Check Out What Matt Moneymaker Wears in Finding Bigfoot's Ice Bucket Challenge!

The Finding Bigfoot team has accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge, and they do it in Finding Bigfoot style! But check out Matt Moneymaker, he looks more like a crew member of Deadliest Catch than of Finding Bigfoot! Who will they call out?


  1. Replies
    1. Hello all and put two and two together wild bill wears tight pants and talks about taking bears I guess something tells me we aren't talking about the animal here

    2. How the hell can you claim to search for Bigfoot yet wear full rain gear to bring awareness to a cause

    3. I don't get it maybe I'm just super douchey

    4. Moneymaker is such the Pre-Madonna. I bet he's a bastard to work for too. With his ski poles and that Euro-Trash hair-do he just comes off as the a-hole of the week winner. Except in his case it's more like the A-Hole of life winner. And Bo-bo is letting himself go. Dude looks like he's picking up a drug habit or something. I still say he ain't getting laid just cause he's on a t.v. program.

    5. The late Big foot researcher, John W.Jones was "Escorted" out of the Pawling, New York town hall meeting (The "Baby Big foot episode) because he asked Matt MoneyMaker, a simple logical question!

      Matt MoneyMaker, had claimed that Big Foots travel the Appalachian trail, that goes from Georgia to Maine.

      John asked, "If that is true, what do the Big foots do when they get to the Hudson River (The trail at this point goes right over the Bear Mountain Bridge). Do they cross the Bridge, run right past the 24/7 Toll collectors, or do they swim the fast deep currents of the Hudson River"?

      Matt, couldn't answer that question! he was blind sided by that logical question! For that, John was "Escorted" by the producer's security out of the meeting!

      John later said: "Matt MoneyMaker is an arrogant, know-it-all A hole!
      There's actually more to this story, Like "Witnesses" being paid, the "Baby Big Foot' was confirmed as an escaped pet monkey etc. etc. John wrote all about this in his un-finished book.

  2. Shout out to RUFFSTER!! I missed your comment a couple of days ago. You are the BEST!!

    1. I mean to post to you right here lol!! But it's down below :-)

      Any Way Hi Chick :-)

    2. You gave me a shout out! ;)

    3. Oh ok :-)

      You take care ..I need to go catch up on a few post and then go to FB ...jeez my work is never done lol!!

    4. Hey HB!!!! Sorry? You haven't done anything!! Good to see ya, hope all is well!!!

      Tear it up Ruff!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Yeah I wasn't there to defend you when that thing disgraced the whole male gender you're beautiful inside and out ma'am

    7. And I know I speak for many of us when I say we appreciate having your ray of sunshine personality here

    8. Awe- your are very much a gentleman! Good on you! Saying anything only feeds it. The truth is that everything he is saying is the opposite of the truth. I am not a perfect person but what he has chosen to hit me with would be amusing if you only knew me lol! So it doesn't hurt me ;)

    9. I just reread your lovely comments above- you really are very sweet Harry Bandini! This place would not be the same without you H.B.!!

  3. Woof!! Chick!! Thank you!! :-)

    What did I say lol!!

  4. How in the world is anyone going to take this subject seriously when you post woof woof now I know why people think that this community is a bunch of idiots

  5. Matt said it's small because the water is so cold

  6. MATT beeb tracking bigfoots for 25 years so he an expert on how bigfoots operates


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