bipedal creature walking in the bush. One problem we have with this breakdown is the requirement that Bigfoot has to be big. Why is it so hard to understand that Bigfoots grow up like the rest of the Animal Kingdom? Of course there's going to be small ones and big ones! Come on, man!

Here's the short clip:

Here's the breakdown:


  1. Replies
    1. Got a clue about reality?

    2. Got train of thought regarding your own arguments?

      Reality says back them up.

      ; )

    3. Don't need to back up the opposition position. You need to back up your proponent position.

    4. Sorry! In science you test sources... It's the way it works.

      How do you test the scientists putting forward a case for organic tissue?

      Supression of evidence fallacy; the first of many I'll identify in your posts...


    5. Science tested sources.

      Science says bigfoot ain't real.


    6. Surely even joe needs to concede the point that these videos offered as proof of bigfoot are,to state it simply,just adding to the pile of woefully inadequate imagery of bigfoot...there`s no point in continually producing this type of "evidence" as it can so easily be countered by the argument of the possibility of just somebody taking a walk,let alone deliberate hoaxing...sure,the people filming may be devastated to think others would accuse them of hoaxing but the truth of the matter is these videos are utterly USELESS.

    7. No, no, no, no... You showed us two shams of efforts at testing it, so far it didn't wash... This means the default position is the hypothesis put forward, as it's yet to be tested to be otherwise.


    8. 1:25... There's a lot of money to be made by YouTube hits, and though it's frustrating... If you aren't too agenda driven and know what you're looking at, you can still pick out the authentic from the crap.

    9. So many "no" in your post clearly indicate that one of your deluded meltdown is taking place.

      Sorry to cause you so much trouble that early in the day.


    10. Oh... And 1:25... The only people you'll notice putting these sources forward as proof, are those who come under considerable scrutiny from the wider field.

    11. 1:30... I'm sorry bro, I've come across more concerning arguments from ten year olds, and I'm not the one lowering the tone for lack of counter argument...



    12. I`ve watched many videos that purport to be of bigfoot,as have we all..although I like to watch them and believe in the basic integrity and honesty of most people,they are of too low a quality or too far away for anybody to make any type of determination of just what is being filmed..I DO believe there`s a creature (several,even) out there somewhere but am frustrated by the same old scenes..remember the old adage,to paraphrase," nothing changes unless something changes"..recently I read a perceptive article where some guy was saying that all the methods that are used in the bigfoot filed have really yielded nothing so far...something needs to be done differently..but I also read the reactions of people to this sound reasoning..and they were rather short sighted..pretty much outraged that anybody dare suggest their methods were seen so far.

    13. Very refreshing... Good comment sir. Things do need to change to which as time goes on, good people lose patience with the field.

    14. Science says no bigfoot.

      Joe got smoked.

      Oh boy if he got smoked

    15. Sykes killed it.

      "But he's still looking blah blah blah"

      Keep crying kid you got smoked

    16. Actually... Science is a tool and doesn't have a voice... To which consistent scientific method has been applied that points to an unknown primate leaving evidence.

      Glad I could help.

    17. I may have originally found this link/site through a posting apologies if it`s old news for some...good perspective nevertheless...

    18. Popping away for an hour... Back soon.


    19. 1:55... That "blah, blah, blah, blah" is actually reality knocking on the door of the deluded. I'm not the one frequenting a Bigfoot blog to spout fear and lies; therefore far from the one who's crying.


    20. Hey Joe, When you pop back in check your email. My hair sample was returned from Claerr, not only does it have primate imbricate scale pattern but it's not human and had broken and interrupted strands of medulla consistent with Sasquatch samples. I'm hand delivering it, with my research partner. Biologist John Morley, to the lab at Primarily Primates, if they vet it, then I will divide the sample in as many as 3 bundles and give some to one of our " friends". The second perhaps to Dr Meldrum and the third to Disotell, he seems tired of dissapointment. So let's see what this thing is. Hell, I might just reveal the results in the comments section here. After all. I am one of you. Enthusiast, Researcher, Troll, Superfriend, Skeptic and blogger alike. But most of all I am DSM with a PSA. Kids, When it comes to real evidence, listen to everyone, then trust yourself. :). Until I get a chance to visit with you I say in my proudest moment on this blog, "All Hail Mucklegrunt, All Hail Trollandia, Long Live our President, and may his jar runneth over, all Hail the Readers and Commenters of the Bigfoot Evidence Blog, All Hail Joe, long me his tenure reign, All Hail DC and Big John and Eva and Chick and Chuck and Clive and Harry. Long Live Rummie and Rush and Mayor McCheese and MMC and ALL CAPs and MMG and the bossman Shawn and Matt and Big Doris and Ms Administrata, and sincere apologies to all I've missed. You are my brothers and sisters. And you..,,who could forget you, sitting there at your keyboard, my dear sweet Anon, " looks like we made it, look how far we've come now baby......" :). M

    21. Footnote to Joe: Also Claerr says he's writing an ebook about the evidence collected and his experience at the ranch, at the ranch among other things, Joe Could you kindly ask him to not use the photos of me researching in my "natural state". I don't think the Coors Light and Miller cans and the AFRIN bottles quite cover my research equipment. Thanks Joe. I'll be waiting for your email. I even forwarded you the tracking numbers to the lab. M

    22. Hey mike if your sample congress back as a known animal will you admit that you are full of it and bigfoot don't exist?

