DNA Expert Melba Ketchum to Speak About Supernatural Bigfoot Aspects on Coast To Coast

Mark your calendars, on August 31st, 2014 "DNA expert" Melba Ketchum will appear on Coast to Coast AM with host George Knapp (no relation) for a Bigfoot DNA Update!

"George Knapp will be joined by DNA expert Melba Ketchum, who will provide an update on her scientific study and DNA analysis from samples of possible Sasquatch hair. She will also talk about her recent field experiences with Bigfoot as well as how her work with Native Americans has validated a lot of the supernatural aspects ascribed to the creature."

Visit the official Coast to Coast page by clicking here.


  1. Replies
    1. Yaaaa onu livin the dream!!!
      Hey mr. Funky monkey how the hell you been brother man

  2. Replies
    1. Don't tempt the guy- you know what he always says....

  3. Joe's favourite bigfoot scientist!

    1. http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/the-flir-one-thermal-camera-is-not-only.html?m=0

    2. Joe getting smoked as per! Did he ever give you that quote?

    3. There's two direct quotes and about six references and about five examples of career developments in that link provided.

      Keep up the good work guys.

    4. Nice lie Joe.

      Those 2 quotes are not direct. They are from 3rd party's. Nothing directly from his books or TV appearances.

      Those quotes also perfectly demonstrate his lack of commitment to stating bigfoot is real as he dances around it. He purposely misses 2 key bits of information. 1. That the unknown primate he is theorising is still in existence and 2. That this unknown primate is a current species residing in north america. There is a reason he doesn't state those things.

      Joe you really are having a bad day. You look like an idiot mate.

    5. "Those 2 quotes are not direct. They are from 3rd party's. Nothing directly from his books or TV appearances."

      How else is he meant to have his quotations documented and then published? He's got a book out called Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science for all yor direct literary requirements and a she load of TV appearances where he promotes evidence for said subject in the US.

      "I am convinced by the evidence that there is an unrecognized giant primate that shares with us a bipedal locomotion [walking on two legs in an upright position], but the similarity pretty much stops there," said Jeff Meldrum, who specializes in the study of how two-legged creatures walk and what footprints say about an organism's form."

      I'm sorry, you implied something about dancing? Nobody is that thick, and for all your persistance, how about you find one idiot who agrees with your sentiment... Not another Anon post from yourself, but a direct quote. You won't, because you are too stupid to believe.

      "Given the scientific evidence that I have examined, I'm convinced there's a creature out there that is yet to be identified," said Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University in Pocatello."

      Ya know... And I'm embarassed to have to point this out to you (you have to be trolling), but when an anthropologist spends the last twenty years promoting Sasquatch tracks, has managed to get the best conservationist in the world to give a foreword in that book, has lectured on Sasquatch countless times, has gone public to say that it's a possibility that even the government are covering the subject up... You look like the true Doink that you are.

      I'll be waiting for that quote.

      ; )

    6. And anyway! Nighty night Doink, there's nothing more anyone can say to make you look any more stupid than what you're managing yourself.

    7. The point is simple. He dances around the subject. Your failure to provide a quote proves that. You have been looking for the last 4 hours and have come up with nothing.

      Your hero is laughing at you.

    8. He wished. His hero doesn't know he exists. His internet fame 14 is floors below the " Leave Britney Aloooone!!" guy. Guy? That's a technicality of course.

    9. Joe Woo says until Ketchum is proven right, she's not wrong.

    10. Oh boy what a smoking!!!!

    11. "her work with Native Americans has validated a lot of the supernatural aspects ascribed to the creature"


      Wow, just wow.

    12. 4:12... Still waiting for the quote... Both sides of the coin are laughing at you.

  4. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  5. breaking news!!!! bigfoot prostitutes arrested in texas along with a lawyer who is accused of being there pimp.officials wont release his name until more information is reached..but sources close to the investigation say his street name was big daddy brookerson...stay tuned

    1. Oh good it wasn't our Mikey his name is brookREson

    2. All I have to say I hope the pimp is our very own MKB!
      Ole mike is always gettin into all sorts of shennagans! Lol.

    3. To be a pimp, you need to frequent a corner or two. ( except Vegas. I think there's an app) Mikey/Joe/Chick?Eva/Big Jon/Shawn don't get out that much...

    4. Dam hold out HOE!!! Gimme
      dat green Bitch!!

  6. Wait a sec, are Matt and George Knapp brothers?

  7. how the hell is bigfoot gonna have supenatural powers if one doesn't exist. o please.

  8. Joe is of the same calibre as the nutcases that go on deal or no deal

    1. caliBER. Is that you Joe? You stupid Brits always trip yourselves up.

    2. ^ the correct spelling is calibre...ass-hole

  9. Somebody shut her up. She has done more harm to bigfooting than a hundred hoaxers.

    1. Haha she has destroyed it. Its hilarious.

    2. 2nd only to the pwning that packham delivered

    3. Correction Inmate Number 4 35Friday, August 29, 2014 at 7:26:00 PM PDT

      You mean the pwning which Packham the Hackham hack received.

      Understandable misspeak by a low-grade skeptard.

    4. u mean like th smoking the moron anon just took this very eve ?

  10. Which Melba are we talking about? The Glamour Shot Melba that farts Channel No.9 or that took a train to the face, wrapped in seasoned leather, cougars won't fuck with me Melba? An important distinction...

  11. You can take one look at Ketchum and see that shes not stable.

  12. Admit it everyone, she's still hot.

    1. You know, the advances in eye correction surgery are amazing. Cataracts need not rule your life. Or cause you to hit on ugly chicks.


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