Is Tim Fasano Quitting Bigfoot? Don't Do It Tim!

As everyone knows, here at Bigfoot Evidence are HUGE fans of Tim Fasano. It saddened me a great deal when I read this on Tim's blog earlier tonight, and I felt it only right to share it here with all of you.

The following was posted by Tim Fasano:
"I am on a desktop and reading all the ugly things people are saying about me on YouTube, FaceBook, ect.. They call me fat and a hoaxer. Why? I have tried my best to get evidence and was really excited about releasing the new audio. Now, they say I had 7 people in the woods doing vocals. I can't take this anymore folks. I have high BP and need to cut stress out of my life. Nobody wants to watch my 1,100 videos compiled over a six year period. And nobody can name not ONE GOD DMAN VIDEO that is a hoax! Why am I being treated like this? i HAVE SPENT YEARS working with other researchers and our team is growing. I am never by myself and we find evidence. Yet, they say say I am a hoaxer. I can't go on like this. I really thought years ago I could just continue on and people would see how good our work was. Years go by and they still call me FAT and HOAXER. I will speak at the Orlando Skunk Ape conference and help Kevin out in any way he needs but that will be about it. I need to move on with my life. I cannot continue to hang out where I am hated so much. BTW. I have put up my last Bigfoot video."

The team at Bigfoot Evidence encourage you not to give up Tim.

To read the post and visit Tim's site, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Tim if you are reading this!!
      DONT QUIT, YOU Are quite the personalty, and we all have love
      For you "Dude" ..

    2. ONE GOD DMAN VIDEO that is a hoax!

      I can and even pulled him up on it and he removed it a few years back.


    4. Go back to that cab driving life, that'll lower your blood pressure

    5. Fat ass timbo has said this before. As for the people are calling me fat part. YOU are fat! Maybe FATsano if you weren't such a hard ass prick in your cabby testimonials people would just be cool. Gee FATsano when you put yourself out there this kind of stuff happens. Timbo the only thing you can do to shut up the people that hate you is get real evidence. Until then FATTY shut your pie-hole already. We've been down this i'm going to quit road before. Your a gutless prick. Why timbo? Well people like YOU who talk the talk and then just return to their usual selves in a week. Just quit already hoaxer.

  2. Good just leave the online crappy BF world, and just do your own research, the losers on this site will find someone else to pick on...

    1. That what all the "REAL RESEARCHERS DO!!
      Just like ""ME""

  3. Look what king Obama is doing now!!

    1. And this

    2. this is the new norm

    3. This is not a political blog and should be removed Shawn.

  4. See ya and thanks for nothing.

  5. Oh and someone call the Whaaaaaambulance.

  6. I haven't been this disappointed since Michael Jordan retired from the Bulls to play minor league baseball. =~(

  7. At least Tim Fasano is out there in the field getting his hands DIRTY !

    1. Aint that the truth "DUDE" !

    2. Those hands are dirty from his cab, he never washes

  8. First it's St*v*n Str*uf*rt, now it's Tim Fasano. -- is the entire bigfoot universe imploding???

  9. Wow, Tim seems so jaded. I wouldn't be surprised to see him join JREF and become buddies with Dmaker, ABP, and William Parcher.

  10. People are shitty and mean, Tim. That just about sums up the problem. It's why the world is going to shit, too. Who gives a fuck? The human race sucks. It is destructive. Nature will shake us off like fleas, and it can't happen soon enough.

    1. The funny thing is that all of the pathetic pieces of total sh*t who call Tim fat are probably in ten times worse shape than he is.

    2. You didn't see any of us attention whoring from a hospital bed, did you? The only people he's a 100 times in better shape than are Civil War vets.

    3. Really, he's crying because no ones blowing sunshine up his rear, as for the blood pressure he need cry no further than the mirror on that

  11. People are sh1tty and mean, Tim. That just about sums up the problem. It's why the world is going to sh1t, too. Who gives a f*ck? The human race sucks. It is destructive. Nature will shake us off like fleas, and it can't happen soon enough.

    1. That attention whore is going no where. If he was, he's just disappear with no announcement. But no. He's gotta make sure it's the topic of the day.

  12. Tim Fasano is in great shape !

  13. I like Fasano. Seems like he has more integrity than most. Seems like a hard working sonofabitch too. I like that a lot! But here's the deal Tim, Bigfooting isn't a popularity contest. If it was, nobody would be wining. Your looking for a needle in a hay stack. Nobody said it was going to be easy. What you gotta ask yourself is...are you having fun. If not, time to change something.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Damn if he is quitting whose gonna drive his cab?

    1. No worries. It's more of a studio than a vehicle. He's on a budget.

  16. Timmy

    The leaders always get the arrows shot at them. Sometimes from behind. That's the price


    1. Leader? Stay away from cults. You wouldn't stand a chance.

    2. Cults stay away from me


    3. Fasano has led groups of BF people into the swamps many times. Now you may not call him a leader anon 5:42 but he has.

      When is the last time you have done such an activity anon 5:42 ?


    4. I did 8 years as an armor crewman on a M60A3 and then an M1A1. I'm a veteran of Desert Storm. Does that count in your book? And I prefer solitude in the outdoors, not a tourist event.

    5. He charged them good money too, more swindler than leader

    6. that behind of his can take a lot of arrows

  17. Tim, Just do what John W. Jones did, he faked his own death, so he and his team, could research in peace, plus write his books! Be Smart Tim!

  18. Damn Tim you need to lighten up. EVERYONE THAT PUTS OUT ALLEGED BIGFOOT EVIDENCE GETS CALLED A HOAXER. That will NEVER change until someone drags a body out of the woods.

    And here's a pro tip: You can't be trolled unless you let that stuff get to you.

  19. What's this fasano quitting?this is what the third or fourth time?you pathetic attention starved dipshit

  20. T-FATS quitting AGAI is just another hoax

  21. 1100 videos and how many bigfoots filmed? Oh he has video of so-called "evidence" of bigfoots but no actual bigfoot video? What's the difference between hoaxing evidence vs. creatively reinterpreting random things in the forest to pretend they prove the existence of a mythical creature? Could it be that Mr Fasano's work is not well respected because his videos are boring and contain no useful information?

  22. Just disable the comments Tim.

  23. Tim is calling it a day on the bigfoot world COZ THEY DON`T EXIST...and he`s SPENT YEARS tracking through the WOODS in SEARCH of ELUSIVE BEARS..............GET A CLUE...YOU !!!

  24. ^ hahaha ...i`d like to see you out in the field and woods and see what you had to say on your return..funny but i guess the armchair is rather more comfy !

    1. ^Why are you acting like spending time in the woods is the same as visiting Saturn? Millions of people do it all the time. And guess what? It isn't as traumatic or dangerous as you seem to think it is. Talk about people who need to get out of the house. Moron.

    2. mmmmm....armchair so swampy, my blood pressure good though

  25. I for one will miss his spectacular breasts

  26. That garage sale network is gonna pay off big Time for Tim, he can unload all that portly men's outerwear

  27. Seriously Tim, who will I call a fat f u ck anymore?I say it with love and respect, tho not much of either

  28. Tim can I have your shoes when you lose your feet to diabetes?

  29. Go fuck yourself into the sunset fatsano


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