    23. That's some pretty exciting news Mike!! Not checked my email but am due to in the next few hours!

      Exciting times!!

    24. 3:41. If I admit I'm full of it now will you admit Bigfoot exists, yes I will. But, so far, so very, very cherry!

    25. What a couple of trolls playing pretend make believe super secret monkey hunting club^

    26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    27. 3:41... Still seeking closure I see... Man, you need to grasp one concept; should Mike's results come back as known animal, it merely means he hasn't a Bigfoot sample, not that Bigfoot don't exist. I would recommend you take a look at the other sources of evidence Mike's accumulated, nothing will change Mike's mind... You poor ignorant child.

      Mike... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    28. 3:46... You're just scared, it's rather funny to see you react, ha ha ha ha!!!

    29. Darling. Want to read some emails while I wait, my pants have been rebuked by the auteur.

    30. Shoot me as many emails as you can buddy! Just wait a little while before I can get the them, that's all... Can't wait to talk!!

    31. " Dear Anon, We've been together since way back when, sometimes I want to never read you comments again..... But you're still the one, still the one I run to, one that I make fun to, you're still the one I chide for life, Dear Anon, you're still the one I hope for, to see what's on the forest floor, I torture you, like my ex-wife.....and you're still the one" :)

    32. Mike and Joe are the same person pretending they are emailing each other

    33. Oh my word, he's come off the meds again!

    34. Tham Jewsquatchs bein in da boosh

    35. The Black Knight strikes again !!!

  2. Replies
      Rise and shine cupcake.
      Rise and shine and give god the glory glory rise and give god the glory glory children of The Lord

    2. Nope! I'm actually going to be busy soon and will be back later to baby sit.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. ^^ that ought to be a pleasant respite from the "good smoking" you`re getting,joe.

  3. ^ does bigfoot make friends ?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Is Joe defending this video?

  6. Replies
    1. Awe man Joe we have this BBQ place here in the states called smokey bones that shit is fukin delicious

    2. They have this loaded BBQ burger or as I call it the obesity delight a 1/2lb burger topped with a handful of pulled pork onion rings ketchup mustard pickle tomatoe lettuce and BBQ sauce man best burger ever

    3. The most delicious heart attack you'll ever have

    4. Harry, you know how to make a man hungry.

    5. I'm a vegan and am now drooling. Not that this sounds mouth watering, it's just I drool a lot.

  7. Joe you have had a day so you should have an answer now....

    Please post a statement from meldrum where he has said straight up that bigfoot is real

    1. Read a book... Sasquatch; Legend Meets Science.

      You young cats just need to brush up on things, that;s ok... I'm here to help.

    2. 1:53 you know very well that meldrum not only believes but knows there is "something" out there that is as yet undiscovered to do the many other researchers spending time in this know this very well..yet continually try to twist this for your own ends.

    3. ^ bends that will ultimately be defeated precisely because there IS a creature out there.

    4. ^ where did that "b" come from ?

    5. If he believes then it shouldn't be too hard to find a statement where he says "bigfoot definately exists" or the like

    6. He explained his beliefs on last weeks in search of aliens on H2

    7. 2;14 I`m not going to do the work for and ye shall find...have faith in yourself

    8. If bigfooters spend decades searching and find nothing why should I bother?

    9. I would say... Again... You need to brush up in the facts and check out what evidence has been attained just this year, let alone for the past 200 years.

      Naivety is your trait.

    10. Meldrum has explained himself many times. Make no mistake lhe is 100 percent certain and is holding back for now on something big I have been told. Read his book as I have, one of the truly great Sasquatch books filled with science from cover to cover. Does someone that does not believe in the Sasquatch spend a vast portion of his or her life on the subject, at least the last 20 years.

      Oh I forgot, a couple of individuals do that chase JOE around this forum.


  8. Is this some type of bigfoot ?

  9. Replies
    1. Smoked like a kipper old boy.

    2. Bro... I'm not the one that had three rounds of punishment yesterday.

      Bro... That was some smoking!

    3. SPOT ON Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast : )

  10. However, when you are trying to explain to Joe Public, who generally knows nothing about palaeontology or fossils, its far easier and likely to appear far more logical to them, to point out that approximately 70 years of sightings and thousands of people looking for bigfoot + not one, single specimen of bigfoot = NO BIGFOOT.

