Specific Gene DNA Sequences: The Ketchum et al. Mistakes Revealed

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Dr. Haskell Hart. Haskell has been following the Ketchum report since it surfaced in 2013 and after reviewing the paper, he became extremely skeptical of Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA claims.

Ostensibly “to put to rest any questions about our study and the data quality” Melba Ketchum presents Supplemental Raw Data on the Sasquatch Genome Project website, but unfortunately the data raise more questions about her conclusions than they answer.  Additionally, the Supplementary Data 3 Table in the Ketchum et al. paper, which presents similar specific gene sequences, when properly analyzed shows more flaws in their interpretations.  This paper combines and interprets these data to show that no new hominin species was proven to exist, and points to where Ketchum et al. went wrong.

Click here to download: Specific Gene DNA Sequences: The Ketchum et al. Mistakes Revealed


  1. Replies
    1. Chick!! Eva R!! and the gang!! Hello!! And fly!!

    2. Also, the results of this paper say a LOT about people like Meldrum, Smeja, etc.......Bigfoot is a true house of cards, taking away one case like Ketchum leaves a smelly, steaming pile of Bigfoot rubble and brings the whole thing down. If someone found Gimlin's patty suit the Bigfoot nonsense would disappear overnight but crazys like Smeja and Standing would still hold on to their pathetic lies....Bigfoot is a modern day Jesus nothing more.

    3. Sykes DNA study at least brought forth that "new bear species", thingy. Kind of cool I must say.

    4. 5:48 A modern day Jesus ? ...that Jesus existed is historical fact,dear ape like thing.

    5. I got your Supplemental Raw Data right here......

  2. We knew it when she started bragging about her upcoming Nobel. Delusional, much? Oh... And religious, too. It bears repeating. Delusional, much?

    1. Holy shit rapturepalooza was so fukin funny lol. I caught it on epix I had to watch it twice. Lol I will kill you.... WITH MURDER. Or I put pcp in the salsa shits about to get fukin crazy

  3. How dare you challenge the Ketchum Cult BFE and Mr. Hart!!!
    You will feel Mr. Carpenter's vengeful pareidoliatic wrath!

  4. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  5. I am eating too much corn, I just plugged the stool again this morning.

  6. Remember, until someones proves she's right, she's not wrong

  7. I will only say this. Dr. Haskell Hart's field is not even close to being a geneticist and he stated that himself I believe last month. Take it for what it is worth probably not much.

  8. In regards to Dr. Haskell Hart's recent study. His replicated genome sequence conclusions and various findings that he states as fact are extremely flawed. In others words, for those of you who can't quite understand, his results are "hogwash." I cannot speak to the results of Ketchum because I have not reviewed the data and testing procedures utilized.

  9. People still want so desperately to believe Ketchum is the real deal? She's toast.

  10. So many butt hurt Ketchum bleevers.


    1. oh no..this only brings `em back harder and angrier with the "procedure isn`t understood by the mainstream"...haha.

  11. The Ketchum report certainly caught `em all...all the bigfoot bleevers with their non disclosure nonsense and whispered anecdotes of forthcoming irrefutable evidence...what say they now ? ..not much.

    Yet even now after these results there are the same old excuses of a cover up or scientific analysis that hasn`t understood the procedure blah blah blah...sorry folks but there ya` go...it don`t look like there`s gonna be any change in the bull any time soon.

  12. If Harts review is accurate and that many of the species identified are known animals than some blame must be placed on the :forensic experts" who initially screened the hair samples and categoried them as not from a known animal.

  13. So Hart does a BLAST of the DNA - it comes back as polar bear and panda bear and therefore it's from a black bear?

    If DNA says 100 per cent duck - then it's a duck - not a goose or some other water bird


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