Have You Ever Seen a Bigfoot Do This?

Will Jevning of Sasquatch Chronicles relates a bigfoot story in which the witnesses observe strange behavior from a bigfoot. Jevning requests that if you have had a similar experience to contact him with your story and information.


  1. WILD BILL expert tracker ans bear hunter of Raleigh County!!!

    1. And a PHONY Marine, and queer to boot!

    2. Ah MMG.

      The quintessential butthurt footer.

      How's bill munns new book working out for you? Make sure to leave your 5 star review on Amazon and join in the backslapping at the BFF.

      Such a deluded individual.

    3. Not read Bill's book yet.

      There are few books on the subject worth the effort of tracking down.

      I did enjoy your by the numbers 'BF is BS' style post. Sharon will be pleased.

      No backslapping or first base for you however. Just that slow, painful crawl up the JREF/Skeptard ladder.

      One day you may be a Parcher. Just think of it....


    4. Never posted at jref but enjoy reading their point of views.

      Parcher basically buries it.

      You got to admit though mmg footers are really running on empty these days.

      Sykes study was pretty much the ender.

      I know you'll say "but the samples blah blah".

      Yea no bigfoot. Again.

      It's quite easy to smoke footers without doing anything. The footers do the work for you. Ie nothing.

    5. Yup the samples. Crap weren't they?

      Keep hard at it my friend. 'Smoking Footers' without doing anything.


  2. Bullshit. The first redflag is two female friends hiking in the wilderness wouldn't pee in front of each other? This jackass needs to think his stories through a little more before he spews this crap on the public.

    1. They would never do that. They would, however, strip down to their panties and have a pillow fight.

  3. Just another BS story! These "Stories" mean NOTHING!

    1. ^ Says the guy who took time out to listen to the aforementioned BS story and treated us all to his ignorant, ill-informed views.

      Lobotomies are not what they used to be....


    2. Saying a "bigfoot" story is BS is not ignorant or ill-informed.

    3. It is when you infer that all BF sightings/encounters are BS.


    4. Ah that's where you are wrong.

      The plural of anecdote is not evidence. Come on man I know that you know that.

    5. Once again you tampon cage, you are nothing but an antagonist.

      You have zero (0) chance of proving your point.

      Believers have 100% chance (open possibility) to proove bigfoot is (real/whatever that is???)some form of viable creature.

      Knowers are over it and laughing / and crying for those so closed minded.

      If your smart and really think your here to help, why don't you go search for a Scientific reason that all us footers are wrong or what affects us, ha ha ha. We'll see who finds what they seek. In the mean time, you wont have to act like a commy or terrorist ---- telling others what to think and believe!

      You will convert or die -- muslim terrorists.

      There is no God, you serve the State ---Communism.

      You can notserve or strive for your self, but for society, you MUST!! ---- SOCIALISM!

      Only we are perfect, our thoughts, our ideals, our motives, our wishes. We'll burn 10 million who don't agree ----- Nazi's

      Do you care to explain to me which of the groops above you align with that makes you feel you have the RIGHT to TELL ME, what to think or believe about ANYTHING.

      You are an Idiot!

  4. Did you know? All the AIMS team members are vacationing in Key West Florida! The Queer Captial of the U. S. !
    Redneck Love!

    1. Did you buy them a drink at the bar yet ?

    2. Time to oil up t-fats, give him some ecstacy and a go pro and send him in!

  5. Nobody has seen a bigfoot doing anything, ever. A few may have simply made a mistake. Most are just lying.

    1. Yea most bigfooters are lying. The honest ones such as your cliff barackmans etc have not seen one because they aren't partaking in the bigfoot role playing game. Unfortunately they have been duped by the role players.

    2. Cliff Barrackman knows there is no bigfoot just like the rest of the cast of (not) Finding Bigfoot.

    3. ^ fools seldom differ in their close minded views...or their wallpaper funnily enough.

  6. I seen a squatch humpin a boulder once

    1. That was your mom & dad... So sorry, go home and demand an explanation. And then sob uncontrollably.

    2. ^ how much "looser" is your moma`s hair-gate than the average ? ya loser !

  7. Do you really want to know how retarded and naive the commenters, as well as the blogger, are here? These are well-known fake photos from the Mt. St. Helens tourist center. Seriously, has anyone remotely associated with this blog done their homework before posting this crap?

    1. The Photo is only a backdrop. Its a verbal story and Question to enthusiasts.

      What-------------- You no comprende?

  8. I got sucked in, sadly. He asks, "anyone ever hear of a Bigfoot gathering up the wet dirt where a human peed and pushing it against the base of a boulder?" "Unusual report," he says. No pee.

  9. Speaking of pee.. I woke up one morning at my place with a girl I was having sex with regularly at the time, and she asks me "what's in that bottle?" When I turned and looked where she was looking I realized the Gatorade bottle I had pissed in like two nights before because I was so intoxicated I couldn't stand up had less pee in it than I remembered. Turned out she got thirsty in the middle of the night.


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