    1. Really?

      Aren't you the one that frequently requires reminding that there's only a handful of teeth for a fossil trail of chimps and gorillas for 6 million years of being on the African continent? Aren't you also the one that frequently requires reminding that there is 150 years worth of archaeological studies documenting giant skeletal remains in the US?


    2. Haha same old tired excuses. Just because fossils are rare that does not mean bigfoot is real.


    3. Oh my word... And you seriously finished that comment by calling someone a moron?

      Man... You're poor dumbest poster around here, always have been. Your comments are there for everyone to make their minds up.

    4. ^ shet the feck ep you have not one argument that isn`t countered by the myriad researchers

    5. If you practice true scepticism, you'll still find there are questions that still require answering that exceed your preferred conclusion point.

      Your 'myriad of researchers' do not account for the best scientists in the world in relevant fields of study. I would bypass your myriad and listen to the pioneers that count.


  11. The super best friends found some "unknown primate hair" (yea right) and are getting it analysed.

    I can't wait till disotel destroys all your hopes and dreams.

    You need a wake up call.

    1. ^ scared. You need a sedation injection to cope, not Disotell.

      ; )

    2. 3:45 ...during the course of my life I have encountered many "experts in their field" and of many differing fields...there aren`t many that live up to expectation and it needs to be said that if you base your stance on the opinions of others you must be very young..notice how any reputable scientist has not said the creature does not exist..merely that they hasn`t seen evidence of it..any that state it simply doesn`t exist fall into category of "utter wan-ker" I refer to earlier in this post.

  12. This is the only film of an unknown north american ape? And it was filmed by a known conman?

    No further questions your honour.

    1. Related topic - Let us end all this nonsense about the late Ray Wallace faking Bigfoot tracks
      all over the NW using large carved fake feet as big as snowshoes. Simply absurd to a thinking man,
      and any high school physics student. Large feet or snowshoes make barely a mark on dirt
      (The "Snowshoe Effect") and carved wooden feet do not provide any FLEXIBILITY IN TOES
      OR THE FOOT PLACEMENT. All such tracks are the same,same,same. So media, let's stop the
      stupid fawning over silly hoaxers' sons trying to get news space. It is just plain dumb.
      Let the yucking and smirking stop. Nobody is impressed.

      Related topic: we are seeking affliation with a univeristy, college or jr college and with
      professors (and students) who can sponsor expeditions and go along, since the public
      and the media remain highly skeptical over any findings that lack such connection and
      sponsorship. 510-878-2468

    2. Legitimate Research" ? And what is a "Bonafide" researcher?

      These terms were invented by non-scientists and non-researchers to mean, in their limited view, only Bigfoot research that involves

      a PRE-ASSUMPTION that Bigfoot is and can only be, flesh and blood. Such as an ape in the woods. Never mind that such evidence never comes forward. It is used by these largely uneducated bozos to put down any other research that has resulted in unusual or extranormal findings.
      Example: finding tracks in the snow that terminate for no good reason, and often begin from "nowhere". Finding this is somehow considered
      to be "not legitimate" because in their view, an ape can never do such a thing, as indeed it cannot. (But an extranormal being can.)

      What these idiots do not grasp is that normal, experienced researchers do find this kind of evidence, "like it or not", and while it may bother them, and their assumptions, if they are honest, they do report it.

      A "Bonafide" researcher is someone who is biased and refuses to look at any info or data that suggests anything but a
      flesh and blood zoological animal. Often, "Bonafide" researchers look their entire life and never find nor see, Bigfoot.
      Most of them have no clue what science is really about, nor how it is conducted.


      Legitimate research is open minded research. It makes no ADVANCE ASSUMPTIONS.

      You do not decide what your outcome is before you start.

      You take the data, AS IT IS, and do not reject it because it disagrees with your advance theory. You take it,and see where it leads, and form a theory or hypothesis, BASED ON THE DATA.

      You do NOT form a theory and force the data to fit.

      THE DATA COMES FIRST, AND THE THEORY COMES LATER, BASED ON THE DATA. All legit scientists agree on this.

    3. ^ you conveniently exclude the many researchers that start their engagement with the bigfoot phenomenon from an attitude of attitude that they will ultimately conclude beyond all doubt that the creature is nonsense and fantasy...

      AFTER spending a deal of time researching the evidence they conclude that in FACT,after all,they REALISE that there IS a creature roaming the wilds and are thoroughly convinced that it is REAL.

      Mind your inner lip while chewing.

    4. Ray Wallace made a few tracks in his area. Mostly the carvings were for his amusement and were never used. Of course his family upon his death found them not knowing he had them ( quite strange they did not since he was responsible for thousands of tracks around NA in some pretty damn inhospitable places ) but they ran with it and the lamestream media in a feeble attempt to fill in some space between Kim Kardashian updates ran with it and solved the mystery on the spot.


