I didn't know you can do this many things with your smartphone's camera

Wow! If you're like me and love taking pictures on your smartphone, then you'll want to watch this video. Photographer Lorenz Holder demonstrate some creative smartphone photography tips & tricks using an iPhone 5S! It's pretty amazing the things you can do with these tricks.


  1. Replies
    1. VA Training Guide Compares Veterans To Oscar The Grouch
      Internal materials give impression veterans are dangerous.

    2. I never thought Norm Macdonald that articulate or amusing.

  2. First for Timmey

    Get a little action. You'll feel much better

    1. T/fats is just looking for attention he has no plans to quit you must be new here he does this every year

    2. Tim`s giving it up coz he`s now found out the TRUTH that bigfoot just DON`T EXIST...

      Hey YOU...

      Get a CLUE...

      The Bigfoot NEWS...

      Is he just AIN`T TRUE.

    3. ^ Chorus...

      We go out in the field,

      But there`s nothing here to yield,

      But we gotta make a big deal,

      Man`s gotta earn a meal...

      ...Back to verse 1 and repeat ad infinitum....just like the search efforts.

    4. I used to live in the inner city in a block of flats on the 19th floor and heard Bobo calls most nights. So what do you think that was, eh, eh?

      People flossing with razor wire?

    5. BOBO theory BIGFOOTs are real

  3. Agreed he needs to stop with the name calling and accusations of hoaxes against others put on his favorite cher cd and give Kevin a warm embrace

    1. I like Cher

      "..Do you believe in Bigfoot after love
      I can feel something inside me say
      I really don't think you're strong enough..."

    2. ^ old woman for an old man, or old woman, or an exttreamely twisted person

    3. Just everyday Bigfoot folks

    4. Don't watch Bigfoot County (Siskyou County)

    5. 9:28 ..i generally like a smoke after "love"...don`t think i`d really like bigfoot after

  4. Replies
    1. You certainly checked the spelling, you don't qualify though.

      : P

    2. Do you practise en passant 11:01?

    3. ^ he should stick to draughts.

    4. Footprints that start and stop in the middle of remote locations.

      Footprints that leave an incredbile depth that bears can't even match.

      Strange noises.

      Strange smells

      Impervious to bullets.

      Strange lights in the sky.

    5. Sasquatch leap ridiculous distances. There are documented lengths between foot falls that can go anything up to the length of 20-30 feet.

      Sasquatch are sometimes heavier than bears.



      Tell that the Smeja.


    6. Don't believe Smega! Maybe leaping but nothing for hundred of yards around in any direction.

      Not that heavier, the footprints reported in remote locations are too deep, the weight would have to be insane.

    7. I'm sorry but I do believe Smeja, and maybe the people looking for the tracks just aren't looking hard enough for second footfalls.

      Yes that heavier... Yes, the weight is insane. Patty's footprints were heavier than Patterson's horse for example.

      Hey, I could be wrong... This subject might be paranormal after all!

    8. Never any harm down buddy, I've enjoyed talking to you lately. You're talking to someone who's got the biggest open mind of this subject and have and will entertain any enthusiastic theories.

      Thanks for the link, I'll check it out!

    9. ^^^some good documentaries and such there....thanks for the link

  5. Bigfoot don't exist.

    How do we know?

    Because there is no evidence to support it, a lack of evidence that converges in all scientific disciplines.

    Basically Joe is some moron who instead of providing the actual evidence will cry about wanting a monkey suit. Yea its wierd I know.

    1. It does stand to reason even the best, in the day were Planet of the Apes and they looked fake as fook. If you could create something that has NEVER been debunked NOR may I add validated...Wouldn't you keep the suite as today I bet that would sell for millions?

      So asking for the suit, yes, that is valid. So got Suit?

    2. Something akin to an unknown primate does exist.

      How do we know?

      Because there is evidence to support it; methods that have transitioned some of the most successful careers into this field that have some of the very best wildlife biologists and primatologists endorsing. Tracks and hair don't lie.

      Basically the Anon has been presented with every single source he requires short of type specimen and instead of countering these sources like an intelligent adult, treats them like a taboo so he doesn't look silly once drawn into a debate about them, and instead of providing an actual counter argument, will cry about a lack of monkey suit. Yeah it's wierd I know.

    3. Something is making the tracks in the woods,wilds and outback of many areas of the world...ONLY an idiot says they are hoaxes...it really IS that simple.

    4. Basically Joe is taking bigfoots existence on complete faith

    5. From someone still avoiding the evidence, that's rather funny.

    6. 12;09 ...you are a willful ignorant

    7. Police officers trained to pick up on details with sightings all liars.

      Doctors who are trained in anatomy with sightings all liars

      and on it goes........

    8. Sad isn't it? Denial is a powerful thing should it get a hold of you.

    9. However the majority of bigfoot forums don't do them selves any favours! When or if you follow enough threads you see a pattern which is ask a question about what gun should you use to kill a bigfoot and the thread will run into 100's of posts, ask about your research vehicle limited posts or about 40. Ask how far most people go looking off trails and very few.

      Bigfooters DO themselves NO favours at all.....Bobby Short once said the problem with Bigfoot is people Like The Henry Mays of this field and I agree 100%.

    10. ^ could that be the comment of the century?

    11. Show me one bit of solid proof.that's all i ask.. No hearsay,second hand stories or blurry footage

    12. You've been shown tracks and hair a gazillion times. You've been shown the best possible footage a gazillion times and you've been told by a gazillion professionals a gazillion times.

      All these things exist. They are real and they don't go away.

    13. I'll tell you something that I know you've been told before; your best just isn't good enough. Best of luck next time.

    14. You merely don't classify Danny... You merely don't classify.


    15. Ouch! Another contender for
      C O T C!!

  6. I make bigfoot pron with my camera.

  7. http://lindagodfrey.com/2014/08/28/american-monsters-now-uncaged-and-the-beast-book-is-back/

  8. hey you guys...am just about to watch the latest planet of the apes...a few beers,a bot o` nosh,comfy place to park my bod an` all set....be seein` y`all


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