    5. "At the end of 2002 the time had arrived to accept the meaning of the fake feet possessed by the heirs of Ray Wallace, a wealthy contractor who had started planting fake Bigfoot tracks in 1958 and saw his ruse succeed only too well to the time of his death in November of 2002. While always discrediting himself with extravagant claims to have film, recordings, and colorful stories of Bigfoot activity, Wallace nevertheless was one of the people who saw genuine Bigfoot tracks at the start of the Bigfoot publicity that began in 1958. The distinctive fakes that Wallace put into circulation can be sorted out from the record and disposed of. I addressed this issue in Volume 7 of Wonders. There I related the history from 1958 onward when what appear to be genuine tracks were first given widespread publicity.

      Some faked impressions, made in imitation of genuinely large footprints, were discovered in at least three instances, in 1958, in 1960, and in 1967.

      In short, after the initial sensational interest in Bigfoot was sparked by a genuine set of strange footprints, Ray Wallace hired two men to look into the matter. Soon thereafter he began to deposit false footprints along creeks and roads in Northern California. Those carved tools for hoaxing appear to me to have been based upon a find of genuine footprints made by his employees. Bigfoot seekers, who had little experience with Bigfoot prints in 1958, were fooled by those bogus impressions. Until the presentation of the hoaxing tools in December of 2002 one particular set of fake feet has had a significant impact on the record of Bigfoot. With further study of genuine Bigfoot tracks, more can now be said about how this success was gained and how genuine Bigfoot tracks can be viewed."

    6. 4:09... I would like you to know that not all enthusiast have a closed mind to this, and I enjoyed your comment very much.



    WHERE'S PHIL?????????

    DID THEY BREAK UP??????????????

    1. You writing a book about it? If not, STFU.TEAM HOMOS!


    3. We have photo of the
      penis of Bigfoot in 35mm, and the rest of him, (ten ft tall!), next to an SUV.
      Letterman says is too weird for a 3rd appearance on show, also, we have
      the Loch Ness Monster on 16mm film, ufos on film,
      the crop circles solution, and more. We lecture, do research.
      Read the real-life adventures of a real - life "Raiders of the Lost Ark" hero ,
      also an "Angelheaded hipster" - honorary Ken Kesey Merry Prankster. Relic of the 60s.
      Peoples' Park filmmaker. World traveler, film crew member on the Deer Hunter. Mermaid,
      Nessie and Bigfoot hunter (and finder), yachtsman,photographer, filmmaker,visionary,
      Zen practitioner, explorer, adventurer.
      email 925-385-0422 serious calls only.

  14. Still no evidence of bigfoot.

    1. You neither understand the evidence, nor have the honesty to acknowledge it.

    2. grassman real lots of folks seeing that critter and Trapper from AIMS almost trapped 1 (3) different times

  15. About this video. It is inconclusive as vast majority are like the
    Anon stated above. However you can tell the height as it is on an extreme slope and makes a left to follow a trail on the slope. I learned this months ago from the bfro blue forums from a gentleman that lives in this area and new the place. This guy also pointed out that recently there has been a lot of activity in this area and to the east of this area is quite rugged and remote leading into a provincial park. This area is not the usual flatland or rolling prairie the enables lower Saskatchewan to produce the best Durham wheat in the world, along with North Dakota of course.


  16. Dat lack of monkey tho... Damnn


  17. Meant to say can not tell the height but it does seem to look large.

  18. Based on 29 years of field work and research we have found these overall traits and characteristics of Bigfoot:

    1) You cannot kill them.
    2) We cannot and never will, find bones or a body. Regardless of excuses.
    3) They are psychic beings and may have spiritual aspects, and are not normal flesh and blood animals. They
    are extranormal, and could be aliens, interdimensional travellers, time travellers, semi-spirits, or even
    f&b animals with special esp and other advanced abilities. Our proof will never be the body of a being
    that will not be killed, so our main proof is things they do that are extranormal. If they do these things,
    like leaving tracks that terminate in the middle of a snowfield (with no excuses) or a mud-field, (with no
    excuses) which are extranormal things, then those who do it, are also extranormal.
    4) They an paralyze you in your sleeping bag or car, while they escape. Just as aliens from ufos
    can paralyze humans in a group as one is taken away (for med tests).
    5) They can read your mind and intentions.
    6) They can sense if you are armed, and avoid you, MOST OF THE TIME.
    7) They have been shot, or shot at, in over 500 instances and none are ever recovered, dead.
    8) They carry babies on them.
    9) They haved a loose tribal or clan organization.
    10) They usually do not travel alone. (So if anyone did shoot one, the others in theory could rip apart the
    11) They are bipeds, not quadrupeds. Over all.
    12) They tend to look and act more like humans than any ape.
    13) Some wear clothes or parts of clothes. Most do not.
    14) They do not migrate. They are not ducks nor caribou.
    15) They do not hiberate. These are not bears in dens.
    16) While they may seem to eat, and do steal food, they do not seem to require a steady stream of food as does a bear.
    17) They have never been seen to howl or bark, but such noises do occur in areas where tracks are found. You figure.
    18) While bears and gorillas leave a steady trail of poop, Bigfoot rarely leaves any, and when it does, it seems to be
    as a warning or statement to researchers. This is not a biological being. Biological beings eat and poop, eat and poop.
    20) Bigfoot may come close to you, rarely, very rarely, but they do not make "bluff charges" although they, or something
    may shake small trees and try to freak you out. (and succeed).
    21) Bigfoot has never verifiably harmed any human. Ignore tall tales with no proof.
    22) Bigfoot responds well to kids and women, and less well to men.
    23) Bigfoot responds well to to sick people, and is attracted to quarreling couples and disturbed teens.
    24) Hunters, "cammo-dudes", fake "Rangers" and "Seals" etc, get nowhere. This is not Vietnam.
    25) Sexual activity attracts Bigfoot. See our upcoming book on this and also on BF research in depth.

    1. 26) Music and cooking attracts Bigfoot.
      27) Doing something, like fishing, and not "looking" for Bigfoot, attracts Bigfoot.
      28) For some reason, Indian reservations attract Bigfoot.
      29) New age, or happy families on ranches with lots of pets and livestock attract Bigfoot.
      30) Psychic or semi-psychic people, sane or semi-sane, (think Tennessee) attract Bigfoot.
      31) Bigfoot usually does not live in caves.
      32) Bigfoot may create temporary dens or shelters.
      33) They usually do not hang out in barns or old houses.
      34) They have been reported to glide over the land and not walk on it. Sometimes.
      35) They have been reported to move over log jams as if moving like Peter Pan
      36) They can race near a car at 45 mph.
      36) Some are seen in ufos, and others near ufos on land. We have a photo, and some reports.
      37) Some talk to humans in their head - in English. But never for long.
      38) Some steal deer, some steal fish.
      39) Some may (maybe) take livers from deer and nothing else, and there is no proof they eat these
      livers. One idea is that livers are read for pollution studies by aliens working with BFs.
      40) There is not enough natural calories to support a F&B BF and still enable that BF to not be seen in the open,
      as bears are seen, if the BF were normal f&b. (Hence, not f&b) Also there is no poop. Gorillas leave a trail of
      destruction to vegetation and a trail of poop. BF does not.
      41) BFs are reputed by some stories to speak to Indians in their own dialect - briefly.
      42) Some stories claim BF are great and gentle lovers of human women.
      43) Some stories say a human male who mates with a BF woman will die,
      44) IOHO, Bigfoot is a shapeshifter. Changes its shape and can change to dogs, wolves, panthers,
      and birds, etc. Also to humans. Usually odd humans. People who seem slightly "off".
      45) Some BFs have self-luminescent eyes. Not reflecting light. Making a glow of their own.
      46) Whatever you do or plan or plot, Bigfoot will be ahead of you and will not return to spots you rigged up with
      traps and cameras. If you improve on it, BF will improve also. Only two people have gotten BF in remote cam-trakker
      cameras - Brian Smith and the Sou.Or. BF Soc. -- both either far away or partial.
      47) Your first and best shot will be your first night or first contact.
      48) In a habituation scene, you must integrate into the family and live there. "Visiting" will not do.

    2. 1) they do not exist.


      Fixed that for you.

    3. 1) your brain cells, right?


      Fixed that for you.

    4. Haha nice try joe but please leave your primary school arguments in the playground.

    5. Let's asses the one who got schooled here... Yeah, that's what I thought.

    6. Yea it's you. With your grand total of zero bigfoots ever.

    7. Says your therapist, yes. Come out from rocking in the corner, nothing will hurt you.

  19. Much has been written by advanced physicists like CUNY's Dr Michio Kaku, and many others, about connections between theoretical parallel universes (also called other dimensions) by wormholes ( ) also ( in space-time. These are called an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, and are a "bridge" or passageway, in theory,
    between parallel universes, one of which could be ours. Note that in common parlance, when people talk about "other dimensions" or a "different dimension", they are referring to an alternate,parallel universe, which of course has in it, sometimes, an alternate, parallel Earth (but not always). The usual dimensions
    are height,width,depth and time. Any "dimension" past those is most probably a parallel universe.

    Note: on Jan 1,05, On the Coast to Coast Am show, Dr. Michio Kaku was quoted re wormholes: Hypothesizing about the existence of parallel universes, Kaku said there could be millions of different universes, some that look like our own, but completely invisible to us. "We are prisoners of our sheet of paper (universe)," Kaku explained, while noting that gravity, unlike light and matter, could travel between parallel universes. Since gravity theoretically exists in all parallel worlds, Kaku said we should be able to detect "shadow" matter in these dimensions.
    Kaku speculated that parallel universes would allow a sufficiently advanced civilization to escape the death of our universe trillions of years from now. According to Kaku, such a technologically advanced society would be able to "boil space" to create wormhole escape gateways into parallel universes, where they could send DNA-carrying nanobots to recreate their race. Kaku also detailed the civilization types, and discussed global climate change.
    Comment: if in the far,far,far future we might "create wormhole escape gateways", what if such wormholes already do exist, here? In my view, they do exist here.

    1. Rather than leave such concepts safely in outer space, what is there is a present-day, practical, daily-life application for these wormholes? What if they connect with us in some manner, here, on this Earth? It is my contention that they do, and by so doing, they create many mysteries that baffle us.
      Three bizarre examples that have a bad reputation with science due to their unsolvability are mysterious large flying birds or flying reptiles, large lake and sea creatures resembling extinct acquatic reptiles, and stange large humanoid primates covered with hair.
      Thousands of witness reports have accumulated over the years regarding all three, with the last having the most sightings. Films, videos and stills exist that claim to be of these beings. A semi-science called Cryptozoology has risen to try to study and explain these sigtings, founded by the late Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans of France.
      With over a thousand years of such sightings resulting in no dead specimens, the question rises as to why this could be. Recent research by this writer in the field now leads to a possible connection with wormholes and parallel universes.
      Professor Kip Thorne, of the California Institute of Technology, was stimulated, in the summer of 1985, to search for alternate wormhole solutions that would allow safe passage for interstellar travelers. His motivation was a request for help from his friend and colleague, Carl Sagan. Professor Sagan was writing a science fiction story (The novel was entitled Contact which has been made into a motion picture staring Jodi Foster as the heroine) in which his heroine needed to cross a great interstellar distance in a very short time, namely the distance between Earth and the star Vega.. Professor Thorne was only too happy to oblige. He found a solution which was so simple that he was surprised no one had found it before. The solution has the following metric equation.

    2. Where b(r) determines the spatial shape of the wormhole, and Phi(r) determines the gravitational redshift. This solution has the property of having no horizons or excessive tidal forces to deal with which makes it safe for humans to travel through. But it does have one unfortunate drawback. In order to hold the throat open there has to be a negative energy density inside. There is no no known material that has this property. Though electro-magnetic vacuum fluctuations are sometimes measured to have negative energy densities and are correspondingly called ``exotic''. In order to keep the wormhole open it needs to be threaded with exotic matter that will create a tension to push the walls apart. This exotic matter would have the curious effect of defocusing light as it passed through.

    3. 1) A good example in literature of a wormhole is the hole that Alice fell through in Alice In Wonderland. Lewis Carrol
      was a very advanced thinker.

      2) A good example in literature is also "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carrol. Alice goes into a mirror and enters
      a world where everything is reversed. A parallel universe or world. Also, "Alice in Wonderland" - she falls down a rabbit
      hole, and enters a strange world.

      3) Heaven and Hell may be also parallel universes, if they exist. In an infinity of parallel universes, they probably do exist.
      The question is whether we on Earth have a wormhole to either one? Possibly so.

      4) The Bermuda Triangle may be an entryway for a transverse wormhole and all those missing ships and planes may exist
      in another parallel world in a parallel universe.

      5) In the situation of intra-universe wormholes, people may disappear and reappear at some other part of the world,
      in a different time. There are reports of a Spanish soldier from the 1600s appearing in our time for a short period, and then
      disappearing again. There are reports of farmers walking into a field and just vanishing. Many missing persons may have
      gotten into either an intra-universe wormhole, or an inter-universe wormhole. In the latter case, they would reappear in a
      different universe and world, and not this one.

      6) Exotic creatures such as hairy humanoids, black panthers, Nessie,etc, may be made of exotic matter or even antimatter.
      There is talk in the literature about negative energy being involved. (More on this later). But it should be noted that herbalist
      Charles Hallmark took a video in OK near his home in a state park, in which four Bigfoot creatures showed up along with one
      hujman being, that he did not see. Analysis of this video shows that while these are some 200-300 feet away, that they were all
      watching Hallmark, and that using negative image transfers, (pos to neg,etc) it can be seen that the man is visible only in
      the negative state, but looks normal, while one hairy humanoid looks negative while three others look positive, in the negative
      state. When the image is reverted, the man is a white blob and so are the three creatures, while the first creature looks normal.
      This may relate to exotic matter, anti-matter and negative energy forces. Exactly how is not known.

      7) What we think are dreams, but are "out of body experiences", may take place in other universes that we get to via transverse

      8) I suggest that there is not just one transversable worm hole accessing this Earth, but thousands, even millions, separately, 24/7.
      Envision thousands, millions of such wormholes (passageways) twisting and crackling all over the Earth, sendng and receiving,
      taking and returning, over and over.

    4. 9) Life after death may be explained in some cases by the deceased's life-force moving to another "plane" (parallel universe)
      via a transverse wormhole, and visits by spirits of the deceased may visit back here by the same method. If this is true,
      nobody truly dies. In some cases, where reincarnation is shown (studies by a Dr. Casey in Indian villages)(details tba) the
      visiting life force may "take" with a newborn child.

      10) I suggest that Nirvana or Satori in Zen, is a result of accessing a wormhole, personally. Meditatation is the attempt to
      enter a wormhole. Za-Zen, or sitting meditation, trys the same. I personally had such a trip, Satori, while sitting in the drivers seat of
      a Air National Guard bus, in a spring setting with green grass and sunlight, a driver for other troops, and waiting for them to return
      from a hike. Dreams, visions, "voices" in the head, the voices of Joan of Arc, divine visions, miracles, missing people, all can come via
      wormholes. IMHO.

      10) Critics will level the charge that I am trying to explain all mysteries, under the catch-all of wormholes, but all I can offer in reponse is
      that while not every situation can be explained by wormholes in use, I suspect it will be found, over time, as we find tools to
      test this hypotheses with, that a large number of the mysteries will be explained in this manner. In teh meantime, I have yet to
      see any better solution to mysteries.

      11) Other applications are the famous "lost sock in the dryer" - which is not a joke, lost keys that later reappear on a plain table,
      missing money from a secure spot, travel by dying people 3000 miles to appear briefly to relatives, cases where priests
      re seen in two widely separated spots at the same instant, giving mass, and more. Visit my other wormhole site.

      12) Other applications - The areas to which the mind travels in an OOBE experience (Robt. Monroe - "Travels outside the body".
      The special worlds of Don Juan, Yaji Indian, in the book "A Separate Reality, Further conversations with Don Juan", Carlos
      Casteneda., 1971.

      13) More speculations: we have a brief journey in a WH during orgasm and also during a violent sneeze-reaction, where it is said
      "The soul leaves the body and then comes back again." Certain drugs may facilitate such a trip. Jimson Weed, (Castenenda), marijuana,
      peyote, LSD, perhaps others, also meditation with no drugs. The "Spirit Quest" done during a fast by Indian youths. Low blood sugar.

      14) In closing, I quote Albert Einstein " Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." and
      Skeptics are those who, when seeing the handwriting on the wall, declare it to be a forgery."

      Every new idea runs into roadblocks when it first comes out. It will be the case here.

    5. ans WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE he shure do

    6. Also reminds me of some stuff i read a while ago on time slips xx

    7. ans WILD BILL still gots that BIG KNIFE

  20. Thousands of sightings going back hundreds of years ...alot of people know these creature exist , if disbelievers wish to remain ignorant.. let them

  21. I do not know who you are, I would suggest leaving a name of some kind so you can take credit. Definitely a very well read person that has done a lot of thinking. I too contemplate such things, maybe too much to try and make sense out of what is really going on and how little us humans really know about the universe. Maybe it is not for us to know on this planet but it will be achieved in the next plane of existence once we physically leave this sphere. Perhaps it takes many lifetimes here or somewhere else to achieve the nirvana that the eastern monks strive to do and in that sense it is best to keep an open mind about one and to learn from whatever avenue that can come.

    Georgio Tsokolus, of the wild hair on Ancient Aliens, has a new show on History Channel In Search of Ancient Aliens. He recently visited Loch Ness and Lake Champlain. His theory is that both sides may be right. There is no pleasiasaur in these lakes however it may appear from time to time through those wormholes that you talk off. He found both lakes were once close together before the split 200 million years ago. They are both carrying large deposits of crystals that are know to be able to conduct electrical and electromagnetic forces that may enable this to happen. He did think this may happen through the space time continuem though.

    1. Chuck, this guy is seriously good... I've had the pleasure of learning A LOT from him over the past two weeks.

      Oh... And check this out...

      "Just the other day, Timothy Grieve-Carlson related his afternoon with Lama Kunga, discussing nagas in Asian art and myth, along with a UFO encounter a year after the Roswell Incident.

      It appears the universe has something to say, and Tibetan Buddhism could be its current, preferred mode of communication in an increasingly cynical, and skeptical world.

      Over at The Scotsman, one Lama Gelongmo Zangmo, Britain’s first Buddhist Lama, was quoted:

      "Nessie is a naga. We build the relationship with the naga, try to please them and don’t abuse the environment. If Nessie is treated well, she will bring prosperity."

      Lama Zangmo is planning a Buddhist center around Drumnadrochit overlooking Nessie’s home. The faithful are already leaving tributes at the Samye Ling monastery, and a small shrine for sacrifices to Nessie’s spirit by the River Esk.

    2. Learnt a lot?

      Learn anything about an actual verified bigfoot?

    3. What's for sure is you haven't the capacity to learn... If so you'd have used your tunings to move on from your denial.

      Silly boy.

    4. So you admit, no bigfoots

    5. JOE. You are correct about this Anon. Good to have him around, much better than the usual dribble. Their is another from England that made a comment to me 2 days ago about a UFO he saw in London area about 40 years ago. Hope bunch more of these folks come on board and hang around. I have always been fascinated by the Tibetan Monks and I know for a fact they are far closer to the Universal truths than lab scientists are.

    6. Chuck, I have a feeling it was from the same gentleman, I've been talking with him quite a lot and the guy is astounding me with his knowledge. Also... I read those exchanges and they were absolutely amazing, really, really enjoyable.

      8:37... I'll admit that in embarrassed for you.

    7. Nah that one wasn't me! 40 years ago I was in school far away from London, so far they spoke a different language.

  22. Scientists Drastically Underestimated Amount of Fukushima Radiation Worldwide
    Fukushima Radiation Has Spread Worldwide

  23. Joe is now saying he does not have a closed mind towards bigfoot not being a flesh and blood creature. Wow just wow. Does he not even believe his own claims about bigfoot being 100% modern human anymore? Is he just attracted to woo in general? Does he think he is on the verge of some super duper secret discoverery that scientists missed? Is he for real?

    1. Im open to it all... Even me being totally wrong. I am, and always have maintained that Sasquatch are flesh and blood, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to theories that suggest preternatural abilities. There is evidence that psychic phenomena is a very legitimate subject, whilst we're learning more about quantum mechanics and things like string theory all the time.

      Science is becoming way more far out there than any of the paranormal woo topics you can think of. The problem tu*ds like you have, is they neither understand how crazy science can get, not the 'woo topics' you scoff at.

      Basically, people like you are free thinking nazi's that have been left behind a long time ago.

    2. "Science is becoming way more far out there than any of the paranormal woo topics you can think of."

      Lol. Wat.

      What are you even on about? An example?

    3. Maybe some bigfoot are flesh and blood and some not xx

    4. 8:39... Read my comment properly.

      Eva... What if they have evolved more than us but have remained in a wild environment? The concept applies to aliens who have some serious capabilities and ways of control reported, why not this subject??

    5. perhaps some have evolved to use all of there brain capabilities and some are like us and use about 15%

    6. That would then mean the total annihilation of the entire human race. As the introduction of a stronger more superior life-form always eradicates the weaker.

    7. Hmmmmm... Or maybe they're at a far more morally evolved state of mind?

    8. That could be the case Joe and maybe they're smart enough to not eradicate a weaker life form 9;16 xx

    9. if it meant the advancement of there own species i think all bets are off....and there numbers increase its only a matter of time

    10. It's possible, but if you could read minds, see the hatred and darkness in most people, the greed and destructive ways, egos and more...

      Would you just allow them to continue to destroy the planet?

    11. now thats the million dollar question...all depends on there agenda i would guess

    12. So no, I do not agree they can use the full power of their brains as said, we would be erradicated.

    13. Sounds like a good film,any thing with Morgan Freeman in is always worth watching xx

    14. If you haven't seen this you like it xx

    15. More than Freeman I do like that...Heres the Lucy film you can watch free...psst Add blocker plus is your friend.

    16. Humans use 100% of their brains. The majority regulates autonomic bodily functions, even if you are only discussing higher brain function the cerebellum has been mapped quite thoroughly, and damage to an area results in significant impairment.

    17. Another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortices is that out of all the brain's cells, only 10 percent are neurons; the other 90 percent are glial cells, which encapsulate and support neurons, but whose function remains largely unknown. Ultimately, it's not that we use 10 percent of our brains, merely that we only understand about 10 percent of how it functions.

  24. looks lack JEFF from AIMS bein tech guru ans brane bank fer da teem needin to gits out his notebook ans mosey on down yonder ans dos ans investagision fer thar new sesshun.

  25. i think that bigfoot is one of three things a. an alien of some sort sent here centuries ago to watch us and or protect the earth b. the missing link c. my mother in laws family ( shes pattys twin sister) poor patty

    1. yes BIGFOOTs are GRAY hybrids the BIGFOOTs are used to collect DNA for the GRAYs so they can make clones and hybrids

  26. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  27. Excuse me for a minute, I think that I am going to puke.

    Okay, back now. Now let me get this straight, this moron has not been to the site and has not measured the height of the vegetation, however in his infinite wisdom, he concludes that the subject is 3 feet tall (and 4 feet wide). bruuoooooppp, ppp, ppp! Sorry, I just puked in the wastebasket.

    Getting back on topic, isn't there a law to keep morons like this off of the internet? If there isn't, there certainly should be, as this guy ponies up some pretty compelling evidence for preventative legislation to be passed.

    1. ^ sounds rather as if the above has the mental stance of a Nazi...careful what you wish for may be right up there with the morons and decrepits sooner than you think

    2. ^ bruuoooooppp, ppp, ppp!

      Sorry! I just puked all over your shirt, pants and shoes. I am so sorry. This doesn't happen very often. Can I have your clothes sent out to the cleaners, or is this how you always wear them?

  28. yes but the Grassman in tham thar hills folks seein tham heers fer yeers


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